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Armstrong's Garage

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by roadnottaken Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:26 am

Animus moves toward Joshua in case the Ananke tries to grab him again, and once again crafts the same Imago. But it doesn't seem to be nearly as powerful this time and Captain only heals partially. He shouts across the battlefield, "I need mana!"


Captain heals two lethal.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:43 am

2 keys possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 2L Captain, 4L Leftenant and 1B Ruby.
1B Space ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT
Captain is Grappled by the Spirit Ananke.
TS @ 4

(( Captain UP )) Captain is Grappled by the Spirit Ananke.

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 5 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:33 am

"Gonna shoot them down. Someone put an orb somewhere." Captain is ridiculously calm for whats going on, although any who sees his eyes can see they are practically aflame with rage.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:57 pm

2 keys possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 2L Captain, 4L Leftenant and 1B Ruby.
1B Space ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT
Captain is Grappled by the Spirit Ananke.
TS @ 4

(( Ruby UP ))

FYI, Interrupts/Held Actions must be declared prior to spell results.

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 5 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by tsameti Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:44 pm

((How can we declare an interrupt? We will need to start declaring actions long before we roll...))

Ruby holds action for counterspell, drops Magic Wall. She will cast with WP and take up to 2 target factors on vulgar spells she spots.

The last attack burned away the last Mana reserves Ruby had available. Everyone was fighting, everyone. Ruby tried to keep track of the moving bodies, to be ready to protect the others in case a spell came their way.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:05 pm

Life Ananke is casting a Vulgar spell.
Time Ananke is casting a Vulgar spell.

Spirit, Matter, and Space don't seem to be casting, Covert or Vulgar.

Captain and Ruby; declare interrupts (Counterspell costs Mana).

If Counterspelling, declare Targets and go ahead and roll.


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:42 pm

Captain sees the array of spells incoming. And smiles.

"Your Spells Mean NOTHING" He shouts. (Counterspell, improvised, 2 targets)
04-21 17:40:41Captain rolls 11 dice to Gnosis+Prime-2 (used WP)5 successes
9,6,8,7,5, 1,9,5,1,10, 8,4
And flames (visible in mage sight as spell effects) smash into the spells that Life and Time are casting.

Willpower: 1, Mana:9, Health: 2L taken.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by tsameti Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:44 pm

Dead out of Mana, Ruby can't piece together a counterspell. She's not entirely sure what to do.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:15 pm

Time Ananke casts; no obvious effect.
Life Ananke casts; 3L to Captain and Armstrong
Spirit Ananke chokes Captain; 3B to Captain (6L 1B total)
Matter Ananke casts; Joshua's knife and Armstrong's math book are annihilated.
Space Ananke casts; 1L to Armstrong and Captain - roll Resolve+Gnosis vs 1 Potency to Resist

Matter & Space were Holding Actions, and Interrupted Armstrong.
Yes, I factored in Captain's Counterspell.

Captain rolls STA to remain conscious; if so, Actions are at -3

2 keys possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 6L 1B Captain, 4L Leftenant, 3L Armstrong, and 1B Ruby.
2B Space ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT
Captain is Grappled by the Spirit Ananke.
TS @ 3

(( Armstrong UP and rolls Resolve+Gnosis vs 2 to Resist 1L ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 5 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Benjamin Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:05 pm

Armstrong coughs blood up all over herself as her book vaporizes, but she fights through the pain she starts to pull down Pandemonium to smite down her attacker, when the pupils of her eyes dilate. Then she lets loose this chilling undulation and screeches directly at the Space Ananke-
And she redirects all her fury on that son of a bitch, dropping the stone she held and ignoring the one in her pocket as she strides directly towards that son of a bitch.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:22 pm

The Space Ananke doesn't react at all to Armstrong's fury.

2 keys possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 6L 1B Captain, 4L Leftenant, 3L Armstrong, and 1B Ruby.
2B Space ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT
Captain is Grappled by the Spirit Ananke.
Captain rolls STA to remain conscious; if so, Actions are at -3
TS @ 3

(( Theo UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 5 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Thistle Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:34 pm

"Siphon mine if you can." Theo calls as he scrambles over to the corpse of Death and picks up the stone corresponding with Matter.

Fiddler is UP

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:44 pm

Fiddler picks up the key dropped by Armstrong and runs toward the obelisks...

2 keys possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 6L 1B Captain, 4L Leftenant, 3L Armstrong, and 1B Ruby.
2B Space ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT
Captain is Grappled by the Spirit Ananke.
Captain rolls STA to remain conscious; if so, Actions are at -3
TS @ 3

***Ruby can take her Held Action, just wanted to keep it flowing****

(( Joshua UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 5 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by tsameti Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:49 pm

Ruby will grab a keystone if she can find one.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:51 pm

(( OK she's got one; Ruby 1, Fiddler 1, Theo 1, Armstrong 1, Ananke 2, Captain 4 ))

Joshua UP


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by jmiland1 Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:45 am

The knife goes, and Joshua watches it with a bit of shock. It had been his tool--there's a quick crisis of confidence. Is he even capable of touching the supernal, now? He's not sure. No time to check. No time to check.
Focus. Need to focus. Worry about that later.
Theo grabs the stone; so that's taken care of. Joshua turns towards Spirit, seeing Captain in dire straits, and runs forward. A flying kick; a flurry of jabs and elbows; but the stone is unyielding.


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by roadnottaken Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:53 am

((Shouldn't it be -6?))

Animus walks toward Captain, his own mind filled with doubt.

((Action held. Captain UP.))

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:08 am

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 6L 1B Captain, 4L Leftenant, 5L Armstrong, and 1B Ruby.
2B Space ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT
Captain is Grappled by the Spirit Ananke.
Captain rolls STA to remain conscious; if so, Actions are at -3
TS @ 3

*** Note: Spirit Ananke dropped both keys it held to Grapple Captain ***

(( Captain UP STA check passed; -3 Wound Penalty to any Action ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 5 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:17 pm

Captain Channels mana to Animus.
04-22 13:12:27 Captain rolls 7 dice to Gnosis+Prime-3 2 successes
5,8,1,9,5, 5,7

Captain sends over 2 mana.

"Take Space Out! NOW!"

Captain: Health: 6L, 1b, 1 wp remaining, 7 mana remaining.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:32 pm

(( Ruby UP ~ Animus has Held Action ))


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by roadnottaken Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:52 pm

Animus casts again, desperately trying to keep pace with the Ananke. But the stress is interfering with his concentration.

((Captain and Armstrong each heal one damage.))

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by tsameti Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:32 pm

04-22 15:24:32 Ruby rolls 5 dice to wts+cmpsr 1 success
1,10,7,1,1, 2

Ruby has rushed into the thick of the fight, hands clutched over her head and ducking low. Snatching up a dropped stone, Ruby flashes a glance at the symbol marked its square surface.

Relieved that the marking is intact, Ruby huffs as her legs carry her as fast as she can go towards the Spirit Obelisk,

04-22 15:30:58 Ruby rolls 4 dice to Dex+Athl-1 1 success

Ducking as she goes, and...

Speed is 10, can she make it this turn? Or does she take a sprint action this round?

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:17 pm

(( Make a single die roll on a success (8-10) she'll reach an obelisk and will still be able to perform an Action. Failure (1-7) means she used her full move. ))


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:54 pm

(( I'll start working on the Ananke; I rolled for him. 04-22 18:53:17 tsameti rolls 1 die to movin' the thread Failure 2


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:47 pm

Time Ananke casts; no obvious effect
Spirit Ananke works Captain over again; 2B ~ 7L total, Captain slumps to the ground, unconscious.
Space Ananke casts; 2L to Animus and Joshua (Joshua rolls Resolve+Gnosis vs. 2 to Resist)
Matter Ananke intercepts Ruby and achieves a Grapple on her.
Life Ananke performs a Killing Blow on Captain ~ 2A 5L new total.

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 2A 5L Captain, 4L Leftenant, 5L Armstrong, 2L Animus, and 1B Ruby.
2B Space, 1B Time ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT
Captain unconcious; Bleedout rules apply.
Ruby is Grappled.
TS @ 2

(( Armstrong UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 5 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Benjamin Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:58 pm

Armstrong slaps the Space Ananke upside the head with visualized-math-made-deadly-through-her-enlightened-will as she screams at that son of a bitch- "DO YOU THINK I LIKE MY VOICE WHEN IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS? LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!!"

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:10 pm

Armstrong could swear the Anankes eyes widen right before it shatters into pieces.

(( Theo UP ))


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Thistle Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:26 pm

"Verdammt!" Theo cursed through gritted teeth. He hadn't wanted to leave the Matter stone unguarded but things could only get worse with Captain down and it seemed he was the only one with mana for healing. With a quick movement he slammed the key into the socket and moved over to the Captain since he couldn't heal at range.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:01 pm

Matter Ananke freezes.

Fiddler tries his key in the Time Obelisk, but nothing happens.

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 2A 5L Captain, 4L Leftenant, 4L Armstrong, 2L Animus, and 1B Ruby.
2B Space, 1B Time ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT Matter FROZEN
Captain unconcious; Bleedout rules apply.
Ruby is Grappled.
TS @ 2

(( Joshua UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 5 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by jmiland1 Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:35 pm


"Me, goddammit!" Joshua yells, kicking Spirit, barely aware of a wash of energy coming over him as Space casts. "Forget the old man--come at me!"


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:41 pm

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 2A 5L Captain, 4L Leftenant, 4L Armstrong, 2L Animus, and 1B Ruby.
2B Space, 1B Time, 1B Spirit ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, & Prime OUT Matter FROZEN
Captain unconcious; Bleedout rules apply.
Ruby is Grappled.
TS @ 2

(( Animus UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 4 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by roadnottaken Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:50 pm

Animus' jaw sets in grim determination. They will not kill him. Focusing, he forms an Imago. But despite his best effort, he barely gets the spell off.


((Captain heals 1 damage. Captain UP.))

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:55 pm

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 2A 4L Captain, 4L Leftenant, 4L Armstrong, 2L Animus, and 1B Ruby.
2B Space, 1B Time, 1B Spirit ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, Prime, & Space OUT Matter FROZEN
Ruby is Grappled.
TS @ 2

(( Captain UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 4 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:39 pm

"Burn Burn BURN."

04-22 22:37:50Captain rolls 1 die to paradox b:3-2shadow-1tool (chance roll)Failure

04-22 22:36:16Captain rolls 8 dice to Gnosis+Prime-5 (used WP)1 success
6,7,3,2,3, 7,9,1

But only a little bit of Celestial Fire comes out and burns the Space Ananke.

Captain willpower: 0, mana: 7

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:49 pm

(( I'll assume you meant Spirit ))

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 2A 4L Captain, 4L Leftenant, 4L Armstrong, 2L Animus, and 1B Ruby.
1B Time, 1L 1B Spirit ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, Prime, & Space OUT Matter FROZEN
Ruby is Grappled.
TS @ 2

(( Ruby UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 4 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:02 am

Ruby pours her magic into her voice in preparation to cast Empowered Voice (from AA) in order to break the hold.

04-22 22:56:07 Ruby rolls 2 dice to Dox+2-2 Failure

04-22 22:57:57 Ruby rolls 6 dice to Gnosis+Forces 1 success
7,2,3,7,6, 8

Str+Athletics to resist knockdown. 1 suxx needed. She breathes deep... and...

"A gentleman DOESN'T TOUCH!"

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:23 am

The Matter Ananke seems unaffected and remains frozen.
Time Ananke casts; no obvious effect.
Life Ananke casts; 3L to Captain and Armstrong ~~ both drop, unconcious.
Spirit Ananke pulls the Matter key; Matter Ananke begins to re-animate.

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 4A 3L Captain, 4L Leftenant, 7L Armstrong, 2L Animus, and 1B Ruby.
2B Time, 1B Life, 1L 1B Spirit ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, Prime, & Space OUT
Ruby is Grappled.
Armstrong and Captain are unconcious, Bleeding Out.
TS @ 1

(( Theo UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 4 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Thistle Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:08 am

Healing heart (rote)
01-01-2008 10:00 Theo rolls 6 to Comp+Med+Life (10 Again,WillPower) 1,9,3,5,8,1,2,10,10,10,2,5 5 successes

Theo casts his healing spell, pouring mana into Captain's pattern to help it back to its proper form of health. Seeing Armstrong crumple he makes his way to her.
Along the way he yells. "Find the life key. It's killing us."

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:45 am

Fiddler tries another obelisk, but without result again. That's 2/10 down, though.
Captain rouses from his haze of injuries, but is still Prone.

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 4A Captain, 4L Leftenant, 7L Armstrong, 2L Animus, and 1B Ruby.
2B Time, 1B Life, 1L 1B Spirit ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, Prime, & Space OUT
Ruby is Grappled.
Captain is Prone.
Armstrong is Unconcious, Bleeding Out.
TS @ 1

(( Joshua UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 4 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by jmiland1 Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:24 pm

Frustrating, so frustrating, he can't touch these things. Everyone's hurt and he can't heal. Joshua backs away from Spirit, looking around to take stock of the remaining group. The next stone bastard that tries snapping a neck is going to get tackled.

((holding action, Animus UP))

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by roadnottaken Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:33 pm

Animus looks around, torn, knowing that he couldn't help Captain and Armstrong at once.

((Holding action. Captain UP))

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:03 pm

mana mana everywhere, and not a drop to spare anyone.

04-23 13:02:14 Captain rolls 8 dice to Gnosis+Prime-2 1 success
3,2,6,2,4, 7,3,10,1

Armstrong and ruby regain 1 mana apiece, as captain crawls away from the guys who've opened his skull like a watermelon, a few pices of skull staying behind as he backs up just a little bit. (still prone)

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:06 pm

(( Ruby UP and/or Interrupts from Animus and Joshua ))


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:30 pm

A sudden flush of Mana like a cool wind comes out of nowhere, and it burns away at the heavy doubt in her mind.

Ruby tries desperately to break the hold on her, but it's grip is too strong.

04-23 15:28:41 Ruby rolls 3 dice to Str+Brawl+1(Self-Defense spec) Failure

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:05 pm

The Life and Time Anankes begins casting Vulgar spells. Declare and/or roll Interrupts, if spell related.

Anankes Actions will be posted at 8:00 CST


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by roadnottaken Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:11 pm


The mana enters Animus body and is consumed almost instantly. Just before the Ananke's spells start flying, Animus releases his own, healing a significant fraction of Armstrong's wounds.

((Armstrong heals 3 damage.))

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:13 pm

Armstrong opens her eyes, rousing from her injuries. She is Prone.

The Time Ananke ruptures into fissures and cracks, Abyssal resonance seeping from it.
Life Ananke casts; 2L to Armstrong.
Matter Ananke attempts to choke Ruby, but her attempts to free herself foil it.
Commander, Leftenent, and Ensign suddenly reappear, exactly as they were before.

1 key possessed by Ananke.
5L on Comm, 4A Captain, 4L Leftenant, 6L Armstrong, 2L Animus, and 1B Ruby.
1B Life, 1L 1B Spirit ~~~ Death, Fate, Forces, Mind, Prime, Space, & Time OUT
Ruby is Grappled.
Captain is Prone.
Armstrong is Prone.
Armstrong -2 on all Actions for Wound Penalty.

(( Ananke UP ))

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 4 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming

(( Spirit heads for Captain -- Joshua needs to make a roll, 3 DEF 3 Armor; Armstrong can take her turn if it doesn't involve Spirit ))


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by jmiland1 Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:13 am

Joshua tries to stop Spirit but is ineffective.


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Guest Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:52 am

Spirit achieves a Grapple on Captain.

Armstrong UP ; Armstrong is Prone, -2 to all Actions (Wound Penalty)

Joshua | Leftenant | Animus | Captain | Ensign | Ruby | Comm | 3 Ananke | Armstrong | Theo | Fiddler

Waiting Held Active Upcoming


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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Benjamin Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:35 pm

Armstrong crawls forward on broken fingers, frothing at the mouth. She garbles unintelligible words full of rage at everything, flinging another spell towards the Life Ananke, but her imago keeps wavering, shifting around as the Space Arcanum interposes itself in her mind. The Spell backlashes against Armstrong, throwing her into a seizure.

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Armstrong's Garage - Page 3 Empty Re: Armstrong's Garage

Post by Sponsored content

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