Twilight Valley
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Down the Rabbit Hole

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:17 am

For all the time he'd spent studying his new home he had yet to really explore it's sewer system and if indeed the lead proved true he may have found a suitable place to set up shop. Although he'd have to bear in mind the perspective of the guardian as he was technically the intruder even if no one was still down here. He walked the streets for a time observing the people and events as he'd done a number of times already but now with thoughts the divine and who he would he find here.

Having come to a somewhat deserted area of the down town area, at least for the moment, he set about finding the gate to the underworld. A glimmer here with the knowing it was right led him to a darkened path down an alley. Taking a moment he listened and heard the silent echoes of the city's murmurs while it slept despite it's children at play, a rustle in the darkness ahead was enough to warrant him dispelling the darkness he so enjoyed with the modern torch which only made him smile. As the flash lights beam reached out disintegrating darkness with it's touch he was rewarded with a hiss and flash of something small with orange fur race away to the music of a dumpster falling over and then the gateway appeared within the ground illuminated as it was by Hectors fire.

Moving over he worked at the man hole cover for a small amount of time yet enough to make him work at it as he hadn't brought the crowbar this time. With the gate removed he descended into darkness rather than falling like clumsy Alice, then his hand reached from the darkness to pull the gateway back into place and was again rewarded with darkness within an old yet familiar underworld.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:03 pm

Hector found the sewer to be, unsurprisingly, dark and dank. It wasn't truly nasty, at least not at this spot - there was as much moisture on the walls as there was on the floor, and not a huge amount of either - and the sewers appeared to be well-maintained. Presumably California's budgetary woes hadn't yet trickled down to neglect of this portion of the infrastructure. There were small lights placed every so often along the tunnels, presumably for the benefit of the workers who serviced the tunnels, but they improved the visibility only a bit, making the environment shadowy rather than completely dark. His own flashlight would be a lot more reliable.

As Hector starts to walk the sewers, it occurs to him that he doesn't really have any point of reference or map to guide him.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:59 pm

Not terribly concerned with the dark Hector appreciated the well maintained under city guessing that those who held previous or even current residence helped with that. Although the idea of becoming lost in a new labyrinth was a little intriguing and inspiring he choose caution rather than risk his goals on unforgiving risks with little reward.

Keeping an eye out for exits he traveled the corridors. Upon finding one he would stealthily surface to correlate where he was and then continue the process. Depending on the frequency of exits he would either skip some if many or if few take each one, regardless he always made sure to observe as much as possible and note landmarks.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:21 pm


After a couple hours, Hector comes to an area where none of the lights appear to be working. He has noticed that sounds down here sometimes carry long distances. Thus, when he hears some noise from somewhere up ahead, it is difficult to determine how far away it might be coming from. He hears voices, though he cannot make out what they are saying.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:06 am

Others would likely have chosen to leave or even charge ahead, but they also lacked Faith. His lords and ladies of the divine had conspired to bring him to this city and thus here he wasn't going to disappoint but no sense in allowing any possible fools unwarranted opportunities.

His first cut was within his left hand as he called softly, "Kali my dearest I ask that you give me your blessing." He felt the rewarding touch like his embrace all over again to finally settle into his hand with a quickness he'd practiced hard to achieve.
His second cut was parallel to the first, "And once more I call, for I know your love of destruction to an end." He was again reward quickly with the touch of Kali.

Red= English
Dark Blue=Latin

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:09 am

Having set his path he contemplated the darkness before him and strode into it keeping the beam aimed at his feet as he moved quietly so as to listen more carefully but not trip, not the best method in his experience but it's what he had.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:38 am


As he gets a little closer, Hector can hear the voices more clearly - there are two distinct voices - but he can't make any sense of what they are saying. They are speaking in a language he has never heard before.

((ST Note: Go ahead and roll Dex + Stealth for Hector))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:45 am


Intrigued by a language he's not mastered let alone heard before he stops to listen, attempting to figure it's root region before moving forward again.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:03 am

((ST Note: Roll Intelligence + Academics at -1))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:05 am


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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:34 am


Hector recognizes the speech as reflecting certain root characteritics of very early Mesopotamian languages, possibly Babylonian, Assyrian or Sumerian, though it is not any of those actual languaes.

Shortly after he comes to this realization, he also notices that the voices have fallen silent.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:51 am

A most interesting language, ah well. Well when the hidden are found best to understand just what it was that was hidden or conceal it more. He thought as he came to the realization and hopes he wouldn't have to ask for Loki's thorns, they were troublesome, as he lifted his light upward to illuminate the passage in front and around him, with the back last if nothing showed immediately. He did make sure he could still touch the wall so that at the least he'd have three sides to deal with.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:36 pm


Hector's light reveals nothing of note either in front or behind him, or in his immediate vicinity. The wall is very slightly wet to his touch, and the absence of the voices he'd heard previously makes the silence seem somewhat menacing.

Then in the distance from somewhere up ahead, Hector briefly hears a sound of retreating footsteps, then silence once again.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:27 pm

Hector frowns only to smile immediately, "Wait. Don't run." a quick moment of thought, "I'm in need of assistance. Please?" He put just enough pleading in the last to make it convincing and hoped he hit a nerve to at least talk. If he was going to take the remains down here he might as well learn what lurked as well.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:46 pm


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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:51 pm


For long moments, Hector awaits a response to his words, but there is none. Cautious to the possibility of danger, he continues forward. For a couple of minutes, he notices nothing of interest, and neither sees nor hears anything that sheds light on the voices he'd heard. Then, as he turns a corner, he sees a horrific sight standing only a few paces away.

Standing before him, illuminated by the flashlight, is a strange hybrid of man and rat. It stands on two legs, and the creature's body is that of a man, but covered with thick fur. It wears no clothing. Its head is that of a rat... or, rather, what a rat head would look like were the rat in question the size of a human being. its eyes give off a golden glow, its front teeth are long and sharp, and its fingers end in long, jagged, cracked claws.

At the very edge of his flashlight's glow, Hector catches a glimpse another, similar creature scampering away, but he doesn't have time to look carefully at it, as the creature right in front of him shouts out something in its strange, unfamiliar language and charges to attack.

((ST Note: Roll initiative for Hector.

The Rat-Thing has Initiative 7 and Defense 3))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:35 pm

Hecto looks at the Rat thing with interest that quickly turns into cold callous calculation as he slices his right arm while quietly saying, "Loki my friend a lesson is in order." Rewarded with the presence of divinity passing through him he smiles.

Knowing what comes next Hector begins to travel the path to safety in order to watch the creature learn it's place and deal with it further as necessary.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:24 pm



Whether by luck or some preternatural sense, the rat-headed abomination manages to bound through the dangerous ground without harm. In fact, it doesn't seem to notice the thorny ground at all, or at least isn't deterred by it. With a few long leaping strides, it reaches Hector. It appears focused on one thing, and one alone: attacking.

The rat creature yells what sounds like an insult or some sort of invective as it takes as swipe at Hector, slashing him across the upper chest. Hector hears a snapping sound, and glancing downward, he notices several long, jagged shards of the creature's claws remain embedded in his flesh.

((ST Note: Hector takes 1 Lethal damage))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:14 am


Hector attempts a simple yet vicious swipe to now avail as the rat man darted away. Looking at the rat man before him, Hector smiles knowingly, "Thank you for the souvenirs. Too bad you can't understand me." He then moves again instinctively avoiding his friends trap.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:41 am


The rat thing attempts to follow Hector, and this time the thorns find their mark and bite deeply into Hector. The rat-thing takes only a single step toward Hector and yowls in pain before bounding back outside the area, then looks down at the floor in front of it and around Hector. It's nose and ears twitch and it looks back up at Hector and mutters some word in its strange language... given the tone of voice and its steely, golden glare, the words could mean either "sorcerer" or "you bastard;" Hector isn't sure which.

But before Hector can take too much pride in his strategy, he feels a sharp pain from the wound in his chest. Looking down, he sees the shards of claw still stuck in his chest are wriggling as if alive.... digging themselves further into his body and injuring him more in the process. Just as Hector becomes aware of this, the rat thing holds up its clawed hand, letting Hector see that its broken-off claws are regrowing, just as long and sharp and cracked as before. The claws make a snapping, crunching sound as they regenerate, and the corners of the rat-thing's lips curl upward into a toothy smile.

((ST Note: Hector takes one more Lethal damage as the claw shards continue burrowing into his chest; this puts his damage total at 2(L).

It is Hector's turn next; if his next turn is something directed at the rat creature, please PM it to me first so I can tell you how to proceed.))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:37 pm

((ST Note: Per PM, Hector chooses to delay action and see what the rat-thing does))


The rat creature eyes Hector warily, as if expecting some other sort of sneaky strategy on his part. When it appears Hector isn't in a hurry to do anything, the rat-thing looks at the tunnel wall, then jumps onto the wall, using its sharp claws to dig into the concrete. It keeps its golden eyes on Hector as it scuttles allong the wall, then leaps down on the other side of the thorny floor. Unfortunately, it didn't go quite far enough to avoid the thorns, and it yowls again as it suffers more damage to its feet. This puts the creature more or less back where it was before it attacked Hector, and by its stance, it appears to be intent on Hector not getting past it. It clicks its sharp front teeth loudly, the threat obvious.

While all this happened, the claw fragments in Hector's chest continue to dig deeper into the flesh, scraping now against ribs.

((ST Note: The claws do another 1 Lethal. It is now Hector's turn, as he has more or less switched initiative places with the rat-thing))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:54 pm

Watching the rat man scamper across the wall and then take a defensive pose before him Hector chooses to trust in his friends for having lead him here, he ignores the thorny trap and instead rips out the claws until all are in hand.

With a look to claws in hand he then looks to the Rat man and nods in way indicating acceptance as though it had passed a test. Letting the claws drop from his hand he then attempts to convey a cease in hostilities and that he doesn't threaten it or what it protects for he'd honestly not wish to have to destroy them if at all possible. All the while he heals some of the damage, deliberately allowing the creature to see the effect.



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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:12 pm


The creature turns its head side to side as if confused by Hector's actions. It steps very slowly and carefully back through the thorns, stopping to look at Hector again, glancing down long enough to figure out where to step next, then back to him. It has stopped the threatening teeth-clacking, but it maintains a defensive posture.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:25 pm

Now that that's taken care of, Hector thinks. He again illustrates no aggressive stance but does what he can to offer respect and backs it up with Majesty, as he brings his hand to his chest in a obvious motion to attract attention while saying, "Hector."

He then motions with an open hand to the rat man in the same manner he did himself.


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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:54 pm


The rat-thing cocks its head, its gold eyes flashing. After a few moments, it makes a sound, part tooth click, part rodent chitter. "Chk-k-k-k-ka" is about the closest Hector can come to reproducing or making sense of the sounds. He's not certain it's a name, but it is notably different from the earlier proto-Mesopotamian speech.

Suddenly the rat-creature stands up straight. It's ears perk up, and it appears to be looking or listening for something behind Hector.

((ST Note: Roll Perception for Hector))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:09 am

Hector simply nodded as he set to remember the motions and sound the Rat man made. Sighing deliberately he turns and puts his back to the wall, the flashlight still on the Rat man as he attempts to listen for whatever caught the others attention. Hopefully it was something minor let alone a trick, as he'd really hate to lose this opportunity even if able to reestablish later.

Into the darkness he says in a mild but steel voice, "I really hate to be interrupted so I hope this is good."


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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:30 am

For a long moment, Hector hears nothing. Then he faintly hears uneven footsteps approaching slowly. He can't see anything in that direction, however, as the overhead lights in this area are not working and his flashlight is turned toward the rat-creature.

He hears the rat-thing sniff, then mutter something in its unintelligible language.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:38 am

He simply shook his head, likely another rat as someone intelligent would've said something when he spoke even if they didn't understand. Really not wanting to have to go to violence again first thing he made sure that whatever or whoever it was came to him now.


As he called for the attention he brought about the flashlight so that he could see the new arrival whatever it may be.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:53 am

As Hector shines the light toward the oncoming figure, he realizes immediately it is not another of the rat creatures. It takes him just a moment longer to register just what it is, however.

The figure staggers close with an uneven gait, which makes sense given the figure is missing fully half its left foot. It is also missing a couple fingers and much of the flesh off its left arm, and the entire left side of its face is bare bone, save for the reddened eyeball in the left socket.

The thing's remaining flesh is gray, cracked and dry, and with each step it takes, Hector sees a few small bits of its flesh fall off to crumble on the floor of the tunnel.

Were it not for one thing, Hector would probably conclude this was a zombie, and in pretty poor condition even compared to what little one expects from a zombie. That one thing, however, made the the creature all the more horrifying.

Hector felt the Predator's Taint reacting, which meant this wretched, wasted thing was another vampire.

((ST Note: Hector recognizes this other vampire's Blood Potency is lower than his own.))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:09 am

Hector laughs with real mirth although it comes out as more a chuckle, noting familiar signs he himself had dealt with he says, "Can you understand me? Go ahead and stop and rest, I won't hurt you." Yet, flashes through his mind as the possibilities run through his mind like a rampaging rainbow. He flashes the light at the ground were the rat man last stood to check it's still there, regardless of out come he brings the light back to the sickened kindred to see if they responded.

He began to think of how he would get this zombiefied kindred food if he was inclined.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:29 am

BP 2

The kindred staggers against a wall, pain infusing his body but he will not fall down. He speaks in Sanskrit.

"The Naga has come, the Naga has come, the Naga has come," he repeats several more times, clutching his left arm with his right.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:40 pm

Hector frowns for a split second as he beats his beast down with the proverbial stick then he recalls all he can in relation to Naga's before smiling and replying in Sanskrit, "That may be but do not worry about the Naga as I'm here now. Who are you and of which covenant do you associate with?" His tone was neutral, neither comforting or menacing. He wondered briefly if the sickness was a growing to envelope the city or if it had struck in the three days he'd missed. If this kindred wasn't a Crone that would complicate matters and only serve to annoy him further.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by DaevaDude Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:43 pm

((ST Note: When Hector sweeps his flashlight back to check on the rat creature, he discovers it has fled))

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:56 pm

BP 2

Jayant stops mid-stagger at the sound of the voice breaking his reverie, a smile slowly spreading that causes half of his face to twist in a mask of puckered flesh and jutting bone.

"The Naga squirms below the surface, wrapped contently round a soul, hissing in its nest of perceived virtue, holding the shell of Jayant up to walk and talk and shiver in pain at every step. His covenant is neither here nor there and in a state of sudden departure pending a moment of clarity."

The smile leaves his face.

"Where is Inquisitor Orchid? Where is my Asp?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:20 pm

Hector takes a moment to stomp his irritation at the evasive answer and the Rat man having fled, best overall. Shrugging he gives the Kindred before him his full attention. "Alright, so Naga has led you to me. I'm Hector and you're out of it in more ways to count."

Looking Jayant up and down while unconcerned how close he got. "I didn't ask about where you're covenant has gotten to but which one you're a part of. But since that doesn't seem to trigger how about you understand that those you ask for are gone to a final rest and you now stand before the Gatekeeper. You have survived which grants you respect, but now you must choose whether to join your fellows or continue on."

While smiling inward Hectors countenance was upfront and serious in his role which spoke with both authenticity and power.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:31 pm

BP 2

"The Mother holds the Beast at bay in my soul; the Naga is her pet. You talk of respect lightly...."

His hand drifts to his belt and finds his blade gone.

Falling to his knees, he begs for forgivness. He begs to the Mother, to the Naga, to his Clan, to his Sire, to little V and to the missing part of his body; the kukri blade of his heritage.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:02 pm

Hector shakes his head at the others words while noting the gesture as though to draw, and the pleading.

"Can you even see yourself let alone the sickness of trial that has been laid upon you. For obviously you can not see the Hero, the Monster and the Gods that both stand before you and have led you here. You have survived the test set forth by the gods, are you going to be stronger for it when so many others have not or are you going to join those whose faith was consumed?" His voice is challenging but also offering. The next part is more akin to steel waves crashing down. "Forget your pain and forget what you think you know, enlightenment is yours if you simply stop and pay attention."

With that he simply waits in silence to see what the wrecked Kindred does. His face impassive with eyes like the darkness surrounding him while appearing to be just what he says.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:07 pm

BP 2

Standing arkwardly, his damaged body trying its hardest to support its own weight, Jayant stands to attention; arms stiff to his sides, chin up, eyes staring 6 inches to the left and up of Hector's eyes.

"Jayant Nagaraj, Mekhet, Khaibit, Circle of the Crone, Ghurkha of her Majesty's British-Indian Army, Private, 736892-k! SIRRAH!"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:18 pm

Hector nods as the Acolyte before him responds with not only training but an amount of Vigor having obviously chosen to continue. He responds with, "I am Hector Hastipolis, Daeva and Acolyte for the Circle of the Crone whilst humble friend to the gods." Letting the other take a moment to sort that in his pain he then continues, "Take my right arm, never the left, and I will lead you. I will see that you are fed so that you may heal to be whole, there is work to be done." He extends his right arm in order to support the other with the obvious intent to head back the way they'd both come.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:26 pm

BP 2


Jayant takes hold of Hector's right arm with his own right hand, his left currently too useless. He seems to be glancing at the floor every few steps trying to search for something.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:38 pm

Taking a better grasp of the tattered Jayant in his right arm Hector for the most part half carries him. "Jayant, call me Hector and lower your voice." It came out more in a commanding tone while the next softened the impact, "There's plenty down here I'm not in control of and may not be able to protect you from in your weakened state." Noting his new companion looking about for something, "What are you looking for?" Hector doesn't stop as he asks the last question.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:41 pm

BP 2

"My soul...." he whispers.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:59 pm

He was recovering which proved good to Hector, knowing some of the practices of various cultures let alone Kindred and Acolytes he considered a moment before asking, "What does your soul look like so I know to point it out if I see it?"

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:03 pm

BP 2

"It is around 2 feet in length with a curved blade. It keeps the Naga at bay..."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:21 pm

"Very well. Perhaps we should concentrate on getting you fed so as to allow you to search more easily. Unless of course you happen to recall your path and where you last had your soul." Hector could already see the sessions to deprogram his current associate, but he had survived and so was worthy, now it was to see if he continued to be worthy.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:29 pm

"The soul can survive anything, the Beast will not. Feed first, become whole second."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:37 pm

Hector retraces his steps with knowing precision to the best spot he scouted earlier for feeding snatch and grab. Now hopefully to distract the other and keep him focused. "Your words hold truth to them, are they yours or anothers?" His tone has come to a genuine interest point without accepting.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:43 pm

"The Man speaks where the Beast guides. For now at least."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:56 pm

And my last student wondered why I did the things I did, sometimes the broken understand more than the supposed whole ever can. By the same token the supposed whole do more than the broken could ever hope to. I wonder if this one has a particular mark or not? He will be marked after this either way as someone thought to have our paths cross, and if there's one there's likely more I need to find. This should prove to be a long arduous night. *Thinks in Latin*

Hector smiles as his thoughts turn inward at the others words, remaining silent he focuses on reaching his goal.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Empty Re: Down the Rabbit Hole

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