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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:10 pm

Shadow sat at the head of the table in the large conference room in the Chapter House. She was preparing herself for what she was about to do and hoping the city would not turn on her for it. However, she felt this was for the best and wanted to do what she felt was right. With nervous eyes, she watched the door, waiting to see who would arrive first.

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Shadowbanner

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:16 pm

Rahyna walks into the room and looks at Shadow she smiles at her "Are you going to be OK with this Prince Shadow?" she asks as she walks across the room to stand next to her.

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Rahynabanner


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Lexi Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:21 pm

Erika steps into the room, looking as demure and silent as ever. She inclines her head to the two, "Good evening, Prince Shadow, Harpy Rahyna." She makes her way across the room, taking a seat near her, due to her new role, and a worry about who else might have made their way into power after the upheaval.

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Erikabanner

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:26 pm

Shadow smiles at Erika. "Good evening Seneschal Brady."

She looks at Rahyna with a nod. "Yes, I will be fine."

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:04 am

Asa arrived, scanned the room, and chose a seat directly across from the Seneschal. Bowing to the three women before he sat, he greeted them, "Prince Shadow, Harpy Rahyna, Seneschal."

Everyone attached their position to their first name... but 'Seneschal Erika' sounded so... improper.

A small mystery for a mysterious meeting.

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Asabanner


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:18 am

Dr. Asaan walked into the room, wearing a labcoat and looking fairly uncomfortable. He chose a seat a slight way away from everyone so as not to cause too much of a disturbance; the smell simply exuded off him when he was nervous. "Good evening...Prince..Harpy..Seneschal."

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Asaanbanner

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:23 am

Lioni entered the conference room, looking a bit tired. She takes a seat next to Asa and smiles at everyone. “Good evening Prince Shadow, Seneschal Brady, Harpy Rahyna, Priscus Asa, Prefect Asan. I trust we have not had any more nishaps since the other night? I would very much like to get all of this head counting nonsense over with so we can begin our investigation and stop this horrible monster.”

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Lionibanner

Ishani enters the room and bows low to the Prince. She then nods a greeting to everyone else in the room and takes a position by the door. She sets herself so that she can see all in the room and be in front of the door as well, making sure that room will stay secure and uninterrupted during the meeting.

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Ishanibanner2

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:35 am

Veritas enters the room, bows low to the Prince and then takes up a spot opposite the door from Ishani. She may not be the Sheriff, but Shadow is an Oracle and as an Axe it is Veritas’ duty to protect her as much as the other Dragons.

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Veritasbanner

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:11 pm

Sabina walks into the room and looks around at the others gathered and gives a slight bow to the Prince before taking her seat.

Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Sabinabanner


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:45 pm

Elle arrives, nodding to Ishani and bowing to her Prince before taking an equally protective spot somewhere in the room.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:05 pm

Neil enters the room looking around bowing to the new prince and finding a seat for himself as he looks around to see who is here. Wondering what would come of this meeting he watches and waits for the meeting to get started.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:35 pm

Nicolo enters, walks forward to meet his Prince where he makes a low, respectful bow, then excuses himself to find a seat.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:52 pm

Shadow smiles to everyone and looks around the room, preparing to speak.

“A few nights ago a wise kindred told me that I should never lower myself to anyone, or get on my knees, or ever be alone again because I am now Prince and worthy of much more respect then that. I thought about these words and realized this wise kindred was correct. I also realized that I am unable to meet those requirements.

I would like to tell you all a little bit more about myself so that you will understand why I must do something this evening. I would also appreciate it if none of this information ever left this room again.

My name is Nyshen Immosden. I was born almost three thousand years ago in Egypt to a slave family. We owned nothing, including ourselves and were split up and sold quickly to the current ruling Pharaoh. So, in life, I was a slave.

When I was embraced, I was never given my freedom. I was sold to the Ordo Dracul by my Crone sire to save his skin in the hopes that my beauty would assuage the Prince at the time. It did not. I was then given to another man who treated me well and taught me all I know today about my covenant and what it means to take an oath and keep it. I was never given my freedom however. It was not until thirty years ago, when I was given to a man named Malchavy in Florida that I was given my freedom.

Rahyna and Malchavy have spent a great many years trying to undo the millennia of programming I have endured. They have helped me quite a bit, but not enough to be a Prince of any domain I am afraid. So, I am stepping down as your Prince. I do not feel I am strong enough to hold this position. I also feel it would be unfair to the kindred of this city for me to deny this weakness and attempt to retain the throne. Especially not with an unknown monster running around our city and killing the strongest among us.

So, I would like all of you, in this room, to select a new Prince. It does not have to be just the people in this room that get selected, but as you all are the kindred in this city who have done the most for this city, I feel you should have the choice.”

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:03 pm

Elle's jaw drops.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:15 pm

Asa nodded, his curiosity about Shadow's slip of the tongue to Rahyna at the Dracul chapter house answered. He watched the others' reactions, and began to evaluate the situation, coolly impassive.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:22 pm

Erika stood at that point, watching the faces across the room, before speaking slowly. "This is both grave news, and wonderful news that Prince Shadow could bring herself to us with this before it became a problem with the more dissident of our kin in the city. " She pauses momentarily, still watching, before she speaks again, "In light of this, however, we now have a choice to make. It is with the greatest regard to Harpy Rahyna, that I consider she has always been the best at her position, and thus I must endorse the Priscus Asa as a candidate for Prince. He has served for many years, as I understand it, and has served well. He is the best for the position and power that this title will give him, and with that, he has my vote."

She sits down, her face remaining expressionless as she waits for a reaction.

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:18 pm

Elle looks at Erika, and nods solemnly, then looks to Asa.

"I will second the vote for Asa..." she says.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:00 pm

Ishani frowns, looking at Asa. Had he planned this? Did he really want to be Prince? Or was there something between him and Erika that she had missed? Either way, she didn’t like it. Not one bit. It was bad enough that she had to share him with the Ventrue and the Invictus, she’d be dammed if she shared him with the whole damn city.

“I nominate Rahyna.” She says, stepping forward. “I think she has done just as much for the city as Asa has. I also think she has the time and patience for it.”

Ishani looks at Asa, giving him the “we need to talk” look.

Lioni looks at Ishani as if she were daft. Why on earth would anyone but an Invictus be even worthy of the job. “I will third the vote for Asa.” She says firmly.

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:37 pm

Dr. Asaan watches the exchanges, with a great deal of discomfort on his face. The social structure was constantly changing, and that made his blood burn with fright. "I will second the vote for Harpy Rahyna." He says it quickly, and witha slight quiver in his voice.

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:50 pm

Elle looks around the room, to the other covenant heads and prisci and primogen, wondering if anything else will come up.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:02 pm

Well, that was a bit of a surprise, he thought, watching the Seneschal. Looking around, he saw faces he didn't know.

Ishani's words suprised him more. It was a good thing he had made preparations, or it would have shown on his face. He didn't even hear what Dr. Asaan said, as he composed his thoughts.

Some things were better said in private, but some things he could not let wait.

Standing, he spoke. "Thank you all for your endorsement," he said with a nod to Lioni, Erika, and Elle. "For those here that I haven't had the pleasure of meeting before this, it's only fair to share a bit about myself.

"My name is Asa Clarke, and I was a resident of Sacramento during Straiphen's reign. I left the city shortly after Freddrick assumed the Princedom, and returned some time ago. At that time, I accepted the Priscus position left vacant by Kisten Maze and shortly thereafter was deputized by the Sheriff. I have recently joined the Invictus," he said, pausing.

There. That's on the table. Now, for what needs to be said.

As much as he liked Rahyna, he wasn't aware that she had done anything other than serve as the Harpy, and the Sheriff's words had stung him.

"Since my return, I have served the city faithfully. When the rogue Nosferatu prowled the sewers, I was there to assist in her destruction. When the Gardeners came, I was at the Circle of Creation and the Scotts residence, and continued to investigate their origins and means afterward. When "Tombs" Thornton Breached the Masquerade, I led the investigation that brought him in. When the Bloodhunt was declared on Gabriel Marcus, I was one of the ones that found him and assisted in bringing him to justice."

As Asa spoke, he did so calmly, taking time to look at everyone there -- everyone except the Sheriff.

Which was odd, considering he usually looked directly at the person to whom he was speaking.

"I do not say these things to boast," Asa continued with sincerity. "I tell you all these things to let those that do not know me know what I have done for the city. I have served her faithfully, answering her needs, and I have shed my Blood for her. If those assembled here find me worthy, I will answer the city's call again, and be honored to accept the title of Prince."

Asa sat, and waited. He had chosen his words carefully, and doubted anyone would realize 'the city' and 'her' were not the same. As blunt as the Sheriff was, she may not realize it either; but that wasn't important. He had said what he needed to say, after her words.

Last edited by West on Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:07 pm

Elle listens to his speech, proud to have a friend like Asa, and glad he spoke up. She holds her tongue though, waiting to see what the others will say.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:23 am

Shadow looks at Asa and nods respectfully. "Yes, you have done a great deal and served the kindred of Sacramento well in your role as Deputy. Other then the rogue Nos, however, everything you have done has been within the perview of your job in that capacity. We thank you for your service to us and honor your commitment, Priscus."

She looks around the room, taking in each kindred's face as she continues to speak. "What I am interested in is what you plan to do now. What do you feel this city needs and are you prepared to do what it takes to provide the leadership and compassion that is required to hold this title? That is what I am interested in."

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:06 am

Rahyna can not help but have shock on her face for a brief moment as Ishani mentioned her to take the title as Prince an Invictus of all people had nominated her against another Invictus maybe she should rethink her outlook on the Invictus as a hole but she pushed that thought aside for the time being she had greater things to think about like how to present herself to those present in the room she wanted this probably not as bad as Asa did but she still wanted it.

Listening to Shadow speak she thought through what she had done for the city which unfortunately was not very much but then again she had not been here very long either so she thought to the future of the city what did it need what would she do if given the chance to change things.

After a few moments of puzzling over all the thoughts in her head Rahyna stands tall with her head held high “First let me thank both Sheriff Ishani and Prefect Dr. Asaan for their nomination I would be happy to accept this position if the city will accept me though I have not been in the city very long.”

Looking to Shadow she smiles before continuing “I feel that right now, in such a time of turmoil, the city does need to present a united front. I feel that the person who ascends the throne needs to be looking out for the city’s best interest, not the personal interests of clan or covenant. At this point the city needs to discover what has taken down the power structure so quickly. Anything that has the ability to take on so many kindred at one time needs to be dealt with quickly. That being said, once we have determined the outcome of this meeting we should gather all Hounds, Sheriffs, and Deputies to decide the best course of action for the city and how we are going to unite the city to bring down this unwanted and unknown threat. Which will no doubt be a city altering encounter and we need to not only utilize those present in the room but branch out to some of our citizens for help as well. This is a fight that I feel we can not take on with only those present in the room.” Rahyna looks at each person in the room individually before continuing on “We are kindred we are the things that go bump in the night the kine fear us as they should but what I see in the future is to be a thriving society once more. We need to put aside our own personal goals and thoughts and do what is best for not only the kindred society but all those that reside within the walls of Sacramento otherwise we may not be able to sleep soundly in our heavens during the day with out worry of the kine coming in and staking us for something that this unknown has done and to do that as I have said we as the heads of our clans and covenants and as the advisors need to agree and put up that united front.” sighing slightly she takes her seat one more knowing that what she had said is probably not what some of them wanted to hear but she had spoken her mind and that is all that she could do.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:08 pm

Asa listened, and considered Rahyna's words. He was glad this wasn't going to degenerate into mud slinging, and --no matter the outcome-- the city would be better than it was with Freddrick.

Standing again after the Harpy had sat, he addressed the room again. "Compassion is a significant word to have used," he nodded to Shadow, "especially given our natural inclinations. As those that lived under Straiphen and Freddrick know, they ruled by fear. Fear begets obedience, but fear does not inspire. As Kine governments have shown us, governing on fear alone ultimately fails. Make no mistake; weak leadership ultimately leads to anarchy. A firm hand, tempered by compassion, I wholeheartedly endorse. A directorship, rather than a dictatorship."

He briefly glanced at Neil Coben; he had been fair. He had given the man an opportunity, then a warning when it became necessary. Ultimately, Neil had failed him, and he had simply replaced him.

"As for the current situation," he continued, "I agree a united front is necessary, and that will require direction -- direction from the Prince. What I would propose is that the Covenants focus on the problem as a whole, but focus on what they are most effective at. The Dracul and Circle will research and see what answers they might provide; the Sanctum will comfort those in need and convert their churches to mass Havens, should safety in number be required. The Invictus and the Carthian Movement will assist in the investigation of whatever has done this, under the direction of the Sheriff and Hound. When these preparations have been made, those best suited among us all to deal with the threat will do so."

Will that include the 'willworkers'? They are still an unknown quantity, and better left unmentioned.

Asa sat, and awaited the questions, or decision, of those that had not made their voices heard. Some may disagree with his thoughts, or suggest they needed adjustment; that was fine, but he was a Ventrue, and hopefully had shown them that he was capable of making decisions and being the leader the city needed.

He still hadn't looked at the Sheriff, not wanting to see the thoughts behind her eyes. It was going to be a long, unpleasant night, he felt.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Lexi Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:10 pm

Dr. Asaan continued to look uncomfortable, but his voice didn't waver this time as he spoke. "Perhaps then, if we must present a united front, in particular in face of both the crisis at hand, and the oaths and orders to which most of us belong, we should find someone to lead who is not bound by covenant ties. Someone who has no one to answer to but the city itself." He shrugs slightly, and leans back in his seat, "Many covenants have requirements that they must be put first, and if I am wrong in this, then I apologize, but perhaps someone should be given power that does not have one to consider."

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:56 pm

Shadow frowns and looks at the Doctor. "So, you would have us make the same mistake twice then? No, I don't think so. This is about looking past the covenent to your city and your subjects." She looks at Rahyna and Asa. "If either one of you cannot do that, then step out of the running now."

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:02 pm

"My choice of Covenant has never influenced my decisions as a Deputy," Asa replied, "nor will it influence my decisions as Prince."

He was fairly certain Rahyna could and would say the same; he had never seen her use the position of Harpy as a weapon for her Covenant.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:25 pm

Rahyna gives Shadow a slightly hurt look that she would even for one second think that she could not put her personal interests aside for the good of the city but the look was brief when she heard Akasha stating that we would possibly want another unaligned prince this was almost laughable at least when you had someone who had allegiances you had a least a small idea of their beliefs.

“I believe that the good of the city should come before anything else if that means the city would like an open door policy to the prince so they feel that they have a voice in the decisions being made then by all means the door should be open which is something that we did not have under Fredrick’s rule or if the city feels that we need to integrate more cohesion during times of distress then I will provide a safe place for that to happen. This city is need of a prince who rules with an open ear and but still has the sense to curl the fist around those that would harm the city I feel that I would be able to do this if deemed worthy by those present in this room.”


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:14 pm

Elle looks around, waiting for the last to cast their votes, hoping she is keeping her place.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:08 pm

Sabina sat and listened to the two people that had been nominated for the job she did not know either one and both had made good arguments on their behalf normally she would not vote against the Invictus but as the Prince of the moment had stated and Rahyna had put as the backbone of her thoughts this was not about covenants it was about what is best for the city and in her opinion that would be the person who did not mention themselves once while they were addressing those gathered but more about what the city needed.

"I would like to support Harpy Rahyna for ascension to the throne."


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:26 pm

Elle blinks, counting in her head, it's tied...Veritas has to break it...


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:58 pm

Veritas looks between the two of them and shakes her head. "It seem to me ye both want the same things for the city. And, I ken that tis expected of me to be votin' for my covenent. An' I be sorry lass, but I dinna think ye be old enough to do the job. I think ye be a wonderful Harpy, but I dinna think yer emotions arte hard enough, lass. I think I'll be needin' to go wi' Asa this once."

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:09 am

Elle blinks, totally surprised, she then looks to Shadow to see if the former prince will cast her own vote.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:13 am

Asa was surprised. Then again. An evening for surprises. Erika, Ishani, Sabina, Veritas -- all unexpected.

He glanced around, to see if any other votes would be cast.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Lexi Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:23 am

Erika watched the others quietly, her eyes glancing over each of them at each turn. Ishani's vote had been entirely unexpected..Sabina's not so much after Asa's speech.

It was Veritas that threw her for a slight loop though, even if she'd already witnessed such a vote tonight. She looked to Shadow, then, the last of the upper crust.

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:23 am

Shadow stands. "I will not be voting as I asked all of you to make this decision, not me. So, it has been made. Asa, do you have anything you wish to change in our current ruling structure, or are you happy with the way things stands as they are?"

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:27 am

Elle looks to her Prince, hoping to hold her position.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:03 am

Asa stood, and smiled at the gathering. "I am very pleased with the current structure, and will name my Primogen shortly. What I would like to do now is announce a Court so that the city may be made aware of recent events."

Turning to Rahyna, he smiled, "Harpy, would you be so kind as to host the Court? I think many of us here would appreciate the chance to see the Museum again, and your last party was cut short."


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:07 am

Elle blinks, surprised that he will change the primogen, she looks around the room at the rest gathered, eyes bright, the woman just a little on edge with nerves.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:07 am

Rahyna keeps her face expressionless and looks at Asa "Yes I would be happy to host a court for you are there any special preparations would you like made for this court and when would you like it to be held Prince Clarke?"


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:48 pm

"Thank you, and as soon as convenient, and nothing special needs to be done," he replied.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:01 pm

So the Harpy still stands as Harpy....Where do you leave the rest of us Asa? she thinks, keeping her face calm.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:04 pm

Rahyna turns towards Elle and gives her a smile and figures with everything she has been through lately maybe a distraction would help her "Hound Moraine would you mind helping with preparations for the upcoming court I would like to have it as soon as possible and it is more work than one person can do."


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:06 pm

"I would be honored to help you Harpy Rahyna..." she nods solemnly.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:08 pm

Rahyna nods in response to Elle and then looks at Shadow and gives her a look of I will talk to you later and then leaves the room.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Guest Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:10 pm

Elle bows to her prince, glad to have escaped with her title in tact and going through her head who has claws big enough to help her...

She follows Rahyna out and dissappears into the night.


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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by Lexi Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:11 pm

Erika stands, and inclines her head to the new Prince. "Since you've seen fit to keep us in our current positions, I am at your disposal. Please let me know if there is anything needed of me."

Dr. Asaan looks as uncomfortable as ever, now that the meeting is over. He stands shakily and bows his head "Good evening, Prince. My services are yours, should you ever need corpses examined." He quickly exits the building.

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Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads Empty Re: Meeting of Clan and Covenent Heads

Post by West Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:30 pm

Shadow stands and bows to the new Prince, byond relieved that she no longer has that kind of responsiability. "I am glad to see this turned out well for you, Prince Asa. I am always at your disposal if you need me."

Veritas and Ishani bow to the Prince, murmuring similer words of congradulations and offering any assistence necessary. Then, both leave the room quickly, anxious to get on to their own business.

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