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a talk in the park

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a talk in the park Empty a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:10 pm

Andrew sits at the base of a tree playing his marnonica. the song is both feirce and paranoid. He could could hear the emotion in his music, even if others couldn't.

Matthew enters the Tur, and, seeing Andrew, walks over to him. "Have you had a chance to check out the park yet?"

Andrew lowers the instrument. "Yes I did." His replies without looking at Matthew.

"And? What did you find?" Andrew's reaction is making Matthew a bit nervous.

"An angry Forest Spirit wishing to turn into fertilizer." Andrew accuses more then answers. "That thing is mad as hell and manifest in the mortal side." He scratches at his greasy hair and sighs "It told me give a message of condemnation to the Shadow Seekers."

Matthew freezes for a moment, then deflates visibly. "I never meant to put you in danger. I didn't think he would have come to this side." Internally, Matthew is kicking himself. How did I fail to notice the intrusion on my very doorstep?

Andrew turns to Matthew as he hears the apoplgy in his voice. "Look, If I had thought the spirit was manifest things might have been different. I depleted my spiritual energy to sooth that mistake. What happened back when and Who is Taylor?"

"Taylor used to be our Alpha, before he was killed in a territory squabble. A few months ago, while he was still Alpha, we met with the spirit, initially to talk. It had lived far too long with the Anshega, and learned to expect that our kind should serve spirits. It insulted us repeatedly, calling us weak, until Taylor finally snapped and attacked him. I had never seen him act so aggressively. We drove the spirit off, but we've been so busy dealing with other problems that we never checked back on it." Matthew sighs, his voice turning bitter. "My day job is in Southside Park. How could I have missed the signs?"

Andrew shrugs and leans back against the tree, thinking. "I kept asking what I could do for it but it refused to answer me. It demanded essence, I gave it and I was rushed off without any thing more." He scratches at his hair again with a sigh. "Your totem, Golden Bear I believe? We should ask what he knows and how best to handle Light Engulfing Forest."

"So we have one more thing to talk about with him. Defeating the spirit on any permanent basis won't be easy, I know that much. The last time we fought it, it disappeared rather than submitting. And now that it's had a chance to entrench itself on this side, our options will be further limited. The last thing I want is humans breathing down our necks."

"Unless Light Engulfing Forest has done something negative against the city I see no reason to banish it. It will be hard but we may have a chance to resolve the issue peacefully. If it was supported by the Anshega then it may have information about what has happened in this city." Andrew stands up from his seat on the ground and leans against the tree.

Matthew gives Andrew a thin smile. "Once something gets as aggressive as that spirit has, peaceful means tend not to be the first ones to come to mind. It certainly could be a useful source of information, but I don't know that we could ever convince it to cooperate with us."

Andrew shakes his head "I know that it would easy to take it out and be done. But the city has a zero population of Spirits, taking out this one becouse it called someone nasty names and demands privacy seems foolish to me. I can't agree with a fight unless the spirit deserves to be destroyed." Andrew didn't mind stating the truth. The spirit had done nothing wrong, yet. It seemed obvious the forest spirit was up to something, or at least ready commit violence. Its pressence in the mortal world alone was suspicious.

"No, you're right. Most of the spirits have fled across the Gauntlet. The forest spirit was one of the few that had remained on the other side."

"And now it's here too. If we could know why then we would be opne step closer to finding out what is scaring the spirits out of the Shadow." Golden Bear had to know something. It was all so bazaar. Spirits risking the guantlet in an effort to survive? what was going on? Of course Andrew was assuming Light Enguling Forest was hiding out on this side of the guantlet. I was possible LEF was here for other reasons.

"We already know that it's a rite the Anshega developed, but beyond that ... " Matthew trails off. "Unfortunately, we have a lot more on our plate. We've also been trying to deal with a beshilu infestation and something far more ... exotic."

"Exotic? what do you mean?" Andrew blinked, he was not the strongest soldier in the G.I.Joe collection. How could you more exotic then Beshilu and their ilk.

"The city is also home to vampires, mages, and changelings. I've only met a few of them, though."

"Wait, wait. You said Vampires, Mages and what thew heck is a changeling? is there a hogwarts around here or something?"

Andrew seems to refuse to believe it. dispite being a werewolf himself. "that stuff is faiytales and nightmares I mean... well gues it posible..."

"It takes getting used to, I know. I still don't know much about any of them."

"I'll take you on your word then. Any of them a threat. I doubt Vampires are friendly to anyone. What about these magicians? Are they wrapped in cults and stuff? Kill a chicken and cast a curse kinda stuff." Andrew tries to imagine what a 'changeling' is. He is reminded of the movie and gets confused.

Matthew chuckles. "Am I going to have to be the one to talk you out of an aggressive stance now? Something major happened to the city's vampires recently, and I wouldn't be surprised if the ones I've met ask us for help. Just keep an open mind."

Andrew sighs. "I trust two things in the world. Mother Luna and myself. I devoted my life healing the spirit wilds and I know wolves well enough. Until these other things prove them selves my only concern is whether I need to watch my back." He sounds tired as he speaks of his life and devotions. He was wandered alone for too long and knows it.

"We can watch each other's backs. That's what packs are for."

Andrew nods and smiles. "What ever happened to that wolf. That other guy take him?"

"As far as I know, yes."

"Well I've given you my report. What's next?" Andrew asks changing the subject again. He pocket the harmonica stil in his hand.

"We can see about talking with Golden Bear. We first met him at a fountain here. Can you see if he's nearby?

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:25 pm


Andrew closes his eyes and concentrates. Whe opens them he sees both the Shadow and Mortal world at once. He scan the area of park, looking for a spirit that would look like golden bear.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:28 pm

A golden grizzly bear, its fur matted and rough looking, stands tall in the park, sipping at the fountain.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:36 pm

"He is here." Andrew keeps his sight up. and waits for Matthew's lead.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:34 pm

Matthew quickly looks around. If there are no humans present, he signals Golden Bear, hoping the spirit is watching.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:39 pm

Golden bear notices the signal, and plods over to where matthew stands, but on the other side of the spirit world (unless you guys have given it permission, or asked it to, be dematerialized in the real world)

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:02 pm

"He's coming this way." Andrew reports. He didn't know if his alpha knew that or not but he said as much anyway.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:00 am

(so he's just dematerialized in the physical world. Both of you can perceive and speak with successful Wits+occult+Primal urge)

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:29 pm


Matthew spots his pack totem with ease. "Golden Bear the Undying, I have a new packmate that I'd like you to meet."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:50 pm


Andrew steps forward so the great Spirit can see him clearly. "My name is Shadow Tongue, here I am just called Andrew. I seek your approval. Test me if you wish" Spirits were always testing people, Andrew doesn't think this Spirit is any different.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:55 pm

Golden bear looks at Andrew. eyeing him up and down. Then turns to Matthew. "What makes you think he is worthy to join our pack?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:56 pm

"I sent him to scout the forest spirit of Southside Park, unaware that it had crossed the Gauntlet and manifested here, expanding its power base. He was up against a powerful, angry spirit on its own turf and came back alive, showing both skill in dealing with spirits and great fortitude."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:28 pm

Golden bear turns back to Andrew "And what sacrifices have you made, and what trials have you survived?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:32 am

"I sacrificed my old life and family for the Shadow and all it's mystery. I have traversed the country with naught but wits and my mentor. I have learned enough to know and fear how much I still don't know." Andrew seems proud of his life so far, content with the choices he made. "One thing I have learned is how much I need a pack. Another is always knock before trespassing on what might be and angry Spirits turf."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:35 am

The spirit actually gives a guffaw. Maybe of laughter. "But tell me, for how long have you guarded some place? How long did you wait for something to happen. Tell me of your fortitude."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:24 am

Andrew gulps, Golden Bear was right, he never had stayed in one place for long, never endured when things got tough. He was in some respects, a slacker. "I have a lot to learn. I admit that. If I'm unworthy then give me a test. Let me prove myself that I'm worth your blessing and an asset to this pack."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:47 am

"Speak to me of this spirit that so frightened you pup.."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:10 am

If Andrew is hurt by being called a pup, he never shows it. "It is called Light Engulfing Forrest. I never saw him clearly. He was mad and strong, strong enough to make me wish I had run. I stayed both to try and appease it and to gain as much info on it as possible. Doing so cost me all my spirit essence. All I have to show for my effort is a name and and a message for the pack. Light Engulfing Forrest has claimed a part of Shadow Seeker territory as its own and threatens death for to Shadow Seeker that comes close. I think its serious."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:14 am

"I think you sell yourself short. Many werewolves would have given up any hope for anything by standing their ground, remaining when they by all rights should have fled. This will be enough, if you continue to show such strength. I accept you."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:25 am

Accepted? For a moment Andrew thought He had lost his chance. "I thank you and vow to honor this pack in everything I do to repay it kind for the honor given to me."
Andrew suppresses the urge express himself more openly, opting to wait for the meeting to end. He looks to Mathew to continue with the second order of business.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:04 am

Matthew turns back to the pack totem. "Golden Bear the Undying, what do you know of this spirit, Light Engulphing Forest? What motivates it? Is there any way that we may yet win it over to our side?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:33 am

"I know little of it. It values its privacy, and kept to itself and its brood before the Shift. I do remember, long ago, when it came here with two others. It was stronger then, and aided the pure in their cleansing."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:43 am

Shift? Was Golden Bear referring to the Pure ritual? "It came from outside the city? What other spirits came with it?" To his alpha he said "Maybe they could provide information as well"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:54 am

Matthew looks at Andrew in wonder. "You still expect them to divulge information? It was us they were cleansing. It was only within the past year that we were able to take back even part of the city."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:08 am

"Anything is possible." Andrew says with a shrug. "Besides it would be good to know who might get upset if we have to force Light Engulfing Forrest out."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:02 am

Matthew still doubts that any of the three spirits would actually be willing to tell them much, but decides against arguing the point further. Instead, he turns back to Golden Bear. "What are the other two spirits like? Do you know what they are doing currently?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:16 am

"One ate the other, and works with the pure."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:40 pm

The statement give Matthew pause. After consuming the other spirit, it's likely signifcantly more powerful than the forest spirit here. "What type of spirit is it?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:21 pm

"it was a spirit of thunder. Now, I do not know what it is."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:54 am

"What was the other. A forrest spirit is a collection of separate tree and lesser animal spirits. I once met a Predator spirit, a weak one born from a coyote spirit eating a snake spirit."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:54 am

"It too was a spirit of thunder, though of what particulars I know not. They did not bother me, and I did not bother them."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:07 am

He doesn't seem to know much more. Time for a different topic. "This 'Shift' you mentioned, is it when most of the spirits left the Shadow Realm? Do you know anything specific about the rite that caused it?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:13 am

"I know little of it, other than it required the death of a god. And that the god did not die willingly."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:21 am

Matthew falls completely silent for several seconds, shocked by this new revelation. Finally, he recovers enough to speak. "What god? And do you know when this happened?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:57 am

"Again, i don't know. It was some time ago." (you hate the fact that most spirits don't exactly keep a good track of time.)

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:45 am

"I think that's all." Matthew turns to Andrew. "Unless you have something to ask."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:27 am

Andrew shacks his head 'no'. So a god had to die. What was it and why? Every question lead to new questions. He looked at Mathew and sighed. Matthew had to worry about this all the time. Andrew was just wading into the problem now.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:42 pm

"In that case, do you have a cell phone so we can call each other if we need to?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by Khalvin Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:38 pm

"Sorry but no. I'm not but a street peddler living under the stars. The little money I have comes from playing on street corners." Andrew says with a sigh. He scratches at his greasy hair then wipes his hand on his dingy shirt. At least he isn't as wet as he was before.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:26 pm

Matthew sighs. "In that case, if you need me, I guess you'll have to use a pay phone or something." Matthew gives Andrew his phone number.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by shouldabeenadog Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:28 am

Steve headed to the park he had been to earlier that day and took a look around. " Geuss i missed them." He enters the park and catchs whiffs of the tur line and werewolves again. " No reason to not enjoy the park." He walks to a bench he had been eyeing, sits back and looks around.

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:16 pm

Catching the scent of another werewolf, Matthew walks up to him. "I haven't seen you around before. Are you new in town?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by ursur5 Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:26 pm

Steve perks up as he is approached and greets him. " Hey my name is steve. Yea im new to here orginally from ohio. Havent been here long and am still trying to get my bearings."


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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:09 am

"Small world. I'm from Ohio as well." Matthew looks around again, to make absolutely certain that no humans have shown up. "Are you here because of the Pure, or for other reasons?"

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by ursur5 Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:36 am

steve looks to the man with suprise. " Acctually thats exacly why im here... how did you know." He studies the man for a secound and continues. " Im looking for a specific person but their hiding in the ranks of the pure somewhere out here."


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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:53 am

"They hold all the territory on the other side of the river. It wasn't that long ago that they held the entire city. A call was put out six months ago for help in stopping them, and it seems like the most likely reason why any of us would come here. Although it sounds like you came here because of a more ... personal matter."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by ursur5 Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:47 pm

Steve shoots him a small hesitant smile and scratchs his head. " Yea something like that. If you need help stopping them then you can count me in. Im still looking to join another pack since i came here so i wont be hard to find."


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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:27 am

Matthew looks slightly embarrassed. "Where are my manners? I'm Matthew Greene, alpha of the Shadow Seekers. We could always use new packmates, if you're interested."

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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by ursur5 Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:43 am

Stevenods to matthew . " Nice to meet you." He hinks to himself a secound considering the offer and nods again. " Yea id like that."


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a talk in the park Empty Re: a talk in the park

Post by roadnottaken Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:28 pm

"Let's trade phone numbers so we can keep in touch. Given everything that's going on, it shouldn't be too difficult to find something that you can help with."

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