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Lookin' Around

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Lookin' Around Empty Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:01 am

A they had agreed upon, the young Bruja drove Jill around the streets and neiborhoods that surrounded their haven, practicing a bit of that restrain so hard for him, avoiding to use his bike to rush through the streets with roaring engine and blinding speed, now just moving in a decent pace, taking the oportunity to study the surroundings, the spray paintings of the walls, the graffity, taking special care to check for any Kindred signs as he explored...


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:06 am

{ST NOTE: To tag please PM me a Int+Crafts+1, To read other tags in the area please PM an Int+Streetwise, Would also like to know the area your group is thinking of using give me streets and what not from the map West has provided us. :END NOTE}


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:13 pm

After leaving the warehouse, Reed decided to check out the area, get an understanding of the their potential domain - to provide some information to present to the Prince, in order for neither of them to waste their time - and help his coterie mate in progress. As he cruised around the neighborhood - he keep an eye for Kindred tags and marking - which he found a couple of old tags - mostly Carthian and Gangrel.

But judging on the condition of the tags - they seem to be irrelevant - yet he wanted to be sure before he made steps. Reed pull out his phone and took some pictures before sending them to Ace and Johann - to let them know of the tags he had found. He knew that he had no worries about the Carthian since first - he was part of the movement and since the only one that would be affected was the Doctor - which he feel wouldn't give a damn.

However, his precaution would be the possibility of the gangrel, he knew with Johann that they could take care of that problem - but he didn't want to find any surprises.


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:27 am

Johann found himself surprised to see those marks, in a message from Reeds, so he inmediately texted him to find where he was at, so maybe that way they could see to find the owners of those marks...


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:21 am

After looking at the information, Reed grimaced, perhaps he did something he wasn't suppose to - no matter - mistake will happen, it always does. He slapped shut his phone before it rang again, he answered it to find Johann calling in his location. He acknowledged it and replaced his phone back his person. He revved his engine before heading toward Johann location.

Yo, I found some of those tags - they're part of Movement and some savages.. but they're old.. I believe.. I want to see if there is any more of these before heading back to Ace and see what his search will bring up."


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:03 pm

"So we keep lookin'?" Johann asked with a bit of an uncertainty in his voice, he had being doing it a lot and hadn't found much, so he either was looking in the wrong places or was failing at finding anything remarcable "Where are ya anyways?
Maybe an extra set of eyes can help, haven't found anything interesting yet


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:08 pm

He pointed to the general direction he came from, "About a mile or so down there - but I was looking at the wall with the other tags."

His eyes flicker forward, "
Anyways, I want to just to see if there is anymore tags about before returning to Ace with our finding and see if they yield result. After that, I'm off to make an appointment with Mister Freddrick."


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:11 pm

"Will you need any help with that? I mean the Prince thing" Johann asked then, it seemed that so far things weren't that complicated, yet.


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:25 pm

"Not really, it'll probably some boring shit about doing some service or payment or something else that we'll probably won't enjoy - even giving oath." Reed replied, "Anyways, let's hurry and check the rest of the neighborhood - so we can head home and start the club."


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:41 pm

Johann nods in understanding, making Jill roar as he readies for one last atempt at the search before going home, the place where they were planing on starting thwe club was a nice start he thought...

"Then let's finish this"


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:54 pm

Reed nodded as he press the gas petal and began cruising to continue the search for the evening.


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:08 pm

{Please PM me another Int+Streetwise+2 for knowing what kind of tags to look for}


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:38 pm

As Reed continued his search - the tags that he been looking for continued beyond the point of their new boundary domain. This told him that whomever had claimed this area - their boundary was bigger than the ones that he had proposed to his coterie. He commented his thoughts to Johann as he continued to cruise in the neighborhood. "We should follow the tag and see how big this unknown leech claimed as their domain."


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:43 pm

Johann nodded, he hadn't seeing anything new, barely able to follow what Reed signalled him, the Beast kept gnawing at the back of his head, too loud to focus too much, distracted, restless, he tried to focus in the problem at hand...

"So let's go and find out"


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:16 pm

The search continued as they glanced toward every graffiti that happen to pop up randomly. Reed pushed for a few miles further from their suppose boundary - to check out the domain - his focus on the tags to check if there anything else that could be missed.

Soon - the search resulted in nothing new - Reed took another could of picture in his camera phone before turning to Johann. "
Okay, we've check enough, let's head back to the haven and give Ace our findings."


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:21 pm

"Sounds about right..." The Gangrel answered with a slight feeling of frustration, wondering who the hell could consider all that his 'domain' and still not know who was in it, then again, that might had being why they were followed, who ever thought he 'owned' this place might be taking tabs on 'em...

Without saying much else, he turned his bike and made it back to their warehouse, being careful to check if they were being tailed again.


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Lookin' Around Empty Re: Lookin' Around

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