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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Forn Clakes
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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Forn Clakes Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:38 pm

If there was any moment to look surprised, this was it. However, Jayant simply bows towards the assembled Kindred; firstly towards the Prince and then to the Seneschal. Finally, he nodded towards his fellow Primogen council.

How perturbatory, he muses, keeping his face as neutral as possible.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by West Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:48 pm

Eric watched the proceedings and noticed Marius as he stood and spoke. His eyes narrowed. That one looked familiar. Why? He searched his memory and it came to him. With a smile, he remembered meeting the kindred a very long time ago. However, he doubted if Marius would remember him. No matter. All of the kindred here would know him well soon enough.

He turned to Shadow. "I am surprised the Prince would not pick one as beautiful as you to adivse him as well. Surly he could not control himself from noticing a lovely creature like yourself."

Shadow blushes again and shakes her head. "Ah no. Prince Asa and Sheriff Ishani are very much in love and I would never try to step in bwtween them."

Eric smiled and nodded. Good to know indeed.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:54 pm

Elle tilts her head at the newcomer near Shadow, seeing the woman blush..

Shadow? Strong and brave Shadow? What the hell is this guy saying to her to make her blush... she thinks, inching her way over while Asa and his new court talk, trying to seem inconspicuous, very suspicious.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Forn Clakes Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:55 pm

Laura Kane realises she's late for an obviously important court meeting, and leaves her bike parked a block away, covered by some old blankets she found in a dumpster. Being as quiet as possible, she stands by the doorway, waiting for matters to conclude before she goes looking for this Veritas. Spotting Ace, she smirks at the biker and nods when he looks her way.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:11 pm

Through all of the surprises thrown at Rahyna this evening she had not had a chance to check over at how Shadow was doing and when she finally did she noticed someone that she did not know there was a feeling in her belly that rose up from her toes no one had the right to be that close to Shadow but her she went to take a step forward but stopped herself when remembering she still had a new position to attend to.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:55 pm

"Regarding the current situation," Asa addressed the assembly again, "The Sheriff and Hound are already investigating matters and I will be consulting with the Primogen and Covenants once we have more information; so, pay attention to your various Covenant leaders and Prisci. Try not to travel alone."

As if that would help.

"Seneschal Rahyna will now acknowledge any newcomers to the city," Asa concluded, turning the floor over to the former Harpy.

Well, that was fun. Some... powerful predators here. More than I remember.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:00 pm

Rahyna steps forward and tries to take her eyes off of the man sitting next to Shadow she clears her throat before speaking making sure she is loud enough for all to hear her "Would anyone new to the city of the Gangrel Clan please introduce yourself."


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Premsyl Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:21 pm

Arnold Culler had arrived at the meeting just before Asa addressed the gathered Kindred. He had found a spot near the door, and hadn't spoken to anyone. He has no friends or allies here, excepting covenant ties, so he sees no reason to extend himself. He listens, with rapt attention, to the address. Nodding in approval after it was over.

Arnold takes away one important fact from Asa's ascension to Princedom. An Invictus ruled the city. He found this fact intriguing and was curious as to how this would turn would unfold in the future.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by wolfman1911 Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:58 pm

Jason Stanton:

Jason had missed out on advance warning yet again, and arrived late. I need to stop making a habit of this, he thought as he tried to quietly make his way down the hall and sat among his covenant.

Jackson McKennon:

After getting tired of waiting for his alleged escort, Jackson decided to make the trip to the museum alone. When he arrived, he sat in the nearest available seat, not knowing where else to go.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by jmiland1 Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:07 am

Martin listens to Asa with interest, picking up on that very first line and knowing that things had just gotten interesting. This explained quite a few things from the last couple of nights. He notes the new Prince's interesting decision select new Primogen, and to let that choosing be partially decided by his Seneschal. He still hadn't met many of the city's Kindred, so Jayant and the Inquisitor were virtually unknown to him; their selection meant nothing to Martin. But then Asa announces his selections...
If the plumbing still worked, Martin would have peed himself.
He stands stiffly, and bows to his Prince, looking surprised and shocked. He felt surprised and shocked, but also quite pleased with himself. He had yet to lift a finger and already he'd been named a Primogen. Things are looking up, he thought.
Of course, if he hadn't been congratulating himself maybe he would have put some thought into the decision, and some thought into the fact that there was still a very powerful monster out there that liked to snack on Titled Kindred.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Darksider42 Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:38 am

Jack managed to arrive after a few wrong turns along the way. He wouldn't be surprised if everything had already ended and he would have to wait untill next time, but he could wait a little longer. He wasn't in a rush to make an idiot of himself. Jack managed to find out where everything was being held and went in.
His beast demaned he run somewhere safe as he silently slipped in, but he had to remain focused. He found a wall hear the back to lean against while he tried to keep the dammed Beast from taking over. Someones getting along in years here... He thought as he corssed his arms and tried to keep himself from losing it.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:59 am

Ears perking at the call for new Gangrel, Laura moves away from the door and looks to the assembled Kindred, running her hand through her hair and smiling.

"Good evening, I am Laura Kane and have only just returned to the city, guided to this court by another." Looking towards the Prince, she bows before continuing. "I would seek permission to stay for a while longer, Majesty."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:02 am

Asa nods.

Oh dear god, this is why Freddrick would leave before acknowledgments.

Stepping away from the Seneschal, he sat by Lioni to watch the rest of the new arrivals.

Hopefully they would take the hint.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Forn Clakes Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:17 am

Laura steps back to the doorway.

Thank fuck for that, she thinks. Hate all this formality.

Wondering if it would be a good move to leave now, she decides against it. Would be handy to know the current ramblings.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:50 am

Rahyna waits to make sure none of the other new faces do not wish to step forward before continuing "Now if the Daeva would please step forward and intorduce them selves."


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Darksider42 Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:03 am

Jack took a few seconds before stepping forward. He never liked this part, but it had to be done. "Jack Bennett, Carthian Movement. He said with a bow. "Came here looking for a new home. I hope that won't be a problem." He kept it short, sweet and tried his dammed best to make sure he wasn't trying to insult someone without relising it.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Lexi Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:38 pm

Sigmund stands, makes an incredibly flourishing bow, and lets his hair fling to and fro as he pulls himself back up, before speaking. "Sigmund Jones, Sanctified, my lady. Not particularly new, but what the hey."

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:48 pm

Rahyna waited a few minutes after the Daeva stood up and as she waited to see if anyothers would stand she realized that this would be much quicker if she just had any new members of the city stand and give their clan instead of calling each clan individually why do things the way the use to be done she was not Twist so she would do things her way.

"Would any other kindred who is new to the city please stand and state your Clan, Covenant, and where you came from." there she thought to herself that will hopefully speed things along now at least she wouldnt have to wait so long to see if any of the other new faces would stand for each clan.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Soul Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:55 pm

Marius smiled, as his clan head made the adjustment to move things along more swiftly. He had wondered when she would grow bored of the routine. It showed that the Daeva had a Priscus with a spine.

Change was good.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:23 pm

"Auvrey Feiran," he said as he stood, "of the Lancea Sanctum as well." Waiting for the Seneschal to acknowledge him, he returned to his seat.

Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Auvreybanner


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:32 pm

Rahyna was a little annoyed that the first person to stand did not give all of the information she had asked for but she did not let it show on her face as she addressed him "Mr. Feiran what clan do you hail from." she asked plesently as the man took his seat once more.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:53 pm

"Mekhet," he answered with an apologetic smile. "Forgive my carelessness."

He wasn't usually careless. Was it the room full of Beasts? It had been ages since he had felt this many. Or seen so many beautiful women.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by shouldabeenadog Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:06 pm

Mrs. Scotts takes note, and whispers to Eva.
"Sorry, but I must ensure that I keep abrest of al new members." She stands, and makes her way to Auvrey. She doesn't interrupt the Seneschal though, just blends into the subtle sway of the crowd.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:53 pm

Leighanne watched as others stood and introduced themselves she really did not want all eyes on her but figured if she did it quickly maybe it wouldn't be as bad kind of like ripping a band - aid off quick she stood on shaky legs and looked to Erika for support "My name is Leighanne and I am told that I am Nosferatu" she sat down quickly and then realized that she didn't say where she came from and then spoke from her seat "I am from Wahsington and don't have one of those other things you asked about."


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:54 pm

Reed having taken a seat - was watching the proceeding of the New Court - he took note of new Daeva that introduced themselves - he made a mental note to speak to them after the court. So, the new nights continues, for static being - some nights are not always static.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by West Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:43 pm

Eric stood and a broad smile came across his handsome face. "My name is Eric Bethen. I am Ventrue and I have no covenent affiliation. I am recently from Ontario." He returns to his seat next to Shadow.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by wolfman1911 Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:25 am

Jackson took this moment to stand and introduce himself.

"My name is Jackson McKennon, and until a few days ago I had no idea that any of this stuff was real. I still don't know what a clan or covenant is."

After that, he looked around sheepishly and sat back down. That he could stand at all in the wake of the fear that he was feeling was an accomplishment, much less that he managed to speak.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:52 pm

Asa looked around, to see if there were any more new faces; there was still a lot to be done, and people to talk to.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:41 pm

Sabina stood and cleared her throat "My name is Bishop Sabina of the Lancea Sanctum I am Ventrue and have come here from Romania." she decided to keep it short and to the point.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:33 pm

Alaric stands.

"I'm Alaric Wulfreich, formerly of Germany, now just a traveler, I seek some time in your realm Prince..." he then sits back down, eying the man near Shadow with a slightly murderous gleam in his eyes for someone being that close to her, his claws itching.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:07 pm

Rahyna lets the irritation show this time at this person who came in and seemed to be vieing for Shadow's attention and the irritation comes out slightly in her voice only noticeable to those who know her "And Mr. Wulfreich what clan and covenant do you claim?"


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:12 pm

He smiles winningly at her, calm and peaceful as always.

"Madame Seneschal I am of the Ventrue... And, Unaligned..."


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:34 pm

Rahyna looks at the man and then turns her attention back to the others gathered around she does a slow sweep and looks at all the new faces and feeling quite confident that all have stood she continues.

"Those that have presented them selves in the presence of of myself as the Seneschal and the Prince are hereby acknowledged within the city limits of Sacramento." pausing a second she runs through all the clans in her head and continues on "The Prisci are as follows Daeva is myself, Mehket is Harpy Dr. Erika Brady, Gangrel Veritas, Nosferatu Dr. Akasha Asaan, and Ventrue Prince Asa Clarke"

Rahyna then thinks back to the rules of the city and opts to go ahead and spout them all even though some of them may be changed in very near future "The rules of the city are as follows The Masquerade is the Law and will be kept. Childer will not be sired without permission. The destruction of a Kindred's property will be met with grave consequences. Death to a Kindred by the hands of another Kindred is forbidden, unless it is by the hands of the Sheriff or Hounds. No Kindred Shall charge boons to direct new members of the city to the people they need to speak with to get acknowledged within the city limits. No Kindred shall present Rose, or any derivative there-in, as a gift to the Prince at any gathering of Kindred. Attendance to court is not mandatory but failure to make three courts in a row shall cause the loss of all rights within the city and the individual will again need to be presented to the Prince. On any given Friday the 13th a Kindred within the city is expected to throw the Prince a Galla of a brand new theme. This theme cannot repeat itself ever." she thinks for a second before continuing on with the feeding laws "Feeding laws are as follows A Moratorium has been placed on the feeding from, ghouling or otherwise interferring with the lives of these peoples. If it is found that you fail to follow this rule your punishment will be swift, dramatic and public. The mark of shame will then follow you for TEN YEARS after the punishment has finished. DO NOT TOUCH ORDER ON THE FOLLOWING POLICE OFFICERS, FIRE FIGHTERS, EMERGENCY MEDICAL TEAMS (EMT's), ALL HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES the rack is located downtown for those who have need of it." doing a once over in her mind of everything she has said she thinks she has covered everything and then decides to add on last thing "These rules are the current ones but as they were put in place by the former Prince they may be subject to change if they are changed there will be a notice posted in all Elysiums throughout the city."

Looking to Asa she smiles "Unless our Prince has anything to add I believe that will conclude tonight's court." with the last statement she bows to Asa.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:43 pm

Asa stood, and rejoined her. "That is all, and well said. I would only like to remind all present that the Seneschal speaks with my authority, and her words should be given the same respect. Please make sure Harpy Brady has your information before leaving tonight, and this will conclude this Court."


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:46 pm

Rahyna turns to Asa "Thank you Prince Clarke if you need anything from me please let me know." she really hoped he didn't need anything tonight she needed to vent some frustration and figure out why she was caring about other people going after Shadow's attention.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by West Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:49 pm

Shadow, Zen, Bella, and Lioni stand and make their way out of the museum.

Ishani waits for Asa and Veritas waits for the room to be cleared of kindred before leaving herself.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Lexi Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:50 pm

Erika stands, bowing slightly to both the Prince and Rahyna, before watching the crowd for any who might need to speak with her.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:52 pm

"Not tonight, enjoy your evening -- and thank you for hosting," Asa replied.

Politely leaving the Harpy, he approached the Sheriff. "Ready to blow this joint?" he asked with a smile.

Truth be told, the large number of new, strong Beasts made him nervous, and probably did her, as well. He didn't let it show, though.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by West Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:13 pm

Ishani smiles at Asa. "Yes, your Majesty, as soon as everyone has safely left the museum, I will be able to escort you home."

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:21 pm


Elle feels like a woman scorned, heading out immediately to her new truck.


Alaric nods to both Shadow and Rahyna, wanting to talk to Shadow soon and see how she is doing, and prove to Seneschal Rahyna that he only has her best interests at heart. He takes his BMW home to his ship to sleep.


Eva rises, taking a cab home .


Ace follows Zen out, wanting to talk to her about Icarus, about everything... But finding that lately she is very very busy...


Aurelie nods to Sigmund, hoping he stops by the Lily again sometime soon. She heads out into the night where Darren is waiting for her at home.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:30 pm

Asa suppressed a sigh. He had really hoped escorting the Prince home meant that she wouldn't still have to be the one to turn out the lights at Courts. He put his social smile on waited with her.

Dog cracked open an eye from the nap he'd almost been taking when people started to move for the doors. Thank god. He stood up, resisted the urge to shake himself, and filed out with the rest.

Auvrey stood up and watched, but then everyone seemed to leave in a rush. There were a few he had wanted to speak with, but it would apparently have to wait.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Darksider42 Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:49 pm

Glad that the court was over, Jack stepped out and walked back to the Clare. He didn't have that place forever so he would have to start haven-hunting. Among other things.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:25 pm

Mrs. Scotts makes a beeline for Auvrey.

"Good Day Mr. Auvrey Feiran. I am Mrs. Scotts, whip of the Mekhet, it is a pleasure to meet you." She is suprised by how calming this man is. Its almost a delight to be put so at ease, instead of forcing herself like she normally does.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:31 pm

Sabina walked over to Erika to give her all of her contact information before she leaves to head back to the church in light of the state of the city she decided she needed to hold a midnight mass and needed to start working on it.

Seraphina looks at Akasha and bends over trying to ignore the smell emanating from him and kisses him on the cheek before rising "When ever you are ready to have that talk let me know and I will be there." she smiles and turns to leave the museum.


Leighanne looks to Erika wondering how much longer they would have to stay she was starting to get really uncomfortable in this crowd of people she didn't know.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Lexi Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:42 pm

Dr. Asaan blinks, entirely confused by the sentiment, but shrugs lightly and makes his way out, taking note of the man who had said he was Carthian before stepping outside.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:44 pm

"Well, hello," Auvrey smiled. "Please just call me Auvrey, Mrs. Scotts. I suppose this would be a good time to meet my Priscus, no?"


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:49 pm

If Mrs. Scotts could blush, she would, before she remembers that while he may be allied with her covenant, he wasn't acutally in it. She gives a pleasant smile "Oh no, not on our first meeting mr. Feiran. That would be far too intimate. But come, let me introduce you to our priscus."

She heads straight to Dr. Brady. "Miss Brady, this is Auvrey Feiran of the Lancea Sanctum. Auvrey Feiran, this is your Priscus and the Prince's Harpy, Dr. Erika Brady."

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Guest Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:08 pm

Auvrey gave his Priscus a short bow and warm smile. "A pleasure. How should I address you?" he asked, genuinely curious.

The Princes of the city seemed to all surround themselves with beautiful women. Auvrey didn't mind.


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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by Lexi Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:21 pm

"Dr. Brady will be perfectly fine for now." She smiles at Auvrey, and inclined her head to match his bow.

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Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances) - Page 3 Empty Re: Emergency Court (Museum of Aquatic Nuances)

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:22 pm

"Pardon me, but I must go. Mr. Feiran, I hope to see you at a Mass sometime soon." She begins to head out.

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