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Sanctifed at 10:00

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:50 pm

Sabina reaches the church and heads towards her office and gets ready to meet the other members of the church she sits behind her desk once she makes sure there is ample seating.


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Lexi Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:56 pm

Sigmund was rather gracefully sitting on the windowsill of the office, the panes pushed wide open and smoke rings making their way into the night. "Evenin' Bishop." He smiled at her as she sat down, "I 'eard there was a meetin' 'ere tonight."

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:00 pm

"There is and may I inquire of your name sir" she sat with an impassive look on her face.


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:01 pm

Bella entered the Bishop's office and took a seat, offering a deferential nod to the Bishop herself. She gave the other kindred a sidelong glance as she felt his beast wash over her. She almost turned and walked out, but knew she could not show that kind of weakness in front of her fellow Sanctified. Not and still call herself an Inquisitor.

She shoved the flight response down as deep as she could and sat calmly in the chair.

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Lexi Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:02 pm

Sigmund tossed the butt out the window, and with a quick, smooth motion, slipped his legs inside and stood at his full six feet. "Sigmund Jones, miss, long term Sanctified in goo' standing. I 'ope."

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:08 pm

Sabina looked at Sigmund and nodded as he introduced himself and then turned to the woman that entered the room "Good evening miss I hope the evening finds you well enough with all that is going on."


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:16 pm

Bella smiles. "Good evenin g, the night find me well enough. And you?"

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:39 pm

"I must say I have definitely had better evening but that is neither here nor there do either of you know how many should be here?" she asks trying to get an idea of how many to expect.


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:46 pm

Bella thinks for a moment before answering. "I know of one more but have heard there may be two more in the city that I have not met yet."

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:53 pm

"Very well then we will give them a little while to get here before we continue this meeting."


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Lexi Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:54 pm

Sigmund just smiles, and tosses some of his shining, burgundy hair out of the way, before walking over to Bella, offering a flourishing bow. "I don't believe we've met, madam."

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:24 pm

Bella smiles, if she could blush she would have. She extends a hand. "Inquisitor Bella Orchid, very nice to meet you sir."

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Lexi Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:39 pm

He takes the hand, and in proper formal fashion, kisses it before relinquishing it back to the woman. "A pleasure, indeed." He smiles brightly, and settles into a nearby seat.

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:45 pm

As soon as Nicolo received Bella's txt, he drove over to the church. He felt bad there was some sort of meeting going on that he was obviously late to, but there was no record of a txt sent out inviting him to a meeting, so he wasn't sure exactly what was going on.

He stepped into an office occupied by what he suspected must be the new Bishop and was immediately accosted by several powerful beasts. He struggled to hold his own, wanting desperately to turn tail and slip back out into the relative safety of the night. But he closed his eyes to center himself, set his jaw against the fear and did his best.

He smiled at Bella, then made eye contact with who he guessed was Bishop Sabina. "Bishop? Welcome to Sacramento. I am Nicolo Rossi." He extended his hand to her, not attempting the kiss he would have done in the homeland, having been taught that lesson painfully once already by Bishop Devoe.


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:02 pm

Sabina looks at Nicolo and smiles extending her hand to him "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Rossi I am sorry you were not here when I stopped by last time." she looks around the room and does a count of who is in attendance "Is there anyone else expected to show up?"


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:46 pm

Bella frowns, trying to remember. "As I said before, I heard rumors of others but I am not sure." She looks at Nicolo with a reassuring smile. "Is there anyone else you have met Nicolo?"

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:54 pm

Auvrey entered the church, the rhythmic tapping of his cane accompanying soft footfalls. Following the light, and the acute attention of his inner predator, he found the office.

He knocked on the door jamb, and offered an apologetic smile. "Auvrey Feiran, sorry if I've kept everyone."


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:56 pm

"I saw a few new ones acknowledged at the Pri... at the former Prince's last Court, but who knows with the new ones. They come and go. I'm sure if they show up here we can fill them in on your message, Bishop Sabina. Or, you can."

Nicolo smiled pleasantly and had a seat.


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:54 pm

Sabina stands behind her desk and looks around the room, taking note of who is in attendance “First let me introduce myself to you. My name is Bishop Sabina and I have been sent here to lead the church back to doing God’s work, since you had such an abrupt leave of your last Bishop. Now I do understand that the Prince of the city has requested every clan and covenant to hold a meeting, so this is not quite the introduction I had planned, but it will have to do for now.” She sighs slightly and then walks around the desk to lean on it before continuing “OK, so far this is what I was told when attending my clan meeting. Apparently the Prince, the Hound, and the Harpy have all been brought back to gods earth by means that are unknown. Most of you probably know these people by name, unfortunately I do not, but as this has happened there has been a shift in the power structure in the city. The new Prince, I believe the name I read was Shadow or maybe I heard the name, has requested a head count be done of every clan and covenant and that is basically all I am doing at this point. Once things calm down a little I will call another meeting and get to know you all a little better.” Once again Sabina takes a pause and looks at all in attendance. “So is there anything pressing that needs to be addressed this evening?”


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:02 pm

Bella sits in her chair in shock for a moment as everything the Bishop just said. Finally, she shakes her head slowly.

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:04 pm

Auvrey shook his head sadly, hoping the departed had their affairs in order.


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:31 pm

Nicolo shakes his head. This is the third time he's heard this news this evening.


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Lexi Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:33 pm

Sigmund shrugs and leans back in his chair, his hands casually folded across his chest. "Not a peep, madam Bishop."

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:30 pm

Sabina walks back behind the desks and takes her seat once more "Well if no one has anything further we will go ahead and conclude this head count so that we may get back to what needs to be done for the city." she smiles "If everyone would please leave your name and number with me it would be appreciated so that the next meeting that is called does not need to be done by Elysium notices alone."


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:58 pm

Auvrey hands the Bishop his card, gives her a slight bow, and leaves.


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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by West Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:17 pm

Bella writes down her number on a piece of paper and places it on the Bishop's desk. "If you have need of anything, do not hesitate to call." She follows Auvery out the door.

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:20 pm

Sigmund pulls a card out of the pocket of his vest, the writing in gold and silver on laminated paper, and lays it on the Bishop's desk. "I'm available whenever I'm needed, Bishop." He smiles brightly, and tosses his hair back in a spray of shine and burgundy.

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

Post by Lexi Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:40 pm

He bows his head to all that are left, and quickly makes an exit through the window he first appeared in.

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Sanctifed at 10:00 Empty Re: Sanctifed at 10:00

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