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Looking for Information

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Looking for Information - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 8:50 pm

Rahyna shrugs and looks at Auvery knowing that now would be a great time for them to have there little chat.


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Looking for Information - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for Information

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 10:50 pm

After the others leave Rahyna turns to Auvery "Mr Feiran I need to know what your interest in Shadow is before you move into the Chapter House" she speaks to him with a very even tone and it is dripping with fear for some reason.

"The same as my interest in any Dragon," Auvrey replied, with a slightly curious tone. "The same interest I have in you. My Blood has served the Ordo Dracul since Dracula himself."

"And exactly how has your blood served the Ordo Dracul certainly it is not written anywhere that you must hold the hand of every Dragon with in your presense" the last words wavered slightly "Be honest with me do you wish there to be something between you and Shadow becuase if you do I feel I have a right to know."

"That is a difficult question. I certainly find her attractive, but it also seems as if she is in the midst of a personal chrysalis, which I would not interfere with," Auvrey replied evenly. "I will, however, assist her in that chrysalis in whatever way she requests. Just as I would any other Dragon."

"Well Auvery if I may call you that I just want you to know that she is the one and only person I trust completely she knows more of me than any other person and I will not see her hurt." Rahyna sighs to herself and then looks at Auvery with the weight of what seems like the world on her shoulders "Come sit with me if you are here to aid in personal development maybe you can help me as well." she starts to walk towards the winding staircase in the middle of the mueum and sits on the stairs and looks up at him.

"Of course," Auvrey said, following her. "Would you like me to ensure our privacy?"

"That would be nice even though I own the building we can still ensure no one enters while we discuss this if some of it got out it may not be a very good thing for me."

Auvrey concentrates, setting up a small Refuge. "Are you in the midst of personal change as well?" he asked, sitting down. "And it seems to involve Shadow, if I may be so bold."

Rahyna sighs "I am but not just where Shadow is concerned it seems everythng that I have believed for so many years is being thrown at me and changed I have spent the last many years of my requium hateing men and the invicuts." she touches her hand to the tattoo on her breast "But most importantly as far as the here and now are conerned I have hated the idea of love and what it can cost you but I find myself loving our very own Shadow and have admitted it to her and then what do I find her in the garden with you holding hands" a hint of hurt mixed with anger accompany the last part of her statement.

"That sounds like change to me," Auvrey said with a smile. "When you admitted your feelings to her, what was her response?" Auvrey asked. "I did see the two of you at Eva Carino's art show," he added, "while i spoke to dr. brady."

"Actually that little display at the art show was because she did not understand what I meant when I said I loved her she thought it meant as a friend so I showed her instead." another sigh escapers her lips "I still don't think she fully understands."

"Now, when you say love," Auvrey asked, "do you mean in the physical sense? Or in the sense that you care more for her happiness than your own?"

"Both" she says the one word with more sincerity then she had felt for anything else in a very long time she knew she would do anything for Shadow

"Has she spoken to you about what she wants?" he asked, curious to see what he could and could not say about what Shadow had told him.

"Unfortunately we have not really had a chance to speak much since that night." there is now sorrow in her voice "I know that I need to talk to her about this but I dont't want to scare her either she is nieve when it comes to matters of the body and heart I do belive more so when it comes to the body."

"She should learn from someone who cares about her, then," Auvrey said. "What have been your thoughts about the possiblity that Shadow may not feel the same way?" Auvrey paused, then added, "I'm not suggesting that she said anything, you understand."

Rahyna sat witha horrified look on her face for a few moments not wanting to answer the questions "I dont't know what I would do if I was rejected again."

"Rejection is always a possibility when you open yourself to another person," Auvrey gave her a curious look. "It's especially hard to accept with the predator inside of us."

"You just don't understand what another rejection like this would cost me." she looks up at him with a single blood red tear falling down her cheek at even the thought of it.

"Tell me about the first one," Auvrey said, wiping her tear with the cuff of his shirt.

Rahyna stares at him for a moment knowing Shadow had put alot of effort into hiding her past and now here she was bringing it up to a perfect stranger "Well the man was the most loving person you could imagine when we first met but then after he took my life from me he decided I was not what he wanted and turned me out on my own with nothing and then he actually had me hunted (she laughes as the words come from her lips) can you belive that first he stops my heart then has me hunted down like some common criminal." anger was starting to rise at this thought " I was barely old enough to survive on my own but then I met Shadow." she stops abruptly realizeing if not for him she would never have met Shadow the one nice thing he did for her in a round about way.

"I don't think you would have to worry about anything like that if Shadow wanted to just remain friends," Auvrey replied, eyebrows furrowed in thought. "At the same time, you have to know that she may or may not feel the same, and be willing to accept her decision. Love is acceptance."

"I know that love is acceptance I just don't know how I would feel if the one person who has accepted me flaws and all rejected me. I know it sounds petty but I want her to feel the same way I do."

"It's not petty to think you've found 'the one'," Auvrey smiled. "If it's any relief, I will tell you that, yes, I have an inordinate fondness for women; however, you don't have to worry about me taking advantage of Shadow. Althought, whatever her thoughts are, and what she has said to me, I hope that you understand I can't share."

"Well Auvery tell me what you think of the two of us what are your thoughts I mean am I wrong to want her I know I have other issues but I just thought that with her it wouldn't matter. Ohh I am sorry here I am babbling trying to work out personal things." she sighs again she realizes she has been doing that alot lately "I honestly thought that woman would be easier than men."

"Well, I know that friendship is an excellent foundation for a more intimate relationship," Auvrey said slowly, "but it also has higher risks. II'm not sure if there is any 'easier' way to approach a relationship. Please, dont' apoologize for talking about person things," he said with a smile, "that's what I'm here for. As far as you and Shadow in particular go, I think perhaps it's time for the two of you to talk, and discuss the things you've each shared with me."

"I know you are right but I just have this really odd feeling that she may feel I'm too young for her or that I am just making her out to be a security blanket or something Reginold never taught me anything about this except that with love comes pain for everyone involved."

"Well, you'll never know until you ask. And if she does, maybe she's been your friend long enough to see something you don't," he suggested. "Sometimes our friends see things we hide from ourselves -- but I'm not saything that she does, or that is the case. Just... food for thought. Love does have the capacity to cause pain. As much as you love someone or something, is exactly as much as you can be hurt by them or it. You are doing the right thing, though. Some people are hurt once, and never expose themselves to rejection again. Then again, there are always the things we are told, that our kind are incapable of true emotion," he shrugged.

"Well Auvery tell me what do you see when you look at me not my title or my appearence but me what do you see?" Rahyna gets up and stands directly infront of him.

"I see a woman trying to take control of her life back, both by facing her fears, and pursuing her own goals," Auvrey said.

"Do you know what I see I see a rejected six year old vampire and her sire tossed her out at three months old so tell me again Auvery what do you see when you look at me." she glares at him with the full force of herself "If my sire saw no worth in me why would anyone else."

"Why are you the Seneschal, then?" Auvrey asked calmly.

"I don't know you would have to ask Prince Asa that question." she turns her back to him "But you have not answered my question what do you see now that you know part of my past or would you like the hole thing to make a judgement." she asks softly needing to get it off her chest but scared to do it.

"I see the same thing I saw before," he said. "Just because we all know a diamond comes from coal doesn't make the diamond worth less, does it?"

"Why are you being so nice to me I was quite rude to you the other day." she asks quizically as she mulled his words around in her head "And besides why would I be compared to a diamond every one knows where they come from Shadow and now you parialy are the only ones who know anything about where I come from it is a completely different scenario I was not asked if this is what I wanted my life was taken from me and then I was cast away like yesterdays garbage just because I reminded him of what he couldn't have tell me how am I suppose to feel about that."

"I'm not sure how you're supposed to feel about your past -- that's something for you to decide. Each person will let their past shape them in different ways. Whether your past is like a chisel on stone, hands on clay, or rain upon the ocean is up to you."

"But you did not answer my first question. Why are you bing so nice to me I have not been so nice to you."

"I am Tismanu, Lady," Auvrey smiled. "I accept and aid those that ask. That is who I am. Whatever has come before, you ask for what comfort I can provide now."

"Well I don't know what what the blood is that you claim but I do thank you for that ." she stares at him for a moment and then walks over to him and leans in almost touching him "Do you find me apealing Auvery would you like to have both me and Shadow is this the meaning behind your kindness if it is please just say so I'm not saying that you are not doing what you are suppose to do but I need to know is there more to it does a portion of it come from here." she asks grabbing lightly between his legs.

"Any man would be a fool not to desire such a menage a trois," Auvrey said, putting his hands on Rahyna's hips and pulling her close. "And if that was all I were interested in, Shadow and I would have done much more than pack my belongings the other night," Auvrey whispered in her ear. "Now, I've already told you that I have a weakness for women, so do me the courtesy of bidding me a good night, or showing me a good night."

Rahyna thought this over for a few moments she reached up and kissed Auvery on the lips another tear falling down her cheek "Thank you Auvery and if a good night is what you wish I am more than obliging I have not said anything to Shadow about being soley hers or her soley mine granted that would be nice but I don't think the daeva in me would allow it ." she kisses him once more "The decision is yours."

Auvrey kissed her back, and then kissed her tear. "Lady, I doubt that would help either you or Shadow right now. Considering the two of you are the sum of my ministry, that would make me a pretty piss-poor Dragon Monk." Auvrey stepped back. "I just wanted you to know that it's very hard for me to help when you do things like that." He reached out and touched her tattoo, tracking the line of her decollletage into her cleavage. "But I definitely want to know immediately if that's what you both eventually wish," he said with a smile.

Rahyna gives him a smile and then places a hand over the one that is tracing the tattoo on her breast "You will be the third person to know. Does the symbol intrigue you?"

"Not particularly," Auvrey answered. "You didn't mention it, unless Reginold was an Invictus, so it doesn't seem to have any bearing on your current state of mind. You're a Dragon -- that's all I need to know."

"You were listening to me then wow that would be a first from a man that I just met" she says jokingly trying to lighten he rmood a bit "Yes he was Invictus but he was much more than that he happened to the Prince of the city I lived in." her voice goes a bit more soft "I am trying very hard not to take those feelings for him and divert them onto our current Prince being that he also is Invictus.... Maybe I should step down as his second in command." that thought came out of her mouth before she realized it and she wanted to take it back just as quickly.

Auvrey shrugged, and smiled. "I'm sure that's between you and him. I don't understand, or care, for politics. I confess I found it a bit odd to find Dragons had been both a former Prince and current Seneschal, but that's probably just my ignorance of current affairs."

"Well Auvery would you like to head home? I'm sure Shaodw is probalby wondering where we both are." she leans into him one last time not really know why but she wanted one more kiss from him before they left their seclusion behind "Thank you Auvery more than you know."

Auvrey obliged Rahyna with a smile and gave her a soft kiss, and then offered her his arm.


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