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The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:45 pm

Breaker moves from his position and walks towards Wukong, "It will be as you say Alpha." As he moves he signals Johnny, "Get ready to take point." He stops, standing very close to Wukong and looks down at him, "You point the way, Diplomat. Johnny will run point. If we run into trouble, I am in charge. If we run into another Pack, you are in charge. If that Pack starts trouble, I am in charge. Are we clear?"


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Evil Empryss Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:12 pm

If humans had tails, Keys’ would be wagging with glee at Snow’s response. Nothing made her happier than to see the pack well-organized, with everybody in their place.

“Can we get something to eat on the way?” she asks as she gets in line with Snow.
Evil Empryss
Evil Empryss

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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:40 pm

Bodycount turns back around to face the others, his shoulders lowering with the release of tension. With a few long steps he joins Snow and Keys, grinning at Keys' request.

"Not junk food again, Keys?" he ribs teasingly. "You oughta be more careful about what you shove in your face, if you wanna stay able to squeeze through those doors you're so fond of unlocking."

Falling in next to Snow, he continues. "I'm hungry too, but I'd like to get some proper food for once. Something solid, that doesn't feel like somebody else chewed it first. A steak, maybe. Yeah, I'd like a steak. We can all go somewhere and get nice steaks to eat, after we check out the quarry. What do you say?"


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:50 pm

The disappointment at the arrangements only showed on Johnny’s face for a fleeting moment. He would have enjoyed a good spectacle, but he also knew that Snow right: this was not the time or place. Diplomacy was by no means Johnny’s calling, but then, that was not his role on this mission. And that was the mission, so Johnny would see it through.

NightBird, Johnny’s rifle, had been slung over his shoulder, and now he lowered her into a relaxed position from which she could be readied quickly – an action likely missed by most of the pack, as NightBird had the tendency to disappear from the mind and be overlooked without a concerted effort.

“So,” he asked both Breaker and Wukong, as he wasn’t sure who’s call it was, “which way? South or East?”


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Prax Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:30 am

Wukong glances briefly at Breaker, “Crystal” he replies with a nod, then he turns back to Snow. “I do not have another question, but I do have a request to ask on behalf of Johnny,” he says nodding in the Irakka’s direction.

“I think you should look after his rifle until we return to the den. Where we’re going he’ll have no need of it and I am afraid that carrying it around would give our new friends the wrong impression. I’d rather not repeat the mistake that was just made,” Wukong says calmly, focused on Snow.

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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Evil Empryss Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:31 am

Keys' quick search for steak houses in the vicinity was interrupted by Wukong's request that Johnny leave Night Bird behind. Air hissed between her teeth as she inhaled at the suggestion. Whose crazy idea was it to let a new guy in without me screening him first? Bad timing, breaking him in while making this move. No time for the pack to bond.

"Aye, need it or no, you sooner leave your wolf behind dan Johnny leave dat gun. 'Sides, other packs ain't gonna bother none 'bout no gun, but humans don't need to be seein' tooth 'n claw like, right? So de gun is good." She shrugs as if the whole conversation is no big deal.

"You're still new, so you doan know dese tings. His gun be like his condom. Better he have it an' not need it, than need it an' not have it, okenn? I promise, you come back wit'out dese two skinnin' you tonight, an' I teach you so you fit in better."
Evil Empryss
Evil Empryss

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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Prax Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:06 am

"Well, I'm glad to know you don't feel that having a gun pointed at your head is an act of hostility, but most folks think differently. And if Johnny can't bear to be without his gun, then I can certainly bear to be without him," Wukong says with a shrug as he glances at Keys.

"There's a time and place for having a sniper and this ain't one of them as Johnny has already amply proven with the reception he gave the laodan," Wukong says as he turns back to Snow and waits for her response.

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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:15 am

Breaker looks back at Snow. While the scar on Breaker's face may make him look like he is sneering, the current sneer on his face is even more pronounced, His guy has balls. Too bad Snow is going to take them. Or hopefully ask me to do it...

Breaker's face breaks into a grim smile as his gaze turns to towards Johnny, "How you feel about our Diplomat disarming you Johnny?"


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:41 am

“Johhny,” says Snow nonchalantly, “keep your gun or yourself out of sight.”

She smiles at Wukong. “There you go. Now go mark our territory.”


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:32 pm

Johnny’s eyes narrowed at Wukong’s suggestions. He was surprised that the newcomer had even noticed NightBird’s presence, given his relative unfamiliar with her. Even his packmates often had to strain and focus sometimes to spot her in plain sight. But then, she had just been on the prowl, and if Wukong had seen the weapon when the old woman had drawn attention to Johnny, he would have no trouble seeing NightBird now.

Johnny had turned to address Wukong, but the comment had been directed at his alpha, so he had waited for her response. Satisfied with her answer, he replied simply to her, though his gaze was on Wukong, “They won’t see NightBird if she isn’t needed ”.

“Which way?” he adds.


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:16 pm

Breaker sets a steady gaze on Wukong, assured that all matters are settled for now, "Move out Wukong. We have a job to do now and much more to do later. Tell Johnny the direction and let's get this shit done."


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Prax Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:02 am

Wukong pauses for a moment, nods to Snow and then flips around and begins walking backwards in a northerly direction while facing Johnny and Breaker. “Ok, here’s the game plan while I’m in charge. That is when no one’s actively trying to kill us,” he looks to Johnny first.

“Johnny, I want you front and center, in plain sight at all times. If at all possible to my immediate left. No running off to find a perch, I want our new friends to see you because from this point on we are all trans-fucking-parent. We have nothing to hide, except for that which I have your assurance will remain hidden,” Wukong says speaking rather rapidly. He then looks to Breaker and continues speaking without missing a beat, still walking backwards.

“You have it easy, just be your big, beautiful self, keep to my right and glare occasionally like you’ve been doing all evening. Moving forward I expect a bit of hostility from everyone we encounter, which may even mean trash talk, posturing, growling and baring of fangs. Don’t react to any of it. As long as they’re just talking we don’t give a damn. We are stone and their words are the meaningless babblings of small children.”

“I don’t care if they’re talking about our mothers, our sisters or our packmates. If they really insist on being pricks we’ll get them back in spades later, but no fighting tonight over insults. If it gets to be too much for you, walk away, but make sure to stay where you can be seen.”

“If it comes up and someone takes a swing at me, let them. I’m fair game. You’ll probably even enjoy watching me get my face smashed in. I know I would if our positions were reversed,” Wukong says with a grin. “Of course if they’re gonna throat me or if I call for help, by all means save my pitiful life! On the other hand, if anyone attacks either of you, I’m done talking because they just made the biggest fucking mistake of their miserable, soon to be over life, am I right? Right. I’m willing to take a punch or two for the sake of diplomacy, you two are off limits though and perfectly free to ventilate the interiors of our aggressors in whatever manner best suits your skills.”

“And that’s pretty much all I have to say about that,” Wukong says. He then looks at Johnny again. “First order of business, we need to find the old woman again, which means this is now your show, mi compadre. Though, keep in mind she’s not prey, we don’t want to ambush her, just talk.”

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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Evil Empryss Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:06 am

There's hope for him yet, Keys thought as she listened to Wukong lay out the plan as the three men walked away. Now she could relax and turn her attention to more pressing matters.

"We get de den settled now, an' get someting to eat, sí Hefa?"
Evil Empryss
Evil Empryss

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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:53 am

“I can keep my cool if that’s what the mission calls for,” Johnny replies gruffly, a hint of resentment in his voice. He begins walking North to where the elder Uratha woman had last been seen. “Why do you want to find the old hag, anyway?”.


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:22 pm

"Yep. Let's go check out our new digs and hope no one or no thing has decided to squat there already."

Snow slips into the wolf skin and sets an easy pace toward the quarry.


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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

Post by shouldabeenadog Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:30 pm

The two groups split up.

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The Howl (Los Sangrientos) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Howl (Los Sangrientos)

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