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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Forn Clakes
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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by roadnottaken Sun May 31, 2009 2:46 pm

Matthew follows Konstantin's movements with interest. What could the rats' state have to do with teeth, unless ... vampires.

Then the voice echoes through the cavern. Matthew begins to cautiously approach the brighter area, careful not to get too far ahead of Grip-of-Steel. An attack from outside the reach of weapons could provide a critical advantage.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by DaevaDude Sun May 31, 2009 3:57 pm

Konstantin's head jerks toward the voice, and his lips curl back. He bites back a growl with effort. "I knew there was too much talking," he thinks to himself. He stands, then moves forward cautiously, awaiting to either receive an attack or to launch one if so ordered.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sun May 31, 2009 4:02 pm


Sunshine stalks forward, positioning himself ahead of the group, still cloaked he tenses, ready to bring his deadly claws to bear.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by West Sun May 31, 2009 4:57 pm

Bella also slides forward, intrigued at the fact that there was something actually down here, although not quite sure if she really wanted to find out what it was.

Those that move forward find themselves standing in an almost circular area. The place is littered with the bodies of dead crows and ravens, nearly a hundred of the birds lie on the floor in random heaps.

A man, with black hair and midnight blue eyes, roughly six feet tall stands in the middle of a large circle with numerous symbols drawn in some sort of sand on the floor. There are four distinct piles of ash outside of the circle. Candles and a few books also lay scarttered outside the circle near the piles of ash.

The man is watching the tunnel the group should be arriving through with a bemused expression. His hands are at his sides in a posture almost depiciting a harmless stance.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Premsyl Sun May 31, 2009 5:56 pm

Arnold emerged from the tunnel into the circular room alongside Sunshine, still unnoticed. There was to be no mistake that this man was what they were down here to find, and kill, but what nature of man was he?

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by roadnottaken Sun May 31, 2009 6:16 pm

Matthew can feel the rage building. This person spoke like one of the Pure; that was enough for him. But what was the significance of the symbols and the piles of ash? He tenses, ready to strike through whichever method seems more appropriate.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by West Sun May 31, 2009 6:45 pm

(OOps sorry ned a wits + composure from all Kindred)

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Premsyl Sun May 31, 2009 6:50 pm


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by DaevaDude Sun May 31, 2009 7:04 pm

Konstantin eyes the man warily. "I do not sense the Beast within him." This confuses him somewhat. He knows that some Kindred - the haunts and shadows particularly - can hide away the beast, but if this figure is this Bethem, he'd expected the Beast to be rampant in him.


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Premsyl Sun May 31, 2009 7:11 pm

Arnold whispers out loud. The effect might be rather startling for those who don't know that he's there.

He hisses urgently. "It's him! Bethem!"

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by roadnottaken Sun May 31, 2009 7:42 pm

Bethem. The one who had slain Mateo's packmates. Matthew releases a growl of pure rage that seems almost out of place coming from a human throat. He calls to the flame in Grip-of-Steel's torch, sending an arc of fire hurtling toward Bethem.


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by something random Sun May 31, 2009 8:04 pm

While he does not understand way Matthew hates this Bethem so much it is clear that a fight is coming
2009-05-31 18:58:05 Dave rolls 1 die for initiative 6
Init 11
Def 2/3(verses brawl based attacks)
Spd 10

something random

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sun May 31, 2009 8:09 pm


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by West Sun May 31, 2009 8:47 pm

Sunshine and Konstantin do recognize this man as Bethem.

Everyone please roll initiative and please next time wait for me to ask, thanks.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Premsyl Sun May 31, 2009 8:51 pm


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by BloodiedClaws Sun May 31, 2009 8:52 pm


Init. Mod: 5
Defence: 2

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by DaevaDude Sun May 31, 2009 9:05 pm

"So it is him," Konstantins lips curl back in a feral snarl.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Thorfred Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:53 am


Grip-of-Steel felt Matthew's rage and prepared to fight. He knew that Matthew was good with fire, so he did not want to shapeshift because of the torch. He decided to wait to see where his abilities best served them all.


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:56 pm

Jayant Nagaraj: BP 2

Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by West Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:19 pm

Order of Initiative:

Mathew 16
Bella 16
Jayant 15
Bethem 13
Sunshine 12
Dave 11
Grip-of-Steel 10
Konstatin 9
Arnold 7

Defense 5
Speed 17

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by roadnottaken Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:33 pm

The flame strikes true, singeing Bethem badly.


((Bella UP))

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by West Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:01 pm


Bella moves forward, knives out and at the ready. She jumjps back at the fire in a sudden jerk and turns to glare at the offending Mathew.

"Hey, what the fuck dude? Fire plus vampire equals BAD! Christ!"

Her near transparent form slides back to the wall finding a shadow and vanishes into it.


((ALL Kindred present must make a Resolve + CXomposure, one success means you may roll again, if you get a second success then you are fine, if you fail, then you must flee the area in fear immediately, if you get 2 or more successes on the first roll, you are fine))

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by BloodiedClaws Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:22 am



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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by DaevaDude Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:45 am

Konstantin's Beast urges him to flee the hated flames, but he fights back against it. "It will not do to appear the coward at a time like this."

Konstantin's Beast calms, his courage unfaltering in face of both fire and enemy. He growls with a sense of triumph.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Forn Clakes Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:23 am


Jayant grins in the face of the flames, his undead soul filling with joy at the prospect of reaching Final Death; so many years a slave coming to the fore. This is what he was trained for, and this is what he would die for. Swiftly drawing his kukri in one movement, he launches himself at Bethem, dertermined to at least take a part of this monster to the Mother when his own Requiem seizes.

Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Thorfred Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:31 pm

Grip-of-Steel decided to wait with the torch so that Matthew could use the flames. So they are vampires too... I did not recognize them, because the sewers make it impossible to detect that they don't have a scent of their own. And fire hurts them... better guard this torch well then.


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by West Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:05 pm

Bethem laughs at Mathew as the flames come toward him.

"You are young, aren't you?"

Too many, need to gain the advantage.He thinks as he looks around for a brief second and then vanishes.


((Keep in mind, every attacker after the first reduces Bethem's defense by one. So, Mathew would be at a -5, Bella a -4, Jayant a -3, ect))

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by BloodiedClaws Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:59 am


Sunshine, despite being cloaked just like his foe, realises that there isn't much he can do to help the situation. He stands his ground, his body tense and ready to attack, and searches for anything that might give away where the bastard is, a ripple in the water, and shifting of the mud, anything that might let him know where Bethem is if he's moved.


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by something random Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:55 am

"Fuck the bastards disappeared"

Dave hoping that the enhaced senses the Urhan provides will help more than hinder tries to shift to it and swears when it does not work then looks around in similar manner to Sunshine for signs of where Bethem is anyway.

2009-06-03 07:52:05 Dave rolls 5 to Shift to Urhan (10 Again) 5, 1, 4, 4, 2 failure

2009-06-03 07:52:33 Dave rolls 5 to Perception 5, 10, 2, 10, 10 3 successes

something random

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by something random Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:57 am

ooc:note as far as I am aware Dave does not know Sunshine is there and can not tell him apart from Bethem given the signs he is likely to see

something random

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by Thorfred Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:48 am

OOC: Grip-of-Steel waits doing nothing, because he has the torch.


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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by DaevaDude Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:47 pm

Konstantin waits for any sign of the adversary's reappearance, ready to charge into combat with him should he show himself.

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

Post by West Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:39 pm

((Continues here))

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Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin) - Page 3 Empty Re: Searching the Sewers (ATTN: Sunshine, Jayant, Arnold, Konstantin)

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