Twilight Valley
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Asylum... - Page 2 Empty Re: Asylum...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:36 am

Dog had thought about this day. As much or more than anything he had ever thought about -- which is saying a lot for a man that wasn't that smart before he was Embraced by a Savage.

Dog rolled down the window and let it blow in his face.

"You know, I saw... that Brady lady. And the one that got statue-fied," he said defensively, "A long time before shit went down."

He finished his cigarette and flipped it out of the window, watching the wind scatter the cherry into little points of light. It was nice to have someone just be up front and say their shit and ask their questions to your face.

"They hired me," Dog said. "Found me in a little pissant town in Baja and told me all I had to do was go find stuff out." He shifted uncomfortably. "Go around and ask questions about who was who, and where was what."


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Asylum... - Page 2 Empty Re: Asylum...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:10 am

Pro 1

Davis kept driving down the roads heading no where...Dog was sure they had passed that same seven eleven twice now.

They found you and asked you to do recon? Ok who was the head? Was that all of them? Should we be expecting more of the same? Do they have allies out thier?


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Asylum... - Page 2 Empty Re: Asylum...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:16 pm

"Red, the guy I jumped on first, was the leader," Dog replied. "Those guys were the only ones I ever saw. Never saw any others, or them talk to anyone else." He shrugged, and added, "But they also didn't tell me shit, and I was in the city a lot."

Dog watched the scenery.

"Are we driving in circles?" he asked, confused.


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Asylum... - Page 2 Empty Re: Asylum...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:21 pm

Pro 1

Seeming to pay attention Davis takes a Left at a light he had prevously turned right at twice

No just getting some prelims done before we get to the real question and answer people. So you believe that was all of them is what you could be saying? And the one you downed was the one that was in charge? Why did you attack them and not the memebers of the city?


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Asylum... - Page 2 Empty Re: Asylum...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:32 pm

Dog thought about shifting and jumping out of the window at Davis' first words. If that was all there was, why had he stayed in the city?

He spoke, continuing the longest conversation he'd ever had. "Yeah, I think that was all of them. From everything I ever saw." He subconsciously licked his lips, thinking about Red. "And, yeah, he was the leader. He called me a bitch. That's why. A man can tolerate a lot," he said slowly. "but not disrespect. LB, DC, SA -- they all showed me some respect," Dog said.

His nervousness about where they were going and burgeoning introspection made him forget those weren't their real names.

"Sometimes you don't know things can be different until they suddenly are," he added, with a flash of insight.


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Asylum... - Page 2 Empty Re: Asylum...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:43 pm

Pro 1

They pull up into the parking lot of the Grindhouse and pull around to the back. Stopping the car he looked at him. All serious in his look and the tone that followed

It is my Job as the Princes Hound to take you in and find out the truth. Personly I believe you didn't give anything really important away. You also attacked those that would do us harm. But thier are many who will not believe you and ask for an ounce of flesh and a quart of blood. So I am going to get out of the car and come over to your side and we are going to walk into the backdoor of the Grindhouse. I want to walk in all calm. So lets see what you want....

Davis got out and walked to the other door slowly waiting to see if the man would flee or stay.


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Asylum... - Page 2 Empty Re: Asylum...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:07 pm

Dog sat in the car for a few minutes as he looked at the home of Harpy Whisper. He had been here before -- that time SA went off on O-Dor, and then the weeks he spent out in the parking lot outskirts.

Tendons strained in his hands as he fought his Beast's survival instincts. He and his Beast had a pretty good understanding; it let him smoke, and he let it out whenever it wanted out.

This was the first time in a long time the Man and the Beast disagreed. He was shaking from the strain, a little, by the time he finally had the confidence to use his hands to open the car door. No Claws, no Claws.

Getting out, he looked out beyond the parking lot.

Fucking dirt.

Looking at Davis, he nodded, and walked with him.


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Asylum... - Page 2 Empty Re: Asylum...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:12 pm



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