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Art Gallery

Forn Clakes
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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:56 pm

"in the woods at dusk? that seems particularly contrasting with this piece. May I ask why you pursued that?"

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Benjamin Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:58 pm

"Kyle, Kyle Franesco" He shakes Derek's hand warmly. "And it's no bother at all."

Kyle's momentarily distracted by another tray, this one with drinks being carried by a cute brunette. He smiles at her as takes a glass and she blushes before continuing away. Kyle follows her with his eyes as he continues talking to Exxxcelent, he thinks as he continues talking with Derek. "I'm liking the show quite a bit. But, I've always been able to find something when it's supposed to be out of season."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:06 pm

Claudia looks at the painting again "Well it was actually her request to be painted in the nude in the woods at dusk so I obliged her this piece was more for me to show her that she was beautiful no matter where she was and also with clothing on." she smiles at the woman wondering why she was so inquisitive did she know the woman in the painting "Do you know the woman painted here?" she asked trying to remember her name but having difficulty doing so.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:18 pm

Leaning in a bit closer in order to speak in a slightly lowered tone of voice, Derek says "I've noticed something sort of unusual about the crowd. I'm pretty familiar with the local arts community, the artists and the arts patrons - as I should be, that's my life, pretty much - but an awful lot of these people, I've never noticed before, and, well... some of them are pretty noticeable. I'm not sure what to make of that."

Following Kyle's eye, he continues. "So, I was wondering if you know many of the people here, or if you've noticed anything unusual. Other than the fine legs on that server, that is, though they do qualify as works of art as well."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:42 pm

Shadow looks at Rahyna, wide-eyed and confused. "I-I'm not sure I understand what you mean Rahyna. Is there something I can do to help? I hate to think my friend is in pain. Please, what can I do for you?"

Her questions are genuine in their concern, but she still seems unsure as to what Rahyna is trying to say, glancing at O-Yama a few feet awat as if maybe the man would be able to help Rahyna better then she could.

Ishani smiles brightly at Eva. "Do you? Oh well then. I think we might like to take a look at some of those. Your theme is a bit disturbing to me, to be honest. I don't understand how someone who painted such life before could now paint such..........death."

Active Spells: Pulse of the Living World, Aura Perception, Organic Resilience, Doppelganger

Ankh tugs on West's sleeve and points at the painting with the girl in the room with the bodies. "That one creeps me out." She whispers to him, as if she were afraid someone would hear her.

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:51 pm

Eva smiles widely, "of course, yes, I do have dark phases, but this is not meant to showcase death, it is meant to showcase the legacy that some are lucky enough to leave behind when they do pass," she smiles, unconcerned that they don't particularly like the paintings. "It is quite alright... I would be very happy to have you over to my studio, Mrs. Scotts has procured a lovely warehouse for me."

Aura stays hooked to Darren, having tried to convince him that he looks incredibly dashing and she is happy to be on his arm, and in a venue where she can act like a human for a night.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:56 pm

Rahyna sighs slightly hating the fact that she can't articulate her feelings to Shadow so she took a deep breath and let her actions show Shadow.

Grabbing Shadow by the hand already she pulls her closer to her and leans in Rahyna very slowly and kisses her first on the cheek then moves closer to her mouth enjoying the taste of the woman before whispering in her ear "I love you Shadow" she leans back a little to see the reaction her heart skipping a beat with anticipation hoping she would not be rejected yet again.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:14 pm

Shadow returns Rahyna's kiss, if a bit tentatively and smiles when Rahyna whispers in her ear.

"Oh honey, I love you too. You know that." She says, relaxing a bit to find that is all Rahyna's tension has been about. "There is no reason to be upset. Isn't it natural for friends to feel that way about eachother?" She smiles, but still looks a bit confused.

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:20 pm

Friends the word reverberated in her head and felt like a jackhammer to her heart Rahyna has a look of hurt on her face briefly and then leans back in for another kiss and whispers along her lips as her hand slides up her arm to hold the back of her neck "No my love I don't think you completely understand you I love you as I have loved no one since him you are more than my friend." she leans in a takes another kiss gently then a little more forceful "I want you in my bed I want you to make love to me I want all that you have to offer." Rahyna's breathing gets a little ragged as she continues to tell Shadow what she wants.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:28 pm

Asa relaxed slightly as Ishani and Eva spoke. The fire painting had simply been the lesser of evils, to him. Listening, though, he found it interesting that Scotts was procuring warehouses and apparently patronizing the arts.

Perhaps Lioni had asked her to do that; the past couple of weeks had been a blur for him.

West stopped cataloging who he recognized and looked where Ankh directed him. "Yeah, that is odd," he replied. "Are they talking about that one? Or another one?" he asked, seeing the small group of people talking. He still wasn't sure if Marius and the red-head were even worth mentioning.

Auvrey nodded at Erika's response. She was a strange one. She seemed like she wanted to talk, but then she didn't. Perhaps she didn't know how? Looking past her, he saw the shocking sight of the Seneschal kissing the former Prince.

"Excuse me, I hope you enjoy your evening," he said, moving away from Erika, to watch the Dragon women.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:28 pm

Shadow freezes, stops breathing, and stares at Rahyna. She'd never heard words like that before. She'd never been allowed to. Most of her existence had consisted of serving others in a scholors capacity. No part of her life had ever been sexual, lustful, or loving in it's nature really. Not in this kind of aspect anyway. Sure, she'd been a young adult once and had the raging hormones, but they had been beaten out of her a long time ago.

She wanted to run and hide from the feelings Rahyna had stirred in her, but she couldn't. This woman was her friend and she refused to hurt her feelings. So instead, she did the most Daeva thing she could think of. She placed her hands on either side of Rahyna's face and kissed her. Hard, with longing and need and desire for intimacy, the need for a love she had never been allowed to experience.

"I am untested and unsure how to proceed in this type of situation." She whispers against Rahyna's lips. "But I can say I am willing to learn."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:34 pm

Active Spells: Pulse of the Living World, Aura Perception, Organic Resilience, Doppelganger

Ankh frowns at West. "How the hell should I know. You're the mind reader, not me." She shakes her head, wondering where this man's head was half the time. She notices him watching a particular red-haired woman, and sets her jaw.

"You know her I take it?" She asks, not quite through clenched teeth, but something very close to it.

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:38 pm

Erika just shrugs slightly as Auvrey walks away, and then turns to make her way towards Mrs. Scotts. She smiles at the woman, "Good evening, Mrs. Scotts. I take it you are enjoying the art?"

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:39 pm

There was what seemed to be a weight lifting off her chest as Shadow whispered to her "That is all I can ask of you." Rahyna whispered back before returning the kiss with the same longing and need that Shadow had shown her and there was also a bit of demand and desire mixed in as well.

"We can take it slow for now love if that is what you require to feel comfortable but this feeling that I feel is something that will not go away so you will have to understand that what we once had can be no more." she collects her thoughts once more leans in and gives Shadow a final kiss full of tenderness, lust, and love.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:41 pm

"No, i've never seen her before. In the nude at dusk? Is that a normal request?" Mrs. scotts is showing geniune interest. She turns to Erika, a ghost of a smile graces her lips. "Dr. Brady, so good to see you again, This is miss Esperonsa, she created this piece here."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:43 pm

"No it is not usual but it is also not unusual for people to request how they wish to pose."


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:47 pm

Erika smiles at Miss Esperonsa, "It is a very intriguing piece of art work," and then frowns at Mrs. Scotts. "If I could speak with you at a later time, when you aren't busy, it would be most appreciated."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:49 pm

Reed continues to make his round - keeping an eyes on things - ignoring other things that had popped up as he study the painting. He wasn't much of art admirer - so none of these painting stir any feeling within him - they look very nice but that was about it. Rather, he was fixated on that painting that he saw earlier - it was a puzzling that was itching to be solved - in his mind, anyways.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:50 pm

"Yes," West replied. "So do you. She was at Dagwood's that day, when Marius and his other friends were there. Don't you remember? Marius is here, too." He really needed to talk to her about being aware of her surroundings; she was an Arrow. It was already odd knowing that Kai wasn't around -- they had been partners for so long, he took his presence for granted.

Auvrey watched for a few more seconds, and then moved on. Moving closer to the cluster of people talking about the woman in red, he listened. A wonderfully odd evening. At some time soon, he needed to make it a point to tend to his flock. Seeing Erika also gravitate to the group, he listened to her speak to Mrs. Scotts and then the artist carefully, seeing if the way she had spoken to him was simply the only way she spoke.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:02 pm

"of course Dr. Brady, it would be my pleasure." Mrs. Scotts' ghost of a smile grows every so much more.

"Well, it is a stunning portrait. I must say that I do like it quite a bit. If you will excuse me though, I have other pieces that I should look into." Mrs. Scotts smiles at the woman before heading off.

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:13 pm

Eva makes a face, everyone clamoring around another artists work, she sighs.

I guess I am too morbid... I dont mean to be, I just paint what I feel... Ah well, you cant win everyone over, and Derek likes them...


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:15 pm

Mrs. Scotts notices an uhappy Eva, and that will not do. She heads over there rather quickly considering the crowd.
"What is wrong Miss carino?"

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:16 pm

"I am afraid that perhaps I have gone too morbid... I thought it would be thought provoking rather than disgusting to people, I have missed the mark, but fear not Mrs. Scotts, I will not dissapoint you with my next showing." she smiles hopefully.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:18 pm

"I am hardly disappointed miss carino. If the viewing public doesn't understand, then you need to push harder. That being said, perhaps a gradient might be more appropriate."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:28 pm

Active Spells: Pulse of the Living World, Aura Perception, Organic Resilience, Doppelgange

Ankh shrugs. "If you say so." She finds it disturbing that West seems so interested in those undead creatures. They were animated corpses, nothing more, in her mind at least. She pulls away from him and wanders off toward the direction of one of the paintings, looking at it from another angle, before moving on around the room.

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 12:01 am

"Thank you Mrs. Scotts, I greatly appreciate that," she smiles, though it doesnt reach her eyes she at least looks more content and she looks around to see if anyone has questions for her.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Forn Clakes Fri May 01, 2009 2:51 am

Darren circulates the show very slowly with Aura, their arms linked. As they stop by another piece, Darren leans down and whispers in her ear, "I really don't get it, honey," ending with a snigger.

Looking around, he asks her, "So, do you actually know anyone round here?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by jmiland1 Fri May 01, 2009 3:28 am

"No, I'm afraid I've not had the pleasure of meeting the artist," Martin says to Jayant. I take it you have?"

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Soul Fri May 01, 2009 7:59 am

As Marius strode through the gallery, making sure everything was in order, he saw quite a few familiar faces, one of which he hadn't seen in a long time. West. Without as much as a second glance he continued his rounds, but made sure to keep an eye on him.

He found Reed, and walked up to him.
"I need to talk to you for a second. There is someone here I believe we should keep an eye on." He made sure they were a bit off to the side, where no one would hear his whispers, then described West to him in quite a bit of detail, and waited for Reed to find him in the crowd, so that he didn't have to point in his direction.
"The man's name is West. I met him a while back with some of his friends, and there is something off about him. I don't know exactly what it is, but when I tried to follow him that night, I was forced to walk away by a compulsion as powerful as a Ventrues gift of the blood."
He would have loved to talk to West alone, but he didn't want to make a scene. Perhaps there would be an opportunity later tonight.

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 10:09 am


All those in attendance will notice that there is a photographer from the local paper that has arrived she is about five foot eight with long black hair she is taking pictures of the various works of art and mingling with a few people here and there asking questions about their opinion on the art work. She stays for about an hour before leaving.

If anyone who has been looking at the picture of the woman in a room with dead bodies behind her and decided they want to have a second look at the painting they will look around and realize that it is no longer anywhere to be seen it has been removed from the exhibit.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 10:39 am

West watched Ankh leave with a puzzled look; what had he done now? Sighing, he wandered around, looking at paintings and people.

He took an little triangular sandwich off the tray of a guy who looked inordinately pleased with himself. Overtime? At least someone was enjoying themselves.

Seeing Scotts break away from Erika and speak to Eva, Auvrey decided to have a second round at Inscrutable. "I take it you're not a doctor of the arts?" he asked Erika.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Fri May 01, 2009 11:04 am

Erika smiles at Auvrey, and laughs just slightly. "I'm a doctor of Anthropology and Folk Studies. I don't have any medical training, unfortunately."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 11:58 am

Reed was, at the moment, heading toward that earlier painting when Mars intercepted him. He politely listened to the Primogen describing a potential troublemaker - someone that had similar powers to the Ventrue's - that was interesting. As Mars took him the description of the man - he knew where to look - since he making notes of those that were in the gallery. "Sure, I'll keep an eye on him as well, Mr. Delven." He said, "Perhaps, a few word tonight would be in order?"

He glance over his shoulder to give a last look at the painting before he started with his work - and saw that it was gone. "
It's gone..."


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 12:11 pm

So the Inscrutable One could laugh.

"You know," Auvrey said with a smile, "Some might say I've dabbled in Folk Study also, but under the moniker of religion. Is the subject matter why a doctor of Anthropology is here tonight?"


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Soul Fri May 01, 2009 1:19 pm

Marius looked over his shoulder, to see what Reed meant by 'It's gone..'.

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 1:24 pm

((Just to let you know this thread will be ending sometime tomorrow))


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Fri May 01, 2009 1:27 pm

Erika just continues smiling, and then waves a hand in Eva's direction. "I'm here because one of mine is doing the show...and I like to show up at social gives me a chance to keep my eyes on everyone."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Fri May 01, 2009 1:35 pm

Since Kyle seems distracted, Derek just tells his fellow courtier "Let's talk later if you get a chance. Look me up, I'll be hanging around here for awhile."

He then intentionally walks by Eva's display again, smiling at her as he does so, and goes to continue checking out some of the other art. He notices a tall woman standing near a painting of a woman dressed in red. Thumbs in pockets, he studies the painting for a bit - "Not bad at all," he thinks to himself - then says to the tall woman, with a smile, "Very nice. I don't think I've seen your work before. Have you shown your works locally before?"

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 1:38 pm

"No this is the first time I have shown my work publicly sir." Claudia smiles at the gentleman and extends her hand "My name is Claudia Esperonsa it is a pleasure to meet you."


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 1:45 pm

"All work and no play for Dr. Brady?" Auvrey asked. He kept his tone flat, resisting the urge to lighten it.

"I'm quite sure if the... hostess... is allowed to enjoy herself, then it's not forbidden." He paused then asked, "Have you ever been to the Museum of Anthropology and Antiquities?"


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Benjamin Fri May 01, 2009 1:46 pm

Should he mention the picture? Nah, it was probably just him seeing things. "Well, I'm not especially tight with Vivian's crowd, but unless somebody's wearing a particularly good Mask, I think we're the only ones here." Kyle cocks his head to one side while he regards Derek. "And honestly? Artists are fairly eccentric people, and their shows are the time for them to show off. They probaby just cranked the dials to eleven for the evening. The only people I know here," Kyle discretly points out several servers carrying around trays. "Are Brian, Meg, Josh, Beth and Amy over there. The only really unusual thing I've noticed is that there are plenty of different maintenance closets just off the main party area, and all of them are unlocked. It's terribly convientent, really. Anyway, I think you should just relax. No need to get worked up about anything as simple as that."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Fri May 01, 2009 1:55 pm

Derek nods at Kyle's words. Kyle may well be right and he may be making something out of nothing, maybe because he's been so keyed up about these disappearances of children. That was probably it. Still, he just couldn't let it go...

Derek takes and shakes the hand Claudia offers. "My name is Derek Noble, and I'm quite pleased to meet you, Claudia."
Gesturing to indicate the other displayed artwork, Derek says "The announcement of this exhibit mentioned the works were by up-and-coming artists, but I don't seem to recall it mentioning who was sponsoring the exhibit. Did you and the other artists set up the show, or do you share a patron or sponsor of some sort?"

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 1:59 pm

"The owner of the establishment Rahyna offered her space for any up and coming artist to show their work here" Claudia pointed towards where Rahyna and Shadow were standing on the other side of room.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Fri May 01, 2009 2:01 pm

"In this troubled time, everything is work." She smiles a little wider at Auvrey, "No, I can't say that I have. I considered looking for work there, but other benefactors expressed interest in other business opportunities."

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Forn Clakes Fri May 01, 2009 2:02 pm

"Why indeed, I have had the pleasure of speaking with her," Jayant replies to Martin. "Despite her initial shyness, she seems to possess an eye for the macabre. Converse with her regarding it and she soon blossoms."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Soul Fri May 01, 2009 2:04 pm

Marius saw that the painting which Reed had inspected earlier was indeed gone. How could he have missed that?
"Alright, go straight to Lady Rahyna and ask her if it was taken down on purpose. In the mean time I will make sure that no one leaves the establishment. And let's be discrete about this." He whispered, then moved in the direction of the main entrance, all the while keeping his eyes out for any unusual characters.

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 2:06 pm

Reed turn his attention back to Mars, "Yeah, let's check if was purchase - I don't want to jump to conclusion - but it is indeed stolen, I'll be checking the security tapes."


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Fri May 01, 2009 2:46 pm

Derek takes note of the woman indicated by Claudia, hoping to talk with her at some point, but continues to talk to Claudia at the moment.

"Could you tell me a bit about yourself and your approach to your art?, Derek asks. "And, are you new to Sacramento?"

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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 2:57 pm

"I am originally Pheonix I moved here about eight months ago." Claudia looks at the paintings she has brought with her and then muses about where her inspiration came from or how she approached the subject matter rather "Well to be completely honest sir my approach is kind of like the approach the wind takes it varies depending on my mood take this woman for example the first two painting I did of her I approached in a way that would capture the naked beauty of a woman's body in the light of the setting sun and rising moon where as this particular one was meant to capture the beauty of a woman's inner soul as well as the body." she smiled to herself at her explanation never before really thought about it she just picked up a brush and put it to canvas and then assessed what came out after the fact.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 2:58 pm

Eva glances over to find Derek in the crowd and perhaps catch his eye again, but alas, he is speaking with another artist...

Aura stays attached to Darren, "very morbid mon amor, I do not get it either... Shall we go home then? Or do you want to stay and mingle," she asks, then names off all of the Kindred she knows, leaving off titles in case someone is listening.


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Art Gallery - Page 3 Empty Re: Art Gallery

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