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Emissaries Empty Emissaries

Post by Kai Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:20 am

Kai stepped through the door of Avalon. He hadn't seen Davis in a while, but the club felt different. Everything felt 'different' since that one evening. He walked over to the bar checking in with the bartender. It was still early in the evening, but the club was a lot slower than usual, even for this time of night. He wondered what the yuppies were up to.

"Club and cranberry please." Kai ordered. He began scanning for 'unusual' aura's.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:58 pm

Lioni enters Avalon without any questions and goes straight to the bartender.

"You need to gather the employees and meet me in the back, now please."

She turns and heads into the back room where most of the employees take their breaks.

Emissaries Lionibanner

The bartender looks at Kai and shrugs. "You heard the lady. I'll go get everyone together."

He comes out from behind the bar and moves over to speak with the waitresses and other bartenders. Soon, the lot of them head to the break room.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:07 pm

Asa entered Avalon, looking around. Although he had spent some time with Elle, he drove a sports car, rather than riding in a limo. Not seeing any staff --but customers-- he headed towards Davis' office. On the way there, he heard sound in the break room. Stopping there, he looked in and gave Lioni a questioning look.

Emissaries Asabanner


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:07 pm

Lioni motions for Asa to enter the room before she begins to speak.

"I regret to inform you all that the previous owner of this establishment has passed away. I am very sorry for your loss. Avalon will now be under new management however, and I would like to intorduce you to the new owner. Mr. Clarke, would you come over here please?"

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:22 pm

Kai scrutinizes Asa and Lioni


Not sure of what to do, he pulls out his phone and sends a text to Ekko, and then listens to what Mr. Clarke has to say.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:40 pm

Asa smoothed the questioning look off of his face and entered; whatever this was about, he was sure Lioni would tell him later. It was ironic, though, considering he had as much as told her that he owned the Lily. Even more so, that he didn't think Davis particularly cared for him.

He came to stand beside her, and looked at the gathering of people with the hint of a smile he wore specifically to put people at ease. "I was also sorry to hear of his passing, and will endeavor to make this transition as seamless as possible," he said in a reassuring tone.


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:36 am

Kai looks at them.
"What exactly could take someone as...strong as him out?"

Second scrutiny on both Asa and Lioni

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:25 pm

Lioni smiles at Kai, although it is a bit cold. "The police have told us he was killed by an invader to his home. And while most of us are physically fit, a bullet will surely cause a great deal of damage."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:57 pm

Kai nods looking a little upset.
"I don't know what to say. We had become decent friends. If you wouldn't mind, I would like a quick word in private please."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:07 pm


Lioni dismisses the other employees and tells Asa she will see him at the meeting. As the employees disband, Lioni takes Kai aside and they discuss personal interests.

The employees all return to their normal duties.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:17 pm

Ekko enters the club after assuring the doorman that she really was 22 like her ID said, and looked through the growing crowd for Kai. The place was nice, a little on the yuppie side for her, but not too bad. Her choice of clothing did clash some what with the dress code, but she was cute, so they had let her in.

Emissaries Tn_untitled

Emissaries Ekkobanner

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:34 pm

Kai smiles as he sees Ekko walk in and waves her over.
"Yeah, I know, still wearing a suit. I would dress in my other garb, but I don't want people calling me a Jawa behind my back. What would you like to drink?"

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:05 pm

Ekko laughs. "I would love to see that! Um, a rum and coke will work. So, what's going on?"

She watches people dance and mill about as she talks to Kai, keeping an eye out for anything that might be considered unusual.

This place is preppy heaven.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:53 pm

"My boss was murdered last night apparently. Getting some new boss, who is also...a creature of the night" Kai says as quietly as he can and still have Ekko hear him over the music. "I was a little concerned at first, but it seems that they are open to a forum with us, just not right now. Pressing issues and such is what they said"

"Nice outfit by the way." Kai watches the crowd, trying not to stare.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:03 am


As they talk, Kai's Sybil's Sight highlights a man taking a picture of the people he's with. His friends' backs are to you, and they all seem to be having a good time. The only thing that struck Kai as unusual is that it wasn't a phone's camera, or pocket camera -- it was a high grade SLR.


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:23 am

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko smiles at the compliment. "Thanks, I try. I am sorry to hear about your boss though. Were you close? And you don't look bad in a suit you know."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:36 am

"Nah, I wasn't that close to him. Seemed nice enough though. Honestly how bad can I feel about one of th...nevemind. I could tell you stories about the ones in Houston. At least the ones here seem civil."

Kai focuses on the man with the camera. Sybil's sight was always strange like that. Could mean this guy might be his next best friend, or it could mean the shit was about to hit the fan. Sometimes you just never knew.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:38 am

(( Sleeper. He's fiddling with his camera and laughing with his friends now. ))


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:50 am

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko looks over to where Kai is staring. "What's up? You seem to be looking real hard over there."

She inclines her head in the general direction of camera man. "See something interesting?"

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:21 am

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko looks very carefully at the camera.


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:37 am

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko leans in close to Kai and whispers in his ear, smiling as if she is telling him a joke.

"I have seen one of those cameras before. It takes pictures of your aura."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:02 pm

Kai looks back at Ekko "Interesting, Fate just pulled my attention over there. And I'm guessing if thats what you deduced the camera is, he's not here to be our friends, or anyone's. My guess is he got wind that this is a leech club, though he probably won't be to fond of willworkers either. That just won't do."

Kai casts Monkey's Paw on the camera.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:04 pm


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:58 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko frowns. "Why do you automaticly jump to that conclusion? He seems normal enough to me."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:08 pm

"Well, considering he is a sleeper who was taking a picture of us when I saw him, do you want me to assume that he's taking pictures of us surreptitiously because he's a friendly guy who just wants to know us for our souls?" Kai couldn't let that camera leave the club. He could HOPE his fate spell had done something, but he couldn't be sure.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:12 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko's frown depens. "Taking pictures of us? Screw that."

She puts her drink down and walks over to Mr. Happy Camera and his friends. "Excuse me? I see you have a nice camera there and you're taking some pictures. Have you asked these people's permission to photograph them? Some people don't take too kindly to having their picture taken unaware. I happen to be one of those people."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:23 pm

Kai set his drink down, handed his jacket to the bartender and walked over and stood fairly close to Ekko, give the group an intense stare.
Been here before
"I don't think the lady appreciates her picture being taken, and as the bouncer here, I'm going to need to request the film in that camera"

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:54 pm


The group turn around to look at the pair, faces mixed in surprise, some in indignation.

Camera man looks at the two of you, "Uh, I don't give a fuck if you're President Obama, I was taking a picture of my friends -- maybe you were in the background, I don't know. Egocentric much?"

Ekko can see the camera is no longer connected to his phone.


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:01 pm

Fuck...I have to catch up on technology. I should have known. Kai does a mental face to palm moment, but keeps staring at the camera man and how Ekko is going to react.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:08 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko frowns. "I don't give a fuck if I am in the background or the front. Go take your damn pictures somewhere else where there aren't a shit load of people around. Maybe the owner doesn't want you taking pictures of his establishment. Did you ever think of that? No, you didn't. That would require brain power on your part, wouldn't it?"

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:15 pm

"Whatever," he says. "Get the owner over here, then, and we'll ask. I don't see any signs anywhere that say I can't take a picture of my friends."

His friends already have begun to look uncomfortable and are reaching for jackets and purses, finishing drinks.


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:31 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko sighs and rolls her eyes. "Go find him youself. I'm not your secretary."

She turns and goes back to the bar, the word, "Asshole," lingering in the air in her wake.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:34 pm

Kai doesn't say much, but proceeds to talk to Ekko.
"Calm down. Courtesy and Honor escapes most of the kids these days."
But I do need your name for future reference.
Kai casts Breach the Vault of Memory

Looking for name, names of friends, address, surface thoughts, etc.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:14 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko gives Kai "the look" that all females get when a man is doing something they are not supposed to and they know it.

"Hey, copperfield, cool it. We're supposed to be working together and I really don't want to have to ruin your night."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:59 pm

(( His memories reveal that his name is Kai Luong. His close friends' names are West and Ankh. He's a Buddhist. He's been trying to covertly take a picture of Avalon's bouncer for weeks. ))


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:05 pm

Kai leans into Ekko
"That camera can't leave this club. His memories are my own, except for the fact that picture was meant for me, and they got you as a secondary benefit."
Kai was a little concerned at this point. How does a sleeper bounce back his spell like that? Had he miscast? He felt certain that was a pretty strong casting of his spell.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:08 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko does not look happy. "You said you know the owner right? Can you get in contact with him and see if he has issues with people taking pictures of his club? Either that or, I would say we are going to have to get rude."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:22 pm

"I knew the owner, or at least the manager, but he's dead now."
Kai's eyebrows furrowed "I've never had that result from that before. I'm a little worried that this is more Banisher nonsense. But we can't start anything inside the club. Is there any way you can just take care of the camera? It may not function from here on out for a while, but I want those pictures that he took gone."
Kai finishes rolling his sleeve up.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:03 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko sighs. "Sure I could, but it wouldn't do anything. He's already sent the pictures to his phone and they have probably already transmitted. So, taking out the camera would just piss him off worse at this point."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:47 pm

Kai could feel the rage welling up inside him. He had been to careless once again, and now had put another mage at risk.
"It may be time to get rude, but not until they go to leave the club. I'm assuming this isn't your first rodeo? Any ideas. I have a tendency to be straightforward in my approach."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:27 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko frowns in thought. "This will have to be descreet. Or, we will have to take him somewhere else and then forcfully remove the camera from his possession. Either way, it cannot be done here."

She continues to watch Mr. Camera-man as she talks, seeing if he heads for the door or not.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:32 pm


The interruption seems to have broken the mood of the group, and they continue to gather their things. The pay the bill, and begin heading for the door. Kai and Ekko can see a party limo waiting outside for the group.


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:13 pm

Damn. So much for cornering him somewhere. At least on the car, this will have a tangible known result
Cloaked Monkey's Paw on the limo


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:12 am

Ekko watches the group heading for the door, contemplating their chances of getting to them before they hit the limo.

"Maybe a distraction?" She muses, trying to think of something that would work but would not draw attention from the entire club.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:02 am


The group makes their way to the door and will shortly begin to enter the limo.


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:44 pm

"Well, what I did might cause them a bit of grief, but unless you have a reliable way to stall that car, this is going to become an investigation. Do you have a car?" Kai walks over to the bartender. "I've had emergency come up. If I'm not back tonight, I will see you tomorrow."

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:28 pm


Kai's phone buzzes with an incoming text message.


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Kai Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:30 pm

"Looks like our stalkers are going to have to wait, at least on my end." Kai says, obviously not happy about having to make that call. "We have to go talk to John. Problem with an FC not showing up for his appointment."
Kai clicks his phone with irritation and puts in back into his pocket.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:10 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko pulls her keys out of her pocket and smiles.

"Where to then?" She asks as she heads for the door. She wasn't all that happy about business interrupting fun, but she was used to it by now.

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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Guest Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:35 pm

(( Y'all can start a new thread in Veils, depending on if you're going to Hostel HI or the Museum. ))


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Emissaries Empty Re: Emissaries

Post by Sponsored content

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