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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Bodecia Albion
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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by druidspath Tue May 26, 2009 1:39 am

Conrad finishes chowing down on the pizza, and polishes off the last gluten filled bites with a hearty draw from the Bud bottle in front of him. He is blissfully unaware of the pepperoni grease that has stained his mustache. "Johnathan, welcome, Im glad to see you out and about." He stands up and scoots his chair to one side and pulls up another, expanding the circle. Did you find what you were looking for on your trip?

Conrad seems a little edgy, as he looks about the bar. Who's there? Who isnt there?

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by druidspath Tue May 26, 2009 1:41 am

druidspath wrote:"Johnathan, welcome, Im glad to see you out and about."

Correction: Nightfall, welcome.....

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 1:49 am

Nightfall shook his head slightly and wrote on his pad.

Just went to help others stay out of trouble

Glancing at the stage, he waited until Kyle and Joshua were almost on stage and grinned, concentrating.



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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Lexi Tue May 26, 2009 2:05 am


Kyle and Joshua suddenly find themselves handcuffed at the hands and ankles with fuzzy pink handcuffs.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by druidspath Tue May 26, 2009 2:08 am

Looks like things are about to get VERY interesting Now Conrad looks extremely edgey. years of durance and his free form hippy out look on life didnt match well to handcuffs, fuzzy or otherwise.

Conrad's right hand finds its way into the loose pockets of his coveralls and he looks as though hes waiting for something...

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Tue May 26, 2009 2:29 am

Woah, Kyle manages to catch himself and Joshua before they fall on their asses. Then he laughs.

"I doubt you've had a chance to sleep yet, but let me show you the results of a really neat thing we can do." Kyle flicked his un-shacked hand around, and there was a fuzzy little bracelet with a bunch of fuzzy little keys. "We get to control our dreams, if we want to put the effort out there. He did this to those spiders I was talking about, and I thought to myself; 'kyle, while you are so suave and handsome and amazing in the sack and totally able to handle any situation that comes up, it still might be smart to make sure all your dreams had escape hatches in case someone tries this on you' and it turns out I was right." He says the last three words in a sing-songy voice, as he unlocks the handcuffs with his teeth.

Kyle flashes nightfall another thumbs up from onstage.

"These'll go away in a few seconds anyway, but it's more fun this way. Now pick a song you want to sing, and I'll sing back up for you."

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Tue May 26, 2009 2:48 am

Johnathan chuckles at the latest antics as his hands fumble inside his suit coat. He produces a pack of cigarettes and removes one for himself before offering them around the table. "Anybody care for a smoke?" He says as he pulls his lighter out of a pocket.

"How'd that trick work on the spiders? What with them having eight legs and all.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Soul Tue May 26, 2009 5:19 am

"Hello Nightfall, my name is Zuke." He said with a very throaty voice when the new one came to join the table. He had just tried a sip from the bud and decided never to do so again. It was disgusting.
Instead he cleared his throat and took another slice of the pizza thing, enjoying the fact that a few hours ago he hadn't known whether he would get to eat anything at all.

"Wow..." He proclaimed when Nightfall did his little trick. "How did you...?" He was too distracted by what he had seen to ask what a smoke was, and instead looked at Nightfall with interested eyes.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Tue May 26, 2009 11:13 am

.. the fuck?! He was supposed to sing with Derry, what was he doing with Kyle on stage? The handcuffs didn't make it more comfortable (although he didn't react too strongly to them, since he was never imprisoned per se); luckily Kyle openend them while talking stuff about dreams - hopefully that made sense soon.

On the stage he looked at Derry in a mixture of disappointment and fear about what's going to happen next.
His mind was racing: he knew someone. That someone - it was a girl - had a discman she stole. "Do they have Placebo?"

'Plasticine'. They were making out to that, each of them having one earplug. Awkward, when you think about it, really. There's better make-out music after all.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Guest Tue May 26, 2009 11:26 am

Nightfall stuck his tongue out at Kyle, and laughed silently as he took a beer from a passing waitress. Beer and pizza. His father would have a fit. He loved it, though -- it had been a while.

He gave Zuke a big grin and pointed to himself with an exaggerated look of innocence. Surely he was mistaken.

Declining the offer of a cigarette, he waggled his hand on the table, imitating a spider, and then brought all of his finger-legs together and dropped his hand on it's side.


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Tue May 26, 2009 8:13 pm

Derry goes to rescue Joshua. She quickly pulls Kyle aside first, however, and hisses, Rein your friend in, dogboy, he's breaching contract!

Then she reaches up on tiptoe to breathe in Kyle's ear, I have much better cuffs, anyway, and they're not fuzzy pink playthings. She pulls away and smiles sweetly, her look both challenging and questioning. Well, he'll either like that or he won't, she thinks.

Then she takes Joshua's hand and leads him up on stage. The strains of "You're the One That I Want" begin, and she smiles encouragingly at Joshua.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Tue May 26, 2009 8:47 pm

Kyle takes O'Dell's hands and removes them from his clothing. He smiles at her, kinda like a big brother might smile at a younger sibling throwing a tantrum. It's incredibly condescending. "Two things, Miss O'Dell. First, he's not my responsibility. He is an adult and is capable of making his own decisions and living with them. If he wants to break the Pledge it's on him. You want someone to stop him, you do it yourself."

His face stops looking like it's begging to be smacked and he's back to real smiles now. "And secondly, while it's not insult to you or your charms, I am not interested. My reasons are my own. I wouldn't mind sitting down over dinner and discussing the finer points of what turns men and women on, or sets them off for that matter, but it wouldn't go any further than that between us. I think our young Joshua is quite taken with you however."

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Tue May 26, 2009 10:45 pm

Derry makes a motion like she's shooing away a bothersome chicken. She considers what Kyle has said. What a shame, she thinks, genuinely puzzled. He's an alley cat, I'm an alley cat, it's about the only kind of relationship I can think of that has the slightest chance of working for me long-term.

She ponders Kyle's statements about Joshua, immediately discarding the kid as a relationship prospect. He DEFINITELY doesn't need someone like me... fresh out of the hedge like that, he needs lots of attention and stability.

Derry is honest enough with herself to know that she isn't willing to put that kind of time in for someone so desperately in need of a good solid relationship. That's just not me, she thinks wistfully, feeling a little sad that the best she can offer is a one-night stand. Probably do him more harm than good.

However, Derry is not a quitter, and resolves to do her absolute best, since she's the one who dragged Joshua into singing onstage in the first place. She pours genuine emotion into the duet and fervently wishes she was back at the table.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by druidspath Tue May 26, 2009 11:20 pm

Conrad stands up, removes his hand nervously from the pocket of his overalls and assures the group "I'll return in adjust 10-15 minutes" He steps out the door throwing a reassuring look to the singers that he will return and steps out the door:

Conrad moves to "Alley outside the Orchestra"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Wed May 27, 2009 1:24 am

He was feeling more and more uncomfortable now - were they arguing because of him? God, he didn't hope so. He didn't want to cause trouble. However, as Derry got back to him he gave her a smile.
He missed his entrance, but quickly tried to follow the song.

"Cause the power you're supplying
It's Electrifying!"

He wasn't good, especially after the last two songs of the spring courtiers, but he seemed to have fun - a little at least.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Rosyn Wed May 27, 2009 2:55 am

Sable slinks through the sewers under the city, following the alluring sound of some music she had heard. She peeks out a storm drain down the street a bit from the Empty Orchestra. Her shining white eyes peer, cautiously, left and right from the dark sewer drain, scanning the street. Satisfied, she wriggles out of the thin opening in the curb. Her bones easily pop in and out of their sockets easing her ascent to the street. Once out, she stands straight up and checks the street again before flitting out of the glow of the street lamps into the shadows, scampering down the sidewalk toward the establishment with the intriguing sounds.

She enters quickly, hoping no one will notice her as she doesn't have any money to offer if they expect her to order something. As she warily looks over the patrons of the Orchestra she sees another Changeling at the mic following the flowing lyrics on the screen and she excitedly crosses to the stage whispering to the person running the karaoke. Scanning the choice of songs with a smutty little finger she almost snickers when she sees the song title she wants. With little success she tries to straighten up her ratty appearance the creeps on stage, lowering the microphone stand to her height. As the song starts up she thanks everyone for listening with a barely audible, "Thank you," and then she began to sing, "When you were here before, couldn't look you in the eye, you're just like an angel." The song the diminutive changeling chose turns out to be Radiohead's song "Creep". She sings it beautifully. "You float like a feather, in a beautiful world, I wish I was special, you're so very special." Her sorrowful, lilting, notes might have brought a tear to more than one eye in the crowd. "I don't care if it hurts, I want to have control, I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul." As the song comes to an end her eerie voice echos the words, "I don't belong here" in the mic as she shyly steps away from it. She gives a short, stiff bow and scampers off to a lonely corner asking only for a water when noticed by the the establishment's staff.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Wed May 27, 2009 10:03 am

Must be changeling night at the Empty Orchestra, thinks Derry wryly. She waves to try and get the new girl's attention, then walks closer to the back table when the girl appears to be trying her best to become invisible.

No such thing as perfect, you know, she says gently. Want to come join us?
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Soul Wed May 27, 2009 1:35 pm

Zuke saw slightly surprised when Conrad got up and walked towards the exit of the establishment. He didn't want to be rude, but the man was supposed to be his mentor, and perhaps he wanted him to follow?
In any case, he waited another minute or two until Joshua finished his performance, then stood to follow Conrad.
"I'll be right back." He said simply, and left the table.

((Heading here as well:
Alley Outside Orchestra))

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Rosyn Wed May 27, 2009 1:50 pm

Sable squeaks out a small,"mm hmm," and slips out of her chair. Her hunched walk makes her seem as though she crawling over to Derry. Sable stops in front of Derry, large eyes blinking up at her curiously. "I'm Sable." She extends a dirty, clawed hand in greeting.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Wed May 27, 2009 2:17 pm

Derry isn't too fazed by Sable's appearance; she's done a lot of travelling and met a lot of changelings from the various freeholds. She shakes the grimy hand politely, being careful not to get too close to the claws. Must be a digger, she thinks.

Derry introduces Johnathan, Nightfall, Joshua and Kyle. Everybody, this is Sable.

Derry looks 'round. Did Zuke and Conrad go home?
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Rosyn Wed May 27, 2009 2:25 pm

Sable instinctively looking for a place to hide, stands behind Derry and gives the others a feeble wave.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Guest Wed May 27, 2009 2:28 pm

Nightfall shrugged, still wondering who the guy was that acted like he'd never seen a Contract invoked.

He waved at Sable, seeing that she didn't seem like the hand-shaking type.


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Wed May 27, 2009 5:54 pm

Huh. He expected Derry to react more upbeat about the singing; then again, he didn't sing very well, so it was probably his fault. Absent mindedly he raised his hand to greet yet another new person. "Joshua." Then he downed his second drink. He was feeling quite tipsy now, since he wasn't used alcohol and had an empty stomach.
He didn't care.

He ordered yet another one, a stronger this time.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Wed May 27, 2009 6:46 pm

"Conrad popped outside for a moment, the quiet guy followed him. Said that they would be back." Johnathan responds to Derry. He gives a quick wave and an attempt at a friendly smile to Sable. "Crowded tonight isn't it." He sits back down, takes another drink from his flask, and plays around with his lighter listlessly.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Rosyn Wed May 27, 2009 7:20 pm

Sable smiles back, glad to see that these unfamiliar changelings didn't seem to mind her filth. She takes a seat at their table with a wet glop noise, it seems like she gets more slimy when she's nervous. Her stomach growls loudly, as usual she hasn't eaten in days but she doesn't seem to notice, she just stares at Johnathan's spinning lighter.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Wed May 27, 2009 11:06 pm

Derry moves the pizza in front of Sable. Are you hungry?

She whispers to Joshua and looks at him with pleading eyes- Please have a slice with her, make her more comfortable? I think she's really shy.

She looks at Kyle and says I need to order something at the bar. Walk with me?

Derry wants to apologize for being bitchy about Nightfall and hopes Kyle will talk with her for a few minutes.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 28, 2009 12:02 am

Kyle claps and whoops and hollers and whistles at everyone performing on stage. Either he really means every excited noise he's making, or he's the best actor on the entire planet.

"I'd love to, but just a second." He leans in to Joshua "Hey, I don't want to pressure you or anything, but could you stick around for a bit, if you were planning on leaving? I'd like to talk to you before everyone splits up for the night."

Kyle gets up and follows O'Dell to the bar, giving her the chance to speak first.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu May 28, 2009 12:36 am

Derry orders a sparkling water with lime. She turns to Kyle, blushing. Look, I'm really sorry about riding you about Nightfall before. You're right, he's perfectly capable of watching out for himself. It's just that....well... I'm on the Faire circuit 9 months out of 12, and I'm used to my friends there watching out for me, and vice versa. We're like family, and we take care of each other. That includes letting each other know when we're being stupid.

She sighs. I understand that it's not that way here and I shouldn't have been rude to you and expected you to take care of Nightfall like that. Or called you 'dogboy'. She looks down at the floor, trying not to smile, because the name 'dogboy' strikes her as very funny, actually. Oh God, I've had too much to drink again, she thinks.

And I'm sorry that we got off on the wrong foot. Well, after the kiss, that is. It was a really good kiss, she says, shifting her gaze from the floor to Kyle's face. Rumiko told me you weren't into our kind, Derry confessed, and I took it as a challenge and then I was just having so much fun teasing you and kissing you, and I thought you liked me, too. So I'm kind of confused. And honestly, not used to being turned down, she tells Kyle matter-of-factly.[color=violet]I'm just looking for a little short-term fun and games while I'm here at home, but as you're not interested, I won't bother you again. I'd feel better if you weren't mad at me, though.

Derry waits to see if she's just ticked Kyle off worse or if he'll let her off the hook.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 28, 2009 12:42 am

Kyle purses his lips, tears start to bead in the corners of his eyes, and then his lips start to tremble.

You've made Kyle cry.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu May 28, 2009 12:58 am

Derry's mouth drops open in shocked horror. But what did I say?? , she wonders, feeling absolutely wretched.

Then she stops this real? Could he be playing a trick on her? Considering how quickly he turned on her before, it's not out of the question....

She waits to see what Kyle will say by way of explanation.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Thu May 28, 2009 1:27 am

Joshua nodded to the requests of Derry and Kyle; it won't hurt to forget his feelings by making other people feel good and Kyle wasn't a bad guy at all.
Of course, comming to this conclusion might have took a while, because his mind was a bit.. fuzzy. During this time he just smiled at Sable like some idiot.
Then, he slowly grabbed a slice of pizza. "You want some too?" Good, he could still talk clearly. That means he could keep the conversation going. "You know, you look like someone who lives on the street or something."
Whoops. That wasn't a nice thing to say and he certainly didn't want to hurt her or something, it was just the first thing to cross his mind. He took a bite of Pizza, thinking of how to save the conversation. "I think I did so, too once." He was a genius.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Guest Thu May 28, 2009 3:10 am

Nightfall's mouth opens in silent laughter at Joshua's words, and he does the YMCA arm motions then points to himself.


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Rosyn Thu May 28, 2009 4:03 am

Sable grins at Joshua enthusiastically, "Under them actually!" She says grabbing a piece of the pizza.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Thu May 28, 2009 10:59 am

Joshua frowned at Nightfall; what was he trying to tell him? Odd. He looked a little longer at him and turned back to Sable. "Really? How so?"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Rosyn Thu May 28, 2009 7:01 pm

Sable suddenly wonders if its a good idea telling others the strange way she lives. She forgets herself sometimes, being a sewer rat loosens more than a few threads. She changes the subject to Nightfall's dancing."YMCA?" she asks him, sounding a bit confused.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Benjamin Thu May 28, 2009 7:25 pm

Then he breaks out in a big smile. "I'm sorry, that was probably really rude but it was just too good of a situation to give up. Okay, let's start with the easiest thing. I don't mind dogboy, in fact I've been called worse."

Kyle picks up another mint lemonade before continuing "Now, I also happen to think of all the changelings here like my family, all of them with their little quirks and problems and issues. I respect them and the things they have done to get back here too much to go around making their decisions for them, or eliminating the consequences of those same decisions. I mean, don't get me wrong," He holds up his hands in a placating gesture, "If they ask, I'm all for helping them get out of trouble, but that's a consequence of it's own"

He swirls his drink around without drinking it. "Now in regards to the 'us' situation. I'm what Rumiko calls impulsive when it comes to the whole sex thing. Back about a year ago, I would have totally run off to the local Big 5 and bought you a football helmet with extra padding and then we would have proecded to dent the hell out of a headboard in a swanky hotel somewhere for a few days. But I've got a title now, with duties and rank and everything, and I'm also apparently a role model now, so I'm trying to just a little more responsible now. That means not sleeping with people that are relying on me. I'm sorry for the kiss," Kyle stops and his smile gets even wider "well no I'm not, It was a good kiss that will show up in my dreams for a loooooong time, believe you me." Kyle winks at O'Dell conspiratorially.

"Look, I'm not big on keeping grudges. We were engaging in some exciting flirting, you cast aspersions on my ability to kiss, I kissed you. Then I realised that you wanted to take it further than I was willing to take it, and I wanted to let you know where I stood right away so I wouldn't be stringing you along. If I've done something that has offended you, I apoligise for doing it." Kyle waits to see how O'Dell takes these revelations.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Thu May 28, 2009 7:59 pm

"You live at the YMCA, is that correct?" Johnathan says to Nightfall. "I didn't realize you still could find housing at those places."

His gaze shifts over to Sable, "Living under the streets can't be very pleasant... do you like it, or do you have nowhere else to go?"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu May 28, 2009 8:24 pm

Ummm...I didn't realize you had a title, Derry manages to get out with a straight face--before collapsing against the bar in uncontrollable laughter. You're - a role model?!

I agree, from what I've heard you're a perfect example of what a spring courtier should inspire, she continues, giggling and wiping some tears of laughter from her eyes, pulling back a little on the volume. I apologize, I don't mean any disrespect, but WOW. A role model?

She clutches her sides, which are actually ACHING from trying to hold all that uncontained and surprised emotion in, and is set off on another bout of happy, infectious laughing. OMG, I understand what ROTFLOLASTC means now! she thinks.

Derry tries to pull herself together. I don't believe him for a minute, but he clearly has his reasons for pulling back, and he's trying to do it in a kind way, she thinks.

Ok, well, can I still tease you or should I be going for totally serious, non-contact type behavior? I don't want to tarnish your responsible, respectable demeanor. She grins widely. Plus, since when am I relying on you? And no more kisses? Come on, that's just HARSH!

Derry hopes she hasn't gone too far, but this is just really funny. I know what your heart's desire is, and it's not being responsible and respectable, she says, in a milder tone. But I promise to abide by your spoken wishes, M'Lord, Derry says with a deep curtsey that ends with one knee on the floor and her crinkly multi-tiered skirt spread wide.

She pauses for a moment to see what Kyle's response will be, rises and takes a long sip of her sparkling water.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Rosyn Thu May 28, 2009 9:30 pm

Sable blinks blankly at Johnathan pondering his question. She tried to remember what it was like living in a house but the only image she could conjure was that of her fetch snuggled in her bed. "It's alright I guess." She tells Johnathan, thinking that she was far more suited for it than him anyway.

Sable cautiously watches the others converse, all these spunky summer and spring court changelings were making her nervous. See what you got yourself into.. She thought as Derry's light laughter floated above the music. She looks like she could bolt from her chair and run for the door any minute but the presence of food holds her captive.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Fri May 29, 2009 2:37 am

Joshua took another sip of cocktail and another slice of pizza; his eating demeanor wasn't pretty to watch now - his hands just didn't want to do what his head told 'em. Just as he dropped a bit of cheese on the table he noticed Sable and leaned to her to wisper in a conspiratorial way. After a few words he snickered because the image of some special agent flashed in his mind; then he tried again. "Psht. What's your report, agent? Is the enemy approaching or why are you so tense?"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Rosyn Fri May 29, 2009 3:11 am

Sable give him a very serious look then checks around her as though making sure it was safe to talk here. "She could come get us.. " She whispers nodding her head confidently, as though she knows no other possibility.

Sable's manners with the pizza aren't much better than Joshua's, she stuffs it in her face with no mind to where sauce and cheese falls. Her growing nervousness about whoever it is she's afraid of makes her slime have a faint swampy smell and whatever she touches receives greasy little dirt stain. Some may even feel her chilly mantle drop in temperature.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by OBSN Fri May 29, 2009 3:23 am

Ahh, crap, I think I might have had a bit too much Johnathan shakes his head a bit and drops the pizza he had been eating as he attempts to collect himself. His manner grows serious and flames start to flicker in his eyes as he looks at Sable. "Are you joking around?" He realizes that his voice is a bit louder than he intended, and continues in a softer tone. "Is there some sort of immediate danger?" His voice sounds just a little bit too eager, as his left hand drifts into his pocket to grip his lighter again.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Fri May 29, 2009 8:13 am

Joshua couldn't help but burst out in laughter. Fuck, they all played along. They've even dropped the pizza out of solidarity!
"Heh, you guys are great; cheers!" he lifts his glass and takes a big gulp. He wouldn't have ordered another one, if he were sober enough to realize that he has had enough already.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri May 29, 2009 10:01 am

Derry glances over at the table. Everyone looks jumpy AND liquored up. Not the best combination.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Lexi Fri May 29, 2009 10:28 am


Nobody feels any immediate danger, it's just a karaoke bar.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri May 29, 2009 12:23 pm

Derry looks at Kyle- Hold that thought, honey, I'll be right back.

She bops over to the table, all smiles. I can feel the bad vibes all the way over there, she says, pointing at the bar. What's got y'all so angsty? Or is it just to many beers = too many tears?

She looks at Sable, Why don't you go sing something? I love your voice. Something HAPPY would be good. Very Happy
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Guest Fri May 29, 2009 12:44 pm

Nightfall rolled his eyes at the skittish attitudes, and shook his head with a smile.


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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Aeolus Fri May 29, 2009 12:47 pm

"Nah, no bad vibes we're only playing, right guys?!" Joshua starts laughing again, even more as he saw Nightfall's reaction to this. After a while he calmed down again. "Heh, yeah sing 'gain, maybe you two together the beautif'llst women in this goddamn place?"

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri May 29, 2009 1:21 pm

You are so cut off the bar tab, dude, says Derry, patting Joshua's shoulder gently and then shaking her head and walking back to the bar.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

Post by Lexi Fri May 29, 2009 1:23 pm


I need a Stamina + Composure from Joshua.

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A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group) - Page 2 Empty Re: A less empty Orchestra than usual (attn O'dell's group)

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