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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:46 pm

Jayant Nagaraj sits in his meditative posture as he focuses his nature and attempts to control his Beast. His Kukri blade is on the floor by his knees and he wears his standard issue black combat pants and plain long sleeved fleece. He was in Hierophant Paresh’s temple and had made a nest within the haven for his own needs, which were not that much.

Then, it hit him. His instincts rose and the Naga inside, the name for his Beast, reared up and threatened to engulf him. If he could breathe he would have gulped as if drowning, and if his heart still beat, he would have taken it out with his own knife to squeeze the blood that burned his veins.

The feeling dispersed and Jayant was safe in his nest but he knew that something had come to the city, a monster amongst monsters. Taking out the phone he had found one night, he dialled the one person who may have similar feelings; Mr. Sunshine.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:16 pm

Sunshine nearly stumbled as he felt something, a feeling of pure unadultered terror crept into his soul for a second... and then his phone rang and he nearly shit himself.

"Jayant? That you buddy? I gotta tell you, you almost made me have a bowel movement. You felt that shit?"

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:40 am

Hanging up the phone and sheathing his knife in an accesible place in his belt. He then quietly moves through the temple to the outside courtyard, waiting for Sunshine.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:02 am

Sunshine slides out of a manhole, squeezing his massive form through. He spots Jayant and makes his way over to him. He is tense and looks ready to spring at a moments notice...

"You have any idea what the hell that was?"

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:09 am

Jayant extends his hand and shakes his comrade's hand, glad to find he is ok. Looking up into his face, the Gurkha shakes his head.

"I have no idea, my friend. It left as quickly as it came, stroking my Beast as it did, tempting it out of its nest. Not my idea of enjoyment. How about you?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:15 am

"I was walking around in the pipes and then it hit me, like fear morphed into a brick, and a few seconds later you called and scared the royal shit outta me. Creepy feelings and silence, broken by a phone call, not a good combination. Is master Paresh okay? Have you checked on him yet?"

Sunshine was smiling at first, and even chuckled a bit, but then, thinking of Paresh, his face suddenly became grim with fear. He hoped everything in the city was well but he had the feeling that the shit had hit the fan.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:39 am

Jayant curses in his native laguage and rushes back into the temple, mentally berating himself for his lack of thought.

See, he thinks, this is what happens when one thinks for oneself.

Jayant rushes through the temple, looking for any sign of the covenant's Hieorphant. If anyone had asked him, he knew this to be a lie.

His main concern was Valencia.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:48 am

Sunshine follows after him, searching for anyone in Paresh's Coterie, hoping that nothing had befallen any of them.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:50 am

"Master Paresh? Valencia? Mako?" Jayant calls, unsheathing his knife and holding it reverse grip, his years of training taking over as he hunts for anything untoward.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:13 am

Sunshine becomes tense and aggitated, knowing somewhere deep down that this wasn't going to be good. Like that feeling you get right before someone jumps out a damn near gives you a heart attack in a horror movie, the only catch being this wasn't a movie, and he looked the part of the monster. Despite his calm demeanor, his was terrified of finding Paresh to have met Final Death, or any of his Coterie the same...

He kept searching, ready to spring into action at a seconds notice.

"Master Paresh! Valencia! Mako!" He yells, calling out just as Jayant was doing.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:32 pm

"Valencia! Valencia!" Jayant yells, losing a portion of his dignity as he does, his right hand gripping the knife handle tightly, the one thing he could put faith in.

Hearing Sunshine calling behind him, adding to his own cries, Jayant fills bolstered and glides through the temple, feeling the worst for the little Kindred.

Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:02 pm

His phone vibrates in his pocket, halting his shouting. Taking it out, Jayant reads the text, surprised that anyone other than Sunshine has his number. Reading the message, his face contorts with indecision.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:05 pm

"You need to leave? I can tell by the look on your face. Go, I'll stay and continue searching for Master Paresh and his Coterie."

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:07 pm

Jayant nods. "Thank you, my friend. My the Mother watch you," he says before turning and leaving the temple.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:09 pm

"May the Mother watch over you as well"

Sunshine says to Jayant as he turns to walk away.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:12 pm

"May the mother watch over us all...."

Sunshine murmurs to himself after Jayant has left. He resumes his search calling out for Master Paresh, or anyone of his Coterie.

"Paresh! Valencia! Mako! Damnitt say something if your alive!"

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:34 am


Sunshine is wandering through the temple and stumbles upon a slightly open door, leading into what looks like it may have once been private quarters. Inside the room is a small girl sitting amidst a mass of pillows and ashes scattered around them.

She is staring straight ahead, not blinking or moving or showing any other signs of life. Sunshine can see this is Valencia by the stitched and mangled teddy bear she is clutchintg in her arms and by Jayant's description of her.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:50 am

Sunshine sees the horrified little girl and crouches down as best he can to get eye-level with her.

"Valencia? Valencia sweetheart, are you okay? Your okay now, you've got big ugly here to keep you safe. I wont let anything happen to you I promise. Please say something to me sweetheart."

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:55 am

She blinks, but Sunshine can tell her eyes are unfocused and she is not seeing him. He can assume she does not here him as well. Her body is just about completely limp, except for the arm clutching the teddy bear for dear life.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:01 am

"Valencia, I need you to talk to me honey. I need to know where Mako and Master Paresh are. Can you tell me that Sweetheart?"

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:06 am

Valencia focuses on him for a moment and then looks around at the ash covering the pillows she is sitting on.

She points to the ash and say so softly he can barely hear her.

"They are gone. He killed them. It was horrible. He-he ate them."

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:16 am

"Who did little dove? Did you see him, the monster who did this?"

Sunshine says, a small smile creeping on his face, happy that she isn't completely out of it. He was also scared of something so powerful being in the city, something strong enough to take out Paresh? Hopefully no-one else had been destroyed in such a way...

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:14 am

Valencia nods, but does not offer any further information.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:06 am

"Valencia my dear, do you think you can handle coming with me to let Prince Fredderick know what happened? He really should know what happened to Master Paresh. Is that okay?"

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:33 am

Valencia looks at Sunshine, her eyes wide and scared. "I want Jayant. Where is Jayant? He said he would protect me. He said-" Her words cut off as big blood tears begin to well up in her eyes.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:47 am

Darting through the night streets of Sacramento was an exhilirating experience, especially when one is so accustomed to the shadows. The things one sees, thought Jayant, his mind wandering for but an instant. Then he thought of little Valencia and he doubled his efforts, arriving at the temple soon thereafter.

"Sunshine, my friend, where are you", he yells, bursting through the temple doors, unsheathing his blade as he goes and readying himself for any danger.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:26 pm

Sunshine stand and calls out over his shoulder.

"Jayant, I have Valencia! She wants you, my friend, come here."

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:16 pm

Leaping through the temple like a Kindred possessed, Jayant follows the call of Sunshine to find his friend standing before a silent Valencia, holding the tattered teddy bear close to her. Clasping the Nosferatu upon the shoulder as he passes, Jayant kneels before the girl to speak to her in a compassionate manner, his voice exuding concern.

"Valencia, its Jayant, I'm here. Look at me, its your pet, Jayant."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:13 pm

The tears finally spill down her cheeks and she focuses on Jayant's face. "They're dead, Jayant. He killed them, just like that, poof, ash. I wanted to stop him, but Paresh told me to hide. He said he wouldn't be able to find me and he and Makko would stop him. But he killed them. They're gone."

The tears continued to flow and she wraps her small arms around Jayant's neck and sobs into his shoulder.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:27 pm

Sunshine's face twists into a painful expression, both at the fact that Paresh and Mako are both dead, and the way that Valencia was crying so hard. It pained him greatly what was happening and he had no power to change or stop any of it.

"Jayant, we need to inform Prince Fredderick of what has happened."

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:03 am

Holding Valenica closly, Jayant speaks over his shoulder to Sunshine.

"The Prince has met a similar fate, my friend. As has the Prince's Seneschal and his Hound. Priscus Icarus of my own Clan ha also been slain."

Jayant tries to keep his voice level but finds it dificult at the sudden turn of events.

"Lady Shadow is now our Prince, with Miss Rhayna ascending to Seneschal and Miss Elle Moraine to replace Hound Davis. We must get her out of here, Sunshine, and take her to the Prince. They must know the fates of Master Paresh and Brother Mako. Will you accompany me? I could use your expertise through the sewers?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:20 pm

"Yes, brother, we must move at once."

Sunshine turns and makes his way towards the sewer entrance that he has come from upon first arriving at the church.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:25 pm

As Sunshine leaves the temple, Jayant takes Valencia's tiny hand in his own. "Valencia," he whispers, "Will you come with me to see Prince Shadow? She will be able to help us."

And get revenge for Hierophant Paresh and Brother Mako, he adds mentally.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by West Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:28 pm

Valencia nods and takes Jayant's hand, still clinging to her teddy.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:17 am

Sunshine makes his way to the Ordo Chapterhouse, he know the sewer routes to most major places in the city and so led the small group to the Chapterhouse as fast as they could follow in the dark cavernous sewers.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:33 am

Despite the situation, Jayant's mind is focused and calm, years of Gurkha training taking over as he follows his comrade while clutching the hand of little Valencia, whom he will protect until Final Death.

As they trudge through the sewer to the Prince's haven, the Khaibit looks at his little charge.

"Come now, Miss Valencia," Jayant whispers, wiping the tears away with the sleeve of his shirt, "no need to cry. Master Paresh and Mako wouldn't want to see you upset."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

Post by BloodiedClaws Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:28 pm

Sunshine led them to the Chapterhouse, slinking through the sewers at a swift pace and looking back over once in a while to make sure they were keeping up. They arrived not long after.

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Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine) Empty Re: Monsters, Everywhere (Attn: Sunshine)

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