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Looking for Information

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Looking for Information Empty Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Thu May 14, 2009 10:25 am

Twist parked her vehicle in the Museum of Aquatic Nuance's parking lot and paused to tuck her face mask out of sight. She would be visiting tonight as herself, Twist and not as Myah so there was no need of it. Stepping out she tucked an errant strand of hair back into the loose bun and straightened her skirt. The weather was heating up in California and she was taking full advantage of it with her knee length skirt and short sleeved blouse. Her time in her home land had been full of many events and one had been a whirlwind shopping spree, and her outfit was one of the results. The black skirt hugged her body from waist to mid thigh where it then flared out to her knees. Her cream blouse had a matching flare at the waist and sleeves and small black flowers where embroidered on every hem. Cream pearls and black heels completed the outfit.

Locking her vehicle behind her she made her way to the doors of the museum, and once through them began a casual search for Jackson.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Thu May 14, 2009 11:14 am

Jackson hears someone enter the museum and pops his head out of one of the exhibit rooms "Hello ma'am how may I help you this evening."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Thu May 14, 2009 10:18 pm

Twist glanced to the sound of a male voice. She had come to the Museum before and managed to identify the man as Jackson.

"Good evening to you as well. I presume that you are Jackson?" She replied warmly approaching him. "I am Twist, Ms. Rahyna told me that you would be here. Would you like me to wait in an office?" Her tone implied that she would be just as content to wander through the museum. She knew some people liked to keep their offices like sanctuaries and that meant no guests.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Fri May 15, 2009 9:22 am

Rahyna walked into the museum and heard a female voice she looked into the main hall and saw Twist talking to Jackson "Lady Twist how good it is to see you." she walked up to her and extended a hand with a smile firmly in place on her face "I hope this evening finds you well."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Fri May 15, 2009 10:27 pm

Twist returned the smile and the handshake.

"As I am glad to see you as well. And if the evening doesn't necessarily find me well, it does at least find me. It seems that there have been some changes during my absence and I was hoping that you would be able to shed light for me."

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Fri May 15, 2009 10:49 pm

"Absolutely what would you like to know... Ohh where are my manners this evening would you like to come to my office to sit down or would you like to walk around the museum and talk." Rahyna smiled at Twist although her stomach twisted slightly at what her reaction would be to some of the news that she had to share.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Sun May 17, 2009 11:57 am

"Let's walk." Twist replied, hoping that the activity of moving her limbs would help her keep calm.

Letting Rahyna lead the way, Twist easily fell into step and waited a few minutes before broaching the silence.

"Tell me what happened after I left as far as the Daeva are concerned. I only had time to speak briefly to the Prince and to Elle and I am curious to know how our clan took her news."
The Daeva wasn't really what Twist wanted to know the most but as with the walking, she was hoping that starting small would help. She doubted it, but she hoped. Oh why oh why had her family had to go and have such an emergency?

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Mon May 18, 2009 9:48 am

Rahyna smiles at Twist "Well the family was quite shocked by your leave Mrs. Moraine did however try to take the title of Priscus for herself saying that you had left her in charge. However not everyone agreed with that and so they voted and I am now the Daeva Priscus." Rahyna thought back to that night for a moment and then continued on "We as a clan have had some new faces enter the city but none brings me as much pleasure as seeing an old face return."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Mon May 18, 2009 5:55 pm

Twist listened in silence, her face stoney. She was expecting to hear the Elle was not Priscus- that she had not answered her phone earlier was a good clue. But to hear that she had never actually been Priscus...well that was not pleasant. And that she had lost through voting? Such a Carthian concept. She thought Elle was stronger than that.

And ultimately it meant that Twist would be unable to retake her title from Elle. Twist realized that Rahyna had finished speaking, and she forced a smile to her face at the compliment.

"Trust me, I too am rejoicing in seeing familiar family. And congratulations on your appointment, I have no doubt you will do us proud." Twist paused, "And the city? The Prince? I have heard disturbing rumors- maybe you could clarify them for me?"

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Mon May 18, 2009 6:44 pm

Rahyna smiled at Twist "Thank you for your confidence I hope to do as well at the job as you did." she sighs slightly "As for the Prince, well, Prince Fredrick, Hound Davis, Harpy Karsh, and a few others after them have all met their final death by the hands of a man named Eric Bethem. It was quite unfortunate to lose them all at the same time. Lady Shadow ascended the throne for a short time but decided that it was not for her and stepped down and Asa Clarke was made Prince. At this time he is working very hard to deal with Mr. Bethem and decide the best plan of attack. He has some things to learn about delegation but so far he has done an ok job." she gives Twist an uncertain look as she speaks of the current Prince still not having decided her entire feelings on the matter.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Tue May 19, 2009 4:17 pm

Unfortunately, Twist was sure that Rahyna would excel as Priscus.

She was silent as she mused on the news of Freddrick's fall, Shadow's ascension and subsequent relinquishment to Asa Clarke. Surprisingly she didn't feel a surge of emotion as she had expected upon having her suspicions of the Prince's death confirmed.

"It is indeed a loss to the city, but many I am sure would claim otherwise. Asa Clarke as Prince...that is a concept I have to consider. I don't think that he would be a horrible Prince but at the same time, I have had issues with him before. Has he chosen a new Seneschal?" Twist had to admit that those words did burn. Her pride was pricked by how quickly she had lost her potentially greatest position. Swallowing past her anger, sorrow, and bile she continued. "Or a council, hound and harpy?"

"And a man? This Eric Bethem is mortal and knows of our society? Now that does cast doubt upon Asa if he is only negotiating with him and not sending out a hunt."

*And they thought I talked too much over the plants attacking the city. If he is mortal and they have a name why hasn't he been dealt with yet?* she thought angrily.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2009 7:24 pm

Rahyna stops short as the expected question came up "Well the Primogen are as follows Bella Orchid, Jayant Njarah, Marius Devlan, and Martin Carpenter. The position of Hound is at this point held by Mrs. Moraine but I fear it will be taken from her as soon as Asa decides on a replacement. The Princes Harpy is Mrs. Erika Brady." she paused a moment to let all of the names sink in before getting to the one she figured that Twist would most like to know about "As for the Seneshal well again that would be me." Rahyna looks at Twist with a tentative smile not sure how she will feel that she now held both of her old positions.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Wed May 20, 2009 12:49 am

Twist listened to the names. She knew 2 of the 4, it seemed that it wasn't just the Daeva to have recieved new members. The city was filling fast. It was nice to know that her opinion of Elle's strength was at least somewhat justified- she at least managed to snag the Hound position. But Rahyna made it sound tenous which opened up possibilities that Twist would have to think on later. And Erika as Harpy. It didn't seem a position suited to her character but then again Seneschal hadn't been one suited for herself.

And Rahyna was Seneschal as well as Priscus!

The emotion finally hit fully, her fists reaching for knives she had purposly left in the car. Her beast snarled, feeding off her emotion and demanding release.

*The audacity! To claim my Priscus seat is one thing- but to think that you can hold both that and Seneschal! You! You who have not even been here a year! I have lived in this city nearly all of my unlife- working hard to earn my position as Priscus to have it taken away by a foolish vote when I am called away. And Seneschal- do you even know the city as well as I do?*

Twist struggled silently against the desire to stab the kindred walking next to her. While she knew she would be upset at whoever Rahyna named, she was still expecting someone who had been in the city for longer. That it was Rahyna, again who had taken it...Twist wanted to scream.

But she didn't. It took a moment but she managed to eventually relax her tensed muscles and continue the conversation.

"I see."

She could not bear to congratulate the woman on her rise in power. She was silent for another moment.

"And this Eric Bethem...he is mortal?"

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 12:00 pm

Rahyna noticed Twists reaction but did not show any reaction to it on her part she had figured that Twist would be upset. She turns and starts walking again as they continue their discussion "Mr. Eric Bethem is most deffinately not human he is Kindred in fact it is believed that he may be very old like older than the city itself we have heard that he took out a couple of different settlements throughout the years that were in this spot before he was locked underground. He took out all of the power structure in one night claiming the Prince and his Hound and his Harpy basically tore them pieces and left a room that was trashed and had ashes all over the place and then subsequently has returned at least one more time to dispose of others such as Mrs. Lioni Dupree and an associate of hers Seraphina I believe the name." Rahyna sighed slightly "The city is in quite a bit of upheaval at this point in time and all are unsure as to what our next move should be. I do know that a few have gone to the sewers in search of Mr. Bethem's haven and Prince Clarke is unsure as to whether we will be able to handle this man on our own but is quite unsure where else to turn at this point."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Wed May 20, 2009 1:46 pm

Twist turned her mind to the thought of an Elder rampaging through the city and was able to fully regain her composure. Her beast was locked away and with a quite rumble it settled back to wait for another chance for release.

"In the research done so far, was a reason for his destructions of prior 'cities' determined? Some managed to lock him away before? Do we know how it was done then? Mayhap it can be done again?"

As she talked Twist made a mental note to text Asa, Prince Asa that is, that she had returned. Despite her anger at loosing her position she still called Sacramento home and was more than willing to defend it.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 5:34 pm

Rahyna thinks back to all that she learned during her meeting with everyone at the chapter house "Well not much was said about exactly how they snuck up on him and managed it only that they did and put him down a well and sealed it after staking him through the heart." she thought for a moment and then added "Although each of the attack scenes did seem to have the same claw marks apparent throughout the room."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Wed May 20, 2009 7:08 pm

*Gangrel* Twist thought at the mention of claw marks, but kept her thoughts to herself. It was a massive stereotype and one that added nothing.

"You mentioned that the Prince was trying to deal with him- does this mean that a conversation was held with him. Or is the Prince simply trying to pursue a diplomatic route due to fear that the city is incapable of bringing him down physically?"

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 7:16 pm

"The only time he has willingly shown his face was at the last court when Prince Asa was announced he came to be acknowledged I know that he was speaking with Sahdow but other than that I do not believe that he interacted with anyone else." Rahyna thought for a moment about the question of diplomacy before answering "At this time Mr. Bethem does not know that we know who he is but if his actions thus far are any indication of what he is capable of I do believe the consensus is that we can not take him down physically on our own." she thinks back to the night that the dread filled the air she had left that out but figured she would share this as well "Not to long back there was a feeling that filled the air it was as if the night itself were alive and you should run from it, it is my assumption that this is the night that our Mr. Bethem awoke and went on a rampage of those in the city with age behind them I must tell you Twist that if it was him he felt much stronger than Freddrick or any other that I have come across."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Wed May 20, 2009 9:01 pm

*So it is not fear but stealth, that does suit Asa's style.*

Her eyes widened at Rahyna's last words.

"Stronger than Freddrick?" She had a hard time comprehending the concept. An elder so strong that even after waking his beast was felt across the city. Just the thought of such a kindred was enough to make her consider not offering her services to Asa. But it was a brief consideration and after her resolve was firm. Such a being was dangerous, and if he couldn't be dealt with, every hand would be needed to bring him down. And even for those who didn't try- they would most likely not be saved from such an Elder on a rampage.

"Well- I suppose with everything that is going on I should make my presence know to the Prince. Or- will you..." Twist struggled to force the words out, "as Seneschal inform him that have returned and that I am ready to help him in any way I can?" The words tasted like ash in her mouth but she managed to keep her face calm as she waited for Rahyna's answer.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 11:50 pm

Auvrey pulled up with Mirella and... whatever he was, other than a Crone, and entered, looking for the Seneschal.

"Please mind your manners with Ms. Rahyna," Auvrey said, more to Aesop than Mirella.

As if he, himself, had.

Looking for Information Auvreybanner


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Thu May 21, 2009 7:42 am

Rahyna did not do her usual smile she understood how hard this must be for Twist but she did look calmly at her "Consider yourself acknowledged once again in the city and I will let Prince Clarke know of your return and that you are ready to help the city in anyway you can."

Rahyna heard the door open and looked up to see Auvery enter the museum with a few people she did not recognize she ignored them for a moment turning back to Twist "It really is good to have you back in the city and I am sorry that you had to come back to.." Rahyna paused searching for the right word to use but one was escaping her at this time so instead she just stated "such unease in the city." not knowing how to express her feelings of regret at now holding both of the positions that she once proudly held.

Turning back to Auvery and smiling that gentle smile that she had practiced through the years she holds up a finger to tell him that she should only be a minute more.

Last edited by Sweets on Thu May 21, 2009 9:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Lexi Thu May 21, 2009 10:57 am

Mirella stands beside Auvrey as they walk inside, her eyes still watching this feral fellow as tightly as she can. She notices the two women talking, and waits quietly, arms crossed gently across her chest.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Innerlight Thu May 21, 2009 12:13 pm

Aesop notices kindred who he used to fraternize with. In some way he was excited to be here, curious of the reception he would receive, because he never seemed to get the same one twice, at times he was respected as someone that had the knowledge of the ages and at other times he was marginalized as a situation that needed to be dealt with. Aesop looks around attempting to recall who he remembers, but goes out of his way to be the man tonight not the beast.

((Ooc - This dude is a kindred that just goes in and out of torpor erratically, and the last time I was active was about 1994. So anybody in the crone may remember him as a someone who is in the covenant, and any kindred who has been here long enough probably has seen him off and on through time. So we don't have to be BFF's but anyone old enough or in the crone could have heard of him, and they'd know that he does't go by a name so someone named him Aesop))


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Thu May 21, 2009 10:03 pm

Rahyna smiles at Twist once more "Well Lady Twist if you need anything else please let me know and I will do what I can to help you." she turns and starts to walk towards Auvery and the other two that she doesn't know she gets about ten steps from Twist and looks over her shoulder "By the way my whip position is open if you are interested I would be honored to have you fill it."

Rahyna reaches Auvery and extends a hand "Mr. Feiran good to see you again what can I do for you this evening."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Thu May 21, 2009 10:10 pm

Auvrey took a glance around to make sure no Kine were nearby as he took Rahyna's hand and kissed it.

"Seneschal Rahyna, I've brought these new arrivals to you for acknowledgment," he said simply, turning to them to let them introduce themselves.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Thu May 21, 2009 10:45 pm

Rahyna looks at Auvery as he kisses her hand not quite sure how to react to it and figures turning her attention to the new arrivals is a better bet at this point "Mr. Fieran please there is no need for formalities" whispering to him she leans in a bit "I do wish to speak with after I am done with the new people to the city."

Smiling at the two people standing in front of you "Good evening to you I hope it finds you well now if you would please tell me your names. clans, covenants, and your reason for being in the city I would be very happy to help you out."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by deltadream Fri May 22, 2009 12:30 am

Twist nodded in thanks to the acknowledgement. She briefly glanced at the three walking in. She didn't recognize 2 of them. A third looked familiar- as though she had seen him walking around the city but nothing more than that.

And then Rahyna offered her the whip position. Anger flashed through her at first- thinking only that Rahyna wanted to rub it in how she was now positionless in the city. But her wording was off, her tone a bit to sincere to Twist's trained ears and the anger melted away. If she thought about it, it was a good move on Rahyna's part; appease an upset ex-seneschal with a high position within the city and gain her trust back. It was not a secret that Twist was not a social Daeva. It would also be wise for her to accept. A respectable position and one that suited her talents much more than any of her prior ones.

The thoughts flashed through her mind quickly, and her decision was made.

"The honor is mine Priscus and I am at the city's, clan's and your disposal" she replied smoothly, no hint of her former anger at publicly naming Rahyna her Priscus showing in her voice or face.

She was tempted to stay and listen to the conversation growing, but Rahyna was already moving away from Twist and to them. So instead she dipped briefly in farewell and made her way to the Museum exit.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Innerlight Fri May 22, 2009 5:44 am

Aesop looks at the museum with an animals curiosity, when addressed directly he turns to Rahyna slowly. He sniffs her noticeably but does not get so close as he did last with the others. Aesop calmly drops to one knee and puts his palms out, possibly as a sign of respect or maybe nothing more than a behavioral quirk. "Gangrel Crone", he speaks as if that said it all. "I woke, the last year I was seeing was year 1994". He says casually as if he's done this meet the new management routine more than a few.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Lexi Fri May 22, 2009 12:29 pm

Mirella lets the...thing talk first, and then steps forward just an inch or two. "I am Alder Lady Mirella Diederich, former Meizter of Chemistry in Berlin. I haff come to zis city to zee the new vorld."

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Fri May 22, 2009 4:22 pm

Rahyna looks at the two new people standing in front of her and smirks a bit "Well then welcome to the city it is quite the pleasure to meet you both Lady Mirella I am to understand that you are Invictus then? And you sir I am sorry but what was the name?" she smiles as she hears Twists acceptence of the whip postion and then concentrates back on the matter at hand.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Innerlight Fri May 22, 2009 6:42 pm

The feral creature Aesop looks up. "I have no name", he says with no hesitation or embarrassment.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sat May 23, 2009 10:01 am

Rahyna looks at the man with a slight frown "Well I need to have something to call you so that I can acknowledge you so please give me some sort of name if you do not unfortunately there is little I can help you with." she smiles at the man "If you will think about that for a moment there is a quick call I need to make."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Innerlight Sat May 23, 2009 1:45 pm

Aesop doesn't really care what he's called, and if all that was standing between being accepted was a name, he could easily whip something up. He would wait for that one to finish her call before saying, "My name is John Smith", the simplest and most easy to say name he could think of from the past 200 years if his memory served.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Lexi Sat May 23, 2009 1:48 pm

"I am of the Invictus, zat iz correct." Mirella stands in a relaxed pose, offering a smile at Rahyna.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sat May 23, 2009 2:55 pm

Auvrey quietly watched the exchange, wondering how much trouble John Smith was going to be in the long run.

Lucky, lucky Crones.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sat May 23, 2009 4:13 pm

Rahyna fired off a text after hanging up with Asa and then turned her attention back to the people in front of her "Well Mr. Smith" wow could he be any more original she thought to herself "Mrs. Diederich let me go ahead and welcome you to the city." she turns to Auvery "Have you told them any of the rules of the city?"


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 2:50 pm

"No, I'm sorry Seneschal, I did not. Considering John's antics, I thought it best to leave the area as soon as possible," Auvrey answered. "Although he seems to be getting better by the minute..." he added.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Lexi Sun May 24, 2009 3:22 pm

Mirella smiles at Rahyna, "Yes, he vas quite occupied getting us out of ze park. It could have gone badly for us eef someone had come along."

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 3:52 pm

Rahyna raises an eyebrow at this "Really what happened at the park?" she figured she should get the hole story before acknowledging someone who may cause problems.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 4:04 pm

"He seemed to be having difficulty with one of his abilities," Auvrey explained, "partially shape-shifting," he quietly elaborated.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 4:19 pm

Interesting Rahyna thought to herself "Well if that is all then I must ask that you remain in the shadow's until you have regained full control of yourself Mr. Smith I do not wish to have the kine breathing down our necks with everything else going on right now."

Rahyna sighed slightly and then started to spout off the rules of the city "First and foremost there is not feeding from any public official such as EMT's, Police, and Firefighters the rack is located in downtown if you need a place to stay please let me know and I will find you accommodations." Rahyna thought through the rest of the rules that had been put in place by Fredrick and wondered if she should bother to spout them all off she decided not to "The rest of the rules are posted throughout the city in all the Elysiums they are things that were put in place by our former Prince and will most likely be changed shortly if you wish to read them you may they are actually posted next to the front door in the museum." as Rahyna ran through the rules in her head she remembered another big one "Ohh and there is absolutely no embracing anyone without the Prince's approval I belive that will do for now. Welcome to the city."


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Innerlight Sun May 24, 2009 6:01 pm

Aesop smiled at Mirella, "Yes, he vas quite occupied getting us out of ze park. It could have gone badly for us eef someone had come along.", Aesop says in the same tone of voice.

He then looks to Rahyna not defending his side of the story or clarifying it, letting either side believe what they'd like to believe happened. Aesop then waits patiently for Rahyna to explain to him the rules. He tilts his head quizzically and muses in the form of a question "Prince is same as last time?", he says taking much more effort to make his own words then he can to mimic others.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 6:14 pm

"No the Prince has changed what is three times in the past month and half" Rahyna looks at Auvery and then back to the other "So are there any other questions?"


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 6:20 pm

Auvrey shook his head in the negative, privately hoping the Crone would be able to find some use for Aesop's peculiarities.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Lexi Sun May 24, 2009 6:22 pm

"That ez all, madam. Unless there ez any further need of me, I vould like to go somevhere I von't be imitated so rudely." Mirella frowns at Aesop, and shakes her head.

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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Innerlight Sun May 24, 2009 6:55 pm

Aesop watches Mirella with no concern for social graces, for a long while before turning back to Rahyna and says in the form of a question, "Crone?"


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 6:59 pm

"Ahhh I am not sure who is in charge of the Crone at the moment but I can direct you to the temple where I know of at least one Crone." she turns and walks to her office to get a piece of paper and writes the directions down on it and quickly comes back out and hands it to the man "This should get you from here to there." she smiles at him as she hands the paper over to him.

Rahyna watches as Mirella leaves understanding why but not really understanding the other man yet so she doesn't say anything about it right now.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Innerlight Sun May 24, 2009 8:29 pm

Aesop takes the slip of paper cautiously. Though animistic his eyes dance across the paper as if he discerns the meaning. He looks to Rahyna with sincerity "Do you need help?", he says in simple terms.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 8:40 pm

"Do I need help? No I don't think so do you need help I do have someone that can drive you to this place if you need them to." she once more smiles at the man not completely understanding him but trying her best.


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Looking for Information Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Innerlight Sun May 24, 2009 8:47 pm

Aesop smiles an awkward smile as if attempting to reconnect himself to human mannerisms. He nods to Rahyna as if content, and he fulfilled his duty. He then looks to Auvrey and nods as if showing some sign of acknowledgment. He begins to navigate his way out of the museum without confirming or denying if he knows where he's going or not.


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