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Room Eleven

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 11:31 pm

Aura SCREAMS in the middle of the club as she feels her sire dying, she barrels through the crowd trampling everyone around her and clawing her way back to room 11.

Her whimpers turn into screams of terror as she sees Ashes near her sire's clothing.

"No! NO NO NO!" she sobs tears of blood pouring down her face, luckily her screams are drowned out by screams of play from other rooms.

"Lioni! Madam! No ! NOOOOOOO!" she screams.

She pulls out her cell and dials frantically.

"ASA! ASA!!!!!!" she cries hysterically.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 12:59 am

Asa arrived at the Asylum, moving quickly inside and looking for anyone -- Cozette, Aurelie, even Lioni.

Please let that silly Childe be wrong.

Room Eleven Asanoprobanner


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 1:06 am

There is no one downstairs so they must be in the rooms.

Aura is leaning over her sire's pile of ashes as though to protect it, mumbling in a terribly sad way. Her phone is on the floor next to her, having called Darren in the mean time.

Madame ? Madame ? Vous ne pouvez pas être morts. Asa vient, ne vous inquiétez pas, le prince vient il vous remettra ensemble... C'est la madame pas male. Je vous aime et le prince vient... Ce sera bien."


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 1:23 am

Asa didn't want to believe it. Next to Ishani, Lioni Dupree was the closest to him. Yet, here was her Childe, and her reaction was undeniable. Such a short time ago, he had seen pain in Lioni's eyes as she spoke of what was left of House Millarr; now he shared that pain.

"Aurelie," he said, softly. "Go home. I'll take care of this."

Asa pulled out his phone and texted Olivette to bring the replacement jewelry boxes from his apartment. It was a familiar task in a mind-numbing situation.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 1:28 am

"No! Asa! Fixez-la s'il vous plaît! Asa elle n'est pas morte je peux la sentir dans ici! S'il vous plaît Asa assemble son revers!" she sobs in French, soaked in her own blood from crying so hard.

She shakes her head when she sees his confusion.

"Asa! Fix her please! Asa she isn't dead I can feel her in here! Please Asa put her back together! " she begs, apparently going to have to be pried from the spot.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 1:40 am

Asa caught her eyes with his, and tried to impose his will upon the grief-stricken girl. "Calm down, " he said, but found he himself couldn't focus. He rubbed at his temples and sighed.

"Aura, I cannot fix her. You know that I would if I could. She was a great woman," he said, looking at the blonde girl, "Now it is time to honor her memory. Go find Cozette -- I'm sure she felt this as well, and bring her here."


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 1:41 am

"I-I can't... P-please dont make me leave her," she sobs collapsing on the floor curled around the little pile of ashes, totally out of her mind with sorrow, not trying to be obstinant.

Elle comes running down the hall and arrives at the doorway.

"Oh Fuck... Is that?"


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:03 am

"Yes," Asa answered Elle simply. "Check the building and alley, see if anything was left behind by whomever did this. Don't disturb the patrons; a Breach is the last thing we need."

He turned his attention back to Aura. "All right, Aura, you can stay; however, when Olivette arrives I will be collecting Lady Dupree's remains."

Routine was a good thing, sometimes.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Forn Clakes Sat May 02, 2009 2:04 am

Darren shoots the Audi through the city towards the club, hearing about it from Aura on more than one occasion. His mind has loads of conflicting thoughts rushing through it but his main worry is Aura and her well-being.

Arriving at the club, Darren leaps from the car and rushes through the entrance, searching for his love.

"AURA!" he yells above the sounds emanating throughout.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:05 am

"Goddamnit," Asa snarls. "Silence whomever that is first," he tells Elle.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:07 am

Elle rushes out of the room and stops Darren, in mid text on her phone.

"Hey, you yelling for pretty princess up there? Well shut up, she's fine, go up quietly and wait at the door, say nothing to the man who is in there with her alright? She'll be fine okay?"

Aura nods to the prince, looking terribly lost and distraught.

"I... Prince Asa... This is so bad... My sire.. your friend.. The invictus..." she mumbles.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Forn Clakes Sat May 02, 2009 2:11 am

Darren has never been terrified before. He has been in the presence of people who had wanted nothing more than to slice his heart out or bury him somewhere that has a small supply of oxygen. Now, his heart was beating so fast and his body's natural chemicals were at boiling point that he actually mistook it for terror.

He nods to the dark woman and heads upstairs, eyes glancing for Aura, lips sealed.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat May 02, 2009 2:14 am

Mrs. Scotts arrives quickly, Mr. Lopez taking care of the car. She heads straight for room 11, catching Elle just outside the room.

"Anything more you can tell me Elle?"

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:18 am

Olivette followed Darren in and saw Elle speak to him. Following him, she understood Asa's intent and bent down to collect the remains. Although a disgusting task, she had learned her master's facial nuances well enough by now to keep her own features carefully composed as she silently worked.

Asa looked at Darren as he approached, and then motioned to Olivette. Moving in front of Darren to block his view, Asa spoke. "Aurelie D'Or, are you inviting a Breach, or have you tampered with something of mine?" he asked, staring at Darren.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:22 am

"N'no... Prince Asa... He is my ghoul..." she breathes, starting to shake harder, the Prince's anger distracting her from watching Lioni get scooped into a tiny box, something that she probably couldnt handle right now.

Elle paces up and down the hall, searching for clues.

05-02 01:22:20 Elle rolls 5 dice to Wits Invest 1 success


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Forn Clakes Sat May 02, 2009 2:24 am

Darren simply watches, understanding that he is on Kindred territory here. All he can think of is taking Aura home.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:28 am

Elle looks at Mrs. Scotts,

"Lioni's dead, and there was another pile of ashes, you wanna help me search the hallway for clues to what the fuck happened and was going on?"


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:29 am

Asa sighed and moved slightly so that Darren could see Aura better. "Aurelie, are you enough of Lady Dupree's Childe to run the Asylum for me? Or should I let Miss Moiraine?" he asked, to give her something else to think about. Elle was probably a better fit, but Aura was Lioni's Childe.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat May 02, 2009 2:33 am

"Are the ashes still there? I can figure out more about who did this from them. Keep up the good work though." She heads into the room, and spots olivette brushing up the ashes, and then there is Asa, not looking happy in the slightest.

"Mister Prince Clarke." She gives a bow appropriate for a Prince, "I heard that we lost our leader Lioni; I hoped I could learn from her remains more about her killer." She speaks forlornly about the lost leader; dammit, Lioni was going to help her! things were messy. Her killer would be found and dealt with in a manner most cruel.

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:35 am

"C-can she help me?" she murmurs, standing, soaked in blood.

She knows that she can manage it money wise, but not if she can handle all the depraved goings on of the club.

"I-I can manage the money side, the business side, I dont know about... about out there," she vaguely gestures in the direction of the dance floor and other rooms.

She luckily doesnt see the rest of the remains get scooped up.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Forn Clakes Sat May 02, 2009 2:39 am

Prince! Darren thinks. Fuck, this is the boss of Sac's Kindred!

Darren visibly gulps, suddenly finding himself in a shit storm. Then he sees Aura crying and nothing else matters.

Moving over to her, the Ghoul picks her off the ground and wipes her bloody tears away using his shirt sleeve. Her body seems weightless in his arms as she stands and Darren acts as a support, both physically and emotionally.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:47 am

"Yes," Asa nodded to Aura, "If Miss Moiraine agrees, it will be so." Ishani was going to love that. Who else was there, though?

The doorman standing there was driving him crazy. "Aura, why don't you let your pet take you home?" he asked. Kill two birds with one stone, if he were lucky. "Doorman Darren," he added, "If you ever touch a Kindred unbidden in my presence again, your life will be forfeit."

"I apologize, Whip Scotts," Asa said, turning to her. "I didn't realize you and Lady Dupree were intimate, or I would have called you first."


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:53 am

"Th-thank you Prince Asa, I will return tomorrow night to run the club... The bouncers should have everyone out by now... Where where did she go? Where's Lioni?" she turns and scans the floor as Darren is leading her out, starting to freak again.

"If Miss Moraine agrees to what?" comes out Elle's voice, standing at the door again, blinking as Asa lays one on Mrs. Scotts.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Forn Clakes Sat May 02, 2009 2:54 am

Darren nods to the Prince, having the wits about him that he was up to his neck in a situation he has no control over or knowledge about.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Forn Clakes Sat May 02, 2009 3:12 am

Darren leans in to Aura, whispering, "Come, Miss, i'll drive you home."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 3:14 am

Aura stumbles out with Darren into the night, leaving the horrors behind.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat May 02, 2009 10:17 am

"Thank you for your concern, Mister Prince Clarke, however I'd like to focus on the matter at hand. Again I ask, may I inspect the remains?" Color does rise in Mrs. scotts cheeks, a hint of a blush of shame? or anger?

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 10:42 am

Asa watches Aura and Darren leave before replying. "I am focusing on the matter at hand. Just because the man was ghoul'ed doesn't mean he knows everything we can or can't do. It's bad enough he now knows that we can be destroyed."

He motioned to the jewelry boxes that Olivette was holding.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 12:22 pm

Elle stands there, waiting to see if Asa needs her to do anything, she looks over the room.

Domming, and they were naked... And now they are Ash...


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 1:58 pm

Asa took the jewelry box from Olivette that held Lioni's remains, leaving the one with Seraphina's for Mrs. Scotts.

"Miss Moiraine, I was telling Aurelie that you might agree to helping her run the Asylum for me. She would handle the back office, and perhaps tend the bar, while you rand the day to day operations and 'customer service'," Asa explained.

He looked down at the silver box he held, and then addressed the three women. "I'll be in Lady Dupree's office for a bit if anyone needs me," he said, before leaving.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 2:38 pm

"Whatever you need me to do Prince Asa... I'll stand outside the door in case you need anything," she says, not for a moment going to let her Prince get eaten by the baddie.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat May 02, 2009 5:49 pm

Mrs. Scotts sits on a chair amongst in the room, and places her hand inside the box on the ashes.
05-02 16:48:45Mrs. Scotts rolls 16 dice to Wits+occult+auspex (used WP)4 successes
2,1,7,5,2, 5,9,9,7,2, 7,5,3,9,4, 8

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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 6:59 pm

Elle sighs, looking up and down the hall, seeing nothing but the sliced through lock bolt.

Well... We knew it had claws... Fuck.. Poor Asa... I want to help him, but... Ishani... Fuck. Why cant be good at this. Fuck.

"Prince Asa? I... If you need anything I'll be around.. Just call okay?" there is soft fondness to her voice that he has never heard before, a twinge of devotion, of pain...

She thumps her head into the door and sighs, he can probably hear it.

"Please call me Asa... Please... I want to help you.." she breathes, which he can probably hear as well before she heads down the hall leaving the scene behind.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 7:28 pm

Asa nodded to Elle as she spoke, concentrating on sending messages. He glanced up at her words as she left and set his phone down. The phone that had sent messages to the Seneschal and Harpy, but not the Sheriff.

The Prince, and Ventrue Priscus, could tell his Seneschal and Harpy that there were two more victims. Asa, however, would be telling Ishani that someone had killed his friend.

Asa left the office, locking it behind him, and returned to the room where Olivette was still watching Mrs. Scotts. Clearing his mind, he began examining the room, looking for anything that might give them something to go on.



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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Guest Tue May 05, 2009 8:04 pm

After finding what he could, and speaking to Mrs Scotts about what she had seen, Asa retired to Lioni's office to begin sorting through paperwork. He asked Olivette to call Nicky to watch Avalon while he was here, and sent her downstairs.

Perhaps Elle should run the Asylum and Aura run Avalon? They seem like better fits. It's just a question of how much of a connection Aura will insist on having. Still; Avalon is part of House Millarr -- perhaps that will be enough.

When the dust settled, he would need to do some research -- that meant the Dragons. Perhaps not? Wasn't Erika a scholar doctor?

As if visiting Shadow or Erika would go over well.

He could imagine one last eyebrow arching in laughter.


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Room Eleven Empty Re: Room Eleven

Post by Sponsored content

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