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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Benjamin Tue May 26, 2009 10:24 pm

Alright. It was apparent that Ekko was not capable of taking over, and Animus wasn't stepping up. She trusted Joshua, but he obviously wasn't taking over either.

That left herself.

Armstrong leaned forward, taking command of the wizards. "I can honestly say that if we were not willing to see this through, we would not be here as Representatives of our Orders." She takes her sandwich baggie with the shaving back and places it in her inner pocket. She still does not trust the Guardian, so while she was still touching it, she sent it to her Pocket Realm for safe keeping.


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by jmiland1 Wed May 27, 2009 3:00 am

Joshua nods. "He's done enough damage to both of our factions. If we can assist, we shall."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Lexi Wed May 27, 2009 11:35 am

Erika looks up to Ishani, and nods her head once, before turning back to the four mages. "Very well. I can tell you that he makes his home in the sewers, near a well that was once part of the city very long ago. Some of ours are currently attempting to find out exactly where." She pauses a moment, and seems to take a slight breath.

"I can tell you that he is dangerous, and very old. He has killed some of our kind, and from what I understand, is not limiting his kills; the slaughter at Edna's Boardinghouse was his doing."

Erika leans back in her chair, somehow managing to sit in her strange position of comfort and stiffness.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Wed May 27, 2009 12:18 pm

Twist stood by her vehicle staring into it, debating over whether or not she should re-arm herself with her knives. It was generally rude to go armed in the Prince's presence- but Asa hadn't forbidden it to her yet. Also Rahyna hinted that Elle's Hound position was slightly unstable, and Twist wouldn't deny that that was one position she had always wanted. And acting like a hound was a good way to start becoming a hound.

Once her decision was made it was a quick process to slip her knives into their respective homes. A Daeva tug to her skirt and she was ready.

She made her way smoothly into the club and before she could even begin to look for someone, Olivette was at her elbow. They exchanged pleasantries briefly and then Twist followed her to the DJ's booth. A quick nock, a muttered exchange and Twist was standing inside the booth.

Twist had held a position over Asa. She had talked and laughed with him. Agreed with him on some issues and not on others. She had fought next to him. But he was now Prince and she was simply the Daeva Whip.

As soon as the DJ booth's door slid shut, Twist dropped into deep curtsey and waited.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Wed May 27, 2009 12:52 pm

Asa watched Twist enter, taking his eyes off the table momentarily. He was curious if the displeasure that Rahyna had hinted at would be a problem. Daeva. Such a Daeva, too. The last time he had seen her was when she and Elle had been...

His thoughts were interrupted as his Beast snarled, whispering oh such evil things about asserting dominance and seeking recompense for the Grindhouse from the weaker predator. Asa ignored it, as it was becoming easier to do as he cultivated the unique properties of his Blood.

He nodded, glad that she had curtsied and was being polite, and pointed through the one-way glass at the table with Erika sitting, Ishani standing, and four strangers.

"Watch that table while we talk, please. Karsh once told me that you were exceptional with a knife -- if things get... tense... I'd like you to assist the Sheriff in keeping the Harpy safe," he said. He realized she may have come unarmed, but he would give her one of his own knives if it became necessary. Still, between a Daeva and a Ventrue, they should be able to use words instead of weapons.

"Did Rahyna tell you everything?" he asked.

Asa would have preferred to be able to watch her expressions as they spoke, but had to settle on what her tones and inflections would tell him about her reaction and attitude.

Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Asanoprobanner

Last edited by West on Wed May 27, 2009 1:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by roadnottaken Wed May 27, 2009 1:09 pm

That puts a name to one of the images, at least. "While investigating the hostel, I caught ... glimpses of some of the attack sites. I couldn't make out much detail, but they were a night club, the city docks, and a utilities facility. Were all of these attacks that you were aware of?"

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Lexi Wed May 27, 2009 1:13 pm

Erika shakes her head, "Only the Utilties Facility and the night club. The city docks is not any of ours that we are aware of."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by jmiland1 Wed May 27, 2009 1:22 pm

So the vampires control, or controlled, the Utilities? Interesting.
"You say he is very dangerous. Can you tell us more regarding what he may be capable of? And..." Joshua pauses, trying to find a way to put this delicately. A way to be tactful. But, fuck it. "And what vulnerabilities he may have, if any are known?"

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Lexi Wed May 27, 2009 1:44 pm

Erika goes back to her neutral expression, "We do not know any vulnerabilities that he might have. Only that he is powerful."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Wed May 27, 2009 1:58 pm

Fluidly, Twist straightened and stepped closer to the glass that Asa indicated, her eyes taking in the table and it's six occupants. She gave a small dip of her head, confirming that she knew how to handle knives. She knew Erika had taken the Harpy position and was silently relieved to see that Ishani was still Sheriff. At least there was some consistancy still within the city.

She bite back her questions about who the 4 where that they were protecting Erika from, but the both her curiosity and her fighter instincts struggled against it. Instead she answered his question. Her tone was steady and even as though she were simply reading off facts. Pleasantly neutral.

"She told me of Freddrick's fall to a kindred named Eric Bethem. An elder of considerable power apparantly. As well as the death of other city notables. Shadow's ascension and subsequent relinquishment of power to yourself. She informed me of the new harpy and primogen council and the current power structure of the Daeva clan."

She paused, and a hint of acid entered her voice as she continued. "In addition to her holding the Daeva Priscus seat she has also obtained the Seneschal seat." She paused again to get her composure back. It is not a good idea to loose control in front of the Prince- especially since Asa had apparantly grown in power. Even now her beast was quietly urging her to step back from his figure. "She told me of what has been done so far regarding the Eric Bethem and I believe that was all of note."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Wed May 27, 2009 2:15 pm

Asa listened, especially to the way she elaborated on Rahyna. It was probably a difficult pill to swallow.

Considering I called her a 'social butterfly' to Ishani, I really can't blame her. If she doesn't know how close the vote was, it probably seems like an odd decision. I wonder what she would think of knowing Erika had been Senschal as well?

"I would like you to replace Marius as Primogen once," if, "we rid ourselves of Bethem," Asa said. The self-absorbed man still hadn't figured it out yet -- would Twist?

"Given your former position, what suggestions do you have for ridding ourselves of a man who destroyed Freddrick, Karsh, and Davis all at the same time?" he asked.

Odd that she hadn't mentioned Elle in the replacements, but perhaps she was preoccupied with her own status.


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by jmiland1 Wed May 27, 2009 2:45 pm

"Of course," Joshua says, his voice and aura showing that he is not at all surprised by this revelation. "If you should, by chance, come across any such information about his... weaknesses... that you would be able to share some time, it would be useful in fighting this... particular... individual. With a being of such power we would not want to bring knives to a gun fight, as it were. I hope you understand our position on the matter."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Lexi Wed May 27, 2009 2:53 pm

Erika smiles, 'Of course. I also hope you understand our position in this matter." She slides her legs across to cross them in the opposite direction. "Do any of you have other questions?"

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Benjamin Wed May 27, 2009 4:41 pm

"Do you have access to anything of his? Or perhaps a picture or video recording showing him?" If they did, she would be able to track him, making all of this that much simpler.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Lexi Wed May 27, 2009 10:39 pm

"If we had, it would be much easier to track him down ourselves. All we can give you is a name: Eric Bethem."

Erika looks a little stiffer, but nothing unusual.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Wed May 27, 2009 11:59 pm

Twist's eyes widened and she risked a brief glance at Asa's profile. He didn't look like a man pulling a prank on her. And while humor was in Asa's style, this would be closer to punishment that amusment.

Turning her attention back to the table she gathered her scattered thoughts, focusing on his last question.

"Obviously that high caution be used. He sounds like a very powerful Elder who enjoys throwing destructive tantrums. His strength is obviously great and we may need to use stealthier methods to deal with him. I would need more specifics on the attacks though to truly give you any valuable advice."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Thu May 28, 2009 12:51 am

"There's nothing to add," Asa said calmly. "He appears, he kills with the Savage's Claws, sometimes committing the Amaranth, and disappears. I have some people trying to track down his Haven, led by Bella Orchid," he added.

Somewhat satisfied that he hadn't overlooked something, or been ignorant of some secret cache of Freddrick's that had something useful, Asa changed subjects.

"Tell me where you believe I can use you. Obviously Freddrick trusted you, and Ishani has always spoken well of you, as did Karsh," he said. He knew she probably realized he wasn't going to replace Rahyna, and was trying to help with the Primogen position.

Does she realize that most of the new arrivals will assume she's simply a thin-blooded neonate?


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Thu May 28, 2009 8:38 am

Savage's Claws, disapearing- there was a good chance that despite Bella's best attempts they would never find a haven for him. He sounded like an angry Elder Gangrel and the chances were high that he had the ability to melt into the earth, making discovery near impossible. Of course if that was the case and they did find out where he was- it also made dealing with him much easier. A large if though and not one to at all be counted on.

Twist's wounded pride was soothed at the though of three of the city's prominent member's speaking as Asa indicated, or feeling in Freddrick's case, and a small smile tweaking at her mouth.

"You can use me where you see fit. I do enjoy having a knife in hand and have the skills to handle it well. And while I lack many of the purely investigative skills of someone such as Ishani, I have often used my entertainment skills to my advantage and gone undercover. You know that my loyalty is to the city so I can play a double agent without you needing to worry of that."

She paused, "And now would be a good time to do that. Rahyna mentioned that the city was full of new kindred. They will not know me or my former status here. I had considered attempting to use such a method in catching the Gardeners but in the end it was unnecessary."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Thu May 28, 2009 9:08 am

"They might if you refer to Rahyna by name alone," Asa said, turning to show her he was smiling, amusement in his eyes. Of course habits were hard to break, and Rahyna's title was probably not a word she cared for right now.

"I need to think about what you've said," he said, turning back to the table. "I would make you Hound, but Arnold Culler has earned the chance to be Miss Moiraine's replacement."

Culler's also Invictus. She could be a Scourge, or even a second, unknown Hound. Neither would give her any of her former respect, but perhaps she would rather do something meaningful and unknown than nothing at all. How... Mekhet.

"Everything has a place," Asa said. "Like one of your choreographs. Have you ever considered a Covenant?"


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Thu May 28, 2009 9:27 am

Despite Asa's smile, Twist winced. He was right- she was avoiding giving Rahyna her title because it prickled at her still. Maybe she could just avoid mentioning her altogether...

Her head dropped in a nodd, *Of course he already has a second for Elle. Foolish me. Ah well, I have been turned down before and as before I can bid my time.*

His change in topics made her pause briefly, but she was starting to realize that he did that often.

"I have considered joining before but none has ever truly called me. And I never had a need to join- with Freddrick being unaligned was acceptable and already had the Daeva Priscus position, I needed nothing more then."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Thu May 28, 2009 11:13 am

"They outlast Princes," Asa said. Status and protection through the ages. Having been Unaligned also until recently, he understood the 'not having a need' quite well. He had given this some thought after Rahyna's call. Twist owned property, and enjoyed prestige. She was driven, and respected order.

"The Invictus lost Icarus, Davis, Lioni Dupree, and Quinton Jones. Ms. Scotts has left the city. Zoe Miller, Ishani, Arnold Culler, and myself remain -- to forge order from chaos and make sure that order endures," he said.

She's not a Crone, or Sanctified. The Dracul would bore her to tears, and she's too... dignified to join the anarchy of the Movement.

Asa turned his attention back to the table. If she were interested, or curious, she would say something. He wasn't some rabid priest like Nicolo, to go proselytizing to anyone whether they cared or not.


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by jmiland1 Thu May 28, 2009 2:56 pm

Plastic smile on his face, Joshua raises a finger from the table, towards Erika: just a second. He leans over to Armstrong and whispers, "Can you do anything with that? Otherwise I think we might be done here."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Thu May 28, 2009 5:59 pm

Twist threw a sidelong glance at Asa, *What are you getting at Asa? The Invictus for me?*

She mulled over the idea as she watched the discussion, still unsure as to why Ishani may need help in defending Erika. At least it gave her a chance o think though.

The Invictus was a strong covenenant in Sacramento, or had been. They truly had been hit hard by the Elder's destruction to leave only Ishani, Asa and two new city members. And both Ishani and Asa were new to the covenant if memory served. That made it a risk to join- a slight shove and they could go under. Asa was correct in saying that covenants outlasted Princes, but a covenant's force in a city could also fall to the whim of one as well. But Asa was Prince and that should give it enough support to withstand the tide.

And she did need to join one. Being unaligned had worked before but between Freddrick's fall and her recent trip home to Italy, she could see the wisdom in joining.

And why not the Invictus? They were one of the harder covenants to gain rank through granted- but that was commonly due to Elder presence. Even if the two other Invictus were such, there was plenty of room for herself to make a niche. Especially since so many had been recently vacated. Besides, none of the other covenents held any lure to her. The Circle probably came the closest but if she had ever had true faith in a god, she had long since forgotten it. Sanctum, Dracul and Carthian all seemed ridulous to even consider.

And despite her comfort in the current world, she would be able to easily cope with the heirarchy of the Invictus.

"Are the Invictus currently seeking assistance in forging order?" She finally asked.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Benjamin Thu May 28, 2009 8:03 pm

Armstrong thinks for a moment, before shaking her head 'no' at Joshua. Then she asks Miss Harpy another question, figuring that the worst that could happen was that the don't help them. "Perhaps if you could give us the locations of the other known attack sites, or any place that you know this Bethem has been, we might be able to extrapolate a pattern of some kind."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by West Thu May 28, 2009 10:39 pm

Ishani starts ticking off locations on her fingers as she names them. "The Utilities Facillity, Asylum, the Stirling Hotel, The Temple of All Souls, some personal havens, and I think that is about all the locations we are aware of that were kindred deaths."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Thu May 28, 2009 10:50 pm

"Oh, I don't think the Invictus ever seek assistance," Asa said with a wide smile. "Consider it. If you're interested, I'll bring you to the next meeting."

He was pretty sure the proper term was patron, but the last thing she needed was another diminutive.

"So, are you and Kalos well?" Asa asked, done with business. Business other than watching the willworkers, of course.


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Thu May 28, 2009 11:11 pm

"Of course not" she said with a matching smile.

"I will consider it. Let me know when you need an answer by. We are doing well thank you. Both of us are glad to be back in Sacramento- our trip to Italy was not the vacation either of us wanted. I am sure that he is currently neck deep in the theater's paperwork." She smiled, easily picturing her ghoul frowning at what was no doubt perfect paperwork from their interim manager. He would find something to fix nonetheless, of that she was sure.

"And you and Ishani? How are the two of you doing?"

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Thu May 28, 2009 11:47 pm

"I'll probably call a meeting of the Invictus next week," Asa calmly replied, irritated at himself for turning the conversation in a personal direction. Of course she would ask about Ishani and he.

We're great. So great, I just through my office chair through the television.

"We're very well, thank you," he answered with a small smile. "It's been an adjustment, of course."

"Have you spoken to Elle?" he asked, changing the subject. She was the only person he had ever known Twist to spend personal time with, other than Kalos.


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Fri May 29, 2009 12:18 am

Another subject change. Honestly, by now she was starting to expect them.

"No, I haven't. I tried calling her upon my return but got no answer." Her voice was tinted with both worry and anger. "I was initially worried since when I tried it was when I also tried contacting Freddrick. Obviously he didn't answer and so when she didn't- well, I was unsettled. But apparantly she is still around and simply hasn't had a chance to return my call."

She shrugged, "I am sure with her Hound duties she is busy."

"Although, after tonight I think a pleasant visit with her may be in order"
she added with a throaty laugh. After a moment she spoke up again, "Do you mind me asking who the four in the room with the Sheriff and Harpy are?"

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by jmiland1 Fri May 29, 2009 3:47 am

"Would you mind if we were to go to those locations to investigate?" Joshua asks. "I'm sure, of course, that you've done your own investigations--but there may always be a chance that we can find something that was overlooked. But we wouldn't want to just presume that we were allowed to go to these places, either."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Fri May 29, 2009 1:33 pm

Asa had already given thought to what to tell Twist about the strangers. Honestly, he was a bit surprised she had kept her curiosity in check for so long. At the end of the day, though, it didn't come down to whether or not he considered her trustworthy -- it came down to how she would react to the new circumstances.

"Yes, I do mind," he said, turning to watch her reaction.


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Fri May 29, 2009 1:56 pm

Whatever Twist had been expecting it certainly wasn't outright rejection. Her eyes widened slightly at Asa's response but she dropped her head and shoulders in a slight bow, acknowledging that he wished to keep that to himself.

She didn't approve of it though. If you were going to ask a person to be willing to put themselves on the line you ought to at least give them some inkling of what they might be up against. The entire truth may not be necessary but at least a clue- maybe whether or not the four were potential allies, a threat on the city, hell- for all she knew one of them could be Eric Bethem.

But if the Prince wanted that to remain hush hush, she couldn't do anything about it. So instead she shifted slightly to feel the cool metal of her blades and waited patiently for either the meeting to end or violence to break out.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Lexi Fri May 29, 2009 2:16 pm

Erika looks up to Ishani, and then shrugs politely. "I don't have the authorization to give you access to all of those places. However, if you can get into the Utilities Division on your own, it's entirely up to you. I doubt you'll find much, however."

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Benjamin Fri May 29, 2009 3:17 pm

"Very well. Unless you have anything else to add, I feel that we have gotten as much done here as we possibly can for now. Perhaps after this situation is resolved, we can arrange meeting that are less guarded on both sides."

God she needed a drink after this. Maybe she could call Zero.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Lexi Fri May 29, 2009 3:19 pm

"Of course. Please, if you have any further questions, the number you have to contact us is readily available." Erika stands, and inclines her head slightly.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by jmiland1 Fri May 29, 2009 3:28 pm

"Thank you, Miss Harpy, Reeve Naetesh. We appreciate your time and aid in this matter." Joshua gets up, a smile on his face, and bows slightly to the two women. He waits until his compatriots get up as well, and he heads for the door. The smile doesn't leave his face until the Avalon is well behind him; it's a pleased we-know-something-you-don't-know look.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Fri May 29, 2009 3:31 pm

Asa watched Twist's reaction and turned back to the glass. After a few minutes he spoke again.

"I understand more now than I did, why Freddrick valued you," he said. "Supposedly they're magicians, or wizards. Willworkers, they call themselves. It is my hope that they will tip the scales in our favor against Bethem."

"You're the only person besides the Seneschal, Reeve, and Harpy that knows this," he added, watching the strangers start to leave.

Last edited by West on Fri May 29, 2009 3:42 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by roadnottaken Fri May 29, 2009 3:39 pm

Animus quickly follows Joshua out, relaxing considerably as soon as he passes the door.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Lexi Sat May 30, 2009 12:27 am

Erika waits for the mages to be gone, and then makes her way to the DJ's booth, not entering, but instead waiting for Asa to come out.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by deltadream Sat May 30, 2009 9:45 am

One of Twist's eyebrow's raised, *Magicians? Wizards? If it was true...*

"What reason do they have to assist us against Bethem?"

Her attention sharpened as the people- no, wizards- began to stand and leave the room. She understood Asa's hesitancy to say who they were, but now knowing, she wasn't sure, even after he did tell her, that she knew any better what she was potentially facing.

How does one fight a being who thought it weilded magic? And who was Reeve? Had he not even told Ishani? That was...dangerous.

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Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages)) - Page 2 Empty Re: Avalonian Diplomats ((Attn: Mages))

Post by Guest Sat May 30, 2009 1:05 pm

"Apparently Bethem killed some of theirs as well, exsanguinating them," Asa answered her. "As the Arabs, Chinese, and Christian Bible say -- 'The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend.'"

If Asa still breathed, he would exhale at the sight of the willworkers leaving. Watching Erika make her way over, he spoke to Twist again.

"You think about the Invictus, and I'll think about where you might be most effective," he said. "Let's also keep the fact that you know about these 'willworkers' between you, the Reeve Naetesh, and myself." With her considering the Invictus, Asa slowly began working their Titles into his speech, knowing what an absolute pain in the ass the mouthfuls were in the beginning.

As the booth became much more narrow when standing behind the chairs at the turntables, he motioned for her to let Erika in rather than try to reach around her.


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