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Old Answers and New Questions

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by roadnottaken Fri May 08, 2009 2:45 pm

Animus waits until just after the spirit twitches, hoping to form an Imago before the spirit recognizes its opening. But even the expected pain proves enough to disrupt his concentration and ruin the spell. He tries the tactic again, but this time the spirit catches on and interrupts the spell with a jerk that once again sends him reeling.


Once he's recovered enough to speak, Animus growls in frustration at the spirit: "This spell's important. Let it through without scraping me, and you can keep feeding as you have been. But if you interrupt me in the middle of this one, I will force you out afterward."

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 4:21 pm


Armstrong's Sybil Sight reveals the usual, soft glows around the other men, formed from her interaction with them. Walking through the hostel, nothing of note catches her eye, until she traces a sparkle under the refrigerator, revealing a corkscrew-shaped metal shaving.

Joshua's attempts to locate gunpowder lead him to his own firearm, and then dead end. He can sense traces outside on the lawn, and from his car's tire, but that seems to be it.

After Animus delivers his ultimatum, the spirit seems to calm, and wait for him to cast again before beginning anew.

(( No pain Penalty, Successive Attempts penalties still apply ))

Zero wanders through the library and kitchen, running his hands along the tops of the bookshelves and cabinets, eventually producing a zip-loc full of green, odorous leaves.

He gives everyone an apologetic shrug. "Couldn't look before while Zilker was here."


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Benjamin Fri May 08, 2009 4:59 pm

Armstrong goes through the drawers until she finds some salad tongs that she uses to pick up the shaving and a sandwich baggie for her to put it in. She doesn't want to contaminate it at all. She calls out, "I think I found something!". Then she holds it up in front of her eye and burbles in High Speech as she tries to pick out any Interconnections between the shaving and the room. Maybe if she could figure out what it came from she could get more information.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 5:10 pm

Armstrong gets the distinct impression the shaving has spent a lot of time in the kitchen, but only as an incomplete part of something.

Zero watches her, chewing something.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Benjamin Fri May 08, 2009 5:18 pm

Armstrong continues to burble in High Speech as she tries using Space to locate the rest of whatever it is the shaving came from.

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 5:20 pm

The Imago dissipates, without a Target in Range.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Benjamin Fri May 08, 2009 5:34 pm

"Oh fuck yes. Zero," she turns towards him. "Can you... What are you chewing?" She waves the question aside. "Nevermind, do you know any Time magic?

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by jmiland1 Sat May 09, 2009 1:47 am

Joshua lets the spell drop; just as he'd figured. He'd have to figure out another way to get armed. At the sound of Armstrong's discovery he heads into the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe. "What do you have?"

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Sat May 09, 2009 1:57 am

"Ummm, was the 'oh fuck yes Zero' about the date?" Zero asked, eyes slightly glazed.

Chew, chew, chew.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by roadnottaken Sat May 09, 2009 1:35 pm

Animus turns to Zero. "This will let you see the shadow realm, including the abyssal cloud hovering over this place. Don't fight it." With a few muttered High Speech words, Animus focuses his will, determined to see this spell succeed. As it takes hold on Zero, Animus gasps from the suddenly renewed pain.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 3:49 am

"Huh," Zero says, as Animus' spell opens his glassy eyes to the Shadow.

He looks up at the ceiling, studying it for several minutes, and swallowing whatever he was chewing.

"Yeah," he mumbles, "That's what I thought." He looks at Joshua Morris and inhales deeply.

"So?" he asks, turning back to Armstrong.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by roadnottaken Sun May 10, 2009 5:34 pm

Just like Dr. Primoria, and he's not even a Mystagogue. Animus takes a moment to force back his annoyance -- not at all easy with the spirit appendage painfully lodged in his back -- before saying anything. "Zero, do you mind explaining about that cloud?"

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Benjamin Sun May 10, 2009 6:32 pm

Armstrong rolls her good eye. "Fine, but you're paying. And you're going to be sober for the duration."

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 6:45 pm

Zero gives Armstrong an exaggerated wink and thumbs-up. He could probably do that.

"It's kind of fucked up," he told Animus. "It's one of those things where, if I tell you, you'll go Chicken Little on me. Just make sure he," Zero points at Joshua, "doesn't get Vulgar."

Zero wanders over to the fridge and opens it, examining the contents.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by roadnottaken Sun May 10, 2009 7:43 pm

Animus feels a sudden urge to take out his mounting frustration on Zero. It fades just as quickly, leaving him to wonder just how close he is to the breaking point. He sighs heavily, knowing that Zero is probably right.

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by jmiland1 Sun May 10, 2009 10:28 pm

"Fuck you, Zero, how's that for vulgar?" Joshua asks. To Armstrong he repeats, "What did you find?"

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 10:46 pm

Zero turns around, unwrapping a slice of cheese.

"Wow, what's that about? I thought we were kind of buddies," he said, looking at Joshua as he started to roll the cheese.

"Oh!" Zero exclaimed, eyes widening, looking at Armstrong.

"My bad, dude, did you have a thing for her?" he asked, beginning to eat the cheese.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by jmiland1 Sun May 10, 2009 10:51 pm

Joshua frowns, and leaves the kitchen, grumbling something that is indistinct but might possibly sound like, "I do not smell like the Abyss."

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Benjamin Sun May 10, 2009 11:38 pm

Armstrong follows Animus and Joshua into the next room, leaving Zero to his cheese. "I found a metal shaving!" She says it like someone might say "I found a way to provide clean, free energy to the entire world!"

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by jmiland1 Sun May 10, 2009 11:47 pm

"Well, that's good," Joshua says, a bit cheerier now that he's away from Zero's adventures with pasteurization. "What from?" He pauses for a moment. "Wait, wait, wait. A shaving in a kitchen? Is this going to become Seven? Because I'm not really down for that."

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 11:53 pm

Zero follows, curious, confused, and his feelings a bit hurt.

Wasn't Animus the one the said Joshua smelled? Why did he get cussed at? He had just been curious if Animus was right.

Then there was Armstrong. Didn't she care that the refrigerator was brand new? Hell, anyone could see that from the shelves and stickers inside of it. He had thought she was smart.

Maybe he'd just have to settle for the handicapped famous thing.

Or maybe they were all just too uptight to think straight.

"You all want to roll one up?" he asked, shaking the Zip-Loc. "One of Cal's bongs may still be here," he added.

Sometimes hitting it straight was just too harsh for some people.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by roadnottaken Mon May 11, 2009 12:01 pm

"I'm having enough trouble keeping a clear head without -- " As if to emphasize his point, the spirit twitches yet again, cutting him off. Why do people do that to themselves?

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Mon May 11, 2009 9:39 pm

"Well, suit yourself," Zero said. "It's spectacular for pain management, though."

Looking around, he scratched at his ear. He didn't really care for long awkward silences, they were so boring.

"Anyway, I'm gonna jet," he concluded. He handed Armstrong a card, and held his thumb and pinky up to his ear. Call me, he mouthed.

Taking one last look around, he headed out.

"Oh, hey, by the way, that shaving's probably from the old fridge," he called over his shoulder.


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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Benjamin Mon May 11, 2009 10:06 pm

She takes the card from Zero. "The shaving is something that the guardians missed during their clean up. I only noticed it because it pinged on my sybil's sight. That means it's important somehow..."

Armstrong's explanation is cut short when her phone beeps, along with everyone else's phone.

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Benjamin Mon May 11, 2009 10:14 pm

"Fucking guardians"

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by jmiland1 Tue May 12, 2009 2:44 am

Frowning, Joshua checks his phone, and grunts. "Well, this should be interesting," he says, in a tone which suggests "interesting" and "good" aren't measured on the same axis. "Keep that shaving," he says to Armstrong. "After we meet this Guardian, I can take a look with my Sight. Its unlikely, but maybe I'll see something on it."

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by roadnottaken Tue May 12, 2009 11:23 am

Animus reads the message and starts to shake his head, aborting the gesture as pain once again stabs through his back. "Doesn't anyone believe in telling people what they need to know? I think we've found all we can here, though. Let's go see what the Guardians want." Can the spirit's information possibly be worth what it put me through?

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Old Answers and New Questions - Page 2 Empty Re: Old Answers and New Questions

Post by Guest Tue May 12, 2009 12:14 pm

(( Nice Scene, guys ))


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