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Protest Warrior

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Protest Warrior Empty Protest Warrior

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri May 15, 2009 2:22 pm

Captain finally installs the landline for his office. The phone had been painted blue, and only he and the crew were allowed to answer it. The similarly blue painted answering machine was for their use as well.

Only a few hours setting it up did Captain get a call.
"Dan! Good to hear from you. What?" "What do you mean they already started?" "I'll be there. Just hats, ok. Capitol steps."

Captain grabs his Navy hat and steps into the crews' quarters. "Bad Anti-War protest. Come on." The four of them jog briskly from the Hostel to the Capitol steps.

About thirty men and women, mostly older generation, but a few college students are in the mix as well. Some holding signs calling for War Crimes trials, but most of them just listening to some guy talk about how Obama needs to withdraw all the troops.

On the sidewalk, with a row of a dozen police officers in front of them, is a ragged collection of a half dozen men flying American flags. Now there are nine men, and Ensign. There is also Rear Admiral Dan. Coast guard rear admiral, but still, he's Dan. Captain hugs him, and looks out at the opposing crowd.

"Seriously? War Crimes? Shame on them." Captain looks disgusted at the protestors. Leftenant is having a ball, starting the counter-protestors up in millitary songs, working the crowd. Commander and Ensign have melded with the crowd, and are singing too.

"Dan, you got a bullhorn? I've got a speach to give them." Dan laughs, before going into the ice chest and pulling it out.

Captain looks over the bullhorn, and says to it "Ok, be nice now." Controling the sound of the bullhorn, directing it outward linearly, so that the police officers who he's shouting next to don't get traumatic ear damage.

"FOR SHAME!" He shouts. "Shame on you! You stand here at this edifice to american architecture, to men and women who fought and died for LIBERTY, and mock them, abuse them, and disparage them! They are dying over there so that you can live your life in FREEDOM! And you want to punish them for war crimes?! You take the word of a man who desires your death over the men and women who have bled to give you LIBERTY! FOR SHAME!" Captain continues to rant for another 15 minutes. Soon after the protest disperses. The protest warriors head to a local pizzeria, and laugh and chat for a few hours, before going their seperate ways.

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