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A Night Over Corpses

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A Night Over Corpses Empty A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:59 pm

Dr. Asaan stood in his office doorway, smoking a black as they wheeled in the next unfortunate soul. He was already behind on paperwork, and here they kept bringing him corpses to examine. He almost hoped for something out of the ordinary...human killers were so damned boring. And the number of times he had to go through the whole process just to say 'He died from a myocardial infarction'? Idiotic. You could tell that most of the time just by asking people what happened at the time of death.

Oh well. Another night, another autopsy. Or ten.

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:30 pm

Seraphina pulled up to the morgue taking a chance that Akasha would be here she needed to speak with him about a few things she goes up to the door and knocks awaiting an answer.

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:35 pm

Dr. Asaan gets up and pulls open the office door, smiling slightly as he sees Seraphina. "Good evening Seraphina, what can I do for you?" He steps aside, and waits for her to enter.

A Night Over Corpses Asaanbanner

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:40 pm

Seraphina returns the smile before entering "Dr. Asan I was wondering if you you have a moment there are a few things I would like to go over with you."

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:42 pm

"Of course, please, have a seat." He closes the door behind her, and then sits down behind the desk, pulling a black out of his lab coat pocket and lighting up. "Please, what's on your mind?"

A Night Over Corpses Asaanbanner

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:47 pm

Seraphina sits down and looks at Akasha across the desk "We did not have much time to speak the other night and I was just wondering a few things about the direction you wish to take The Movement now that you sit at it's head such as have you given anything to recruiting and adding more to our ranks?" she smiles at him politely.

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:52 pm

Dr. Asaan leaned back in his seat, tapping off the ash from his black as he took another puff. "Recruiting is the first step, really. Unless more of the others have shown their faces again, the only two acknowledged members are us. I will accept the others, if they show themselves to me." He taps off more ash, and frowns, "On the other hand, we should probably just find them. Make certain they know who is currently in charge, and that our main goal for the moment is recruiting others to our standards."

A Night Over Corpses Asaanbanner

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:58 pm

Considering his last comment for a moment she quirks an eyebrow at him "and what are those standards in your opinion?" she asks. "I do need something to entice those who would join us."

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:02 pm

"That they be willing to share in the democratic inhibitions and the fulfillment of bringing such ideas and theories to the forefront in a city so inhabited by the first and second estate." He butts out the black, and leans forward on the desk. "We should find the names of all that are currently without covenant. No better place to begin that at the beginning."

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:07 pm

"I agree with that but we fall on the problem of how to get such a list both of the Harpies are within the same covenant therefore I think it would be a little difficult to go up to them and ask 'hey can I have a list of all the unaligned in the city' it may look as though we are trying to take over the unaligned things such as this require a bit of discretion." Seraphina smiles as she leans over the desk herself catching whiff of the smell emanating from Akasha and trying to ignore it but her nose wrinkles slightly "So tell me how do we plan on acquiring such a list good doctor."

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:10 pm

Dr. Asaan straightens out his lab coat, and shakes his head. "We do not ask for unaligned. We simply ask for a list of those in the city. There are others of our covenant that we could feign the intention of finding."

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:23 pm

Well he is smarter than I took him for she thinks to herself as she leans back in her own chair contemplating whom should go and ask for this list or if a phone call would work the it dawns on her that one of the Harpies is of the same clan as Akasha where as she had no ties to either one "So are you planning on asking Harpy Karsh for that list?" she then thinks to what else she wanted to address but then realizes there really isn't much else to discuss until they have numbers to back up any thing they may want to do.

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:27 pm

Dr. Asaan leans back in his chair, and shakes his head. "It could also be asked of the Seneschal. She's one of my kind as well."

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:29 pm

"That may be true but she is still new in her position where as Harpy Karsh has been in his for longer and may have a more complete list but if the Seneshal is the route you would like to take then that is the route we shall take." she offers her opinion but not much more.

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:33 pm

"That is true enough, but Shadow is quite known for her memory." He hmms quietly to himself for a moment. "Let's see what Karsh has first. We'll go from there once we have know who to look for."

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:39 pm

Raising from her chair Seraphina bows slightly to Akasha "Once we determine if there are more to our members than are present at the moment we will continue this discussion?" she questions.

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:40 pm

He stands with her, and nods his head once. "Yes, once we know who to invite, I will hold another meeting. We can discuss recruitment, and if there are enough, perhaps a little more."

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:43 pm

"Until the Priscus Asan." she smiles before turning and exiting the room.

A Night Over Corpses Serabanner


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:04 pm

{Need both to PM me Int+Carthian Status}


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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:28 pm

"One last thing. Look up Reed Hyland while I look into a list. He was recognized at court." He says as he escorts her out of the morgue.

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A Night Over Corpses Empty Re: A Night Over Corpses

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:31 pm

"OK I can do that if there is anything else that you need I am now working at Asylum so I can most likely be reached there." she leaves without another word.


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