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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:46 pm

Asa arrived early, and was glad for the time to consider the repercussions of the events that had transpired. Aside from the Prince and her staff, over half of the Clans and Covenants had lost their leadership. He was privately glad that the Ventrue were not one of them; selecting a Priscus was time-consuming, with ties and enmities alike formed.

Releasing Olivette for the time being, he sat down to think and consider Avalon.

9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Asabanner


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:56 pm

Seraphina entered the room with her head held high and looked around only seeing Asa present she figured she was early "Priscus Clarke it is good to see you again" she says as she takes a seat and waits for the rest of the clan to arrive.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:02 pm

"As it is to see you," he said, standing for the lady. "I am glad to see you safe and well." He took his seat, and asked, "I see you're beginning to adjust to the city -- are you enjoying your work at the Asylum?"


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:07 pm

"I am enjoying it quite well thank you hopefully I will be able to have the money soon to find a place of my own not that your hospitality hasn't been appreciated." she smiles at him "Lioni has been wonderful to work for as well she is a wonderful boss."


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:13 pm

Aura arrives swiftly in her taxi, dressed demurely and slipping in the door.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by West Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:22 pm

Lioni arrives looking harrid and tired. She enters the room and slides into a seat, nodding to those assembled, but not saying anything.

9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Lionibanner

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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:24 pm

Aura resists the urge to bolt to her sire's side, biting her lip and gripping the arms of her chair, managing to look more calm and collected than usual.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:26 pm

Nicolo drives straight from the Chapter house to the Lily, enters quietly and takes a seat, nodding to those already seated.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:00 pm

Aura looks across the table at him, knowing he hates her now, and that he will never help her or teach her again.

She sighs to herself, hating that she burned a bridge.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:25 pm

While he mentally prepares himself for what he suspects is really the only possible topic for a Lord's meeting on the wake of such a complete and utter annihilation of the city's power base as they knew it, Nicolo glanced up to find Aurelie glancing at him. The flood of their infuriating exchanges could not be forgotten, but he couldn't help but feel at peace with it all now. So fresh out of torpor she was. And so crazy-fucking-Ventrue. He laughed a little at his self-depravating joke, then smiled genuinely at her.

"Bueno sera, Dulce. I hope the evening finds you as well as an evening such as this could find anyone."


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:30 pm

"Oui, it finds me well Nicolo, merci... Did you happen to get my text about learning to drive?" she murmurs.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:33 pm

"Learning to drive?" Nicolo smiles wider and muses. "No, I don't think I did. Are you taking lessons or something?"


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:35 pm

"I was going to ask you to teach me... And perhaps help me..." she murmurs, stopping, having thought he was going to help her pick something out, but remembering she asked Darren to do so.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:41 pm

He chuckles quietly thinking there probably wasn't enough liability insurance available in the world. "If you need help learning to drive, I could help you, Dolce. But why the sudden need to pilot a automobile?"


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:47 pm

"Nicolo," Asa said, "Why don't you use this time to give everyone your contact information and get theirs, since you're the Whip? Then perhaps send a reminder to those absent?"


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:00 pm

"I...have been released," she says softly so only he can hear, "and I wish a bit more independence."

"Ah, here is my new cell phone number, in case you lost it..."


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:05 pm

Smiling, he takes the number from her before addressing the Priscus.

"Of course, Priscus Asa. I just thought perhaps in light of all that has happened this evening, you might want to have a private discussion about this decision and all the responsibilities before I went ahead and announced it to everyone as you first asked. But since that seems to be the way you want to handle it..."

Nicolo stood, straightened his suit and addressed the table, "I think everyone here knows me; Nicolo Giovanni Rossi, of the Lancea Sanctum. I will txt you all my number directly, and I can often easily be found through the All Hallows Church at 5501 14th Ave. Please feel free to contact me with any thoughts, ideas, concerns or whatever that you have, anytime -- I am here to serve the family, and of course to make Priscus Asa's job a little easier."

"And, it seems we're missing Martin Carpenter, Neil Coben and Antoinette Coeur de Lion. I will fill them in with the contact info via txt. As for Jackson McKennen? If I'm not mistaken, he was on his knees in from of the Princesses' man-at-arms with a sword to his throat when I took my leave of the Chapter House. So I highly doubt he'll be joining us this evening."


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:10 pm

"Aren't we also missing Mr. Quinton Jones and Mr. Taquin Talon?" Asa asked. "Could you send those five a reminder? "

Who the hell was Jacskson McKennon?


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:56 pm

"Good point. Those names weren't on my list for some, strange reason. I'll add them right away." Nicolo sent out a txt to the missing 5 Ventrue.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:11 pm

Nicolo looked as his phone buzzed back at him almost instantly. "It would appear Mr. Carpenter is on his way, and has information on Baron Jones. Wonder what that is about."


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by jmiland1 Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:13 pm

Martin arrives a few minutes afterwards, and bows to all before finding a seat. "I apologize for my tardiness," he says. "I was scheduled to have a meeting with Baron Jones this evening, but it appears someone beat me to it. His home has been ransacked and he is missing, although Antoinette was certain he was still alive." He pauses a moment, then continues, "I am unsure if Miss Coeur de Lion will be joining us, as she was rather distraught. Mr. Coben was taking her back to her home, so he will be with us soon."

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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:35 pm

Asa listened to Martin Carpenter and nodded, indicating he should take his seat. He waited a few more minutes, but Nicolo didn't seem to be getting any more responses to his message.

So, without preamble, he began. "Prince Freddrick, and Priscii Karsh, Davis, and Icarus have all met their Final Deaths. From what Mr. Carpenter has just said, perhaps Mr. Jones as well. The former Seneschal, Shadow, has ascended to the Princedom. Erika Brady has been named Seneschal, Rahyna the Prince's Harpy, and Elle Moiraine the Prince's Hound. The Primogen are unchanged, and it seems the Prince has retained Ishani Naetesh as Sheriff."

He waited a few minutes for that to sink in.

"This meeting is basically a head count, and dissemination of this information. With three Priscii and three Covenant head positions made instantly available, the city will be in turmoil. I expect the Lords of the city to do everything they can to guide the city through this time of anarchy," he said, looking at each of them.

"Many will only see vacancies and power vacuums, and overlook the fact that several of the most powerful among us were reduced to ash. Without a doubt, Freddrick was the greatest of us; yet he fell. Which means we must stand together as a city, instead of as individuals."

Asa paused, reviewing what he had said, to see if he had left any facts out.

"That's all the information we have now. Some of you should expect similar meetings with your Covenants. Does anyone have any information that might be related?" he asked.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by West Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:48 pm

Lioni stands. "The new Jackson person is at the Chapter House with the Prince, alhough I do not know anything about him. My dynasty is dead save for me and the one in torper, I do not know how much assistence I can be at the moment for I am only at one third of my power now. I have released Aurelle to be her own responsability. That is all I have at this time."

She returned to her sdeat looking dejected and very moros.

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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:05 am

Aura bites her lip and almost goes to sit beside her sire, then does so, no matter how angry the woman is she wants badly to be of comfort. She sits beside her and whispers to her.

Madame...I know I am released, but if there is anything I can do for you, my beloved sire, I would be glad to.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by jmiland1 Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:44 am

From bad to worse. At mention of the Prince, Martin's eyes go wide for a moment; as the litany of the dead continues they drop to the table. A large chunk of the city's power structure gone, in a night. The mind turns to plots, but then...
"Many will only see vacancies and power vacuums, and overlook the fact that several of the most powerful among us were reduced to ash. Without a doubt, Freddrick was the greatest of us; yet he fell. Which means we must stand together as a city, instead of as individuals."
Well. Damn it all, there's some truth to that, isn't there? Truth, and the undeniable fact that Martin is still a little fish in a big goddamn pond. He looks to his Priscus, and nods his assent. He would stand with his blood.
For now.

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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:21 am

Asa waited a few moments, but it didn't appear anyone had anything else to add. "Very well then, if anyone hears anything new, please let myself or the Whip know."

Asa stood up and gathered his things. "Mr. Martin, could you please make an appointment with Olivette so that we can meet later?"

Stopping in front of Lioni, he offered her his hand. "Lady Dupree? May I escort you?"


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:24 am

Aura looks up at her sire, quite startled by the shortness of the meeting and watching Lady Lioni, wanting to help her sire.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by West Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:28 am

Lioni looks at Asa's hand, confused for a moment, but then nods. "Yes, of course Priscus."

She stands and allows Asa to lead her out of the room.

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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:33 am

Aura looks stunned as the woman completely ignores her. She rises soon after and heads back out.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by jmiland1 Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:42 am

Martin rises, and heads downstairs to speak with Olivette and make arrangements.

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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:28 pm

Aura heads out, a bit distraught, not even looking over to Nicolo.


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9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue) Empty Re: 9:00 p.m. Ventrue Meeting (ATTN: Ventrue)

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