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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:02 pm

{{Erica didnt read close enough to know Rahyna was standing there, sorry for a bit of human error and now Elle looks like an ass.}}

"Rahyna... I did not see you there, I am so sorry.. I know you are the priscus, I honestly did not see you standing there. There are so many beasts in one room I didnt feel you out either. I am not abusing new found power, I made a mistake, which I am fixing as we speak. I have sent a corrective text out. " she sets her mouth in a grim line at the mention of Davis in such a way, resisting the urge to lunge across the floor and tear out her throat.

"Then I hope you find a more worthy Priscus. I am sorry that you can not account for an error." she says, rising.

"Lioni, thank you for your comfort, I would appreciate it a lot if you would call me about what we discussed. I will text to cancel the Daeva meeting. Good evening to you all." she says, then looks to Shadow.

"Your Majesty, I am sorry that I caused a problem at your meeting, I will attend you in every way I can and will do my best to live up to the ex-Hound's illustrious history. If you have need of me, I will be at your side in a moment." she bows her head respectfully, and leaves.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:03 pm



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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:17 pm

"Please miss... Rahyna is it?
Such a beautiful name for a even more bautiful woman
" The Gangrel intervined without too much passion, smiling at the beautiful woman about to chew Elle's head off, calmly trying to put himself between the two soon to be battling women, hoping to calm down the situation before it would degenerate even further, the last thing they needed now was more Beasts getting rattled, specially considering his Miss Moraine was probably just an inch from frenzy to begin with, knowing the sort of dispair the sensation of a breaking Vinculum can sink you in, his voice soft as he pleaded "Her lover is gone, he whom she thought all eternity would be spent, yes, she rushed and fucked up, but it isn't something that can't be undone by another text"

The Bruja tried to refrain fron taking sides on the struggle, just shield the already frail Ele from further punishment, she undoubtly needed the support right now, hopefully, his frieds would support him if this blew on his face...

"But your wiser then her, do not rush too, let her usefulness to the city and to you, for real, before kickin' her for a text" A soft smile in his lips as he looked into her eyes, a bit more the pleeding before he seemed to remember "Sorry to be so... brash I guess, I'm Johann Wulfhramm, of the Clan Gangrel, pardon my intromision"


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:13 pm

Rahyna whirls around at the man speaking to her of lovers and eternity she gives him a look of utter disgust her demeanure had calmed slightly as Elle had appologized and left the room "I am sorry was your oppinion asked for... no I don't belive it was so please do not stick your Gangrel nose into something that has nothing to do with you this Sir is a Daeva issue not a city issue there fore you can take your speak of lovers and eternity and throw it out the window for all I care." turning towards Shadow she gives her a pleading look as if to say get them out or I will seriously loose it.

Rahyna needed some time to sit and speak with Shadow before she started doing what needed to be done to get the city back into proper working order for her.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:15 pm

Elle hears them while she is out of the room, but leaves the Gangrel to deal with what he stepped into.

She glances at her phone, then heads outside and sits on the curb, staring into the night and waiting for Asa.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:28 pm

"Can't blame a guy for tryin'" The Bruja shrunged with ease, still smiling at the beautiful woman infront of him, there was no point on speaking to whom wouldn't listen after all, none had gone chasing after the other, so as far as he was concerned he had acomplished what he expected...


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:33 pm

If there was a time to stop his friend from doing something stupid - it was that time to do so - yet Reed did nothing as he was paralyzed by his mortification to his friend's needless heroics. All he could do is rub the small spot on the bridge of his temple - after this little display - he knew that the future Daeva meeting was going to be ordure. He loses one and goes to chase another..

He glance toward the new Prince to see if she had anything else to say before he took his leave for the evening before asking his Priscus for the time of their next meeting.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:53 pm

Going back to his friends, Johann sighed slightly, looking at Reed with a bit of an appologetic smile, as if noticing the look on his friend's face, the one that fuly expresed his opinion of what had just happened, a bit of a short laughter on his voice as he added a short "Sorry about that..."


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:08 pm

Shadow frowns, wondering why there are people still standing in her parlor. "I suggest you contact your clans and covenents and get to your meetings as soon as possible. Please take care, and if anyone sees anything suspicious you may contact the Seneschal, Harpy, Sheriff, or Hound. They will assist you."

She turns to Rahyna and Leigh. "Leighanne please return to the library and continue your studies. I will take you to see the Seneschal later. Rahyna, please stay for a moment, I have a need to speak with you. O-Yama, you will stay as well of course. I will need to call a Nosferatu meeting myself."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:17 pm

"Yes Prince, I had no intentions of leaving your side unless I knew for sure that you were safe." O-Yama says with a small smile.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:23 pm

Lioni stands and bows to Shadow. "Thank you Prince. We will do our best to help you get things organized."

She looks at Asa and smiles. "We need to talk asap. I am going to get myself to Avalon and check to make sure nothing was destroyed there as well. Call me when you have chosen the time and place for the meeting."

With that, she leaves, getting back into her limo and motioning for the driver to take off.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:28 pm

Nicolo arrives as people are leaving -- the church is far from town. "Madame Seneschal?"


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:30 pm

Shadow smiles brightly when she sees Nicolo. "Oh Nicolo I am so glad to see you are ok. It has been such a terrible night. Everything is turned upside down. And that's Madam Prince now, sir. The Prince, Harpy, Hound, and Icarus are all dead. I have had to assume the throne."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:38 pm

Asa looked at Ishani; they both knew they'd compare notes later, but he gave her the 'be careful' look as well. Listening to Lioni, he nodded, and then turned to the Prince and Seneschal and bowed to both. "Prince Shadow, Seneschal Brady," he said, "The Harpy has my information if you have need." After he was excused, he left.

Dog watched the fiasco warily. He felt like any second the room full of Beasts would explode like a bloated corpse. He had started to tell the pup that he was a Gangrel too, but now had no desire to even speak to him in front of the others. SA looked occupied; he was on his own. With Davis gone -- who the fuck was going to lead the pack? Not him. Damned if he would follow the pup, either.

Last edited by West on Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:02 pm

Mrs. Scotts departs. "Jason, see to your clan." She says as she leaves him.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:05 pm

Ace follows Mrs. Scotts out, getting another taxi to take to the Mekhet meeting.

He calls Zen again, terribly worried.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:10 pm

Leighanne bows to Shadow and heads back out of the room towards the library she had been in and picks her book back and continues reading as she was told to do.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:24 pm

Nicolo stares at her in absolute and utter disbelief for several moments, then sinks to his knee and bows his head. "Forgive me, Your Highness. And, would that be 'Princess'? I am afraid I have never been in a city with a female Prince. May I inquire as to what has happened to our newly departed Crown?"

He did his best to keep his voice even and calm, but the predator inside him scratched and whined at its confines, knowing there would be trouble, and sooner than they could prepare for it. For the love of Longinus, this city was ill-fated. Nicolo was no sooth-sayer, but it didn’t take a witch to predict a future of pain and power struggles here with such a sudden upheaval of regimes. And it probably didn't bode well for most's well being, except the very powerful, or the very well connected.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:30 pm

Johann left as Ace did, even if he was to his own meeting, gathering the Gangrel might prove troublesome, but if no one else was left to guide them, he would have to step up...


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:33 pm

Shadow quirks an eyebrow and glances at Rahyna, she really wasn't sure how to deal with this kind of reaction.

She kneals down in front of Nicolo and lays a comforting hand on his. "We do not know what caused his death as of yet, but it will be investigated. Right now we are trying to get the clans and covenents organized so we may take a count of who is still here. If anyone sees anything strange, they shouyld contact the Seneschal, Harpy Rahyna, or Hound Elle. That is the only determination that has been made at this point."

She felt terrible for him, he looks so distraught, but she did not know what she could do or say to help him.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:55 pm

Rahyna walks up and puts a hand on Shadow's shoulder and leans over "Will you be ok if I step out for a while I need to bring my clan up to speed but I will stay if you need me to." she has look in her eye that says they will have a private talk when they have time but the words stay unspoken.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:59 pm

Shadow smiles and puts her hand over Rahyna's. "I will be fine. Nicolo and O-Yama are here. I am confident nothing horrible will happen to me. Go take care of what you need to."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:01 pm

Rahyna smiles at her before looking from one man to another "Well Madame Prince I am merely a phone call away if you need anything I will just be over at the Museum." she then raises and leaves the Chapter house.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:17 pm

Nicolo swallows his horror. "Your Highness, please." He whispers "Please rise up off your knees; you show weakness and lack of determination to rule. You cannot repeat this act again if you hope to lead a populace of Kindred." He narrows his eyes at Rahyna, who treats Her Highness like a commoner, touching her body, asking casual questions. No deference, no respect. As if she owns Her... As if she owns Her.

Apparently the Princess had mistaken distress in his manner for the regret he felt for the city. Nothing more. With any luck, he'd have been judged to served his sentence and be removed from this chaos soon enough.

"I am sorry for the burden that has been thrust in Your most capable lap. With Your leave, I will return to our Church and meet our new Bishop and attempt to gather our Covenant together." But upon hearing that woman would be abandoning the Princess, Nicolo changed his mind. "On second thought, I will stay, Your Highness. When will you be appointing men-at-arms, attendants and ladies-in-waiting? You should never be left alone. Never again."


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by wolfman1911 Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:49 am


As the group is breaking up, Jason approaches the new Prince.

"Madam Prince, Davis was my only contact among my clan. In fact, I don't think anyone aside from him had any place in leadership within the clan. Would it be too much to ask for some contact information of the most likely replacements?"


Jack was getting fed up with this whole charade.

"All right, that's it, I've had enough. This is all a load of crap! None of you are vampires, I'm not a vampire, you're just a bunch of freaks with a sick sense of humor. I'm going home, to bed. I have a test tomorrow."

With that, he headed for the door.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:17 pm

Shadow stands and looks at Nicolo. "I am not alone, I have O-Yama as my man at arms already. If you need to go then go. Please do not mistake kindness for weakness, Nicolo. I am not like the Lizard. I care for my people."

She looks at Jason. "I believe the Gangrel will be meeting as the Southside Park this evening. Go there."

Then, she looks at O-Yama and points to Jack. "Restrain him, or stake him if he continues to attempt to leave."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by BloodiedClaws Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:23 pm

O-Yama is standing beside Prince Shadow one moment and in the blink of an eye he is standing in front of Jack, sword drawn and blade resting cross-ways against his throat. He has no emotion on his face, simply doing his duty as ordered.

"I would suggest that you stay." He says, voice completely dead.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:28 pm

"With Your leave then, Your Highness?" Nicolo fluidly rises and turns his back on the self-crowned Princess.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by BloodiedClaws Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:40 pm

O-Yama see's Nicolo turn his back on the Prince in what in his old lands would be percieved as disrespect, out of the corner of his eye. Keeping his eyes locked on Jack, he warns Nicolo.

"Priest, you do not turn your back on the Prince in such a disrespectful manner. Mind yourself."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:05 pm

No... this was too rich. Anger flashed brilliant and hot in his ink-black eyes as Nicolo slowly, but purposefully turned back around on the little would-be warrior. His eyes narrowed and he held himself back from the chants that began to swirl in his mind.

"YOU would have ME treat Her Highness in a more respectful manner? You? A so-called 'man-at-arms' that would allow an entire room full of Her subjects not bend a knee to a newly anointed Sovereign? You? Who would let Her body be touched by a commoner? I should mind MYSELF? Sir, you should be invited to remember what a sunrise looks like."

Again, Nicolo turned his back and began to make his way toward the door.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by BloodiedClaws Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:10 pm

"No you fool, I would not have her do anything of the sort."

O-Yama says blade still poised at Jack's throat.

"BUT it is Her Princedom, and how she deems to rule it is her affair, not something that a lowly priest has station to give opinion on."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:38 pm

Shadow's face begins to turn into a mask of anger and pain. She had lost a great many friends this evening, all gone, in one fell swoop. And now these two children were going to discuss her as if she wasn't even here? Rahyna and Malchavy had both taught her that she was free, and that meant no one had the right to treat her with anything but respect. Now that she was Prince, this also meant she must demand that respect or be walked on and tossed aside.

She straightens herself to her full 5'8 height and drops her mask, her potency washing over both of them in a sudden wave.

"Both of you will be silent! How dare either of you discuss me as if I am not even here? How dare either of you question my strangth or my rulings? I do not demand that those under me bow, why? Because that breeds disrespect and resentment, not that I have to explain any action to children like you."

She looks at Nicolo, her eyes aflame with rage. "If you ever treat me with disrespect again, I will have you staked and hung over my mantle in my rpivate library. Then, I will allow your little Inquisitor to come and beg for your life. Now, remove yourself from my presence, Priest. I have no further need of you."

She turns to O-Yama. "I did not ask for you to give your opinion in any manner here. Keep your tongue still unless I say otherwise, Samurai."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by BloodiedClaws Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:43 pm

"My apologies milady, I meant you no disprespect."

With that he remains silent, face still stoic, never once having flinched in anger or rising to Nicolo's baiting. He kept his eyes squarely lined up on Jack's and through this all he has not moved once, blade still resting against the Neonate's throat.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:08 pm

Nicolo had turned back as his Princess addressed him and listened to Her words. "Yes, Your Highness." He then bowed, turned and left the room once more, a half grin forming. Well, that was a more improved start for Shadow Regina, anyway.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by wolfman1911 Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:25 am


Jason nodded in compliance and quickly went on his way.


Jackson had never been so terrified in his life, even discounting the strange terror that these people seemed to evoke from him. He responded to it they way he always responded to fear: badly.

"Listen, I understand that you people are big on pretense and 'understanding your station' and all that, but I obviously don't belong here. I know I haven't done anything to deserve this kind of treatment, so I'm going to assume that you think I'm someone else, someone that really honked you all off, especially what with the PSYCHO HOLDING A SWORD TO MY NECK! That said, maybe we can talk this out, and maybe go our separate ways?"

He tried to don a winning smile, but it wound up looking as fake as it was.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:34 am

Shadow looks at the man O-Yama is holding and her eyes narow. "It is apparent to me that you have no idea what you are or what has happened to you. That being the case, you will stay here until you understand. Now, I take it you have not seen the sun since this has happened?"

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Lexi Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:58 pm

Erika lets Mrs. Scotts head to the Invictus meeting, and makes her way back into the Chapter House, waiting in the foyer for the moment as Shadow deals with Jackson.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:13 pm

Mrs. Scotts, along with her ghoul, depart for the Invictus meeting.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:09 pm

Shadow looks at Erika with a frown. "Is there something you forgot Madam Seneschal?"

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:12 pm

Rahyna arrives at the chapter house and hurries back inside she feels that she she should have never left her side on this evening but now that she was back she had nothing else to do but be by her side she enters the room and sees Shadow talking to Erika so she keeps quite until Shadow recognizes that she is there.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Lexi Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:17 pm

"I decided to come back, and get on with the new one that you wished me to take under my wing." Erika inclines her head politely.

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:26 pm

Shadow nods. "Ah my apologies. Let me go get her."

She turns to O-Yama as she passes him. "Could you please escort Mr. Jack to the library, O-Yama? I will be there shortly."

She then enters the library where Leigh is still reading. "Leigh? Seneschal Brady is here to help you now dear. Please go with her, and you can take the books with you."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:29 pm

Leighanne looks up from one of her books and gives Shadow a slightly dejected look but does as she is told she gathers her books and follows Shadow out of the library with out a word staying a good distance behind her.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:32 pm

Shadow leads Leigh out of the library and back into the parlor. She indicated Erika. "Seneschal Brady will show you what you need to know. If there is ever a problem," she says, looking at Erika now, "do not hesitate to contact me and I will take her back under my roof. Thank you so much for your time and consideration, Seneschal."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:36 pm

Leigh side steps from behind Shadow still keeping a good distance between the two of them and then stops a more than an arms reach from Erika she is clinging to the books she has been reading "Good evening Seneschal Brady it is a pleasure to meet you." she inclines her head slightly but does not make a move towards her or extend her hand.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Lexi Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:47 pm

Erika smiles at Leigh, and bows her head just slightly at her, as well. "Would you like to accompany me to my home? I have a library myself, you'll be quite at home if you enjoy them. We'll have to walk from here, but it isn't far, and I'm sure you have many questions."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:32 pm

O-Yama sheathes his katana and puts a hand on the man's shoulder. He leads him to the Library.

"You heard the Prince, to the Library. If you can keep civil and not try to take off, I won't draw my blade again. I'll stay in here with you until the Prince returns."

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:58 pm

Leighanne looks from Erika to Shadow and then settles back on Erika "That would be ok I guess. Can I still take these books with me ?" she still hasn't moved from where she was she waited for Erika to leave and she would follow.


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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by wolfman1911 Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:36 pm

"So is this how all. . .what the hell do you call them, new hires? are treated?" Jack asked. "They get accosted on the street, and then locked up in a warehouse for who knows how long, and then the resident sword wielding freak comes after them? Who would ever want to be a vampire?"

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:41 pm

Shadow turns and follows O-Yama back into the library. "Mr. Jackson is it? You are being very verbally violent to my friend here. I suggest you close your mouth and listen. You have been embraced and are now kindred. This means you are a vampire, blood sucker, creature of the night, whatever you want to call it. It also means that there are rules that need to be followed if you want to continue your unlife. Now, I can explain some of these rules to you if you would shut up for a few minutes and listen. Or, I can allow my sword weilding freak friend here end your requiem. Whcih would you prefer?"

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Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson) - Page 2 Empty Re: Onward to Shadow's (Attn: Johann/Ace/Shadow/Jackson)

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