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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:32 pm

"Well, I don't know if this will help but I can give you both just a little protection from magic. It burns energy real quick, and it doesn't protect against the weirder things but it's something." Ruby cheers up to have new company, but there are way too many people to fit in that tunnel. She puts her hands on her hips and grins. "Well now, I can't believe it just occurred to me that you boys haven't said a thing about what your names are. Poor manners that you haven't said them yet!"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by roadnottaken Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:48 pm

Animus looks slightly embarrassed for a moment. "Sorry. I'm Animus and this is Joshua and Fiddler." He sighs. "I'm not sure about protection that burns energy. I've already run through too much of my reserves."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:19 pm

((So Fiddler is in the scene with us? Should we stop for a while?))

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:29 pm

(( I honestly have no idea, since Organiker's been posting in the Consilium thread; i.e. has been online. Keep going. ))


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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:43 pm

((But he's got teh Mind shielding! It'd be super useful...))

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by roadnottaken Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:50 pm

(( Useful for him. He can't cast it on others. Anyway, can we get back to IC posting? Wink ))

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:01 pm

Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Rubybluebar
Ruby sighs, "Well that's no good at all. I tend to run out quite a bit these days as well... only so much to go around I suppose. Ok, so we'll have to be extra careful... in and out as quick as can be. You'll need to see this picture for yourself." Ruby invites them to follow her in the cave, her warning was serious though. They can only afford to stay inside for a few minutes.

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:20 pm

((GAH! missed all this, feeling foolish))

Fiddler seemed to arrive slightly later, after hesitating to use the portal. After arriving, he stayed quiet. despite his understanding of the space arcanum, he still found traveling via portals to be a bit disorienting. He listened to what had been discussed.

"I've got a mind shield up already" he speaks, before following the others.


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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:23 pm

(( here are the diagrams for the first crew: the second crew who goes down can also reference them. ))


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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by roadnottaken Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:32 pm

Animus takes a moment to study the whisps of resonance before following the others in. As he descends, he checks the local Shadow for anything unusual.

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:47 pm

Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Rubybluebar
"Here we are, let me show you what the inscription looks like." At the bottom of the stair, Ruby waves her hand towards the stone 'door' and weaves a hasty spell to illuminate the hidden script with real light... a spell which fails disastrously as Ruby accidentally stirs up a ripple of Paradox, draining her. "Oh, ouch. Oh, that feels like grandma hurt. Oh, I have to sit down."
She plops down on the stone steps for a moment to catch her breath.
"OK, sorry you'll just have to read it on your own. It's hidden in Supernal script."


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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Guest Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:53 pm

(( Everyone in the tunnel roll Gnosis + Resolve + Mental Shield. This version of Supernal Script can be seen with Prime Sight only. ))


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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by roadnottaken Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:27 pm

Animus shakes his head. "Sorry, I can't see the inscription at all. Maybe you could copy it down for me?"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:03 am

The unwelcome tendrils of dark magic snake towards Ruby once again, but this time her protective charm flares up. Fueled by her inner reserve of mana, white flame undoes the dangerous enchantment.

"Whew, you all can't see it?" Ruby drags herself to her feet. "OK, real quick. Let me show you all what I see. This might feel weird, but try not to fight it or it might not work."

Ruby whispers the High Speech and knits her brow in concentration. She folds her hands and sends the invocation like a prayer ferried to the Aether on it's way to God.

Fiddler, Animus, Joshua feel a spell tugging at them, warping their vision. They can choose to resist with Resolve+Gnosis. Scrutiny shows spell is Prime Arcana.

- - -
Mana 3/11
WP 5/7

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by roadnottaken Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:11 am

Once the spell takes hold, Animus studies the inscription for a moment. Those ovals remind me of the stone obelisks. Is there another set within this cavern? He turns to Ruby. "What have you been able to determine so far from the inscription?"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by jmiland1 Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:59 am

Joshua has to struggle not to resist, but he allows the pull of the Supernal to flow over him so that he may see. He looks over the inscriptions, but, having nothing to add, he stays quiet.

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:45 pm

Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Rubybluebar
"Let's walk up a bit, we can't stand around long..." Ruby leads them up away from the bottom of the stair. "It's similar to the Tomb's outer door, a puzzle for how to open the locks. We've got Ten of these squares... stones that are enchanted with somethin' we can't tell. They fit in that wall down there, we're trying to decide what order they go in. The magic of the place keeps trying to make us put them back."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:02 pm

(Captain continues to listen in silence. The crew is following his advice, and doing likewise.)

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by roadnottaken Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:20 pm

Animus chooses one of the stones at random and takes a moment to scrutinize it before following Ruby back up the stairs.

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Guest Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:28 am

(( Animus, Fiddler, & Joshua roll Intelligence straight up ))


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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:09 am

Ruby muses thoughtfully aloud, "I'm starting to wonder whether these dang keys are even supposed to go in this wall at all! But I can't think of anywhere else they might belong."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Guest Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:33 pm


As people stand around puzzling over their separate conundrums, it slowly dawns on everyone that Ruby and Captain have 10 stones they don't know what to do with... and Animus, Fiddler, and Joshua have 10 obelisks they don't know how to shut down.

That number 10 seems awfully coinkeydinkikal.


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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:49 pm

"Armstrong, pull a stone out and show these guys."

"Perhaps our stones can fix your stones. Either by putting them directly on each other, did you see a spot where we could put them?"

Captain thinks back a bit on what he saw.

"I think we need to complete the banishing cycle to banish whatever was invoked. But thats my opinion. I want eveyrone else's before we do anything crazy."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by jmiland1 Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:49 pm

"I don't recall," Joshua says slowly, looking to Animus and Fiddler. "I was so intent on just seeing the area I may have missed a detail like that. Do you guys remember?"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by roadnottaken Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:38 am

Animus thinks for a moment. "I don't remember seeing anything of the sort, but the resonance on those blocks definitely seems to match the obelisks. It's worth a try, although I don't expect the situation in the park to be particularly pleasant --"

Just then, it hits. A powerful wave of dread that stuns him into silence. Animus notices the twilight spirits grow frightened and his attention immediately snaps across the Gauntlet. When he speaks again, his voice is shaking. "I fear we may already be too late. Either that, or we have a new problem."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:34 am

"You said these Obelisks are turning on and using magic, right? Maybe this is just the Space Arcana turning on... maybe we still have more time?"

"I say we try it while we still can!"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by jmiland1 Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:50 am

Joshua shakes his head, "No, it's not Space... something changed... I can see..." He trails off, looking at his shoes, a hand over his eyes. "Dead... you're all dead," he mutters. He takes a few deep breaths and seems to shake it off, but still doesn't look at anybody.
"Let's just do it. It's better than us standing around here. We have to try to accomplish something."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:49 am

"Did anyone catch what the dates were before the most recent one?"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:56 pm


Ensign pipes up.

"Hey, didn't they say they have ten obelisks they don't know how to turn off? And we have ten stones we don't know what to do with? We should hurry, since the next date is four days away. I mean, why would Dr. Primoria send these guys here if we could do whatever it is we're doing here -- without them? Maybe our cubes need to go to their bigger obelisks."

She looks sheepish, "Or that could just be a dumb idea, huh?"


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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:07 pm

"Good thought ensign. Anyone here a space mage to get Armstrong and the others there?"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Benjamin Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:45 pm

The weird resonances here have been buzzing around Armstrong's head making it hard to think, let alone put together complicated thoughts. "Ugh... Give me some time and I, uh, I can make a portal to get us back to Sacramento." She waves a hand around her head, like she's trying to shoo away a fly. "So, is that the plan?"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:03 pm

"Armstrong, you'll be doin' us a sincere goodness if you would right away. Grab all the keys everyone."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Benjamin Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:22 pm

A shudder passers through her frame. "I'm not doing it here. Did you have a vehicle we need to get back?"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:31 pm

Captain and Crew go and grab stones.

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by tsameti Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:52 pm

"Well, I was under the thought that Lieutenant and Ensign could take it back, close out the hotel too. Can we please just get far enough away from this place to open that door?"

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Benjamin Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:16 pm

Armstrong heads up the passage, growing noticably less distraught as she ascends. "It might take me a couple of hours to get the equations right. Unless someone has an Intimate connection to a secure location, I think the best way to go about this would be to build an Einstein-Rosen bridge from here to my garage. Once I get it up I can keep it stable for a while if we need to. While I'm putting it together, they can take care of that, everyone else can pack and when they get back we can drive out of here."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by roadnottaken Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:56 pm

"One detail that I didn't mention earlier: the obelisks are in the Shadow Realm. When we get back to your garage, I can open up a gate across the Gauntlet, but it will probably take a couple of hours to create."

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:01 pm

"Thats fine, We move, now." Captain says and he and the Crew storm out of the cave. "Ensign, Leftenant, clear out the hotel." He throws them a small wad of cash. "Leftenant is in charge, Double time it"

The two of them hop in the van and head bakc into town, and check out themselves and ruby from the hotel.

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Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig - Page 3 Empty Re: Got a Hill and a Hole to Dig

Post by Guest Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:26 pm

(( please change Scenes ))


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