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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by BloodiedClaws Fri May 08, 2009 1:09 am

O-Yama internally flinched at Shadow's sharp look, wondering why the idea of a warrior coterie would bother her so. He had already expressed his intention of creating the Coterie when she had been Prince, why would it bother her now? Oh well, as she said they would discuss it later...

"Yes milady." He said looking at her. Then looking to the Prince.

"We could try looking at local newspapers, or even that damnable television, to see if there have been any other attacks, murders, or even "suicides" in the city that match Mr. Bethem's profile."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by jmiland1 Fri May 08, 2009 2:50 am

Martin just stares at the table during the many outbursts, glad he's not in Ms. Scotts' shoes right now. He taps his foot, considering. There was one thing he'd thought of, but he wasn't sure if it should be mentioned in front of... all of these. He doesn't want to get yelled at the way she had been, but Martin finally decides that he'll have to take that chance.
"My Prince," Martin says, and he speaks directly to Asa--this is primarily Invictus business, and best to pretend all of the non-Invictus simply weren't there. "Lioni was a member of House Millar. It's my understanding that, typically, Houses operate in cycles. There is usually at least one member of the bond that is in torpor. Perhaps the House still has one of our kind who is in eclipse? And perhaps this one may be of sufficient power to aid in our struggle?"

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri May 08, 2009 3:54 am

Mrs. Scotts bows to those assembled, and sits in the parlor. Her face is calm, an emotionless.

Not quite as planned, but it will have to do.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 11:41 am

"Considering we know nothing of the eclipsed," Asa replied with a slight shake of his head, "including their whereabouts, or the wishes of any survivors of House Millar, I don't see that as a realistic option."

There had to be something that could be done. Perhaps it was time to approach Mr. Kai, and see if an agreement could be reached -- if they could help.

"Is there anything we can do at this point, other than put him under surveillance if he is seen in public again?" Asa asked, addressing the room again.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 12:14 pm

Elle waits with her group on the porch. She looks to Konstantin and smiles a bit, glad that he got an opportunity to show his worth to the Prince. She looks to Arnold, alarming as he is, and is glad he was there just for the creep out factor. She looks at Ace... That asshole she has tried to forget for the last five years, here sitting in front of her, smug as ever.

She knocks on the Chapter House door.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by DaevaDude Fri May 08, 2009 2:17 pm

On one level, Konstantin was glad that bringing this Ace in did not result in a fight, knowing from severald decades as a nomad that unnecessary fights were a pretty good path to a short Reqiuem. At the same time, though, he was strangely disappointed, since he figured his martial prowess was the thing most likely to bring him status in Kindred society. Disappointment of the moment aside, though, he figured eventually he'd get a chance to demonstrate that prowess. He knew violent incidents were inevitable when lots of Kindred clustered together, and given what the Hound had said about Kindred being killed by someone, he figured the odds of something happening before too long were pretty good.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri May 08, 2009 9:10 pm

Mrs. Scotts answers the door.

"I assume you are here for the meeting. It is this way." Mrs. Scotts leads them to the conference room, knocks, and deferentially pokes her head in. "Hound Morraine." She announces, before returning to the Parlor. She does take a moment to whisper to the hound.
"Everyone is angry, speak very carefully."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 9:34 pm

Elle eyes Scotts, why the hell is she not in the meeting?

She looks behind her. "Mr. Culler, Konstantin? Please watch Ace a moment while I deliver this information to the Prince, I will inform him of your aid in this situation." she says.

She looks at Ace, "run? And I will stake your ass so fast your head will spin..." she glares, then steps into the room.

She stays silent, the paper and thumbdrive held in her hand, waiting to be acknowledged by her Prince.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Lexi Fri May 08, 2009 9:41 pm

"Ahh, the Illustrious Hound returns. With good news, I hope?"

Erika continues sitting as stiffly as she possibly could, but her eyes settle on the door and the person coming through it.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Premsyl Fri May 08, 2009 9:43 pm

Arnold nods, leaning up against a wall and crossing his arms. Eyes on Ace.

"You got it."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 9:46 pm

Elle nods deferentially to the Harpy, holding up the paper and jump drive. She notices that the woman looks upset and tilts her jead just slightly in concern.

"Some information that should prove useful to us all I hope, and Ace is waiting outside with Arnold Culler and Konstantin our new arrival who aided me in retrieving him," she nods, looking very serious.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 10:36 pm

Asa watched as Erika reinforced his earlier treatment of the Hound, curious if it were something she enjoyed, or just a drive to do well at whatever she did. He knew that she would be a good Harpy.

Motioning to Elle, he took the paper and drive.

"Sheriff," he looked at Ishani, "Could you please find out if Ace's earlier message to me was referring to the Final Death of Dr. Asaan?" He knew with Asaan gone, she also needed time to make personal arrangements. "I'd also like you to evaluate Mr. Culler and Konstantin when you have the chance."

After the Sheriff and Hound left, Asa passed the paper around, giving everyone a chance to read the history and details of Eric Bethem.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by DaevaDude Fri May 08, 2009 11:14 pm

Konstantin keeps a very close eye on Ace. If Ace moves, Konstantin also moves, so that Ace is always more or less between him and Arnold. Otherwise, he stands calmly, his hands in front of him, left hand on right wrist. He glances around the immediate surroundings just enough to have a sense of what is where, should anything happen, but whichever way his eyes move, he makes sure they spend more time on Ace than anywhere else.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Fri May 08, 2009 11:55 pm

The paper reads:

Some time ago (like a few centuries) a small band of travelers settled in the area for a while. They made a small village and stayed here for a few decades. They prospered quite well during that time and it looked as though the little village might grow and become something important. Then, a traveller came to the village claiming to be passing through and asked the local farmers for a night's room and board. The farmers, being nice polite God fairing people, agreed and gave the man what he needed for a comfortable evening.

Later that month, a merchant band came through the village and found every member of it dead and rotting. All of the blood from the bodies was missing. Most of them were simply punctured with two neat marks, but some of the bodies had throats torn out or were maimed in other ways.

Then, a few years later, another group came and settled here. They were prosperous for a time and the same traveller came through. This kind of wandering killer problem continued for a long time.

One night, after another group had made this area their home, the traveller returned again. This time though, the villagers were ready and waiting. They had planned to capture and kill the man. After a long night of fighting and a lot of men dying, they finally mamaged to get a steak through the killers heart.

They threw him down a very deep well and then filled it, hoping to never see the traveller again. And none of them did.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Sat May 09, 2009 1:14 am

Asa waited until everyone had read the information.

"At this point, perhaps we should see if the City Hall's records or Army Corp of Engineers can tell us where settlers started the city? Perhaps some new construction unearthed this filled-in well." he asked, thinking out loud.

"Thoughts?" he asked the others.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Soul Sat May 09, 2009 7:15 am

Marius had remained in the library for a bit longer, as he wasn't told who had been arriving and no one had insisted on his coming. He was surprised to see the other Primogen and the Prince gathered, when he headed back up to the main library.
He quickly read into the situation however, and decided to keep explanations to a minimum.
"My apologies for being late." He said, giving a short bow to the Prince and taking a seat.

He read over the paper that had been handed around and frowned. It seemed like whoever was tormenting these settlers was doing it quite selectively and consistently, but it definitively helped, and opened up other avenues of research.
He didn't know how much had been pitched in already, but still decided to share his thoughts.
"While researching in the library, I also gave some thought as to how we could contain and defeat such a powerful opponent. I believe the best way to be with technology. Whoever and whatever this person is, he has surely not seen a lot of this new century, and as many of us know, adapting to new technology takes a lot of time and effort, even when we aren't asleep in torpor." He folded his hands together, knowing that he didn't actually want to kill this person before at least having the chance to talk to him, but aware that he had to show he was helping to a certain extent.
"Chemical fire flare guns, long range sniper rifles, tracking chips to tag him once we get the chance; these are just a few examples of useful tools which he might not even know exist. It is also why I suggest we track and hunt this man as fast as we can, to not give him enough time to adapt. In the mean time we can look into the history of Sacramento, but these two endeavors need to run simultaneously. That is my suggestion to the Prince." He leaned back in his chair and waited to see what the others thought of this, or if it had already been mentioned.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by jmiland1 Sat May 09, 2009 2:38 pm

"If no one else has the means, I may be able to contact people within the Hall of Records or the Engineers. I can also make some calls and find out the details of any new construction, once we have an idea of where he might have been interred," Martin says.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Sat May 09, 2009 2:44 pm

Asa nodded to Martin. He held back his thoughts on Marius' suggestion, waiting to see if any of the other Primogen, or the Seneschal or Harpy, had suggestions or comments.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Forn Clakes Sat May 09, 2009 2:55 pm

At the mention of the underground, Jayant's mind turns to his fellow Acolyte, Sunshine, and his specialised knowledge of the sewers.

"I will be honoured to investigate the sewers for leads, my Lord. I have a comrade very adept in that part of the city."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Sat May 09, 2009 9:27 pm

Bella looks at Jayant, thinking that may be a good idea. She really didn't know what other suggestions she could add. They seemed to be thinking of just about everything, although someone did need to be out there lookling for this guy but then the same problems they had with the plant people came to mind.

"I can help Jayant with that task, if you'd like Prince Clarke. The sewers in a city this large are.......very vast. It might be best to have more then two on that endeavor."

Shadow shakes her head. This was like lookingt for a needle in a hay stack.

"I will continue to look in my library for anything that might be useful as far as information on the old ones. The more knowledge we have on what to expect from this man the better."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Forn Clakes Sat May 09, 2009 9:49 pm

Jayant turns to face Miss Orchid and bows slightly to her. Two Khaibit working together would be a formidable partnership, even if Final Death awaits them.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Sat May 09, 2009 10:13 pm

"Marius," Asa said, "Your idea has merit, and using his age against him is innovative; however, I have to consider what comes next. If I allow, no, encourage, the saturation of the city with weapons and technology geared toward Kindred, the long-term effects may be devastating. Even if we were able to keep distribution under control, and recover everything afterward, we educate every Kindred in the city about what is available -- possibly beginning a general arms escalation within the city."

"However, I will discuss this with the Sheriff, along with a request to see what the city has in the way of... martial prowess," he concluded.

"In the meantime, the Hound and those that just assisted her will be put on the streets, helping the Sheriff patrol. Martin Carpenter will see if he can narrow down a search area for Bella and Jayant. Shadow, and I assume Marius, will continue to research. The Seneschal and Harpy will handle the day-to-day of the city, as well as coordinate everyone's actions and distributing information," Asa outlined.

And I will see what these... 'willworkers'... have to offer -- and what they would ask for their assistance.

"Also, for those that have not kept up with the Kine news, it was reported that Akasha Asaan, Priscus of the Nosferatu, Prefect of the Carthian Movement, has met his Final Death. Lady Shadow," he said, "Please let your family member know, and have them decide on a new Priscus."

"Does anyone have any questions, comments, or anything to add before we conclude and get started?" Asa asked.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Lexi Sat May 09, 2009 11:18 pm

Erika nods slightly at Asa's words, and then looks over to Rahyna, "We will work together to make certain things run smoothly. I'll also make sure that everyone knows what they need to know."

Her eyes then draw close on Asa, and she expends her will momentarily, her thoughts spreading out towards the Prince. ~I would like to speak with you in private about matters you asked of me previously. There are two whom might be able to help in our endeavors reaching out to other pieces of the puzzle.~

She didn't know how many knew of either of their connections with will-workers, and she wasn't going to air that laundry. Not yet, anyway.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 12:07 am

Shadow nods to the Prince, thinking it was beyond over due for a Nosferatu meeting. Although she was not looking forward to being the one to call it, but the Prince's orders were the Prince's orders.

Bella looks around. "Well, shall we get started then?"

Ishani steps out of the room and takes Arnold and Konstantin into a different room. She closes the door behind them and turns to the two men with a smile.

"I hear you both have some capacity with martial abilities? Would you mind telling me what it is you can do?"

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by DaevaDude Sun May 10, 2009 1:24 am

Konstantin nods in reply. "But of course, Sheriff. I am Konstantin Vladamir Malevich. I served as soldier and scout in the army of Pietr, Emperor of Russia, known now as Peter the Great. I am good fighter with my hands and with weapons. Like many Russians, I am good wrestler. I am good with many weapons. In public I get by with knife." He slowly draws back his longcoat, showing the Bowie knife sheathed at his side. "But when big fight is expected, I prefer big weapons. I am very good with spear, also like to fight with axe. Like most Russians, it takes much for me to feel effects of pain."

He continues, "I have learned much of how to use the power of my blood. I can make my flesh very thick, and my muscles even stronger than most of time. I have learned much to change my flesh. I can make my nails become claws, like bear, and take the form of wolf and bat. This very useful in war, because war depends on speed and position and scouting. As wolf, I have good sense of smell and am fast. As bat, I can fly and watch opponents from above, find good position."

Konstantin rubs his bearded chin and looks to the side, as if deep in thought. He intentionally decides to not mention one trick he's learned in his travels. "It is good to keep some things secret, to surprise those who think they know what I can do", he thinks to himself.

Looking back at the Sheriff, he shrugs. "I have been nomad for long time and been many places, seen many things. I know desert, mountain, forest, jungle, deep snow, and I know some about many places and peoples and about many strange things in the world. Sometimes this does not help in fight, but sometimes knowing something gives advantage over opponent. Knowing how they fight, knowing their language if they think you do not know it, you can surprise them." He grins just slightly. "And if you surprise opponent, fight sometimes is over, how they say... before it starts."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 1:39 am

Ishani listens to Konstantin, eyebrows raised. She had not expected such a thorough resume of what the man could do and she had to admit, she was impressed.

"That is an extremely impressive list of abilities, Konstantin. I may have a job for you once I speak with the Prince. I can find many uses for a man like you. One of them being guarding the Prince's body, specificly. But I will need to speak to him about it first."

She turns to Arnold. "And you, my friend? You seem to be extremely intelligent and wise. Are you physically apt as well?"

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by DaevaDude Sun May 10, 2009 2:00 am

Konstantin nods in response to the Sheriff's words. He does not interrupt to comment or reply, as he also is interested in what Arnold can do since it appears they may be working together, but he doesn't try to hide his pleasure in the idea of so lofty a position as the Sheriff suggests, and he can't help but think about that. "This is much more than I hoped for, coming here. This was a good idea, and the right time. Guarding the Prince would give me ready access to blood and to equipment."

For most, Konstantin's idea of wealth - some new clothes, an array of basic weapons for different occasions, perhaps some sort of modern light armor and a small workshop for him to maintain his weapons - but those simple things would amount practically to a gold mine for a vampire that had spent most of his existence as a nomad.

"I must be patient, though. Before being trusted with the Prince's life, I will have to do everything I can to prove myself, to earn this." He resolves to do just that.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 2:09 am

Asa almost jumped as he heard Erika's words in his mind, and his eyes slowly moved to find hers. Even more surprises.

Standing, he nodded to Bella. "An excellent suggestion. You all know how to reach me, or the Seneschal."

"Rahyna, Dr. Brady, if you could stay, I'd like a word in private," he added, as the others were dismissed.


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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by jmiland1 Sun May 10, 2009 2:25 am

Martin leaves, pulling out his cellphone and dialing as he hits the street.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 2:29 am

Bella signals Jayant to follow her so they can collaborate on their sewer run.

Shadow gives a nod and leaves to begin contacting the other Nosferatu in the city.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Lexi Sun May 10, 2009 2:45 am

Erika nods politely, and leans back in the chair, relaxing just slightly as some of the people leave the room. She hadn't particularly wanted to blow up at that precise moment...such scolding was typically better done in private. But that woman...that incompetent woman...

Enough was enough. Everyone had their breaking points, and it had only been a matter of time.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Premsyl Sun May 10, 2009 3:07 am

Arnold finds he is humbled by the Sheriff's praise of him, though he thinks it rather undeserved. He smiles, wishing in his mind it were something nicer to behold. And inclines his head respectively to the Sheriff before answering.

"I appreciate the compliment, Sheriff, though I've never considered myself to be especially wise. I've just been around the block a few times, seen the best and the worst this world has to offer. I won't regale you with my personal history, but I'll say that I held the position of Hound, for over half a century, in a turbulent southern city. That position taught me a lot about using my good looks to intimidate someone when I needed to. I'd still be there, if I'd not failed in my duty, but I learned much that day. That position defined me as a Kindred. Best days of my requiem."

"My power lies in my strength and size. I've never cared much for guns, so much more fun to be able to be there to see them writhe. I'm skilled with a knife, and I'm just as deadly without one. I'm good in a stand up fight, but if I get my arms around my enemy then they're finished."

"My curse affords me some advantage in battle, many people find themselves frightened of me even before I begin using the powers of my clan to turn that fear into a weapon. I can use my disciplines to increase my strength, or to disappear from view."

"I'd also like to say that I know the meaning of loyalty. I will go, grinning, to my final death to complete my task and defend this city."

Because I'll never accept the dishonor of failure again.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Forn Clakes Sun May 10, 2009 3:18 am

Jayant follows Bella, keeping as ever to her left and a single step behind, his right hand clasping his left wrist where it rests on his lower back.

"Miss Orchid, the city's sewers are complex. I have been there a couple of times but only to localised areas. However, I have a friend who travels them......indefinatly. He will be a great help to this endeavour."

He failed to mention the fact regarding Sunshine's reasons for staying underground and his affiliations with the Crone. Jayant really did not cherish the thought of causing a wedge to early in this partnership.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sun May 10, 2009 4:03 am

O-Yama falls in step with Shadow, still wondering why she had looked at him so sharply at the mention of a warrior Coterie. He decided that when she felt like discussing it she would. He hoped the idea of bringing together such a like-minded group would not drive a wedge between them, he very much liked the position as hr bodyguard... and though he tried to deny it, he could not deny that he was beginning to have feelings for her other than in a business sense. He only hoped that she could one day return the feeling, until such a day, if it ever came, he would serve her faithfully.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Soul Sun May 10, 2009 6:44 am

Marius stood after the Prince had dismissed them, not showing his slight disappointment. Every kindred who had ever gone to the cinema or rented a few DvD's knew what kind of nifty weapons there were to fight against Vampires. If the Prince had outfitted a small group to protect himself and the city, then they would at least stand a chance when it came down to it.
Then again, he didn't really care. At least this way he could conduct some more of his own research into the matter.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by DaevaDude Mon May 11, 2009 8:40 pm

Konstantin nods in response to Arnold's account of his abilities. "He sounds like a worthy warrior... the sort it would be good to fight alongside."

"Sheriff," Konstantin says. "I would be honored by the position you mentioned, guard to the Prince, and would do what I can to demonstrate my fitness for the job. I was told by the Hound there has been much bad happening in this city, and since the Prince has generously allowed me to be in his city, and I would repay this by serving however I am ordered to help bring end to these killings of Kindred."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Mon May 11, 2009 9:30 pm

Ishani nods at Arnold. "Good, I am glad to hear you have previous Hound experience. That makes my job a lot easier."

She looks at Konstantin. "Well, I still need to discuss it with him, Konstantin. He may not be very happy about having someone following him around all the time. We'll see about the guard thing, but I can assure you, if the Prince declines that, I will definitly take you as a Deputy. Since my last one became Prince." She sats with a smile.

"As soon as Asa comes out of that room, I'll find out what he is looking for as far as what you guys can do. I don't know if he wants the information for a specific reason or if he wants to make sure we have enough people well versed in fighting tactics. Either way, we'll find out."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by DaevaDude Mon May 11, 2009 11:33 pm

Konstantin nods and says "And either way, I will serve, Sheriff."

Konstantin thinks to himself, "These killings, the fear they engender, it creates a desperation, and opportunity. This was a good time to come here." Based on his previous experience with Kindred society - the same experience that convinced him he was better off being a nomad for the past 50+ years - Konstantin did not think this openness and easy acceptance would be a lasting thing, but he hoped that by the time things changed, he would have established a place for himself within the city.

Of course, that all assumed that whoever or whatever was causing all these killings would be dealt with by that time, and that he would survive that process.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Tue May 12, 2009 10:35 pm

Ishani nods. "Excellent I am glad to hear you both are willing to help. I need for you two to accompany Jayant, Bella, and Sunshine in the sewers. I have been down there a few times and it is not exactly a pretty sight. I am sure between the four of you though, you should be able to handle anything that shows up. While you're down there, see if you can find a kindred who calls himself the Mole too. He usually lives down there, but with the recent findings and this new threat, I'd like to make sure he's ok."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Premsyl Tue May 12, 2009 11:47 pm

Arnold shrugs, heaving his huge shoulders. The muscles in his neck tighten audibly, followed by a loud pop from his spine.

"Sounds good. I'm no stranger to a city's sewers. It isn't fun but it won't be a problem. When should we expect to be going?"

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by DaevaDude Wed May 13, 2009 1:13 pm

"Yes, when do we leave?" Konstantin asks. He's not thrilled about fighting in the close quarters of a sewer - definitely not the sort of environment that favors the sort of large weapons he prefers - but he's been in places far worse than any sewer, and his knife and his claws were readily available.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Wed May 13, 2009 7:28 pm

Ishani shrugfs. "That would be up to Bella and Jayant. They're running that show."

She pulls out a pad and writes down their numbers for each man and hands them over. "Here's their contact info. I would give them a call and find out when they are planning to go on their hunt. I will also give you both a call after I have talked to the Prince and he tells me what his plans are for you, if any."

She tries to smile reassuringly, but her anger at Asa was still fresh and she was sure it came out as more like a smirk.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by DaevaDude Wed May 13, 2009 8:39 pm

"Sheriff, this... call. I do not have phone."

Konstantin does not add that not only does he not have a phone, but he hasn't the slightest idea how to work a cel phone. Years ago, when spending a bit of time near El Paso, he'd had to figure out how to use a payphone to get hold of someone to whom he'd promised to pass along a message from another nomad. It had taken him several tries to get that right, and that only after he'd smashed one payphone in frustration.

He looks at Arnold. "Perhaps I can stay near you to get call? If we may be fighting together, would be good to share warrior stories, get to know each other."

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by Premsyl Thu May 14, 2009 9:06 pm

Arnold stifles a smirk at the old timer's newness to the technology of the day.

"You can come with me, Konstantin. I'll try to explain to you a bit about cell phones, maybe get you one."

He claps Konstantin on the shoulder. Nods respectively to Ishani. Until next time, Madame Sheriff.

He leads Konstantin out of the chapter house, beginning to try to explain about phone technology in the last ten years.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

Post by West Thu May 14, 2009 9:09 pm

Ishani leaves the chapter house as wel, heading home and to the inevitable conversation she needed to have with Asa.

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The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Chapter House + Revelation (ATTN: Lots)

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