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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:08 pm

Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Gwennybluebar

Gwenivelle shows up packing a can of mace. The bosses won't let her carry a gun yet, partially because she's still an initiate, but mostly because she is a horrible shot.
She wears tight fitting plaid pants, an internet meme t-shirt, sweater gloves, and a two-tone striped coat. While she waits for Vex to show she listens idly to music, one earbud dangling aimlessly so she can still hear what's going on around her. Of Montreal comes on... not bad.

Sybil Sight
The Perfect Moment (Tonight will go smoothly)
Temporal Dodge


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:40 pm

After a few minutes, a black sedan pulls up and Vex steps out of the drivers side of the car. "Would you like to drive your car dear? Or would you like to drive mine?"

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:19 pm

'Well that's easy. I don't have a car," Gwenivelle responds. She heads over to hop into the passenger seat. "So who are we looking for? And... what exactly are we supposed to do when we find them? She asks, a little unsure of herself.

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:43 pm

Vex tosses Gwen the keys. "You drive. We're heading to the Methodist hospital. Doc Roberts is our first mage. The Arrows seem pissed about him too. If anyone can't handle a blemish on their reputations, it's the Arrows."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:04 pm

Gwenivelle catches the keys and starts up the car. "You're the boss."

"So what do you think of Zilker?" Gwenny asks as she takes a turn. "He doesn't seem as intense as I expected him to be. And our newbie, Ekko? Did you get a chance to talk to her? Practically don't know anything about her either."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:16 pm

Anything is better than what was there before
"Zilker is what anyone should expect from a leader of the Guardians."
Ekko is...a different story
"as for Ekko, I'm not sure. She would do well to be a little more discretionary towards the people she may have to 'police'."

Vex pulled out a notebook listing notes about the people they were going to have to question. "So how does it feel being such a young Herald of the Consillium. That could have huge implications for you in the future love."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:22 pm

Is the only word that comes to mind.
"I barely even know what I'll be doing. My friends don't really like it either... all I seem to be doing lately is busting them."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:37 pm

"One step at a time. First we have to locate Doc Roberts and bring him before the Consillium, more specifically John Dee. We could take the easy route and see if the Arrows would give us his number, but I think surprising him at work and putting him into black sedan with tinted windows has a much better effect" Vex smiled. She loved harassing Arrows, though the Neidan had earned their hall passes.

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:18 pm

Gwenivelle can't help but chortle a bit. "Sometimes Vex, you are just wicked"

The job isn't all bad. It's fun sometimes to be a little bit of a bitch, just as long as it isn't your friends on the receiving end.

The car rolls up to the hospital. [color:3ac8=336633]"You want me to keep it running, or should we both go in?"

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:51 pm

"Go ahead and park. You have to be there as the representative from the council, Herald. There's a reason we were paired together. Remember your word carries weight."
Gwen parks the car and they both go inside.
Vex walks up to the information desk.
"Hello sweetie, I'm looking for Doc Roberts please."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:08 pm


The nurse looks up. "Is he your G.P.?" she asks.


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:48 pm

"Not exactly, but I do have some health issues I need to discuss with him. Without getting to personal, it's important that he hear it from me, since it does concern him. Vex smiled demurely. "You understand confidentiality and all."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:55 pm

"Name?" she asked, typing on her computer.


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:31 am

[color=indigo]"Sandy Whitemore, and it is a semi-emergency that I speak with him immediately." Vex begins to act flustered, trying to give the receptionist a sense of urgency and distract her. [color]


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:35 am

The nurse frowns, looking at her computer. "I don't have any record of you... are you a new patient?" she asks as she starts assembling clipboards with forms.


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:55 am

(( time to wait for Ruby ))


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:17 am

Gwen doesn't like the sound of this... this part was supposed to go smoothly, and it didn't seem so smooth.

The fleece Vex is working on is such a dead end... there's a wall of paperwork, insurance information, and medical history in between her and that doctor. Gwenny needs another way in.

"Hi, I'm actually not with her. I'm here to pick up a friend's shift, she's home sick. I've been in such a rush I haven't had a chance to get changed. Do you mind if I just head on up?"

((tell me if I need a roll))

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:29 am

"Sure," says the nurse.

The door she indicates is mag-locked, which either opens by swiping a card, or by the nurse 'buzzing' someone through.


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:28 am

Oh shit.
Gwen steps towards the door knowing that she'll be in shit if she has to turn around and ask to be buzzed through.

OK, I need somebody, ANYBODY, to come through the door. Gwen plucks a single desperate chance from a host of possibilities, hoping it will be enough.

Shifting the Odds (someone goes through the door from the either side.)
04-11 10:22:27 Gwen rolls 7 dice to Gnosis+Fate (used WP) 3 successes
5,8,8,3,8, 2,1

2 Mana spent today.

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:11 pm

Vex gets moderately frustrated with the sleeper.
"I will not fill out this paperwork again.
She casts Telepathic Control

"Now why don't you just call Doc Roberts up here, and tell him it's an emergency."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:59 pm


The nurse looks at Vex and her eyes glaze over. She fumbles at the phone's PA link, inadvertently hitting the buzz-pass on the door, opening it for a second or two. She finally picks the phone up and speaks over the PA:

"Dr. Roberts to the front, it's an emergency," she says in a monotone.


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by something random Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:15 am

"Something about this seams but but it doesn't look like I've got many options" thinks Doctor Roberts. So casts a quick shielding spell and heads there.
Gnosis 1
Life 3
Total dice 4
01-01-2008 10:00 Doctor Roberts rolls 4 to Cast Organic Sheild (10 Again) 5,8,3,3 1 successes

something random

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:09 pm

((waiting on Gwen, since she would be the first to encounter doc roberts))

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:29 pm

((nope, it'll take him a while to get to the front desk, and Gwen's got to stay in the lobby or she'll miss him entirely))

Well, she got through the door which was just awesome considering that now he was coming down. So now what, she has to wait in the lobby? What an epic teamwork fail. Mostly her own fault, but she didn't know Vex was going to brain fuck the staff.

"Hey, wow. Would you look at that, I just got a text. I guess they already found someone else to cover the shift. I'm just going to sit down for a second." Gwenny brays aloud in an irritated monotone. She sits down and waits for Roberts to come down to the lobby.

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:52 pm

As Doc Roberts comes through the door, Vex puts on a broad smile and walks over to him and grabs onto his arm and puts her head on his shoulder as you would expect someone who is a lover would.
"Hello dear. Do you mind if I have a word with you in private over there" she says pointing to the chairs where Gwen is sitting. She leans close and whispers in his ear "Per the consillium, the question is just a formality really. It isn't an optional request."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by something random Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:06 pm

Doctor Roberts heads over and sits down

something random

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:39 pm

Vex looks at Gwen.
"Could you inform the Doctor of his plight." Vex takes a seat next to Doc Roberts, smiling and fawning over him. "We must maintain appearances love"

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:51 pm

"Well, actually I was hoping we could all step somewhere other than the lobby before we started our talk. Doctor, it would be best for everyone if we could chat in your office."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:15 pm

"Actually Herald, it might be best if the Doc canceled his appointments for the rest of the day and came with us to see the Provost" Vex clicked in irritation. If this guy didn't follow their orders, he would be labeled a Banisher, and she's acting like there is something to be discussed.

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:31 pm

What the heck is up with Vex? She seems so far off of her game. Mentioning the Consilium and naming Gwenivelle Herald in the middle of a public area? The time wasn't long ago when Vex would have chewed Gwenny all to hell for slipping up like that. And she's acting like we're here to strong-arm this guy! I'm the damn Herald, not the Sentinel... Besides dammit, Vex is the one that sat down like she wanted to chit-chat.

"Roberts, we'll be taking our car. If you need to make any calls to clear your schedule, now is the time. Leadership's been clear that you've got to present yourself and we're on the clock."

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by something random Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:31 pm

Doctor Roberts gets up walks over to the receptionist and says "I need to make some house calls and so will be away for the rest of the day."

something random

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by tsameti Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:13 pm

"OK. I'll pull up the car."

When Vex and Roberts have hopped into the car she introduces herself.


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Kai Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:24 pm

Vex smiled at Gwen and nodded.
Nicely stated. He was easy. Now to see about this 'Riptide' character.

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by something random Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:12 pm

Unless spoken to Doctor Roberts remains silent on his way there.

something random

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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:40 pm


Gwen and Vex drop Roberts off at the Museum, where John Dee is waiting for them. He tells them that the only person he knows of that's had contact with Rip-Tide besides Doc Roberts are Jammer and the Apostate Ollie.

(( Begin new Scene ))


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Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS) Empty Re: Knocking on Doors (ATTN: DOC ROBERTS)

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