Twilight Valley
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An End to a Beginning

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An End to a Beginning Empty An End to a Beginning

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:57 pm

Noon Thursday the fourth of June a fleet of trucks equipped with bug sprayers move through Sacramento. They rumble ominously, their heavy tanks loaded with death, shocks squealing and squeaking as the load sloshes on uneven roads.At the same time the tanks that have been placed on numerous subway cars release their toxic gas into the underground tunnels. They start spraying the toxic fumes through the city, a mist so fine one can barely see it, instantly turning to fumes in the heat of the day, so light it doesn’t even leave wet spots as it is ejected from the trucks. It’s heavier than air and sinks, the fumes spread down, seeping and creeping into every single crevice of the city.

The death fog permeates buildings, hidden sanctums and even the most secure haven, seeking the true enemy. Deep under the city in the Subways, sewers and even the very well hidden catacombs fall victim to this silent assassin. The fumes have one target and one target alone Kindred Vitae.

Ghouls who are off running about for their masters during the hours of sunlight feel the blood being destroyed and then their own body turns on them, too close to the hideous monsters that the mist was sent to kill, it finishes the job of taking them from the world that spawned them. The few patches of Mandrake that inhabit the forgotten areas of Kindred power whither, crack and falter falling to dust. The leaves crumble like the skin of a mummy four thousand years old, the vitae inside of them turning to dust with the poisonous air. Then the vile mist found the first of it’s true targets, the Kindred buried in their Havens to save themselves from the sun, but the sun is not the only danger, and they have forgotten this, gotten heady with power and forgotten that there are in fact powers more powerful than they.

Instantly the beast awoke with a start despite the sun forcing him to sleep and started to claw at its own flesh in an agony of death and exploded in a puff of ash. The Kindred cage in which the beast lived never saw what was coming, hardly felt it wake and scream for mercy as the very vitae was dissolved and turned to dust in it’s veins. As the sun falls from the sky the slaughter continues while more and more of the Kindred of Sacramento awake in a pain that does not make sense and then after this brief consciousness meet their final death. Blood ties are severed quickly and those so close feel their other perish in an explosion of pain and agony, sire and child, regnant and thrall, their hearts burst into flames for their loss right before their own explodes in the agony of the final death.

Night falls and the smarter Kindred with air-sealed crypts begin to rise and open their doors. Kindred emerge for yet another night of debauchery and divine right only to take two steps and begin to feel the air that has turned on them, they have a brief moment of panic, wondering who will take power when they are dead, if it is happening to anyone else. Just two seconds to reflect on their twisted requiems, who they have tortured, who they regret, who they wish they had not destroyed before the burning starts. This air requires no breathing to damage it’s target it permeates their very makeup and begins to eat through the skin of the kindred smoldering the vitae that it was meant to destroy and ipso facto the creatures that need it to survive. Those with Beasts that prefer to sleep in the ground rise to fall prey within bare moments to the same assassin that has taken their Kin throughout the day. This continues for twenty-four hours, seeking and destroying every single living Kindred or Ghoul in the city, and then as swiftly as it came the air disperses, burning off with the next morning’s sun, as harmless as ever to humans, and not enough of it left to harm any more kindred.

Messengers arrive and find none to answer the calls and accept that which has been sent. They find the streets empty of Beasts that night, no one in control of anything, no ghouls even to find their masters. Calls go out that Sacramento is empty of Kindred open for the taking. Within hours the first of a new breed of inhabitants enter the city, hungry for their own slice of power, ready to start a new Danse in Sacramento.


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