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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Bodecia Albion
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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O''dell''s group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 21, 2009 1:34 pm

The Karaoke bar is not really empty tonight. There's a small crowd clustered around the stage, swooning to a guy singing something and shimmying back and forth across the stage like he owns it. None of the people singing along with him seem to notice that his head is infact that of a fuzzy little coyote, and his shirt is half unbuttoned. He seems to be having the time of his life.

Talk to me
Tell me your name
You blow me off like it's all the same
You lit a fuse and now I'm ticking away
Like a bomb
Yeah, Baby

Talk to me
Tell me your sign
You're switching sides like a Gemini
You're playing games and now you're hittin' my
Like a drum
Yeah, Baby

Well if Lady Luck gets on my side
We're gonna rock this town alive
I'll let her rough me up
Till she knocks me out
She walks like she talks,
And she talks like she walks

And she bangs, she bangs
Oh baby
When she moves, she moves
I go crazy
'Cause she looks like a flower but she stings
like a bee
Like every girl in history
She bangs, she bangs

I'm wasted by the way she moves
No one ever looked so fine
She reminds me that a woman only got one thing on her mind

Talk to me
Tell me your name
I'm just a link in your daisy chain
Your rap sounds like a diamond
Map to the stars
Yeah, Baby

Talk to me
Tell me the news
You wear me out like a pair of shoes
We'll dance until the band goes home
Then you're gone
Yeah, Baby

Well if it looks like love should be a crime
You'd better lock me up for life
I'll do the time with a smile on my face
Thinking of her in her leather and lace

Well if Lady Luck gets on my side
We're gonna rock this town alive
I'll let her rough me up
Till she knocks me out
She walks like she talks,
And she talks like she walks

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 21, 2009 1:36 pm


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Thu May 21, 2009 1:57 pm

Joshua followed Derry into the bar; the coyote-guy who gave him a bag of burgers was singing something and it even sounded quite good. He noticed that Derry seemed upset and decided it probably was time to give her something back.
He gave her a shy smile and touched her arm. "Uhm.. why don't we try to forget the tension of earlier before we - I mean, uh you know.." he took a deep breath; this was awkward, but he owed himself that much. He escaped to ask the coffee-shop girl out, to live a life. He tried again. "Maybe we could sing something together later, what do you think?"

God, this surely wasn't the right time. He was such a dork for thinking of such things now; nervously he awaited Derry's rejection.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu May 21, 2009 3:37 pm

Derry looks up to see what looks like a dog?? singing his heart out onstage. Maybe more like a feral dog....there's something wild and untamed about him somehow. Huh, that's something you don't see everyday.

She feels her bitchy mood begin to lift, and thinks MUST meet this one. Hearing the passion roll out from his very musical singing voice, her mind wanders to wondering if the singer is this passionate about other things.

Derry is pleased that Joshua is making an effort to be less of a timid rabbit. She gives his hand a quick squeeze and smiles, her spirits lifted with the strange song the Dog Guy is crooning. "I'd LOVE to sing with you- pick a song!"
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by druidspath Thu May 21, 2009 5:43 pm

Conrad walks into the establishment and feels a little out of place, but his unease subsides in a quarter hour or so. he identifies with the bar a bit. Icecream in a bar? seems so out of place, kinda like him, and he finds sollice in that. Wonder if they have some clasic sherbert? Not wanting to stick out too much, Conrad takes a quick survey of the bar and finds that most patrons are drinking a ferminted beverage of some type, so he orders the same. And assumes a seat with Derry and Joshua (and Zuke if he followed) just in time to hear the cyote howling away at the mic (pun intended).

He had met Kyle in passing before, but never more than that. "Boy can sing."

Well have to talk somewhere else, now dosent seem the place. He seems most concerned about talking Fae infront of mortals.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Soul Thu May 21, 2009 6:21 pm

Zuke had followed the others to the establishment, but felt very out of place. He had ordered simple water, and seeing a lot of new details to take in he remained quiet and contemplative.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Thu May 21, 2009 7:21 pm

Johnathan had been smoking outside the Four Seasons when a group of changelings walked past. Not recognizing one or two of them as locals, he had followed along behind them.

Johnathan walks into the bar, a slight grimace settling on his face as he sees the man cavorting across the stage. He looks about the room for the group he had been following.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Thu May 21, 2009 7:37 pm

"Hmm do you know the Elephant Love Medley? You know out of this movie.. uhm.. Moulin Rouge!" Huh, he didn't know he had seen this movie up to now; he snuck into the cinema once with some buddies. It was quite amazing, he seemed to remember quite a few bits of his earlier life, but there was so much more to rediscover. Right now, he only hoped that this didn't send some sort of desperate-for-a-girl message.
He at first wanted to order the same as Zuke, but then he remembered the strong taste of orange juice and tequila, but there was more. "I'll have a Tequila Sunrise." When when was the last time he drank one of those? He didn't know, but he was sure that he'll remember this bit after a while - he was too excited about the fact, that Derry accepted his offer; he almost forgot that he had no money, too. He looked at the other two with a guilty look and a slight smile.
"I'll owe you some money now, I guess."
God, he owed them much more than that, but the warm feeling in his gut pushed these thoughts away for now.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu May 21, 2009 8:53 pm

Well, that's an interesting choice, Josh, but in "Elephant Love" the lady is unwilling, and that is SO not me! Derry grins. How about "You're the One that I Want" from "Grease"?

Zuke, do you know any songs? Conrad, what about you?

Derry orders her favorite drink, Woodchuck (apple beer), and a pepperoni pizza for the table. She keeps her eyes on the singer, hoping to catch his eye.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 21, 2009 9:42 pm

The guy up on stage finishes the song with a pelvic thrust strong enough to make the crowd of admirers all scream at once. He descends into the small crowd and looks like he's going to get mobbed right there. Somehow he manages to thread his way through the group and leave them laughing and happily chatting about song choices as he leaves them for the table of changelings. He doesn't sit down, incase they want a semi-kind-private evening out.

"Hey Joshua! How's the city treating ya? Meet any interesting new people yet? And yo, everyone else!

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu May 21, 2009 9:50 pm

Derry smiles at the singer. I don't think we've been introduced...I'm Lady Luck, she said- referring to the song she just heard, and winks at the Dog Guy. Otherwise known as Derry O'Dell. This is Conrad, and it looks like you've met these two already. Won't you join us? I have pizza on the way,she said, by way of tempting the charismatic singer to have a seat.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 21, 2009 10:33 pm

Kyle smiles and blushes somehow making him look shy, like he's never been hit on by such a pretty lady before.

He is such a liar.

"Oh god, pizza? Boy do you know how to make an offer someone can't refuse, or what?" Kyle takes a seat and orders a mint lemonade to go with the pizza. "I'm Kyle, the local Advocate for the landlords around here."

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu May 21, 2009 10:48 pm

Derry looks at Kyle. Local advocate for the landlords? Maybe you could tell me more about that sometime. Her brow wrinkles in confusion.

My job is easier to figure out, I think. I work the Ren Faire circuit, my business is called "Heart's Desire Woodworks". I could tell you what your heart's desire is, but that sort of privileged information has a little cost, you understand, she says with faux seriousness.

Derry grins, moves closer and touches Kyle's shoulder, looking him staight in the eyes with her baby blues. She leans in and whispers in his ear, It costs just one kiss.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 21, 2009 11:16 pm

Kyle smiles, this lady was so much fun already.

"Wellllllll, how much of a Kiss are we talking about? On a scale of one to ten, one being a peck on the cheek and a ten being fireworks exploding behind your eyes, where does this kiss land? "

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu May 21, 2009 11:30 pm

Derry laughs with delight. No one's ever asked me that before! As long as your lips meet mine, I trust that the effects will be satisfactory. Seriously, though, no exploding eyeballs.

Derry then looks at the singer with mock horror: I trust that you DO know how to kiss? She impishly arches a brow and grins, sharing her glee with the rest of the table.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 21, 2009 11:49 pm

"Well, let's find out if I know what I'm doing.

Kyle stands up and literally sweeps O'Dell off her feet, holding her in his arms, Rhett Butler style. He pours his special kind of magic into it, and waits to see how she reacts.


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri May 22, 2009 12:09 am

Oh. My. Goddess. Derry's surprised brain turns off for a few moments as she melts into the embrace, losing her sense of everything going on in the bar. For just a few beats, there is no karaoke singing, no chatting people, no scent of alcohol or over-perfumed women. And this is supposed to be the guy who doesn't go for changelings?

A sudden burst of frantic robin song breaks out as Derry's hair greens and begins to vine, the vines trailing down past her waist and actually flowering. Slowly the room comes back into focus.

That'll do for a first try,I suppose, she breathes, smiling lazily up at Kyle. Still want to know your heart's desire?
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Fri May 22, 2009 12:25 am


For a second Kyle looks surprised, like he's been causght off guard. Then he's all smiles again as he helps O'Dell back into her seat.

"Oh, I always know what I want. It's how I've done so well these days. Plus, It's rude of me to take up all of your attention. What brings you to the Empty Orchestra tonight?

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri May 22, 2009 12:52 am

Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by druidspath Fri May 22, 2009 1:56 am

Conrad seems detached from the Spring Courtiers. While thinking it might be nice to be so raptrous, and so willing to expend glamour so freely; the caution of fear easily keeps his flurtations in check.

"Kyle, your singing is perpetually impressive. Someday, im going to have to get you to sing at the lobby bar. Perhaps we can do a little work together. Mind singing something of my own composure?" Conrad looks about for an instrument of some type... Piano or guitar... but then remembering that the music here is piped, he resigns himslef to the chit chat of the table and the two prospective "students". Then pikes up, "ah Kyle, Derry I know what we need to do, a filched song together. That should appeal to the spring in ya both."

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Fri May 22, 2009 2:35 am

Derry's song was an even better choice; not that it mattered now, since Kyle completely took Joshua's show, chance, moment and every other word you could imagine here. Just as he kissed her Joshua downed his drink and tried to have a conversation with Conrad. "Yeah, uh Conrad tell me: what exactly is going on with every one of us?"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Fri May 22, 2009 3:34 am

Johnathan's eyes settle on the group that he had been following in. He takes a quick pull from the flask he keeps in his jacket, and makes his way across the room slowly to join them. Excuse me, I hope that I am not interrupting? I don't believe that I have met some of you before. Do you mind if I join you? His tone is polite, but his mouth remains in a neutral expression.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by druidspath Fri May 22, 2009 3:47 am

"Well Joshua, thats a very broad and open ended question. Zuke seems bewildered by all the stimulus and it looks as though hes about to have an epeleptic seizure from input overdose. But that dosent seem too suprising as I would wager that his 'indentured servitude' was longer than most. At this moment, it appears to me that you are sizing up your current predeciment, trying to figure out where you fit in this little social setting and in a way, the world at large. That would suggest to me that you are unsure and off ballance, especially in light of what just happend in Rumikos office. Derry and Kyle seem quite enamored on one another, though I am a bit supprised. Rummors are proven to be false, it has been said more than once, that Kyle prefers the female company of non-changelings. And judging by his enamored display just now i would say that he is an indiscriminate and noteworthy lover of women; or he prefers to raise the emotions of the mortals as a method of harvesting glamour on a regular basis. I dont think either would supprise me" Conrad trails off, contemplating and digesting what he just said as though he hadnt given it much thought till just now. "Right now, I am trying to figure out how best to mentor the two of you and what specifically you need. My thoughts on that matter are this, you seem more adjusted and needing less attention. While Zuke seems lost in this world. I dont know if he needs a mentor, so much as a guide. The lady Derry may well suit your needs as she will only be around for a season before she goes back on the Ren Fest Circut. And since I am around the free hold ALL the time, I might take Zuke on myself; if hes ammenable..." His eyes shift to zuke, looking for some kind of response.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri May 22, 2009 10:37 am

While waiting for Kyle's response to her question, Derry turns to Joshua. Pizza's here! I hope you like pepperoni! And don't forget, we need to decide on a song.

Conrad, I think your idea about Zuke is a good one, but we should probably discuss that someplace else. She smiles. Tonight is for celebration, for feeling good about being back home with your whole life in front of you.

Derry takes a bite of pizza, enjoying the savory flavor of the pepperoni and melted cheese.

She turns to the stranger. I don't think we've met. I'm Derry O'Dell. Do you want some pizza?
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Fri May 22, 2009 10:58 am

The surge of words took Joshua by surprise. "Ah, well - no I meant this whole.. condition. You know, I mean the whole clouds and firebodies and stuff.."
He nodded towards Johnathan - he didn't mind him being there, although he probably wasn't the one who was in charge here. He didn't mind the pizza, either.
Putting on a 'whoops-excuse-me' smile (although he wasn't entirely sure whether it seemed as false as it felt) he turned to Derry. "You know, I kinda remembered that I couldn't nor liked to sing in my earlier life, so I guess we'll skip that today, hehe." There. He blew it, but it didn't matter - Derry seemed to have regained her high spirits (Kyle certainly took care of that).

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri May 22, 2009 11:29 am

Derry looks at Joshua and Conrad and leans in toward them over the table, narrowly missing getting pepperoni stains on her muslin peasant blouse. She whispers Even though no one appears to be paying much attention, these aren't matters to be discussed here. We can go to Conrad's place later and get into more detail with the appropriate privacy.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Soul Fri May 22, 2009 1:45 pm

Zuke looked up at the newcomer, but didn't speak since it wasn't his place to invite him to join. Instead he turned to Conrad and gave him a nod of approval.
"I would be greatful if you could teach me this worlds ways." Then he quirked an eyebrow at the round thing - pizza was what they called it? - and decided to wait and observe how the others ate it.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Fri May 22, 2009 4:01 pm

I'm Johnathan, a pleasure to meet you. He replies to Derry. He gives a quizzical glance at Zuke, and quickly seats himself. Pizza would be great, thank you. His gaze shifts over to one of the faces that he recognizes. Conrad, its been a while. I hope I am not intruding on, erm, court business?

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Fri May 22, 2009 4:19 pm

Derry looks at Kyle, trying to pick out his desiGlamourGLAMOURGlamourGLAMOURGlamourGLAMOURGlamourGLAMOURGlamourGLAMOURGlamourGLAMOURres. Wow. Someone suffers from a raging Glamour addSEXsexSEXsexSEXsexSEXsexSEXsexSEXsexBow-Chicka-Wow-Wowiction.

Okay. Two addictions.

Kyle laughs at Conrad's deconstruction of his reputation. "Damn right I'm a 'indiscriminate and noteworthy lover of women'. Men too, Now's not the time to be picky. I mean, I'm not preachy or anything, but that's why I got this bitchin' Mantle here. I'd totally be up for a jam session sometime, but I don't know what a "filched" song is."


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Fri May 22, 2009 5:22 pm

Joshua frowned at Kyle. He sure had a big mouth, even taking account of his coyote head. "Say Conrad, would you mind lending me money for another drink?"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri May 22, 2009 6:52 pm

I'd hardly say indiscriminate in my case! huffs Derry to both Conrad and Kyle, her blue eyes flashing.

She turns to Joshua. And don't think you're getting out of karaoke that easy, buster. Get ready to wail! Just give me a chance to warm up.

Excuse me, Johnathan, I'll be back soon. Derry prepares to head for the stage, shaking out her long hair and adjusting the bodice of her blouse just a hair lower for dramatic effect.

And would somebody for the love of Mike get Zuke a drink more exciting than water? Put it on my tab. Derry feels a little put upon. Don't they understand that there's plenty of time for the serious, boring stuff? she thinks. We're here to have FUN, dammit!
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Fri May 22, 2009 7:27 pm

"Nononono. Two of you guys are new here. Drinks are on me tonight. You," Kyle points at Zuke, "are not drinking water. You, my boy, are drinking a Zombie tonight. And you," Looking at Joshua as he orders the cocktail for Zuke, "are a lucky man. I mean, yowza, fresh out and you already got a hottie like that ready to sing with you? I'm in awe kiddo."

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Fri May 22, 2009 9:50 pm

"Newly out? Well... congratulations hardly seems strong enough. I've been fairly reclusive lately, haven't been out and about much, but if there's anything either of you two need..." He pauses for a moment, and takes another sip from his flask. He looks as if he is trying to think of something else to say, but instead contents himself with taking a piece of pizza.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by druidspath Sat May 23, 2009 10:53 am

Conrad regards the pizza.. who dosen't like pizza? seeing Zukes confusion over the dish, hands him a plate and a slice, then sets himself up. Keeping eye contact with Zuke, as if to say 'follow my lead' he begins to take a bite. With the orange stain of pepperoni in his wiry beard, he catches a waitress on the elbow "Excuse me hun, I'll have another Bud, get this man (pointing at Zuke) a Bud and a Zombie on me and he can take his pick, and one of what have you for eveyone else at the table, and the two on stage." he pulls out his wallet and a debit card and hands it to the waitress "actually, at the rate this pizzas going, better make it another one of those too. Maybe supreme this time" COnrad then turns to Zuke, "this card is how we pay for goods and services like money, I'll explain more later."

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Soul Sat May 23, 2009 8:07 pm

Zuke gave a nod and followed Conrads lead.
"Money..." Zuke thought out loud. He had known something similar.
"So like coins made from different metals?" He asked Conrad, and then took a bite from the pizza. Once again he was disappointed by the blandness of it, although it was a lot more nourishing than the whooper he had tasted earlier.
He also understood Joshua's reluctance to perform on stage. He didn't think ten horses could get him up on that stage to sing.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Sat May 23, 2009 8:46 pm

Derry takes the stage, looking out over the people drinking and chatting. She leans down to talk to the karaoke host, showing generous cleavage to anyone paying attention. The song begins and she sings, punctuating the music with lots of bouncing and energy. Her voice is clear and sweet, and those in the bar hear:

Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)

There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you

Come on now

Let's all celebrate and have a good time
We gonna celebrate and have a good time

It's time to come together
It's up to you, what's your pleasure

Everyone around the world
Come on!

Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Sat May 23, 2009 8:55 pm

Derry looks around to see if anyone has been particulary moved by her call to party...


and is gratified and thankful that several people do appear in a more festive mood, ordering drinks, or pulling up their bar stools closer to one another to try a new pick-up line. She beams, and heads back to the table.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Sun May 24, 2009 6:40 am

"Yeah, I can see that Kyle.." He was in awe? Huh, as if he hadn't kissed her right before he said this. Nevertheless he seemed okay.. somehow. Ignoring the stings of envy it became somewhat obvious that that was Kyle's way of coping with the situation. He gave Johnathan a nod, as Derry started to sing. Damn. He didn't want to party hard, he just stared at her dumbfoundedly.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Guest Sun May 24, 2009 1:17 pm

Nightfall walked into the karaoke bar. Ever since all of his friends had left, he had found himself going back to familiar places, still trying to figure out where he fit in. The cotton pullover tugged painfully at the nearly healed scabs on his chest, and he periodically looked down to make sure there weren't any blood spots.

He still wasn't sure what they had accomplished in the Hedge, but he was glad everyone got out in one piece. With Adin off doing god knows what, he had flipped a coin on whether to come here or got to Ballo Della Notte. This is where he had met Arch and Lisaundra.

Walking in, he heard the final notes of a woman's song, and noticed a group of other Lost. With a smile, he walked up, recognizing one of his fellow Hedge expeditioners; the rest he didn't know.

A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Nfbanner


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Sun May 24, 2009 11:34 pm

Derry makes her way back to the table, fanning herself as she goes. The humidity and heat of the place has made her curly golden hair corkscrew even tighter.

Well, what did you think? she asks her tablemates, looking around for a server. Something icy would be perfect, she thinks. The male bartender behind the counter catches her eye, and motions her over. Four drinks are lined up, courtesy of various patrons.

Derry shakes her head. Sorry, not tonight, she says with a regretful smile to the general vicinity. I'm with friends.

She whispers to the barman Tell them another night and I would LOVE to accept any offer.
I'll have a strawberry daquiri. Make sure it's really icy.

Derry smiles flirtatiously at the barman, and heads back to the table.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Mon May 25, 2009 12:42 pm

"That was.. whow; I don't think I can sing with you without humiliating myself.." Joshua said; the slight smile on his face showed that he wasn't just being full of self pity this time - it was (at least partially) a joke.
As yet another Changeling arrived at their table, he nodded at him and made use of Kyle's offer and ordered another drink. Seems like he's going to meet a lot of new people in the next few weeks, he may as well do something to get some courage to talk to them.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Mon May 25, 2009 11:08 pm

Derry notices a newcomer at the table. Mmmmm, nice eyes.

Oh, hi, I'm Derry, have we met? she asks, then turns to Joshua, pulls him up from his chair by the hand, and pipes Come on, it will be fun, let's go sing!
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Guest Mon May 25, 2009 11:19 pm

Nightfall smiled and waved, and flipped a small notepad quickly to a particular page.

Hi, I'm Nightfall. I can't talk was neatly written.

He shrugged in acceptance and looked around the table. The crisp air that seemed to radiate from him was reminiscent of a still winter night.


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Mon May 25, 2009 11:27 pm

Johnathan mutters something that sounds kind of like spring types as he turns around to meet the newcomer. Hello there...Nightfall. I'm Johnathan. Please, have a seat. I'm not exactly sure who the master of revels is here tonight, but I think that you are welcome to some of the pizza.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Mon May 25, 2009 11:36 pm

Kyle is chowing down on pizza. He waves at nightfall. "Ey Mightfull!" Kyle swallows the pizza and tosses him a thumbs up. "How ya doing?"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Mon May 25, 2009 11:42 pm

Ohmygosh, sorry, where are my manners? Derry says to Nightfall, although looking sharply at Johnathan so that he gets her point: I heard you! How rude!

Nightfall, you're welcome to join us for pizza and drinks, Derry says, as she takes a big swig of her daquiri, swirling the ice over her tongue.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 12:14 am

Nightfall smiled and nodded to Derry and gave Kyle a so-so shake of his hand, followed by a gentle touch of his chest and pained look. He hadn't seen so many Lost socially since the Club Ember re-opening, and it was kind of fun.

He reached over and took a slice of pizza, looking at everyone with a questioning eyebrow; he still didn't know their names.

One useful thing about not having a voice? You didn't have to worry about talking with your mouth full.


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Tue May 26, 2009 12:27 am

Oh, so you two know each other? guesses Derry, looking at Kyle and Nightfall. She is distracted from Joshua for a moment. This quiet one is literally a breath of fresh air...mmm mmm mmm.

Months on the road with nobody like me, and now there's a positive multitude of yum, she thinks regretfully. How can I possibly choose?

It never rains but it pours, she says unexpectedly and then immediately blushes. Dang inner monologue needs to stay where it belongs! she thinks, giving herself a little mental shake.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Tue May 26, 2009 12:45 am

Kyle swallows another bite of pizza and waves his hands around in excitement. "We had a romp through the hedge like a month ago. Dude has mad chop suey skills. We took down this giant spider together." Kyle looks around at the crowd.

"Okay, show of hands. Who's ready to sing up onstage?"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Tue May 26, 2009 1:21 am

Oh no, not again, Kyle.
"Uh, I am!" Joshua said while looking at Derry. He took another gulp of his drink and turned towards the stage. He just wanted to go, as he turned around. "Hi Nightfall; I'm Joshua, but let's get into the details later, okay?" With that, he moved to the stage reluctantly.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

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