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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Sun May 17, 2009 1:14 am

In a beat up thrift store outfit a man with striking blue eyes and wild hair walks the streets. He looks like a native American, someone who seems oddly off as if there was no place in time that could place him. He sniffs the air like an animal attempting to catch wind of a familiar scent.

((Ooc in his back story he's a crone that goes in and out of torpor a lot, so if your character is in the Crone they may have heard of him, he doesn't have a name, but he's called Aesop. There is a chance he could know anyone's character who has been in the city for a while. He's sort of feral, but understands english))


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Tue May 19, 2009 11:53 am

The feral creature wandered for a while down familiar streets that's face had changed and mutated like evolution. The land was much like a living entity in that it's form shifted to accommodate the times. Aesop knew this, and this was why he was never vexed anything he awoke from sleep. He knew everything was the same even though it was different.

He approached a park, a place he had called home for the most part 15 years or more ago if he was accurate in his assessment of the time, a place that he had came back to some many times before that he could tell anyone because they'd deem him a liar.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2009 5:51 pm

Auvrey sat on the park bench, lost in thought. Much was changing, including himself. Watching the night sky, he contemplated how to handle what was happening, and still do what he needed to do.

Broken from his reverie by the feeling of an approaching predator, he looked up at the strange sight.

"I haven't seen you at Court before," he remarked calmly.

Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Auvreybanner


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Tue May 19, 2009 6:35 pm

The feral creature approached slowly and mimicked the person speaking with some measure of confidence. "I haven't seen you in court before", he said in the same cadence as the man on the bench. Aesop slowly sniffed this potential predator to find any signs of familiarity.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2009 6:44 pm

"At Court, not in Court," Auvrey replied with a smile. He didn't mind if the man wanted to play games, but he was curious to see how he'd respond to correction of his mistake. It would say a lot about his sanity.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Tue May 19, 2009 6:58 pm

"At Court in Court, At court in court", Aesop says with the same smile. "Hieorphant?", he says in a grumble as if to ask him a question. He drops to one knee and puts his palms up, possibly as a show of respect, possibly nothing but a bizarre behavioral quirk.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2009 7:40 pm

"Not I," Auvrey replied, "Nor do I know of one. Have you recently come to the city? Or Risen?"

This was going to be an odd night.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Tue May 19, 2009 11:23 pm

"I slept, and a I woke when I wake. How many years has past since the Juice and the white Bronco?", says Aesop as if he measures time in abstract events not in numbers and logic. "I have lived here many years", he says as if he's counting all the years he's spent active and inactive. His native American look may tell you that if his words are true he may have lived in this area quite a long time ago.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2009 11:48 pm

"I think you should meet the Seneschal, my friend," Auvrey said, standing up. "Otherwise you'll find yourself in a predicament when the Hunger comes."


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Lexi Wed May 20, 2009 12:03 am

Mirella was ready to meet people, perhaps even find someone to acknowledge her in this crazy city. Not that walking in a park would really alleviate that need, but it was a beautiful place in this busy city. She'd left a nice, friendly kid off in an alley somewhere, and the dirty act made her appreciate it even more.

Her eyes settle on two talking near a bench, and the sense of a beast washes over her. She grins just slightly, and walks over, her hips swaying and her ponytails bouncing. "Guud Effening Gentilemens..."

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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Wed May 20, 2009 6:10 am

Aesop does not comment, but chuffs like an animal at the concept he couldn't feed without a prince. He had out lasted many a prince with the ally of time, but his behavior was so animalistic that it could be easily misconstrued. Aesop manages to nod when the other kindred suggests that he talk to the Senshcal, whether it's because he agrees or he's just acknowledging it, who could tell.

When the newest predator approached, Aesop stood back a step and growled. His voice became more and more feral the longer it stretched. He began to form into an animal that was a half finished abomination that looked like a thing out of a nightmare. Aesop waited to see how this new predator reacted


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Lexi Wed May 20, 2009 11:44 am

Mirella blinks once or twice, then turns to Auvrey, "I zee zomeone has vorgotten zeir manners. Do you vish to break ze masquerade so easily, boy?" her eyes settle on the creature before her, just shaking her head.

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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 12:06 pm

"Indeed," said Auvrey, looking uncomfortable. "Forgive my manners, lady, my name is Auvrey Feiran. If you're a new arrival, or returned from Torpor, I should introduce you to the Seneschal."

He looked at Aesop. "I know Rising from Torpor can be difficult, but you must control yourself before the domain's authorities hear of something like this."

Auvrey waited a few moments, to see if he should leave. After the impression he had left on the Seneschal, being party to a Breach was the last thing he needed.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Wed May 20, 2009 1:45 pm

Aesop's transformation rolls and twist like his skin were formed of clay, it settles on his original form, except his teeth and hands that seem to stay feral. He smells the new comer now that the moment of uncertainty has pasted. Once certain of himself he blinks once or twice, then turns to Auvrey, "I zee zomeone has vorgotten zeir manners. Do you vish to break ze masquerade so easily, boy?", he mimics very closely to the new kindred's voice before settling his eyes settle on the two before him, just shaking his head. He looks around for people, because if their were none about it must have been a fear reaction more then words of wisdom.

He smiles at Auvrey slightly when asked to control himself, not yet sure who he's hiding from. He glances at Miralla slightly, not sure exactly what she wanted if not a challenge, it was never his way to walk up on kindred with unclear motivations. "Where are the Crone?", Aesop asks to either person in a neutral tone of voice.

((Ooc - I don't playing this guy out, as a guy that's feral, with more in common with animals then people. I don't have anything against anyone personally. I'm not trying to grief, I'm mentioning it because I'm new to this board))


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Lexi Wed May 20, 2009 1:59 pm

Mirella offers a slight bow to Auvrey, rolling her eyes at the other one for a moment. "Mirella Diederech, I vould be most delighted to accompany you to ze Seneschal."

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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Wed May 20, 2009 2:34 pm

"I vould be most delighted to accompany you to ze Seneschal.", says Aesop to Auvrey in the same tone of voice as Mirella. His forearms sprout fur as if not sure the appearance he should take. He wore a Nirvana shirt almost too faded to read, and worn and torn fatigues.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Lexi Wed May 20, 2009 2:46 pm

"It vould be most appreciated if you could ztop zis mimicing. Speak in your own voice, or none at all." Mirella's eyes flare a little, and she grimaces at the beast who continues to change his appearance in public.

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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Wed May 20, 2009 4:22 pm

Aesop looked at Mirella wondering if this was someone he should respect. He looked back to Auvrey, seeing he seemed to be attempting to assist him. He did not respond to Mirella and showed no signs that he acknowledged her comment.

Slightly the beast relaxed. He sat down in a a posture akin to an animal, with eyes that looked to say, despite the way he asked he did want to see the Senschal, if that was the way of this place. Things more then likely hadn't changed much in the handful of years he had been in torpor.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 4:30 pm

Despite feeling like he had walked into a bad remake of the RHPS, Auvrey hoped that bringing these two to Rahyna might help her see he wasn't just a poacher. Besides, helping people is what he did -- no matter how irritating they were.

"Let's go then," he said, leading the way out of the park. "I'll drive you both over to her."


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Innerlight Wed May 20, 2009 11:28 pm

Having been through this process more than a few times, Aesop decides he must do what is necessary to survival. He wills himself to push back the predatory aspect of his nature and reverts to his original form, it's as if he has to use will to remember what he looked like. "To the one that is second", he says to Auvrey and follows him to his car. Chances are the prince would remember him anyway, things did not seem to be too different from the last time he woke.


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 11:48 pm

(( New Scene time, i think here. ))


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Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone)) Empty Re: Take me to your leader ((Attn: Anyone, especially Crone))

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