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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:25 pm


Frustrated by lack of results in her search, and also hungry, Twist decides to hunt.

Outside the Grindhouse, several people wait to see the next show in the current horror double-bill. Males outnumber females by a fair margin among these kine. There are several obvious couples - mostly mixed-gender, but off to the side of the line stand two women whose body language indicates them to be more than just friends - and some small groupings. Most of the groupings are made up of males only - and drunk males at that, in several cases - but one cluster appears to be made up of 3 couples and one extra guy, and another cluster of four looks to Twist like two double-dating couples. There are also a few people who appear to be taking in the show by themselves - all male and fairly young (late teens through mid-20s), mostly obviously shy, and some (but not all) fairly unattractive.

As she approaches the line, Twist gets a fair bit of attention from a few of the males. In one group of college-aged men, a couple of them point at her, and she hears some whispered comments and chuckling. She also notices one of the women in the female couple glance her way for a moment, along with the other a moment later.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:37 pm

Twist rubs her hands, twining and untwining her fingers together as though it were an unconcious act of someone when nervous. She let her gaze roam- looking for her made up no-show boyfriend. Catching the eyes of one of the guys in the college-aged group currently pointing at her she gives a shy smile before glancing away. She avoids the drunks as best she can, with so many of them, it was difficult, and the double-date group. She smiles at the two women as well, a little less shyly for them- but again, doesn't keep contact long.

*Can't be too forward- then they'll just think I'm easy* she cautioned herself, or rather her beast who was rilling up at the prospect of eating again.

When she reaches the end of the line, she pulls out her phone, flips it open and then pouting slightly at whatever she sees she puts it away again. Clasping her hands behind her back, she once again scans the crowd- pausing again on the group of college guys and the female coupling.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:35 pm


Twist notices the group of college-age guys continuing to check her out, whisper comments to each other, etc. One of the guys gives another a push in her direction, but he stays with his buddies, apparently more comfortable sticking with his pack.

She also notices the two women have gotten in line, as the previous showing is just getting out. They're just a little behind Twist, and last time she looked that way, one of the two women was paying attention to her and seemed to have a sympathetic look on her face.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:18 pm

Twist took a second to debate which group to turn her attention to as she felt she had a good chance with both. That both females had glanced at her, and the one still glancing her way wasn't getting slugged by her partner, meant that her chances of getting two bites was there. However- the sympathetic look was slightly worrisome. It was more difficult to turn sympathy to something she could utilize through a movie. With the guys she would most likely be restricted to one feeding- guys weren't so willing to share. But lust, that she could work with.

Making her decision she hesitantly made her way toward the group of college guys. She wasn't in the mood to risk a better feeding chance for a possibility of two feedings. Settling a flirty smile on her face she waited until she was within speaking range before raising her voice.

"Hi- um, would any of you guys happen to be Ryan? I was suppose to meet him for a blind date but that was 15 minutes ago." Flirty tone, with a hint of dissapointment- just the right mixture to convey that while she was there for 'Ryan' she wouldn't mind picking up a different blind date.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:46 pm

The guys look at each other, and a couple say "No, no Ryan here," but one of them steps forward and says "My name's not Ryan, but I'd be glad to fill in for him." A couple of the others laugh at this.

This young man has a cocky smile and manner about him. He's fit and attractive, and an attitude that says he's well aware how fit an attractive he is.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:02 am

*Il pranzo รจ servito.*

Twist let a smile light up her face. "I'm Stefanie. And since you aren't Ryan- who are you? I have to at least know the name of the guy whose circulation I will be cutting off during the movie." While not 100% accurate on what she planned to do to the boy, it was close enough that Twist had to refrain from giggling. Deep inside, her beast rumbled and she absently shushed it with promises of food shortly.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Thu Jun 18, 2009 12:26 am

"I'm Justin," he says. "You still wanting to catch the movie, or would you rather go out dancing or something?"

One of the other guys says "Yeah, dancin's what's on his mind", to hoots from some of the others, and a glare from Justin.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:55 am

Twist shoots the other guy a conspiratorial grin before turning back to Justin.

"I wouldn't want to interrupt your night with your friends." She says, her words coming slowly, obviously tempted to say yes to dancing- or something. "But skipping out on the movies sounds way tempting- I am not a huge fan of horror." *I just live it* She grinned, "And I do love dancing" and moved her hips and torso in the faint motions of dancing or something, her eyes moving to catch Justin's as she did so.

*Careful not to overdo it- just seperate him from his friends, that is all we need right now.*

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:24 pm

It takes Justin awhile before his eyes return to Twist's, as he is clearly more focused on her hips and other parts south of the face, but eventually they do drift back that way. He realizes he'd gotten caught checking her out, but he just smiles and says "Yeah, dancing sounds better every second."

He turns to his buddies and says "You're on your own. Enjoy the movies, and try to not get too scared." He then holds out a hand to Twist and says "Let's get out of here, Stefanie. We can take my car, and I can bring you back for yours later."

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:32 pm

An excited smile blossoms across her face, and she eagerly places her hand in Justin's.

"Lead the way!"

As they walk away she glances back over her shoulder at the group of boys and with a smile gives them a brief wave. "Bye- nice to kinda meet you all."
Then turning back around, she hops a small step to get back in step with Justin, and just a little closer. "So- where do you want to dance?" Her voice is just as excited as her smile from a few seconds ago a slight burr again bringing up the double meaning on dance.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:52 pm

Justin lets go of "Stefanie's" hand and instead reaches around and puts a hand on her outside hip, pulling her close. "Well, if you want to do the club scene, I know a couple pretty neat places. The Rage has the best music and lights in town, or there's this new place, Club Inferno, I haven't been there yet but I hear it's pretty wild."

His smile widens, and he lightly squeezes her hip, as he adds "Or, if you'd rather not deal with crowds and would like to actually be able to hear, we could just go to my place and put on some tunes. My roommate is one of the guys we ditched back there, so he's not going to be back for a long time."

Justin stops and turns to face "Stefanie", putting his other hand on her other hip, and looking into her eyes - and he really does have pretty striking blue eyes. He says "Either way's fine with me. Lady's choice."

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:29 am

Twist was a Daeva. And while she followed the deadly fighter part of the family, that didn't erase the fact that she still felt the pull of beauty just like those Daeva who wielded magesty like a surgeon with a scalpel. And so for a few seconds, she was silent- enjoying just looking at his eyes.

~hUngrY~ A quick reminder from her beast and Twist reluctantly pulled away from the lure of his eyes.

She smiled and ducked her head, almost as if she was embarrassed.

"If you don't" she lifted her head, seeking his blue eyes again, drawing strength from them, "think it's too forward- your place sounds wonderful."

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:31 pm

"I don't think it's too forward at all. We're adults, it's fine to say what we want." Justin puts a couple fingers under "Stefanie's" chin to hold her there as he bends to kiss her... just a light, teasing kiss with a hint of tongue.

"And I know what I want. I want to go back to my place, put on some music so we can dance for a bit, and then I want to show you what else I want, and find out about your own wants."

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:33 am

She leans into the kiss and as he pulls away a languid smile crosses her face.

"I think that I want to follow your wants to the T," she said slowly, still enjoying the brief kiss. A quicker smile flickered across her face and she glanced around the parking lot, "So- which car is yours and please tell me it is fast."

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:21 am


Twist notices a few people in the lot... people parking and walking from their cars to the theatre, and a few people still heading out to their cars or leaving the lot following the end of the previous showing. She also notices a group of five young men and women around the back of a pickup truck in one corner of the lot, drinking beer from a cooler.

Justin kisses "Stefanie" again, a bit longer this time, then leads her to a black Mitsubishi Eclipse. It looks brand-new. "This one is mine," he says, leading her around to the passenger side and unlocking the door via his electronic key. He holds open the door for her.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:47 pm

Her eyes widen at the sight of the car and she grins, "It's awesome and it seems like it fits you" she praises, her eyes scanning the contours of the vehicle.

"My thanks" she laughs as he opens the door and she slides into the car. While he walked back around the car to get in, she took a moment to make sure that her beast was contained. She knew that as soon as he closed himself into the car it would urge her to attack but she knew she had to make it back to his place, and that meant control. By the time he slid into his own seat she felt confident and flashed him a dazzling smile that more than hinted at danger and passion.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:28 pm


Once he's in the car, but before buckling up, he leans over to kiss "Stefanie" again, then starts up the car. A CD is playing, something loud with a heavy beat that seems to energize Twist's Beast.

Justin drives with confidence, and fast. When not shifting, he places his right hand on "Stefanie's" thigh.

He drives to near Sacramento State University, pulling in at one of the many, interchangeable apartment complexes that cater mostly to undergrad and grad students, and to former students not yet ready to move on with their lives. He wheels his car into the lot, then skillfully backs into a parking space.

"We're here, baby," he says, leaning over to kiss again.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:13 pm

She grinned as she accepted the kiss, hiding the usual amusement that came when someone called her baby. She knew she looked like one but if they only knew the true amount of years she had walked the Earth- they most certainly would not call her baby.

She pulled away from the kiss, just enough though to speak, "Excellent- I can feel the music in my bones, it is calling for movement. Take me to your place and move with me Justin."

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:33 pm


Justin grins at her words, then hops out of the car and goes around to her side to help "Stefanie" out of the car. As soon as her door is shut, he leans in to kiss her, pressing her against the car for just a moment, then takes her hand to lead her inside.

It doesn't take long for them to get there. Any faster and they'd have been running. A few more kisses and he puts something on the stereo... Twist thinks it might be something by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but she isn't sure. What she does know is that as Justin takes her in his arms, he's definitely taking her up on the invitation to move with her... or against her, anyhow, as he presses her body to his. The movements thata follow can't quite be called dancing, and they aren't sex quite yet... the fall into some grey area between both. Rhythmic foreplay, perhaps.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:21 am

Laughing Twist let's him pull her up to his place, okay maybe pull was the wrong word. She was just as eager to be inside herself. If for different reasons.

And when he kisses her, she returns those just as easily. This time however, instead of kissing with tongue and lips she adds a little teeth. Just a little nibble on his lips, a slight pull here, a quick nip there. Nothing to hurt- far from it in fact if he was like many guys. But it was there none the less.

As they move, she considers whether or not she should actually bother with making her pulse pound for him. But as he body came flush up against hers for a second she decides against. She nearly had him, no need to bother at this point. Laughing low, she turns so that they are face to face, her eyes sparkle with pure excitement, anticipation, and lust. Deftly she slides her arms up around his neck, pulling her body closer to his, her body still shifting to the music. "You move well," she laughs against his lips before initiating her own deep kiss.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:14 am


Justin responds to her playful bites as Twist had expected , with more passion. He returns her deep kiss. As he does so, his hands start on Twist's hips, but as the kiss continues, one slides down to cup her ass, while the other slides up and under the back of her top. She feels the warmth of his hand on her skin, and he feels the opposite.

Justin pulls back to look at her. "You feel like you're freezing. Did I have the AC in the car on too high?" Though hazed with lust, his eyes also appear to show some genuine concern.

((ST Question: What is Twist's current Vitae total?))

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:02 am

((She has 6 out 11 currently.))

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:46 am

((ST Note: So noted))

Justin continues to seem genuinely concerned about "Stefanie" being cold, but apparently feels the best way to address the problem is to continue to hold her close, one hand on the small of her back.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:39 am

She gives a small shrugg in his arms, "It was a bit cold but it is most likely me. I am almost always cold. I get it from my mother- she is always cold too."
She snuggles a bit closer to him with a coy smile, "Don't worry- I'll warm up soon enough with you against me." Leaving one arm around his neck she let her fingers trace down his chest until one hand rest on his hip, her fingers toying with the waistband of his pants. A light distraction from her next couple moves.

She leaned in for another kiss and when that one ended she began trailing kisses down his neck until she reached the spot where she could feel his pulse against her lips. Fighting back the urge to just tear into his warm flesh, she bit into his neck just enough to reach the red life flow below his skin.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:31 pm


Twist feels Justin respond to her touch as she toys with parts lower, and again as she kisses his neck. Then, as he feels the Kiss, he moans and stiffens... the sounds and bodily sensations very much like those of a man on the verge of climax. Twist herself feels the thrill of the successful hunt, and the warmth of the blood and the power it grants her.

((ST Question: Is Twist going to take her fill? Spend any Vitae toward recovering from the effects of whatever almost destroyed her?))

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:41 pm

(( Yes. She will take 5 and then try and spend some to heal herself from the ravages of the poison stuff.))

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by DaevaDude Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:22 pm


Justin's body goes limp, and he has a somewhat dazed expression, as Twist finishes feeding.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

Post by deltadream Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:20 pm

Feeling Justin go limp, Twist pulls back from his neck. That was a good clue to stop. She was full anyways- no need to get carried away. Carefully she lowered the boy's body to the floor, arranging his limbs into a comfortable position. Leaning over him she licked his neck free of blood and wound marks. And with her beast content and quiet within her she was feeling generous. So instead of leaving, she browsed through his place finding a pillow and a blanket. Settling the pillow under his head she curled up on the floor against his body, tugging the blanket over them both. One of the nice things about being nearly immortal is you had plenty of time to 'smell the roses.' And so, while Justin lay dazed on the floor, the sated vampire lay next to him- content to simply watch and admire his features and body.

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Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist) Empty Re: Grindhouse Hunt (attn: Twist)

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