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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by DracoGuardian Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:26 pm

Treykin hopped off the bus about a block away from The Rage not really the best idea to show up to a club on the local bus. walking casualy towards the club he stopped for a moment and closed his eyes focusing his mind and attmepted to cast Aura Perception

Date Action Result
01-01-2008 10:00 DracoGuardian rolls 5 to Mind Arcanum+Gnosis (Aura Perception) (10 Again) 7,2,5,8,4 1 successes

With his spell in place he fell into line to get into the club pulling the card that the woman from the musem gave him and shrugged flipping it between his fingers


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:02 am

After Treykin makes his way into the visual and aural assault, he finds himself tapped on the back.

Turning, he sees a dred'ed African American.

"One rule in my club, Copperfield," Jammer says over the music, "You don't sling or hold unless I say it's ok. Keeps everyone happy. Not that I give a fuck about everyone, but it keeps me happy. Dig?"

The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Jammerbanner


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by DracoGuardian Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:30 pm

Looking at the man behind him he raised one brow and dismissed his Aura Perception and gave a slight shrug to himself holding up the care Andrade gave him him at the museum* "Your club, so tell me do you know a Mr. Jammer I was told I should come here and speak with him by the woman at the museum. I am new to town."


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:34 pm

"Ha! Ain't no Mr. Jammer here, but there is a Jammer," he laughed as he took the card. He focused for a second, reading Andrade's resonance on the card.

"Yeah, I know the lady," he said. "Why'd she send you?"

Last edited by West on Fri May 01, 2009 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by DracoGuardian Fri May 01, 2009 3:03 am

Treykin smiled slightly and shrugs alittle letting the man have the card he watched him closely for the moment* "She said to come here and ask for a Jammer to see about work. I figured since I was new in town might as well atleast check it out."


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Fri May 01, 2009 11:04 am

"I'm Jammer," he replied, motioning for Treykin to follow him to the bar. Getting two shots of Patron from the bartender, he pushed one at Treykin. "So what's your name?" he asked, as he downed his.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by DracoGuardian Sat May 02, 2009 3:48 pm

Treykin nodded to Jammer and followed him to the bar. Picking up and looking at the shot he shrugged and downed it setting the glass back on the table* "Name's Treykin nice to meet you Jammer"


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sat May 02, 2009 3:52 pm

"So what kind of work you lookin' for? What do you do?" Jammer asked.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Wed May 06, 2009 2:11 am

Ryan quietly stood in line in front of The Rage. He could faintly hear some music from outside, but some of the traffic on the street drowned it out. OK, keep calm. Calm...There we go. Mental coaching had alot of benifits.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Wed May 06, 2009 5:50 pm


Ryan and Henry finally make their way to the door and are admitted to the visual and sonic assault of the club. Once a large warehouse, now converted into a club, there's a large bar, a few tables, a huge dance floor, and a stage for live performances. Stairs lead up to a windowed DJ's booth and what might be an office.

It's loud.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by ParanoidAndroid Wed May 06, 2009 10:51 pm

Henry, having taken a few moments to change out of 50's guy's face, follows Ryan to the club, and gets in 10 minutes after Ryan. He gets in rather easily with his new 30-year-old face, just another man in the crowd, absolutely unremarkable. This is far from a fun place for him, but he figures keeping an eye on kids today requires dedication and endurance.

((Will most likely be staying out of this scene. As long as Ryan drinks, Henry's happy Razz))

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Wed May 06, 2009 11:01 pm

Ryan was a little surprised that he managed to get it so easily. He was pretty sure he looked underage afterall. Ryan didn't have much time to dwell on it as soon as his ears were exposed to the sonic assault of music inside the club. He managed to endure and make his way to the bar where he quickly ordered some Vodka.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Thu May 07, 2009 9:45 am


A guy with dreadlocks slides up to the bar next to Ryan as the bartender slides him his drink. He gives Ryan a curious, intent look.

"First time here?" he asks, turning to look around the room.

The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Jammerbanner


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Thu May 07, 2009 10:05 am

Ryan picked up his drink and was about to start downing it when he heard someone speaking to him over the music. "Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?"

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Thu May 07, 2009 11:02 am


Ryan feels the hair on his arms tingle as Jammer turns back to him with an intent gaze. Henry feels his spell sliced and unraveled with a suprising force.
"Just curious," Jammer says easily. "It's my joint, I just like to keep an eye out for... fresh faces," he grins. "This don't look like your scene, made me curious."


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Thu May 07, 2009 11:09 am

Ryan rubbed his arm. It felt like static or something, which was odd as hell. He gave the guy a weird look before relaxing. Slightly. "Yeah, some woman at the museum recomended that I take a break for awhile. She recomended this place." He said with alot of unease in his voice. There was something about this guy that was kinda off.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Thu May 07, 2009 4:27 pm

"Yeah," Jammer said, with a knowing smile. "Brunette, or blonde?" He watched the mirror behind the bar, periodically glancing at Henry.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Thu May 07, 2009 9:30 pm

"Uh, she was blonde." Ryan said with a confused look. This guy didn't exactly look like the type to visit museums.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Thu May 07, 2009 10:20 pm

"So, you like the music?" Jammer asked. "Sometimes when I smoke weed, it's almost like I can see the music. There's a word for that, when your senses get mixed up. Don't know it though," he said as he motioned for the bartender to bring them more drinks.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Thu May 07, 2009 10:32 pm

"It's alright." Ryan said as he drank the whole glass down. It left a weird taste in him mouth, but that was normal. "I think they call that synesthesia. Could be wrong though."

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty In The Rave

Post by West Thu May 07, 2009 10:53 pm

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko sat in the Rave, drinking away. She'd been here for some time now, but still wasn't as drunk as she'd like to be. The scene of the house stayed in her mind and she wanted to drink it away into oblivian before she even attempted sleep tonight.

The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Ekkobanner

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Thu May 07, 2009 11:58 pm

"That's it," Jammer agreed. "So what were you doing at the museum?" he asked, finishing his drink as well.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by ParanoidAndroid Fri May 08, 2009 12:00 am

Henry barely reacts to his spell being knocked away. He concentrates on being innocuous, ordering any trendy drink on offer, and sips it close to what seems to be the largest number of Sleeper he can reliably stay close to. He notices Jammer's looks, and makes eye contact with him when he can, watching him talk to the kid and hoping his work isn't getting totally undone.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Fri May 08, 2009 12:04 am

Ryan just shrugs, he was already starting to get a buzz. "Some guys dragged me there when I showed them some weird ass books." He said as he poked the glass left and right infront of him.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Fri May 08, 2009 4:35 pm

"I never had much use for books," Jammer said, wondering what was going on. Did Andrade send this kid here to stall?

"You know anyone here?" he asked, looking in the mirror.


"Long day?" Zilker asked, sitting next to Ekko. He'd spotted Henry, and wondered if the guy was slumming or seeing the sights. Having come from cleaning up Hostel HI, he was pretty wiped himself. At least he knew what Ekko had seen.

The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Zilkerbanner


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Fri May 08, 2009 8:40 pm

Ryan took a moment to look around. The place was pretty packed, but he couldn't see anyone he knew. "Uh...No. I don't."

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sat May 09, 2009 1:09 am

"Sure you do," Jammer grinned. "You know me, now." That answered that question. "So you always been in Sacramento?" he asked, motioning for more drinks. This was their third, how much could the kid handle?


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Sat May 09, 2009 1:23 am

"I don't know your name, so I'm sure that doesn't count." Ryan said as he took a sip. He wasn't in a rush to get plastered anymore and was starting to pace himself. "And yeah. Been here my whole life. Never left as far as I know." He said with a slightly off smile. He wasn't off his face, but he was getting there.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by DracoGuardian Sat May 09, 2009 4:05 am

He had not possessed much of an answer for Jammer so his interest in the new arrival of they other guy from the museum was taken in stride. Treykin simply wandered off into the crowd inside the club and enjoyed the place for what it was. He knew he had some arbitrary responsibilities to his order but, mostly for the moment he just wanted to have some fun he could get work and make himself known to the other Libertines in town and so forth later.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sat May 09, 2009 11:09 am

Treykin's Unseen Senses go off as he passes an Asian man and woman at a table, making his way further into the club.

"You ever get that feeling you could do more?" Jammer asked Ryan. "Like, you know, being half asleep?"


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Sat May 09, 2009 11:26 am

Ryan pauses for a second. It looked like he was trying to pull something from the recesses of his mind. "...Sometimes. It comes for a minute or two...But then something distracts me and I end up forgetting about it." He says with a shrug before taking another sip. "Sorry to stop you man, but why are you asking me this stuff anyway?"

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sat May 09, 2009 6:11 pm

"Coz I'm fucking baked," Jammer replied, "And I always get a little existential when I'm high. It's all good," he said, pushing away from the bar, "have fun while you're here, don't start any trouble."


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Darksider42 Sat May 09, 2009 6:42 pm

"Uh, Sure." Now that was either the most interesting conversation I'v had in weeks or the most fucked up one in my life. Ryan thought as he watched the man vanish into the crowd. He looked back down at his glass and downed it.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by DracoGuardian Sat May 09, 2009 9:57 pm

Treykin froze in place feeling that familiar twinge of his unseen senses as he passed the table glancing around for a moment his eyes landing on each of those closest to him. However remembering Jammer's words earlier he just shrugged and walked on after a few seconds. He gave a light little shrug as he went on to try and enjoy himself whatever he passed did not seem to be anything to concern him at the moment.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 12:38 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko shakes her head and drains her drinki, then signals the bartender for another one.

"Long would be an understatement. I am trying to remember why I agreed to come here and help you insane people."

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 12:55 am

Zilker gives her a bemused shrug. "You know, that's a good question. Why did you? Or, actually, why did you decide to guard the Veil?"


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 1:04 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko shrugs. "Being a Guardian? That's a no brainer. I have always felt the need to protect people. As you can see I am not exactly a large and imposing person. But I'm fast, and most people don't expect someone like me to kick their ass. Makes the job all the more fun. Why did I come here?"

She thinks about that for a minute before answering. "Because you guys needed the help and my mentor wasn't teaching me anything anymore and just doing his best to piss me off. So, I left him in search of someone more appreciative."

She didn't bother to go into the fact that her mentor had also been her lover for nearly ten years and their break-up had been a very nasty one. Sometimes being in a relationship with another Mage was not always a good thing.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 1:18 am

"Fair enough," Zilker said. "I'm glad you came, after the Plotski fiasco. Almost as glad as I am that Undrichmann got... 'reassigned.' Speaking of the Arrows, did you know that Kai left the city?"

After cleaning up the Hostel HI, he still was curious about that. Usually something like that made an Arrow angry, looking for a fight.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 1:29 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko pauses, hand held halfway to her mouth. She slowly puts the glass back on the bar and turns to look at Zilker.

"He did what? Oh that's just fucking great." She grumbles, then drains that drink too and signals the bartender for another. "Well, I thought we were getting on well>"

I also thought we were getting on better then well. Yeah, ok. I quit. No more man hunting for me. Why bother? She thinks, as the depression begins to settle in.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 1:52 am

"I'm surprised, too," Zilker said. Apparently whoever recruited her didn't tell her what a lonely job being a Guardian was.

"You want a job to get you back in the saddle?" he asked.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 1:58 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko eyes him suspiciously. "That depends. Do I have to start now? And what is it?"

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 2:16 am

"Of course not," Zilker said, with a slight laugh. "After your day, take your time."

"I need you to find the Obelisk group; specifically, Animus, Armstrong, and Sentinel Joshua Morris. The four of you will set up a meeting with the owner of the Avalon, a... man... named Asa Clarke," he said. "I'm thinking two at the table, two on watch."


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 2:26 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko shrugs. "Sounds simple enough. Do you have contact info for the obelisk group? The only people I have really had any contact with here so far is you and Kai." She says with a kind of embarrassed smile.

"I guess I haven't been very social lately."

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 2:33 am

"Sure," Zilker said, pulling out a business card and writing numbers and names down. "Don't worry about socializing, everyone seemed pretty stiff at the last Consilium."

"Now, let me tell you what is happening. We suspect Calligan, and others, have been victims of," he lowered his voice, "vampires."

He paused to let that sink in.

"Kai identified this Asa Clarke as one, as well as another woman he was with, name unknown. The previous owner of Avalon, a Brandon Davis, was one as well. Kai was under the impression that what happened to Calligan is not standard SOP. We need to find out what happened, and why."

"Diplomatically," he added. "The Consilium has not approved any sort of overt aggression at this point."


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 2:43 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko nods. "So Kai thinks what happened to Calligen was a vampire's doing? Huh, why didn't he mention that to me before?" She wonders, as if talking to herself.

"All right, so delicate situation and needs diplomacy, got it. I'll be sure to pass that along to the others. Uh, do you know how good that are at the diplomacy thing, by the way?"

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 2:58 am

"I have no idea," Zilker said with an amused shrug. "I know that Animus is a Thearch, so I would assume he's been trained. Armstrong is a Libertine, so who knows? Sentinal Morris... is an Arrow," he concluded, letting that speak for itself.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 3:03 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko laughs. "How tipical. I know plenty of Arrows who are diplomatic. You just have to get to that side of them to find out. So, why are you here Zilker? Doesn't someone of your bearing have some place much better to be then this husk of a city?"

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 3:14 am

"I'm here because of Niles Plotski," Zilker said, finishing his glass and motioning to a waitress.

"With an unfortunate situation like that, it would be easy for the city to look upon us all unfavorably, and I've been in many cities that look at us as secret police or worse, for less reason," he elaborated. "I asked to come here to try to make sure that doesn't happen. I'm not terribly fond of discrimination, of any sort."

"Lot of new faces," he said, taking his fresh drink, "We need to make sure they don't get the wrong impression of us."


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by West Sun May 10, 2009 3:19 am

Supernal VisionS, Mental ShieldS, Magic ShieldS, MisdirectionS

Ekko nods, finishing her drink. "Sounds like a worthy enough reason to me. And I agree with it, completely."

She wasn't sure what else to say. So, she sat and stared at the table, wondering what her next move would be. She was a little ticked that Kai had just left without saying good-bye, but not surprised. Men were just stupid sometimes.

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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Guest Sun May 10, 2009 3:25 am

"Well, have fun," Zilker said, standing. "I've got to mingle, we've got an odd situation here tonight I need to keep an eye on. You, however, enjoy your evening, you're off duty." Zilker pulled a hundred dollar bill out of his wallet and laid it on the table before fading back into the crowd.


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The Rage (ATTN: Jammer) Empty Re: The Rage (ATTN: Jammer)

Post by Sponsored content

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