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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:50 pm

"Dammit. Just my luck." Jack mumbled to himself as he studied the car tire carefully. The whole thing was shredded. Bits of scrap metal jutted out from the tires surface. He managed to pry one loose and tose it beside him with a low clatter. "Why the bloody hell didn't the guy who owned this thing have a spare tire or a car jack? Would have been usefull about now." Jack mumbled on as his anger and accent grew thicker and the pile of scrap began to rattle with each piece removed. His first night in the city wasn't looking good.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:32 pm

Ishani catches sight of the car on the side of the road and feels the beast roar in her direction as she passes. Although he probably does not feel her with her Mask in place, she still feels the need to stop and ask if he needs a hand. From what she can see, the tire he is messing with looks to be in bad shape and won't be able to be fixed here.

She pulls up and parks in front of his car and gets out. Walking toward him, she smiles and tries her friendliest voice.

"Hey there! Looks like you're having a bad night. Need some help?"

Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Ishanibanner2

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:38 pm

Jack turned his head and spotted the woman. His beast wasn't stirring, but there were plenty who could hide it. He gave her a nod and a smile before standing up. "Looks like it. Tires completly shredded, so this thing isn't going anywhere in a hurry."

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:48 pm

Ishani looks the tire over and then nods her agreement. "You sure did quite a number on it. Can I give you a ride anywhere? Not safe to go walking down the road alone at this hour, you know."

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:56 pm

"Don't see why not. It's never safe on the streets these days is it, eh?" Jack said with a shrug. He pulled out his keys and started playing with them. "Mind if I get my stuff out? Don't wanna leave it lying around."

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:00 pm

Ishani smiles. "Sure, I''ll pop my trunk. You can put it all in there."

She walks back to her car and pops the trunk, opening it for him to place his things inside.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:09 pm

Jack went to his trunk and opened it. He pulled out a brown duffle bag and a green canvas bag that seemed suspiciously long. He hauled the lot to the womans car and put them in carefully. "So, where were you heading before you ran into me?"

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:21 pm

Ishani watches the green canvas bag, her eyes going a bit wide. "There isn't a body in there, right?" She asks with a smile.

She shrugs in answer to his question. "No place in particular. My job requires me to travel around the city a lot, so sometimes I am not really going anywhere. Where do you need to be?"

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:27 pm

Jack gave her a small laugh. "If it was, I'd have more to worry about than a popped tire." He said as he closed the trunk. He kept quiet while she gave a quick explanation. Interesting..." I'm not going anywhere in particular just yet. Though I do need to find a place to stay for the night then see someone."

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:35 pm

Ishani motions for him to get in the passenger side and waits until he has climbed in and closed the door before speaking again.

"Well, if you tell me what your clan and covenent are, I can take you to whomever you need to see. I'm Sheriff Ishani Naetesh, nice to meet you." She sats as she starts the car.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:46 pm

As soon as Ishani started toalking, Jack couldn't help but laugh. "Bloody hell. And here I am begining to wonder where everyone was hiding." He gave himself a few seconds to calm down before giving her an answer. "I'm Daeva, with the Carthian Movement. Should present myself to the prince seeing as the opportunity is here." He said with a wide smile.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:56 pm

Ishani smiles. "Well, you are the first to take that news in stride. All right then. I know who you need to talk to. Let me give her a text and see where she is."

Ishani pulls out her phone and send a text to Rahyna before she starts to drive. "While we're waiting we'll see about getting you some place to stay. What are your financials like?"

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:05 am

"Present yourself enought times and it doesn't seem like a obsticle anymore." He said as he leaned into the car seat. "As for cash, well as long as I don't have to stay in a fancy hotel, I'm sure I'll do fine."

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:38 pm

Ishani thinks about that for a second, then shakes her head. "You know what? Why don't I just take you to a place I know where you can stay for a while until you get your own place, at no charge?"

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:26 pm

Jack thought about it for a second. "Sounds good. Question is, whats the catch?" He hasn't exactly met alot of people who did something that sounded too good to be true unless there were strings attached somehow.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:29 pm

Ishani shrugs. "Ummm don't feed in the city until you've been acknowledged and make a good effort to find a place as soon as you are able?" She glances at the man as she speaks. "Oh yeah, and you have to tell me your name." She smiles at this, realizing she'd never asked.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:39 pm

Well, thats reasonable. Not exactly starving at the moment. He though. "Sure, that sounds reasonable. Oh yeah, it's Jack Bennett." He added with a smile.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:46 pm

Ishani nods. "All right Jack, let's get you to the hotel and then we can see if the Daeva Priscus has the time to meet you tonight."

She drives him to The Clare and helps him with his bags before they enter the lobby. Walking up to the front desk she smiles at the clerk. "Evening John, I need a room for my friend with similer accomidations as Mr. Clarke and I have. Is that possible?"

The clerk looks at Jack skepticly but nods. "Yes Ms. Naetesh, that can be arranged." He begins typing into his computer and looks at Jack. "Your name sir?"

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:52 pm

"Jack Bennett." He repeated to the clerk, his accent starting to creep into promenence again. He gave the place a look over with everything else was going on.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:27 am

The Clare is a very nice hotel, much nider then Ishani had let on in the car. It was exactly one of those “fancy hotels” that he’d said he didn’t have the money for. The floors are done with a white veined marble. There are comfortable couches in the lobby spread among thick, soft, throw rugs with two large televisions playing the news and Court TV. There are a few small side table up against the walls with fancy vases in them and some sort os strange flower looking plants that are probably way over priced.

The clerk is dressed in a full suit and tie as he types up Jack’s name and other information in his computer. Finally he looks up with a smile and produces a card key. “Here you are sir, you’re room is being prepared now. Please enjoy your stay.”

Looking at the card, Jack can see he has a room in the basement of the hotel.

Ishani smiles at Jack. “Ok, lets get you settled in and then we can do whatever you need to from there.”

She leads him to the elevator, gets on, and they start heading down.

As they enter the room, Jack is astonished to see the huge living area with a small kitchen off to one side. There is also a very nicely furnished breakfast nook. Off to the left is a door which leads to a large bedroom with four poster canapy bed. The carpeting is thick and soft, the kind you want to take your shoes off and let your feet sink into. There is a large dresser, a desk and chair, and a huge walk-in closet in the bedroom as well.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:43 am

Jack lets off a low whistle as he looked around the room he was apparently staying in for now. "Now this alot more than I expected." He put his duffle bag near the door. He was still holding onto his other bag. He turned to Ishani. "So, just out of curiosity, how are things here in the city?"

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:56 am

Ishani shrugs. "A little chaotic, to be honest. We have some maniac running around killing some of our more powerful kindred. We just went through an entire monarchy restructuring and a lot of people are scared. We could use all the help we can get to track this lunatic down and take him out, but I don't know if people are willing to stick around that long. It's been hectic."

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:04 am

Jack looked at her for a moment, face completly blank before shaking his head. He was surprised that things were already falling apart before he even showed up. "Well, I might help out if you need it. But first, I need to get settled in and all that." If I get that far that is. He added menatlly before placing his other bag on a chair.

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:08 am

Ishani nods. "You get yourself settled in and I will talk to the Priscus of your clan. I can get a meeting set up for you as soon as she is available. Or I can get the Seneschal to see you and get you acknowledged. Either way, I can give you a ring when one of those two things is done if you'd like."

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by Darksider42 Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:13 am

Jack nodded. "Yeah, sounds like a plan. Give me a shout when one of them is ready to see me. Soon the better though."

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Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome) Empty Re: Broken Downtown (Anyone welcome)

Post by West Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:15 am

"Yes I agree. I can probably get a meeting for tomorrow night sometime. I will let you know as soon as I can." She turns to leave, allowing him to get his things settled in for a bit. "It was nice meeting you Jack. I look forward to having you in the city." She sats as she open s the door.

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