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Midnight Mass

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 2:01 am

Auvrey's eyebrows climbed as well, mirroring Shadow's. Definitely not what he had expected.

"My lady," he replied slowly, "Nothing would delight me more, but I would not want to offend the Seneschal."


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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 2:05 am

Shadow frowns as she begins to stand.

"I am my own person, Mr. Auvrey, something Rahyna has spent many years trying to teach me. I can make my own decisions and I am deciding to take you to a more appropriate place to talk."

She slides out of the pew and begins to walk down the aisle, stopping at Rahyna's group for a moment.

"I will be outside in the gardens if you need me." She tells Rahyna, then walks out the door.

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 2:20 am

"It's Feiran, my last name..." he started to say, and then watched her leave. Seeing her speak to the Seneschal, Auvrey sighed.

Well, if it was going to be his last night in the city, he'd make the most of it.

Submissive personality, his ass. He'd see about that.

Auvrey slid out, and followed, resisting the urge to look at the Seneschal and see what her expression told him.


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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by HAKaeverak Sun May 10, 2009 7:14 pm

Anatoly bows once more as he speaks.

I am Anatoly Divoff of clan Nosferatu, a member of the proud Yagnatia bloodline. I favor no covenants. I have come to Sacremento in hopes of finding a permanent home.

He nods and smiles, before turning and gesturing at the smaller woman standing behind him.

And this is Natenska, my attendant.

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by Guest Mon May 11, 2009 7:26 pm

Rahyna looks at the three new people in front of her "Very well consider yourselves acknowledged the rack is located down town if you have need of it the mascaraed is of the utmost importance in this city and is to be upheld the rest of the rules of the city are still up in the air they were put in place by our former prince and the present prince has not yet made any changes to them. Ohhhh and one more think all police. EMT's, hospital workers, fire fighters, and public safety workers are all off limits for feeding purposes. If you have not yet met your Priscus please let me know and I will get you in touch with them." she smiles at all of them in turn "Welcome to the city."

Sabina considers Mrs. Scotts confession for a moment before responding "Well ma'am you should reflect on why you have coveted what your betters have and better yourself from there as for penance for these transgressions you will need to give up something that you value to another."


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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by shouldabeenadog Mon May 11, 2009 7:37 pm

"Thank you for showing me the path." Mrs. Scotts leaves.

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by FreshCK Mon May 11, 2009 9:45 pm

Black listens carefully to Rayhna describe the laws. "Well, thanks for the head's up," he responds, "but I'm not much for feeding on those that actually contribute to society. Usually the opposite. Tormenting the sinful and all that."

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by West Mon May 11, 2009 10:06 pm

Selene nods. "Sounds like a wise decision. Thank you for the warm welcome. I would like to speak with my Priscus, when that is possible. I would also like to meet the Bishop and the rest of the Sanctified."

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by HAKaeverak Tue May 12, 2009 1:03 am

Anatoly's smile broadens. I am nothing if not discreet. You need not worry about me breaking the masquerade. But, yes. I do wish to meet with my Priscus.

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by Guest Tue May 12, 2009 6:30 pm

Rahyna looks at each one in turn "The Nosferatu Priscus has recently met his final death they are holding a meeting on the 12th you may want to attend it is being held at the Museum of Aquatic Nuances, the Gangrel Priscus is Veritas she can usually be found at the chapter house but it may be better to give her a call first here is her number, and finally I am the Daeva Priscus and am available any time that you need me here is my number." she hands a piece of paper with the appropriate names and numbers on them to the appropriate people and smiles. "Is there anything else that I can help you with this evening?"


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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by HAKaeverak Tue May 12, 2009 7:19 pm

Anatoly is plainly shocked at the news. Goodness! What happened?

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by Guest Tue May 12, 2009 7:48 pm

"It is my understanding that he met his death via either an intruder to his domain that he had pissed off or the same person that has disposed of many of our other residents including the former Hound, Prince, and Harpy to name a few." Rahyna answers his question with a slight hint of regret at not having more information for him.


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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by West Tue May 12, 2009 10:12 pm

Selene looks alarmed at this news. "That's horrible! If there is anything I can do to help, please, let me know. I think I will be taking my leave now though. I still have a lot of unpacking to do and Lenwood has some settling in he needs to finish."

She stands and extends her hand toward Rahyna once more. "Thank you very much Seneschal for your very warm welcome. I look forward to working with you."

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by HAKaeverak Wed May 13, 2009 7:03 pm

Anatoly's brow furrows as he hears the news. Very distressing. I too am eager to hear what assistance I can offer, and I will make that meeting a priority.

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by Guest Wed May 13, 2009 9:16 pm

Rahyna nods to all those in front of her and then stands "Well I must find my friend it is getting late and would like to make it home soon if any of you needs anything please let me know I am available almost any time." she turns and walks towards the direction she had seen Shadow go.


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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by HAKaeverak Wed May 13, 2009 9:30 pm

Anatoly bows to Rahyna as she begins walking away, and then with a nod and farewell to the others he makes his own exit.

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by West Wed May 13, 2009 9:50 pm

Selene also exits, with the help of Lenwood.

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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

Post by Guest Thu May 14, 2009 8:26 pm


All those who have not left yet start to file out without incident and the church is closed up.



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Midnight Mass - Page 2 Empty Re: Midnight Mass

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