Twilight Valley
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The streets.

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The streets. Empty The streets.

Post by Spectre Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:17 am

Arabella walks with Ruslan, having parked the car safe in the garage of their Haven, they now walk down J Street together, exploring the scenery of this new town. It is so... mundane... there is no history here, no ancient Andaluz-ian buildings, epic churches or vast strongholds and keeps.

It is very different from home.

She walks slowly at Ruslan's side, keeping up his meager pace, "Interesting place mm?" she tilts her head.


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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:20 am

Pro 1, SL 2 (Winning Smile)

"Very," he replies. "Did you know that the name Sacramento comes from the Spanish word for 'sacrament'? Quite appropiate for us, no?" He walks slowly as his cane takes the strain of each step.

It wasn't that Ruslan got out of breath (his lungs were dead things in any event) but the pressure of walking did occasionaly bring back the memory of such feelings.

"Tell me," he asks, putting his arm through hers an dlowering his voice, "have you even felt another predator since arriving? I have not, you see."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Spectre Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:14 pm

"That does seem perfect for us," she smiles, taking it slow, happy to walk at Ruslan's pace.

"I have felt nothing since we arrived, perhaps this is the perfect place to bring the Invictus to new heights hm?" she asks, staying close to his side, protective of him to the extreme.


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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Guest Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:18 pm


As the two walk down the street cars swiftly move along the roads aftera while they feel a beast push at them briefly from one of the cars.


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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:19 pm

Pro 1, SL 2 (Winning Smile)

Ruslan stops abruptly, holding Arabella close as his Beast growls at another close by.

"Ara, did you feel that? it seems we are not alone after all."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:22 pm

Regina, with Nami behind her, is nearly flattened by the three beasts that appear, almost out of thin air. She searches the crowd, spotting two walking together, with a third in a car. She looked at the car's liscence plate, memorizing it to find it again if need be.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Spectre Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:28 pm

Ara's gaze instantly goes sharp, her fierce eyes like a lioness protecting her pride, she bristles at the other beasts, instantly in a more defensive stance beside Ruslan, almost snarling already.

"Yes... I feel them... Let us see who shows themselves to us Ruslan..."


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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:05 pm

Pro 1, SL 2 (Winning Smile)

Not one for shying away, Ruslan grins at Arabella. "An excellent idea. Let us walk and talk, and you can observe, hmmm?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Guest Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:14 pm

Randall Mathers, Hound, BP 3

Randall feels the three and looks out from the window.

"Guess its time to get to work," He thought to himself. He pulled over and parked then made his way after the couple and looked for the third. He made no bones about his presence and let them know he was coming.


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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:22 pm

Regina approaches the pair. Gangrel by the feel of her own beast coming back to her. Best to let the aged one dictate his own terms. The male though, he seemed quite dignified. Had she found some Invictus after all? Not too many gangrel walked about with stylish canes.
"Salutations" She said, her italian accent flowing through her greeting.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Premsyl Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:37 pm

Sean's just out walking around, getting a feel for the city. He's full of fresh blood, energy, and enjoying a mellow come-down after feeding on some drugged out thing earlier.

He's moving through the neighborhood, curiously investigating symbols tagged onto the buildings. Symbols that don't mean much to most anyone else, but to him are obviously clan and covenant signatures, as well as indicatives that this is the city's rack.

All of a sudden his hackles raise as his Beast feels the presence of ones like it. He turns away from his scanning of the territorial graffiti, to cast a look around to see who it was that had triggered his senses.

There they were, across the street, four of them - and a couple of them seemed to have somewhat powerful blood. Ah well. It had to happen sometime The dream of having a whole city to himself was really a pretty ridiculous dream but it had been a fun dream. He trots across the street, boldly interjecting himself in their conversation, with a grin. "What's up, dead dudes?" He says loudly "I was wondering when I might run into some of the locals cadavers."

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Guest Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:43 pm

Randall Mathers, Hound, Pro 1

Randall shoots a look around as the young thing speaks and then looks to him with a stern look.

"I don't think those words are happy words for the street Son." States the rather large man.


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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Premsyl Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:51 pm

Sean just laughs.

"Hey it's cool. This is the way I used to talk when I went to visit my grandma at the retirement home and it never seemed to bother them. You know these licks don't know shit anyway. Their heads are all full of that 30 Days of Night bullshit, right?"

He seems to be able to tell that the big guy is serious. He's got a big body, and a big beast, but he's knocked out bigger guys. Probably not a great idea getting into a fight first thing in town, though, plus he's still a little stoned.

"Tell ya what. If it makes you feel better, big guy, I'll chill on the corpse-talk."

"I'm Sean, by the way."

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:02 pm

Regina watches in silence. this "sean" was not doing well.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by DaevaDude Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:01 am

Randall's cell phone rings. He takes the call, mutters something into the phone, shuts it, glares at Sean then drives off.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:15 pm

"Well Mr. Sean, I must say that was terribly impressive of you." A small part of Regina wonders if she could take them all on.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by DaevaDude Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:49 pm

((ST Note: Regina, Sean, Rusian and Arabella, perception (Wits+Composure) checks at -2 please))

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:53 pm


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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Premsyl Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:30 pm

Sean looks over, eying Regina up and down. He likies. He grins at her, raising his eyebrows "Did you like that, babe? That's not all I can do, ya know."

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by DaevaDude Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:59 pm


Regina and Shawn both notice something something odd... a flicker of motion and shadow at the edge of their field of vision, from above them.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Premsyl Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:09 am

Sean drops into a defensive crouch, scanning the skies and the rooftop. "The fuck was that!? Did anyone else see that?"

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:48 am

Regina looks up at the sky, searching for the movement. "Such language in front of a lady is most unbecoming Mr. Sean." She sounds just barely irritated.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by DaevaDude Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:56 am

Scanning the sky, Regina and Sean both see something unusual for Sacramento. A great horned owl is flying overhead, circling the area.

Both get the distinct and rather eerie feeling that the bird is watching them.


Meanwhile, the other two figures walk off into the night, apparently disinterested in interacting with either Pia or Sean.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:52 pm

"Friend of yours Mr. Sean?"

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Premsyl Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:10 pm

Sean watches the bird curiously. "How weird..."

He looks back over to Regina "Of mine? I don't have any friends in Sacramento, and the kindred I knew in San Fran wouldn't 'owl around' looking for me, I don't think." He looks back up to the owl "It's definitely checkin us out, though... I'm gonna try something."

He shouts up to it. "Hey, Owl! What the hell are YOU looking at?"

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by DaevaDude Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:07 pm


The owl doesn't respond in any apparent manner to Sean's question. It does, however, take roost on the edge of a nearby rooftop, from where it continues to look mostly in the direction of Regina and Sean, though it does turn its head around to glance in other directions as well.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:10 pm

She looks askance at this sean. "Perhaps we should find some place indoors to continue this discussion."

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Premsyl Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:52 pm

Sean doesn't take his suspicious eyes off the owl as he answers. "Yeeahh... You're right."

He looks at Regina "So uhh, did you have a place in mind? I've only been in town for a little while."

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by shouldabeenadog Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:01 pm

She smiled and looked around. No invictus buildings nearby. There was however, a comedy club of some sort [howling moon]just down the road.

"There." she pointed, and walked briskly towards it. Animals were not something she dealt with.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

Post by Premsyl Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:41 pm

Sean casts one final glance at that nosy motherfucking Owl, before following Regina into the comedy club.

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The streets. Empty Re: The streets.

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