Twilight Valley
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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:07 am

Eva arrives at the park, in her usual dark clothing, though this time her hoodie is hand painted with stylized skulls and flowers, rather pretty actually in muted greys.

She finds a bench, curling her knees to her chest, and enjoying the night air.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:34 pm

Mrs. Scotts notices Eva sitting in the darkness, and approaches her, her ghoul following closely behind. Mrs. Scotts stops for a moment, and her ghoul begins patroling the area around the area around the bench, but at a decent distance.

"Good eve Miss Carino. I hope this evening finds you well."

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:20 pm

"Good evening Whip Scotts," she nods her head respectfully.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:58 pm

Mrs. Scotts demeanor relaxes a bit, and a hint of a smile creaps into her face.
"As whip, I am responsible for making sure that our individual members needs are met, and that usually neccesitates that I know more what each member of the clan wants. So what can you tell me about yourself Miss Carino? I must say that apart from your italian name, I know very little about you?"

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:08 pm

"I came here from San Francisco to have a quieter place to work on my art... I hope to have some showings here for the Kindred elite," she nods, meeting the woman's gaze with those intensely sad eyes.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:16 pm

"Well, if you are an artist, there are many different venues you could use. If I may be so bold, I am actually looking to patronize someone for art. I have a series of warehouses that are ugly, and was hoping to turn one of them into an art studio for some artist or another, so that I could have art to look at whenever I desired. Additionally, there is the Crocker Art Museum downtown, as well as various other kindred who patronize the arts. I know that the Harpy Rayhanna and the Invictus Lioni Dupree are both patrons. What can you tell me about your art?"

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:17 pm

"I would be happy to show it to you if you wish, my Haven is not far from here, I walked," she smiles, loving to show her art, one of the few things in the world that make her happy.

"Its... Dark, inspired by Kindred and Kine... I am amassing a set for a show that is exclusively skeletons actually. I dont like to call it morbid or disgusting, it is just... my dreams my thoughts, our dark danse."


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:40 pm

"That does sound remarkably appealing right now, especially after the most recent events." Mrs. Scotts stands.
"One thing you should be aware of Miss Eva, is that the city is not safe. Something attacked and killed many kindred. I strongly encourage you to not travel alone. Now, I would love to see your artwork. If you don't mind though, I'd rather drive there, as the less time spent walking about, the safer I feel. Also, what do you title it, and what mood are you attempting to evoke?"

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:43 pm

"I attempt to show our Kindred bretheren the seriousness of our situation... I think some of us take things too lightly, take our control and powers for granted, I try to make us feel..." she nods, "of course, I would be grateful for the ride." she says following Scotts.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:48 pm

Mrs. Scotts seats in the back seat, and motions for Eva to join her there. It is a brief ride, and they arrive at Eva's house.
"So tell me, why did you choose that particular medium?"

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:52 pm

"What, painting? Or the danse macabre?" she asks, tilting her head, unlocking the lovely wrought iron gate and letting her into the small courtyard and then into the house.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:56 pm

"You mentioend skeletons before. It is certainly not a common medium for art, though I did see a very well done sound and light show featuring them once in san francisco. The poor boy didn't realize that his kindred patron had substitude real skeletons for his fake ones. Quite a scare for him." Mrs. Scotts follows her into the house.

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:58 pm

"Ah I see. I dont know, something about them, that perpetual smile of death, something that we vampires will never have. We disintegrate when we meet the final death, we leave nothing behind but ash and a memory... The skeleton tells a a story." she says, leading Mrs. Scotts into the house, every wall lined in stunningly wonderful art.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:47 pm

"I must say that your home is most impressive. I do hope that you will take me on as a patron. Some of these peices are simpley exquisite."

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:53 pm

"Oh!" she blinks, totally flattered.

"That is very kind of you, as Whip of our noble clan, I would be honored if you would select one...From any of the rooms, I would be truly happy if you did." she murmurs.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:02 am

Mrs. Scotts demures, and looks over each of the pieces again, before finally selecting the dark painting, that when properly viewed, shows a Kindred's aura.

"I would love this one. Please, how much would you like for it?"

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:12 am

"No...Allow me to give it to you as a gift. If you wish to purchase more I can of course work something out, but for your help, and your leadership and kindness as Whip I insist that you take it. And perhaps you can help me get an art viewing together for the Kindred.." she smiles, looking very very happy to give the woman the painting.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:29 am

Mrs. Scotts returns the smile.
"I shall see about making it a city-wide event. It will probably have to wait until after the murderer has been dealt with. That should give you plenty of time to come up with something that can appeal to the whole city. I of course, trust the artists' judgement."

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:36 am

"THank you I am so honored to receive the help of one so esteemed as you," she beams, "do you need help getting that to your car?" she asks, the painting large.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:51 am

"Yes thank you. I'd hate to scratch it." She takes it into the back of the hummer, where it fits in the back surpisingly well.
"Thank you again Ms. Carino, I do hope that we can work together, and if you need anything, please feel more than free tocall me."

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:57 am

"I hope that as well, perhaps when you have time I can set up more canvasses and you can select things for your ware house? Or you can have your friends you mentioned earlier to come by with you for a little viewing party? I am so honored," she smiles, the happiest she has looked in a century.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:06 am

"I will see what I can do." The hummer rolls out.

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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:13 am

Eva nods, hoping she wasnt too pushy, just terribly glad to have met someone from the family who would talk to her and not treat her like she wasn't there.


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Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts) Empty Re: Marshall Park (Attn: Scotts)

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