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Art Gallery

Forn Clakes
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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Benjamin Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:49 pm

"You see it too? I wonder if it's because there's a survivor or because they aren't skeletons yet." He hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Or maybe it's because there's no sense of, well, respect towards the departed in the image. All the other pieces seem to treat mortality respectfully, or at least as something important. This one seems to lack that solemness." Kyle briefly considered attempting to use Kenning against the picture, but he dismissed it. His Clarity wasn't as high as it used to be, so the almost-movements were probably just imaginary on his part.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:53 pm

Auvrey slowly viewed all of the pieces, of all of the artists, after Ms. Scotts went to speak to Eva. He carefully noted all of his 'extended family', and watched as others, whom he did not know, engaged Eva in conversation.

As the second set of work was unveiled, he found himself drawn to the burning angel. It was cliche, for him to be drawn to it, but he still was, nevertheless.

The mixture of people that had shown up was fascinating, and watching them in the reflection of the burning burning angel made him think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Last edited by West on Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:55 pm

Erika makes her way towards Auvrey, and notes the burning angel, crossing her arms as she looks it over. "Interesting's all a bit morbid though, even for us."

She waits for a response, her eyes glancing across the other pieces, noting the many skeletal pieces.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:55 pm

Rahyna sees a small group of people looking at a particular painting and she walks over to it not recognizing it at all "Wow this is an unusual painting." she looks from one person to the other of the group that is looking at it "So tell me what is so fascinating about it." she sits there and stares for a moment wondering where the painting came from but shrugging it off thinking that one of the artists forgot to sign their work.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:06 pm

Reed nods - seeing that was true now he heard Kyle mention it - it was different from the other paintings. It seem that his instinct was playing true for the moment - was there something more about the painting - and he wanted to turn and see if there was anything he could gleam out of the painting before Madam Rahyna appeared before him.

Reed tilts his head for a moment - did she act surprised? - wasn't she the one whom work on making museum into an art gallery? Or is he thinking too much on it? "Madam Rahyna, you haven't seen this painting before?" He ask testing something, "It just different from the themes of the rest."


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:10 pm

Derek is pleased and intrigued by what he reads in Eva, a desire for companionship and perhaps something more with him, and he feels a tiny bit of a rush with this recognition as the bit of Glamour spent flows back into him.


But then Derek becomes quiet as Eva discusses her dreams and how they relate to the painting that has caught her attention. He gets a bit of a faraway look for just the briefest moment, during which his posture stiffens, save for slight twitching of his fingers, then pulls himself back into the here and now, and seeks to reengage with Eva rather than let his mind get pulled back into the horrors of his time in Arcadia.

A bit desperate to make contact, he meets her eye as he nods. Quietly he says "I can relate to that. I ... know a bit about recurrent dark dreams. "

He then smiles, continuing to focus on her eyes, seeking a shift back to comfortable flirtateousness, and as far as possible from the dark images still lurking at the back of his mind. Seeking that refuge, his mind flashes on the possibility that his moment of vulnerability might work in his favor, as intelligent women often appreciate that sort of thing. "Depending on what happens between now and then, perhaps I'll ask if she'd like to catch a drink and have an escort back to her studio tonight."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:12 pm

She tilts her head, catching every little movement, a small line appearing between her arched brows as she frowns just slightly in concern.

"Ah... I understand..." she murmurs gently, "perhaps we can talk about them tomorrow when you visit the studio..." she offers, her smile returning a bit.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:15 pm

Rahyna looks to Reed "I have seen a lot of art in the past few days most of the painting I briefly looked at but I did not hang them all there a few around the room that I do not recognize." she thought for a moment before adding "Maybe one of the artists slipped it in on me after I had approved all of the paintings who knows." she kinda shrugs but gives the painting one last look.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:17 pm

Ishani had not told Asa where they were going. She'd simply told him to dress nicely and then get in the car, they were taking the night off.

When they arrived at the museum, she parked the car, pleased to see the parking lot so full and smiled at Asa in the passenger seat.

"Ok, this is my surprise. I figured we could get out tonight and look at someone else's creations that didn't revolve around having to acknowledge them. So, come on, let's just enjoy ourselves."

She walked with him to the doors and entered the museum. She held his arm as she walked him around to look at as many of the paintings as she could without having to look over too many heads, before she allowed any interaction with anyone. They were taking the night off, after all.

Art Gallery - Page 2 Ishanibanner2

Art Gallery - Page 2 Asanoprobanner

Shadow finally made it through the front doors. She would have to apologize to Rahyna for being late. She had meant to be here an hour earlier, but could not find a thing for O-yama to wear. Escorting him through the doors, she planted a smile on her face and went in search of the hosts of the evening.

Art Gallery - Page 2 Shadowbanner

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:23 pm

Derek returns Eva's smile. "That's certainly a possibility," he says. He considers a moment, then goes for it. "Or perhaps, if you don't have other plans already, you'd be interested in catching a drink after tonight's showing is finished? A small celebration in honor of your local debut would seem to be in order."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by BloodiedClaws Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:28 pm

It had definately been a difficult evening, fashion was not something that O-Yama did well, and with Shadow wanting him to look good it became a hard night. He finally decided on a black pin-stripe suit as he walked in the doors with Shadow on his arm. He let her take the lead, he was never much of a social person, in life or in death.

"The artwork is rather beautiful." He thought to himself, mentally remembering to commend Eva on her art.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:34 pm

"Ah... I dont drink, but I would be glad for company taking all of these back to the warehouse, the ones that don't get bought that is..." Eva murmurs in return, seeing Ishani enter she waves gently then turns her attention back to Derek.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:37 pm

"Now Mr. Carpenter, I know so little about you, but you are already well esteemed. How did you achieve such a feat?"

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:37 pm

Reed nodded. "Ah, that must be it, then."

In back of his mind, there was a tingle spot of dissatisfaction from the answer, but he kept from his face and body. But, then again - he didn't know know the progress of how manage an art gallery - so he didn't have anything to dispute against it.

Once the exhibition was over, Reed would ask to take a longer moment in studying the painting, or if not - to take a photo of the picture. However, he was reminded of his duties for the evening with Madam Rahyna's presence - and seeing the newcomers to the gallery.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Kim_Possible Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:43 pm

"Ooooh, wicked," Matilda exclaimed, though the look on her face demonstrated that she wasn't sure if she liked the art or not.

Matilda grabbed Amy's arm as the pair negotiated their way slowly through the gallery, casually observing the art. Matilda was dressed in a beautiful ruby-red dress with diamonds on her ears and around her neck. They stopped in front of a particularly gruesome painting of a bent-over skeleton. Matilda put her head on Amy's shoulder. "Freaky," she said. "What do you think it means?"

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:50 pm

Rahyna saw Shadow, Ishani, and Asa enter and decided she would abandon the puzzle that was the painting for now and go talk with Shadow she had not had any time to talk to her in a few days and felt like running up to her and pulling her into one of the side rooms and talking to her right then and there guests be damned but instead she walked up to her and smiled "Shadow how are you this evening" she circles herself the familiar feeling of her closest friend.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by jmiland1 Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:56 pm

Well, that makes him pause for a moment to collect his thoughts. When he next speaks his voice is low to prevent eavesdropping. "I've not had a chance to speak with Mr. Clarke regarding my promotion," he says, choosing his words with care. "But I have always made myself available in times of need. I believe that he appreciated that."
Well, it certainly has a good ring to it, doesn't it? Martin realizes that he had not really examined Asa's decision, instead assuming that it was for the simple reason that Martin was clearly worthy and the Prince had seen this. But if a Mekhet, the most perceptive of clans, had to ask him why he had been chosen... it cast some doubt on the simplicity of Martin's earlier reasoning.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:04 pm

Shadow smiles at Rahyna, embracing her wamrly (literally as her chill seems to have faded for the moment). "Rahyna, love. This is a wonderful event you've put on. Such lovely artwork. And we have one of our own here displaying her wares I hear? I would love to purchase one of them. I think I could find a place to put it." She says with a smile.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:05 pm

Ishani tugs on Asa's arm as they move around the rooms. "So, surprise! I want you to pick one of Eva's paintings that you like. I figure this one should be your choice. Maybe a hint of your own style in your appartment?" She smiles slyly, knowing that he would take her meaning.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:06 pm

Mrs. Scotts follows in lowering her voice, though she seems pleasant, if a bit detached.
"I see. Congratulations are in order then. Although, I would not be surprised if Asa had a second motive, you may want to know what it is. Knowledge is power after all."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:09 pm

Rahyna smiles at Shadows use of the word love only recently realizing that it is not always a lie "Anything you would like do you have a particular one in mind already?" she asks as she glides Shadow away from the rest of the guests a little more hoping to have at least a moment or two with her maybe the words would come without thought and she wouldn't stumble on them she crossed her fingers and stayed close to Shadow as they meandered further from the people but not to far that they were no longer part of the group.

Rahyna took a deep breath and looked Shadow in the eye a small amount of fear and apprehension showing there "I need to have a few words with you before I drive myself insane" she almost whispers at Shaodow.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by West Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:20 pm

Shadow laughs, being led away. "No, not yet but I am sure I will find something I like."

She got a very serious expression on her face as Rahyna speaks to her quietly. "All right, what is the matter hon? Is everything ok?"

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:34 pm

Asa wandered through the gallery, enjoying being with Ishani. It had been a wonderful surprise, and he was glad that no one had interrupted them. At her words about picking out a painting, he didn't know what to. Most of the paintings simply weren't his choice of subject matter.

How could the same woman who did their painting choose to do these? The one of fire caught his eye. It was a bizarre choice, given what they were, but that was the one. The fire in the sewers had begun the joining of their paths, and the fire that destroyed Gabriel Marcus made him feel as if nothing would unravel that.

"What do you think of the one of fire?" he asked. Despite what she had said, it was a rather disturbing image to hang in a Haven.

Auvrey turned slightly and smiled at Erika. "Good evening, Dr. Brady, " he said. As she folded her arms, he turned back to the painting, and admired the view in the glass' reflection.

"It is an interesting piece, I was actually thinking of a story from scripture," he said. "Amazing how often the Lord chose fire as his instrument. As for the others? I'd have to agree. They're also quite... passionate... for one of our cousins, I thought."

He looked into Erika's green eyes in the reflection. How interesting, the Prince's Harpy and his Priscus. One wrong word could destroy what little standing he had in the city, and make him a pariah within his own Clan.

Auvrey had spent most of his Requiem walking on a razor... for him, this was good, clean fun.

Last edited by West on Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:55 pm

Derek smiles widely and nods. "It's a date, then." Tearing down after a show or performance of some sort was a pretty common event for him, and it could be a very enjoyable one with the right company. Continuing to smile, he says "I really should take a look at the other exhibits and mingle a bit, and I'm sure many others would like to express their appreciation for your work, but I'll be back later."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:03 am

Erika watches Auvrey in the reflection as well, but didn't speak for a moment after his answer. She glances over the painting again, and then shakes her head.

"Yes, I quite agree. Although not all of these are by our cousin. I believe hers are mostly comprised of the skeletal portraits."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:05 am

Eva nods, smiling at the man, making those pale amber eyes light up as she turns and smiles at Asa and Ishani. She pauses, not sure what to call the Prince when they are with Kine and Kindred alike.

"Ishani, errr... Mister Asa, I am honored you are attending gazing on my humble works," she smiles.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:39 am

"That reminds me," Auvrey said, "I was considering her words on her collection. What did the late Freddrick leave behind, in your opinion?"

Aside from her current titles, his conversation companion had also been Primogen, briefly, if he recalled. It was quite possible that she had held more titles than anyone since Kisten Maze.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:53 am

"A legacy of a very dissatisfied customers, I would imagine." She smiles at Auvrey and turns to look at another painting, of the woman wreathed in blue flames. "He wasn't very popular, if you hadn't heard."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:17 am

Seeing that Eva was quite comfortable att he moment, he glides back to viewing the artwork, his hands crossed behind his back. What legacy will i leave behind? he thought. A dutiful one, maybe?
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by jmiland1 Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:37 am

"Yes," Martin says to Mrs. Scotts, the tone in his suggesting he had come to the same unpleasant realization just before she voiced it. "I suppose I will have to speak with him about it at some point." Glancing around, Martin sees the Prince; he's not activated the Blood within him, so there is no blush to stain his cheeks when he spies Asa. Instead, Mart gives a sad little sigh, pondering how he had not even realized that he had been played.
He turns his attention away from--duplicitous, conniving!--Prince Clarke, and says, "Thank you, Mrs. Scotts, for your congratulations. They are much appreciated. If you don't mind, I believe I may take my leave; I feel I have been neglectful when it comes to meeting... our compatriots... in the city. I probably ought to make the rounds."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:33 am

After leaving Eva to her other admirers, Derek goes about checking out other exhibits. While doing so, however, he also does a fair bit of people-watching, trying to sort out what is up with these many people he's never previously seen at an arts event who appear to know each other quite well. Some of them, he notices, have exceptional taste in clothing, while others' tastes are... something else. Going just by appearances, some would appear to be quite well-off and cultured, others not so much so. He realizes there are is a high percentage of extremely striking individuals among the crowd. He tries to get a sense of the patterns of social connections and heirarchy.

As he mingles and checks out the exhibits, he tries to locate any of the other artists who might be about, quite interested in talking to them. He also seeks out familiar faces to talk with, and especially looks for any that appear to be acquainted with members of this other crowd.

Every now and then he glances back Eva's way, and should their eyes happen to meet, he gives her a smile.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:24 am

A very tall woman enters the museum her hair put up haphaserdly ontop of her head she looks sleep deprived and malnurished she walks past all the guests and stands next to one of the paintings on the far side of the room it is the one of a dark haired woman sitting in a red dress it had always been one of her favorites even though she could not remember the womans name that posed for the picture.

Watching as people mingle around the room she watches to see if any of her work catches anyone's eye.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:41 am

"Oh, I'd heard a few things, here and there," Auvrey said. He turned to look at the painting that Erika was now looking at. "Then again, I also remember Tobias," he added. "And what will Dr. Erika Brady leave behind?" he asked, examining her profile.

West looked at all the paintings, but couldn't help but notice... familiar... faces. There was Marius. He seemed to be mingling, so West doubted he was being followed again. And there... there was the red-head from Dagwood's, and the well-dressed couple he had seen at Lash. He knew what Marius and the red-head were, and was beginning to get curious.

Kai had told him that Davis had... died. How had that happened? He subconsciously moved ever-so-slightly closer to Ankh as she continued to look at paintings.

"Good evening," Asa greeted Eva. It was nice to finally meet the artist that had done the picture for Ishani. He still didn't quite understand her fascination with her subject material, but she was definitely talented.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:30 pm

Eva resists the urge to smile and giggle like a school girl whenever Derek looks her way, she contains herself, still finding it odd that anyone finds her, plain little wide eyed Italian Eva attractive. Eva smiles hopefully at the Prince.

"It is so nice to meet you," she murmurs, "are there any questions I can answer for you or Miss Ishani?" she asks, tilting her head, making dark hair fall loose from its style. She tucks the loose locks behind her ear.

"If you wish, I have many more paintings at my warehouse that you can select from, if none of these are what you prefer..." she says.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:54 pm

"Of course Mr. Carpenter, please, go right ahead." Mrs. Scotts sees that there is someone standing next to a painting looking out, instead of looking at it. Curious.

"Greetings madam. An interesting piece is it not?" Mrs. Scotts indicates the woman in the red dress painting.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by jmiland1 Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:38 pm

Martin ponders his next move for a moment, then moves next to Jayant. "Mr. Nagaraj, is that right?" he says. "Martin Carpenter. A pleasure to meet you." He holds out a hand and smiles. "I hope you're enjoying the evening."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by DaevaDude Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:46 pm

Checking out the other exhibits and seeing who else is about, Derek notices the sensation of a humid late-spring breeze. He follows it until he notices its source... a coyote-headed changeling with an extremely strong Spring mantle.

"Someone pointed him out to me once... Kyle Something-or-other, I think his name was. I don't think we were formally introduced, though. Maybe it's time to change that... he might know more about who some of these people are."

Derek approaches, noticing and approving of this other changeling's bold style of dress. When he finally manages to catch the other man's attention, Derek says. "I hope I'm not bothering you, but though I've seen you around, we haven't ever been introduced, and I wished to correct that oversight." He holds out his hand. "I'm Derek Noble. How are you liking the show?"

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:50 pm

Claudio looks at the woman and smiles "Yes it is quite interesting it was one of my first." she states and extends her hand "I am Claudia Esperonsa"


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Lexi Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:54 pm

Erika shrugs just slightly, and watches the blue flamed woman. "I can't say that I know. All I can hope is that it will be a long time coming."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:35 pm

Jayant smiles to Martin and shakes his hand, giving a slight bow as he does.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carpenter, how does this eve find you? Well, I hope." His voice is both pleasant and sincere.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by jmiland1 Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:37 pm

"Indeed it does," Martin says, "Indeed it does. Some rather... fascinating artwork, isn't it?"

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:39 pm

Jayant chuckles, "From a rather fascinating mind, I would think. Have you had the chance to meet Miss. Corino?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:26 pm

Rahyna laughs at Shadow’s question slightly is everything ok she wasn’t sure how to answer that she took a deep breath and looked her in the eye and held her hand up to where her heart was beating only because she willed it to do so “You are the one that makes my heart beat this evening Shadow.” looking around the room for a brief moment then turning her attention back to Shadow “I have been thinking a lot about you, well about us and think that I have come to a conclusion and I need to say the words so that my stomach will stop being in knots every time you are near me.” Rahyna pauses to gauge Shadow’s reaction so far before the actual words are spoken.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Forn Clakes Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:36 pm

Aura and Darren arrive to the gallery late, given that the Lily's doorman didn't really fancy going out. However, as usual, Aurelie had won the conversation with a kiss and had even tried to get him to wear a tux, which he had done, grudgingly. The dark suit seemed to strain against his muscular physique and Darren found himself fiddling with his tie, not used to having anything tied round his neck.

Whispering to his angel, Darren said, "I can't believe I agreed to wear this tie. I'm sure these damn shoes are squeaking." He moved his foot in a comical manner in an attempt to test the black, shiny leather. Looking at her, he smiled and winked.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:46 pm

Mrs. Scotts extends her hand to Miss Esparoza, and shakes it.
"What was your inspiration for this piece?"

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:46 pm

Mrs. Scotts also says the following. "A pleasure, I am Mrs. Scotts."

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:51 pm

Claudia looked at the picture reminicently for a moment before answering "This was a woman that thought she could not be held as a beauty so offered to let her see what she looked like in the eye of another she aloud me to paint her and this ise what I came up with it is one of three that I painted of the woman she took the other two and left me with this one." she looks at the painting once more and smiles at the memory of that woman wishing she could remember her name.


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:43 pm

"How were the other two different." Mrs. Scotts turns on auspex for vision, trying to better see the painting.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:47 pm

"The other two were done in the woods at dusk where as I did this one inside with artificial lighting"


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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

Post by Soul Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:51 pm

Marius was doing his duty of scouting the place, although the painting that had seemed to catch everyone's attention did seem out of place.
But he pushed the thought to the back of his mind. He would look into it later.

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Art Gallery - Page 2 Empty Re: Art Gallery

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