Twilight Valley
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Off to be Acknowledged

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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Guest Mon May 25, 2009 8:57 pm

Cassie leads Tara to the Chapter House hoping Rahyna would be there she had not met the Seneshal yet and didn't know how she would react to a small child so figured it was better to just show up then to call and be though of as a prank. Walking up to the door Cassie drops her mask and knocks on the door

(BP 5 without her mask)

Rahyna and Auvery show up at the Chapter House to see some people standing on the front steps Rahyna looks to Auvery and then walks up to the door and opens it stepping to the side she smiles at the pair "May I help you." she does her best to not show any fear as she feels the beast of a much older person than she is. She looks to Auvery and waves him past her "If you would like to go find Shadow I give you complete authority to discuss anything we have discussed with her" she smiles at him and then turns her attention back to the two people in front of her.

Cassie beams at the woman "Are you Rahyna?"

Rahyna smiles at the child "I am and who might you be." she bends down to be on the same level as the girl.

"I am Cassie and this is Tara she wants to get me some food but can't cuz she hasnt met anyone since Fredrick died can you help her Uncle Asa said you could" Cassie bounded past her into the house beaming from ear to ear.

Rahyna looks at her and raises and eyebrow at the comment of Uncle Asa well that is definitely interesting I will have to ask him about it. Raising up to her full height Rahyna extends her hand to the other woman standing in front of her "Nice to meet you Tara was it. Please come in and we can discuss it." Rahyna steps to the side to let her pass.


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Innerlight Tue May 26, 2009 12:43 am

Tara smiles politely, and shakes hands with Rahyna. "Hello", she says warmly. She walks into the place with Cassie to speak farther on the issue.

((Ooc: I'm sort of curious, are all new people unknown? And are all the new people in charge new to the city? Is their somewhere I could go to know the back history of what's happening? She's an introvert, but I don't think she would be completely ignorant of major changes and regulars in the city, and I don't think people wouldn't know her))


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 1:41 pm

Rahyna follows Tara into the parlor where Cassie is already sitting on the couch "Well Mrs... I am sorry I did not catch a last name." she smiles at the woman "If I am to understand your little companion here you are need of acknowledgement what I need from you is your name, clan, covenant, and what your plans are within the city." Rahyna offers the woman a seat as she is talking to her and then takes one for herself across the room so she can see both of the people in the room.

((It is not that you don't know anyone but no you would not know Rahyna she hasn't been in the city that long it is that since we had a change in the prince everyone should be acknowledged if they are claiming to have been in the city for quite some time you may not have met the new prince I'm not a 100% on Asa's back story but I think he use to be in the city then left and came back so IDK im just following the rules that Frost gave me Smile hope this helps ))


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Innerlight Tue May 26, 2009 2:13 pm

Tara smiles again. "I'm Tara Longly", she pauses a moment at the questions. Not accustomed to freely giving out information about herself, "I'm a Mekhet in the Crone... though I don't quite understand your last question. What plans might one have other then to live?", Tara asks with no malice in her tone.

((Ooc - Yes thank you for the explanation, it helps me understand better))


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 3:50 pm

Rahyna smiles at her answer to the last question "I am sorry what I meant is are you planning to stay in Sacramento for an extended period or are you just passing through." Rahyna thinks for a moment Mehket and Crone "Well I'm not sure who the Heriphant is at the moment but you may want to stop by the temple some time in the near future I know there are few Crone left there as for the Priscus of your clan that would now be Harpy Erika Brady if you have not talked to her lately you may want to do so so that she knows who of her clan is left in the city." after a brief pause Rahyna continues "I assume you are familure with the rules of the city?"


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Innerlight Tue May 26, 2009 8:25 pm

"I plan on staying here", Tara without hesitation. "I tend to keep to myself, if not for the Elysium requirements I would have been ignorant to all changes", Tara changes gears not wanting to get to into her tendencies or justifying her behavior. "How about you, I believe Cassie called you Rahyna", Tara pauses for Rahyna to correct her or add something, then continues... "will you be graces us with your presence, or you stationed here from another city?"


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 8:33 pm

Rahyna smiles at Tara "I am the Seneshal and Daeva Priscus but I am personally not big on titles so Rahyna is fine and I am here to stay I actually like it here." Rahyna lets a few moments pass between them before looking at Tara and standing "Well then let me re-welcome you to the city and consider yourself acknowledged once again." she smiles and then looks to Cassie still not quite sure what to think of the small child but she will figure that out later if she knew Asa then she was already acknowledged.


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Innerlight Tue May 26, 2009 9:57 pm

"Seems like a complicated position. How do you handle the stress?", Tara asks with neutral eyes devoid of judgment. You get the impression that Tara would safe guard your secrets as deeply as she would her own.


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 9:58 pm

"I have no choice but to handle the stress so I just do." she smiles at Tara "Is the child yours?"


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Innerlight Tue May 26, 2009 10:04 pm

"I wish that were so", Tara says smiling looking down at Cassie, "But I'd be foolish to make that claim, seeing that she's more then likely much older then me"


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 10:06 pm

"Well then how did you happen to be paired up with her this evening?" Rahyna looks at Cassie and smiles "Who is her guardian I need to make sure that she is not being missed by someone."

((I would ask Cassie but I really don't feel like talking to myself this evening Smile ))


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Innerlight Tue May 26, 2009 10:15 pm

"I was told Bella was her guardian", Tara says confidently. "Though if you need a place to stay, you can stay with me", Tara says to Cassie as if to steal away.

((Ooc - You don't have to speak with both characters, I don't mind if you phrase things in this case))


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 10:24 pm

Rahyna looks from one to the other and asks "Cassie does Bella know where you are?"

Cassie shakes her head "Nope and she said as long as I don't break the rules I can do what I want she even gave me my own room and everything."

"Well we should still send her a message and let her know you are safe."

"OK" Cassie sighs and pulls out her phone and sends a text to Bella "There" she sits back on the couch and pouts slightly "And I think Auntie Tara I would like to go home to Mommy Bella."


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Off to be Acknowledged Empty Re: Off to be Acknowledged

Post by Innerlight Wed May 27, 2009 1:46 am

Tara extends her hand, fully aware of the reality that Cassie is not a kid, but fully engrossed in the lie. "Come on, I'll take you to your mother", she says to Cassie. "It was a pleasure meeting you Rahyna, hopefully we can do it again sometime soon", Tara says while motioning towards the exit.


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