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New beginings

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New beginings Empty New beginings

Post by Laufrey Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:41 am

Headstrong had been traveling for several hours and finally found himself in the city proper of Sacramento a place cast of his own rewarding punishment for being tougher than the vain. It’d been a couple hours since he’d been out of range to talk with the others and would be due to call with the plans of meeting. Research was one thing but actually having boots on the ground was another, and so a good place to stop was needed.

Stephen sat in silence while driving with his compatriot thinking of the coming nights. Beyond finding a suitable place and locating anyone else around, it would be imperative to understand what had happened as if it could happen once it stood to happen again. The three of them had spoken little on the subject as there was no need; they all needed more before really getting into it. He did hope that the population was small, more manageable that way as the larger the population the lazier and stupider they often got, even among Kindred. Looking to Gideon he wondered as he often did just what did he see through his eyes as it wasn’t much Stephen knew too well although appreciated.

He almost laughed at the thought of how he ended up with two Dragons but let it go as he saw the city ahead. Better now than never,
“You want to check your Order’s places first or set up our stuff first?” He’d take his time with any Carthians as he relations with them and most anyone was usually mercurial at best. He made sure that their fourth was always in site with the truck and most of their stuff, he tended to travel light and simply didn’t ask about the others stuff.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by jmiland1 Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:24 am

Gideon is silent for nearly a full minute before answering, considering the question fully. "We know little of our Order's holdings within this city," he finally says. "It would be best to secure a haven for ourselves first, I feel, but also prudent to make our presence known as soon as possible." He watches the passing signs just off the side of the road, perhaps counting down the mile markers, perhaps scrutinizing the Adopt-A-Highway postings.
"I doubt we are the first in town," he adds after a bit. "The sooner Headstrong and I can meet other Dragons and establish a hierarchy, the better. Particularly if there is research material to be found." In the years since this coterie formed Gideon has become a bit more vocal about an interest in occult matters, although its hard to tell if that interest was always there and he just didn't speak about it, or if it has only recently gained a foothold within him.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by BBQLord Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:56 am

Headstrong left the area marked by a deceptive and pretentious sign saying 'motel reception hall'. The small room and dingy interior were only surpassed in sorriness by the pathetic wretch of a twenty-something identified by his ridiculous hat as 'Night Manager J. Orlando'.

To be fair, this establishment had amused Headstrong greatly. She hadn't shown it but the nonsensical wackiness was a nice break from the drudgery of travelling. According to what she'd heard on the grapevine, however, this wasn't the time to indulge in strangeness. Sacramento might very well still be dangerous. She disliked how she'd driven through town for almost an hour and hadn't met a single Kindred, one who had revealed himself anyway. So, she'd recommend the dullest but most secure motel she had inspected in the last hour as a rendezvous point.

The guys should be getting in range right about now. If not, she'd try a regular phone call but she disliked veering too far from the old and unreliable things she had acquired over the years. Headstrong walked over to her bike (a dirty and ugly beauty, still mostly Electra Glide), opened a compartment, took out a fraction of broken helmet and spoke into it.

"Hey guys, you here yet?"


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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by Laufrey Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:08 pm

Stephen nodded at Gideons suggestions replying with, "Perhaps doing a sweep to find markers, if no one's home we can take two for one. That way you can also at least have a chance at any material rather than giving looters extra time." He was about to say more when he's earpiece chimed in with Headstrongs voice, glancing briefly at Gideon to insure he'd kept his on Stephen replied, "We're just coming up to the outskirts now. How's the hunting?"

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by jmiland1 Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:20 pm

Gideon nods in silent affirmation when Stephen checks to see that he has his earpiece in. He did hate the damnable thing, that much was true; it never seemed to fit right and it made him grumble. But on nights such as this the communication value far outweighed his annoyance at the little plastic gizmo.
Rather than answer Stephen, he waits for Headstrong's response. Best to get all available information before speaking.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by BBQLord Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:40 pm

"I don't like it." Headstrong answered, as she always did.

"I've taken a look along the major streets and checked two areas that are most likely local Racks but I have yet to see even a single one of ours. So far the word on the street seems to ring true; it's dead quiet out here."

"Continue along the interstate, I'll join up with you guys in about four minutes."

The way she didn't address the reasons why she in fact did 'like it' -easy feeding, no overprotective or paranoid Kindred, probably good havens for the picking- spoke volumes.


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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by jmiland1 Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:34 am

After waiting to be sure Headstrong was finished, Gideon said, "I concur. We need to find a suitable haven. Your method sounds... agreeable. We can look for any of the typical Kindred markers to direct us towards a secure location." He lapses into silence.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:38 pm

Stephen nods before replying, "Alright. Headstrong, we're looking at finding your fellow Dragons house to either find people or acquire what's there rather than letting others run off with loot. We're just passing exit 74 for Robinson."

While he hoped that it'd be an easy move in he expected to have to sit in the background upon meeting the other Dragons, cagey as they were he respected their want for secrecy even though he thought it a little much, what's the point in doing transcendental research if you keep it in the elite and thus eliminating perspective. With a shrug he discarded that line of thought, no need to worry about their methods when they were about to run into the unknown and slap it in the face.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by BBQLord Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:44 pm

Headstrong was silent for a few seconds. Every time Stephen discussed Dragon business -instead of or before Gideon- she got a little... overprotective would probably be the right word, considering she'd known Stephen for years.

Headstrong gripped and turned, her bike roared and devoured the relative silence before dying down again.

Gideon was smart enough to both work through the difficulties in locating a chapter house and keep Stephen at arm's length. Probably why Gideon hadn't even broached the topic of finding other Dragons. Clever kid, Gideon.

"Alright, see you guys in four-and-a-half minutes." Headstrong said before throwing the piece of helm back in the compartment.

She disliked dividing her attention and if they had had anything to say that couldn't wait four minutes they would have said it already.

Again the silence and solace receded as her bike sprang to live and three seconds later Headstrong was on the road, mind blanking out and senses sharpening. She only had four minutes.


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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by jmiland1 Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:42 pm

Gideon lets Stephen drive in peace for a few minutes, but eventually the silence is broken. For him to actually take the time to speak first, it's either something very important or territory that has been trod before; and as usual, Gideon does not disappoint on that front.
"We would always be happy to have a keen mind such as yours in the Order. It would certainly facilitate things on our end; it is sometimes difficult to explain our choice of travelmate to others. And you know we have much respect for you, Stephen, and we would never wish to make you feel excluded, but so often there are things we are unable to include you with. It... pains us." He goes silent again, still watching out the window; he has presented his case and said all he needs to at this time.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by Laufrey Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:14 pm

This again he thought, although he'd expected to come up with such promising rich opportunity in the new city. His smile was reflected in his voice, "Gideon you know I appreciate the offer but as much as your Covenant does, which is a lot, I don't agree with it at it's core self even though I appreciate it." An old argument but still true, "I only just began to understand what it was to be human and now that aspect is almost entirely closed to me, I've a long road to understand what I am now. So pray tell, how could I possible hope to transcend without fully understanding all there is of this existence no matter how much people want to avoid dealing with the basics? Plus I'd spend to much time wrecking havoc internally than not as I won't have a ruler."

Stephen shrugs in knowing but it was a good reminder, partly why he liked working with these guys. By they're nature they'd make him uncomfortable and thus able to grow. Although if they actually understood that, he really wasn't sure. "Honestly though, I know you guys need to keep things out of sight and mind, it doesn't bother me, it's what you do and there's always plenty for me to do that doesn't need to be involved with that stuff." He pauses to consider his next choice of words, "As for explaining me to the others, I'm reliable, crafty, respectful and if need be a case study. Would they prefer all dragons or success?"

Saved by the other half, as Stephen notices Headstrong up ahead. He says simply to Gideon at this point, "She's just up ahead."

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by jmiland1 Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:27 pm

Gideon makes a quiet, rumbling noise in the back of his throat; it's how he acknowledges something when he has nothing further to add to a conversation. He nods periodically throughout Stephen's speech to show his understanding, and why wouldn't he understand it? This topic has been broached before. But he's willing to let the subject die as they approach Headstrong.
That went well, he thought to himself. It wasn't exactly a strong denial. He may well come around in another few decades.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by BBQLord Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:29 am

Headstrong slows down and, after passing the other two, makes a slow U-turn, checking to see if there was anything out of the ordinary, anything following her charges. But aside from some cars -maneuvering wildly to get out of a collision course- the streets seemed to promise undiluted banality.

Accelerating, she passed Gideon and Stephen, signaling them to follow. They were a dull seven minutes removed from her target. Time flies though, when you're doing something so mind numbingly simple you could do it in your sleep.

As they pull into the motel Headstrong is the first on the ground and, after a minute of re-confirming her assessment of the place, walks over to Gideon and Stephen.


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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:25 pm

By the time Headstrong is walking over to them Stephen is already out the car and walking a short distance around as he continues his scan of the area while making it look like he was stretching. *Using Auspex* He stays within easy speaking distance but allows the others enough space to speak quietly as a gesture of being polite as all three knew if he wanted to know he would. *No longer using Auspex*

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by BBQLord Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:27 pm

Taking his cue Headstrong heads over to Gideon first.

"Wanna talk about the search for the Order now or later, with or without him?" Headstrong asks her fellow Dragon in a quiet-ish voice.


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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by jmiland1 Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:32 pm

"I see no reason to not include Stephen," Gideon says. "He's seen the symbols before, he knows what to look for. Of all the secrets the Order keeps I doubt the Covenant shall be crushed by any revelations we uncover tonight."

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:58 pm

Having not heard Headstrong's comment he could still guess from what Gideon said. Coming back to the car obviously satisfied no imminent threat or spy was about he commented with, "I'm happy that you hold my skills in such high regard Headstrong." He smiles at Gideon while the next is obviously for Headstrong, "But I am just one little Carthian after all." The bait along with the smile were familiar ones. Looking now to Headstrong Stephen holds an expectant look as though waiting for the next step.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by BBQLord Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:20 am

Well, Gideon surely was optimistic tonight. Might milk that for a little something something... Headstrong raises her voice slightly above normal conversation-levels, signaling to Stephen that any private conversation was over.

"You ain't dumb and can be an uncannily perceptive bastard, Stephen. To be a royal pain in the ass, whether to an individual or a group, you need only one of those qualities." Headstrong tags back while turning a little bit to Stephen, her body language open.


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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by Laufrey Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:03 am

Stephen shrugs at Headstrongs accusations as though used to them while looking at her saying, "So where we off to then?" His smile however told another story of enjoyment at the uncomfortableness he provided and perhaps received.

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by jmiland1 Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:05 am

"In the past, Dragon Academies have often been located near facilities such as an important library, or perhaps a museum," Gideon says. "If we can locate these we should be able to find the necessary signs to direct us to a chapterhouse or appropriate Haven that we can use. I understand there is a college in town," he adds. "Perhaps that would be a likely area to search?"

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by DaevaDude Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:18 am

((ST Note: As they seek out local Dragons, both of the Dragons should roll Intelligence + their dots in Status/Ordo Dracul. Those with Streetwise at 2 dots or more can half their Streetwise rating (rounded down) as bonus dice to that roll.))

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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by BBQLord Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:43 am

Headstrong looks to Stephen.

"Sounds like a plan to me."



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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by jmiland1 Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:44 pm


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New beginings Empty Re: New beginings

Post by DaevaDude Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:24 pm

After checking the areas around major museums and the public library and coming up short, Headstrong and Gideon start looking for more obscure locations. A check of local Yellow Pages reveals a "Center for Geneology Studies" in the far north part of the greater Sacramento area. Heading there, they notice not too far away a large house - a small mansion, really - located across the street from a large cemetery. The house features gothic style archetecture and some subtle design elements - a certain sort of tile, dragon door knocker - commonly used by the Dragons to indicate a Chapter House.

((ST Note: And from there, this thread goes to the Chapter House thread at the new boards. Find it
here ))

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