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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:31 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko leads Kai to the car, unlocking his door first before walking around to the drivers side. "So, where are we going exactly?" She asks as she climbs in behind the wheel.

Shit, maybe I should ask to stop and change, this isn't exactly the proper attire for working.

"Hey, do you mind if we stop at my place first? I think I should change before we have to de3al with anything serious. These boots are hell to run in."

Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Ekkobanner

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:17 am

"No problems. After that, We will be heading to Calligan's Hostel. He missed an appointment with John to port out of the city." Kai put his jacket in the back seat and removed his tie. It was so much easier for a guy to go from night out to work. Half the time they were the same outfit.
"I'm still looking forward to another dance though" Kai said with a slight grin.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:22 pm

Supernal Vision$, Mental Shield$, Magic Shield$, Misdirection$

Ekko shakes her head as she begins to pull out of the parking lot. "Uh yeah, well maybe after I get a few grace lessons first."

It is a short drive to her place. She gets out and unlocks the door, direction Kai to the couch in the immaculate living room.

"I'll just be a second."

She goes into the bedroom and comes out a few minutes later wearing a relatively nice blouse and a pair of jeans with keds.

"All right, let's roll." Grabbing her keys, she heads for the door and locks it behind Kai.

They head to the hotel, Kai having to give her a few directions here and there as she is very unsure of where she is going.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:24 pm


After a short drive, Ekko pulls up to Hostel HI. Kai's Sybil Sight sees the building as if in the shadows of an overcast day.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:08 pm

Well, it started off a good day
"We need to be careful. This place has a bad air about it now." Kai exited the car and waited for Ekko, walking slightly in front.
"Calligan already got hit by what we suspect to be a Banisher. Nearly killed him. It's safe to assume they might have a bead on the building."

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:19 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko frowns, following Kai to the building. "And you think someone here might have had a similer experience?"

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:27 pm

"I believe this is where Calligan got attacked." Kai takes an initial look around the front of the building
"There were some other pentacles here that happened to foil the attack just before Calligan ate it."

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:35 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko takes a moment to scrutenize the building before answering Kai's statement.


"Well I guess we will just have to go in and see what we can find. That is what we are here for yes? Someone didn't check in?"

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:38 pm


Ekko sees the fading wisps of Prime and Space surrounding the house, testament to once powerful Wards and Bans which had fallen.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:44 am

Kai walks up to the door, and checks to see if it's unlocked. If it is, he doesn't bother knocking, he enters the house.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:45 am


It's locked.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:01 am

Kai casts "Shifting the Odds" in hopes of finding a key:

And searches a few places such as under a welcome mat, plant pots, etc.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:18 am


No key, despite searching everywhere.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:28 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko watches Kai with raised eyebrows. "Have you thought of knocking?"

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:01 am

"Yeah. I feel like an idiot. I'll grant you that. But usually my luck is a little better" Kai wasn't terribly comfortable with knocking. But any mage worth his salt had wards up by now anyway.
So much for cool and collected. He had already gotten the cold shoulder anyway. FOCUS
Kai knocks on the door.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:07 am


After waiting a few minutes, Kai realizes that no one is going to answer. He also realizes the sickly sweet odor of decay isn't just his imagination. It wasn't strong enough to notice when trying the door before, but standing in front of it for a few minutes made a difference.

Then again, it could be the Sybil, whispering in his ear again.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:11 am

Kai looks back and smiles at Ekko.
"You know, I was hoping to show you a much better time for our date than this."
Kai smile turns to a frown and then he turns around and kicks the door in. "Someone is dead in here. It smells terrible."

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:42 am

(( I'll actually need a roll. The Structure of this building has been upgraded quite a bit. ))


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:42 am

Kai loudly kicks the door twice, but it remains firmly in place, with only minor damage.
Can something go right today? Please...just something

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:45 am

(( PER check -5 for Kai, -1 for Ekko; success reveals Spoiler ))


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:46 am


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:13 am


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:39 am

Seeing the little red light and knowing what the generally means, Ekko attempts to “listen in” to the alarm system to make sure Kai has not tripped it by slamming his foot in the door.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:11 pm


The alarm is transmitting a simple alert, both to a mundane telephone company as well as along a ley line. In ten more seconds, it will change from being a 'possible' intrusion warning to a 'definite'.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:21 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

After listening for a few seconds, Ekko frowns and looks at Kai. “Maybe next time we should check for an alarm before we kick the door.” Shaking her head, she begins to cast to turn the alarm system off. Maybe if it turns off on it’s own they will think it’s just an accidental trip and won’t send anyone.


Wincing as the backlash of the spell hits her, Ekko continues.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:23 pm


Ekko successfully directs the flow of electricity away from the alarm system and telephone connections.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:50 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko steps back after making sure the alarm is now off, and kicks the door.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:00 pm


With a creaking, cracking protests, the deadbolt splinters through the interior door jamb, freeing the door. The sudden differential in air pressure causes a wave of noxious odor to assault Ekko's senses, making her eyes and nose sting with the fetid stench of decay.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:11 pm

Kai briefly looks dejected.
All that, a bag of chips, and kicks a door down which you couldn't
"I may not seem like much, but I'm really good at chess." he gives a sheepish grin. "Shall we?" he says, as he walks through the door.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:46 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko gives Kai a weak smile as the odor assaults her. "I am sure you have talents in other areas. Maybe you can show me sometime."

She grabs the bottom of her shirt and pulls it over her nose before she steps through the threshold.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:52 pm

Kai couldn't could the number of dead he had seen in his lifetime. Her reaction showed that she wasn't used to this kind of thing.
Should I act like this bothers me?
Kai begins to quickly search the hostel.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:59 pm


Stepping over the remains of a broken laptop, Ekko and Kai see an overnight bag as well near the front door. The faint buzzing of flies can be heard from the kitchen area.

Streaks of blackish-brown are scattered on the walls adjacent to the staircase leading up.

The smell is much worse, inside, although the fresh air seems to help. The heat and humidity is high, giving the dark house a charnal feel.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:40 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko looks from the kitchen to the stairs, then at Kai. "I'm gonna head upstrairs." She says and does exactly that. Once she gets to the top, she looks around, making sure the place is empty before going from room to room to see what surprises they hold.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:12 am

Kai goes and looks in the kitchen
"aw fuck" he mutters to himself.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:36 pm


The sound of flies intensifies as Kai enters the kitchen; and he can see why.

The man once known as Calligan Wellmer is crucified against the refrigerator, cooking knives from the overturned knife block piercing his arms and collarbone areas. Flies buzz in confusion at the fetid stench of decay, but lack of blood. Calligan's throat is torn open, and only the knife through his mouth and the back of his throat keep the dead weight from falling off of the body. He seems drained of blood, as well as being a wizened husk of his former self*.

Ekko's tour of the upstairs is akin to a slaughterhouse. She finds five bodies in all, whether once Sleepers or Awakened, she can't tell. One is halfway out of a broken window, with it's spinal column exposed from a deep, ugly laceration down the back. The rest seem to have been randomly killed as they fled to rooms or through halls. The attic access ladder is pulled halfway down, and the body under it still holds the torn pull-cord in it's stiff hand.

* Kai rolls INT+Occult for Spoiler


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:45 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko runs for a bathroom, as her stomach begins to betray her and she empties it in a toilet. Flushing once the dry heaves have finished, she is suddenly glad Kai is in the kitchen and is not here to witness this.

She rinses her mouth out in the sink and puts some toothpaste on her finger and eats it to hide the horrendous small of vomit on her breath. She then heads back downstairs feeling shakey and pale.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:10 pm

Kai looks at Calligan's body.
seems a little early for him to be that decayed. Must be the flies.
Kai hears Ekko vomiting over the buzz of the flies and goes to meet her at the stairs
"I think we've seen everything we need to see here. This place isn't a hostel anymore, it's a mausoleum"

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:17 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko steps past Kai into the kitchen. She had already emptied her stomach and what was in here could not be nearly as bad as upstrairs.

She stares at Calligen's body for a long time, trying to figure out what could have done this to him


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:42 pm


Ekko notices the tears in the flesh of Calligan's throat are ragged, and messy. There are also faint scratches on the bone of the visible portion of his spinal column. One arm has four punctures, where a hand might have held it while driving the knife into the arm.

Also seen are linear gouges in the stainless steel surface of the fridge, with curled shavings of metal on the floor.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:12 pm

Kai looks at Ekko examining the body.
"what did you see upstairs? And what are you noticing on Calligan?"

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:48 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko frowns in thought as she considers the wounds on Calligen. "There are a few bodies upstairs in different bloody array, but much the same as Calligen. This looks like it was done by something with very large claws."

She looks at Kai, still puzzled, but it helped keep the nausea at bay, so she went with it. "Why would Banishers use claws to kill someone? Don't they generally use magic?"

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:28 am

"Could be a thrysus shapeshifter, though I doubt it. Seems a little brutal for that though." Kai looks at Calligan's body again. "I doubt this was done by mages though. It does seem a a little odd that Calligan would get attacked twice by two different supernals though in such a short amount of time."
Kai turns on a radio, and searches for any other media he can look for and casts synchronicity.
"What did this?"


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:46 am


Kai hears a local store's advertisement for this weekend's specials; Swiss Army knives on sale, Bad Boys DVD boxed set, Perrier bottled water 12 pack 24oz only, Frommer's County Durham travel book, and Carharrt jumpsuits.

Sounds like a pretty good sale for an economy in recession.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:01 pm

Kai takes a mental note of what he heard on the radio
"What an odd mix of items to be on sale." Kai states, oddly intrigued by the ad.
I need to do some research
Kai looks at his phone with the response John give him. "John wants us to call him when we are through here."

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:11 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko nods. "I am going back upstairs to see if this is the same thing, or a different attacker."

She leaves the kitchen and goes back up the stairs knowing what she is going to see and preparing herself for it. As she travels through the rooms, the scrutinizes each one carefully.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:38 pm

Ekko heads back upstairs, almost used to the smell by now. Examining the body hanging out of the window she sees the same jagged tears in the flesh and notices parallel lacerations that she had missed before. No one would blame her, it's not often one sees a spinal column still inside a body.

The victim under the attic access is similar, with scratches on the torso and around the severed hand... if Ekko had to guess, the man was forcibly pulled away from his attempt to escape into the attic.

The remaning bodies are more of the same, parallel lacerations -- although pools of blood and tissue stains of settled blood set them apart from Calligan's body. The resonance of death is heavy in the air.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by West Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:57 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Coming back downstairs, Ekko finds Kai. "All right, you can make your phone call now. We're done here. Unless there is something else you think is necessary?"

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:16 am

"Did you glean anything extra upstairs?" Kai pulls out his phone and begins to dial JD. "What do you know about County Durham?"

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:40 am


After Kai has a short conversation, a silver pinprick appears, slashing open to reveal John's 'playpen' at the Mysterium.

He's sitting in his LaZBoy, eating franks & beans out of a can. His movie is paused and he dabs at his mouth with a napkin as he waits for Kai and Ekko.


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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

Post by Kai Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:22 pm

Kai steps through the portal with Ekko. "That place looks like the wrong part of a murder hole." Kai takes a breath of fresh air, trying to ignore the stench of franks and beans.

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Back to Work (ATTN: Kai) Empty Re: Back to Work (ATTN: Kai)

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