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Court at the Sterling Hotel

Bodecia Albion
Forn Clakes
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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:59 pm

Regina takes this opportune moment to make her introduction to Twist.
"Priscus Twist, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Regina smoothly moves between the crowd of people around her. "I am Dame Lady Knight Regina Pia, of your clan." She gives a curtsey in her damn old dress. Still looks very nice on her though.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BBQLord Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:41 pm

When Stephen mentions the potential Covenant's face, Arnoud's eyes quickly leave him and dart to Taylor and then Jack. He doesn't say anything though as both Taylor and Stephen left before anything was 'really asked'. At the very least there were two who didn't mind seeming pro-active. That could be a good thing.


Headstrong waits impatiently for the third Dragon to come to her and Gideon. Nothing really interesting could pass between her and Gideon before they got a look at the Supplicant. Headstrong just hoped there was going to be a good story.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:11 pm

Mariel walks over to the Daeva named as Priscus. Hello, she said simply. I'm sorry I couldn't join you earlier. I'm Mariel.

She smiles in what she hopes is a friendly way, all too aware that her blood is just as strong as the Priscus'. Hope she's friendlier than Circe, she thinks, keeping a pleasant expression on her face. Mariel is more than happy to meet the pretty boys (and girls, she's equal opportunity) of the Daeva grouping.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Darksider42 Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:42 pm

"We did have a place to meet before, But that was the city morgue where the old Prefect worked and...Well, He was taken out before the sickness. We need to find a new place for our meetings, which I'm working on. As for experiments, I've been too busy trying to get us up and running again to do that. We can probably work that out a little later when things are stable for us."Jack explained to everyone as best as he could.

More the merrier. Jack thought as Stephen mentioned another that might be interested. "Bring 'em over."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BloodiedClaws Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:57 pm

O-Yama walks over to the Seneschal, nodding to her when he makes his way close.

"Ms. Brady, I would like to talk to you about the phone call from the other night, about my possible employment in your services."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:58 pm

Dr. Lazarus regarded the woman in front of him for a second, during which she only received a cold stare from behind his bask. "I see." He reached inside his lab-coat pocket and pulled out a laminated identification card with his name and picture on it; it was labled, "Dr. Ith Lazarus, PhD. Amber Hill Asylum." "I run a psychiatric wing of Amber Hill. As such I can offer less than desirable members of kindred society, or human society, a place to dwell for periods of time against their will." Lazarus was hoping this would explain the title "Warden" without further explanation. [color=blue]"Tell me then, Madam Nidra, what commodities do you deal in?"

It was far too early in his acquaintance with Sabri for the doctor to give a full explanation of what commodities he had to offer. After all, he did not want his labratory facilities or ability to craft herds from the long-forgotten inmate populations to be made well known -- yet. Yes, for now 'Warden' shall suffice.

Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 SigPicLazarus

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:48 pm

Mariel looks at a very regal woman. I remember her from the Avalon, she thinks.

Greetings, Lady. I am Mariel Fitzgerald, she says with the utmost social grace. Mariel notes the woman's clothing, and makes a slight obeisance. Looks like she could be a princess. A really really OLD princess.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:56 pm

"Good evening Madam Fitzegerald, I am Dame Lady Knight Regina Pia. I am pleased to hear that you are in the Second Estate. I hope to see you at the next Mass. When will it be?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:04 pm

Mariel thinks of all the cleanup necessary to get the church ready to roll for services. YARRGGG. I better not be the one doing the cleaning. EWWW!

I will certainly let you know, Dame Lady Knight, as soon as the church is readied. Right now it is...she hesitates...not in order. We are very lucky to have had Father Benton Black survive, however, so I hope that it will be very soon.

How may I contact you? Mariel continues, with perfect manners, learned from WAY too much time with WAY too many nuns.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:06 pm

Konstantin looks Jayant over closely, then says, bluntly, "You look even worse than me. Is okay though. You are strong, will be well soon." He claps Jayant on the shoulder.

He waves one of his huge hands around the room. "You and me, when all this is done, we should go feed. I still do not know where is right and not right to feed in this domain, so you could show me that, then sometime I help you with something. When we are over this sick, we should get together as warriors, learn from each other. You are strong warrior, probably know things I do not, as I know things as well. Perhaps Arnold as well, and the Nosferatu Priscus, and some of these others, if any are worthy warriors. You like idea?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:37 pm

Hector smiles at Regina in recognition as well as nods, however, when Mariel arrives his smile is actually friendlier than with the others. As the Lady Regina asks about Mass Hector interjects, "I do hope that services will be open to all." The look he gives Mariel is rather appreciative.


Stephen without any preamble upon he and the others returning to the main Carthian hub asks, "So no meeting hall, how about a volunteer for Covenant head?" It's rather obvious he does not want it and is rather blatant in hoping someone else will step up.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:49 pm

Mariel is surprised that someone who belongs to the Circle of the Crone is interested in attending Mass.

Absolutely everyone is welcome. Always. She says firmly, flashing a dazzling smile at the questioner. Maybe he wants to shift to the Lancea, she thinks happily. Adding to the flock would show the nuns back home that she was worthy of staying in Sacramento.

I'm Mariel. And you are.....?
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:06 am

Hector simply beams when he hears Mariel's reply as well to her smile. "Excellent." Looking into her eyes for a long moment to which he responds belatedly to her question of name, "Ah yes, I was momentarily lost thank you for helping me find my way back," it was very much a flirt rather than a mocking tone he used let alone somehow making it sound sincere rather than corny. "I'm Hector and a valued pleasure to meet you. I'm sure I'll see you in attendance to which I look forward to."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Darksider42 Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:14 am

"Well, I was pretty much lumped with that job after everything went to hell. I guess I can do it a little while longer unless someone else is interested." Jack said with a shrug. He didn't want the position exactly, but he was putting in plenty of work just to bring things up to order.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:29 am

Sabri gladly takes the good Doctor's card and produces one of her own; freshly printed in crimson on beige with the slightest hint of jasmine. It has her name embossed upon it and the details of the Dhaka Hotel.

"Officially, I run hotels and have quite an aptitude with business. Apparently, I am known for a high turnover of staff, which is, of course, quite ludicrous. Good workers are hard to find"

Jayant grins at Konstantin's words, nodding to most of them. His face drops though at the thought the warrior band.

"Alas, that is a problem, my friend. I have lost my soul and am about as useful as a...well, something entirely unuseful."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by jmiland1 Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:19 am

"We don't have all evening," Gideon murmurs quietly after a few minutes of waiting, and with a slight glance to Headstrong he gets up and approaches Lonnie.
"Good evening, Supplicant... Owen, was it? Good evening, and pleasure to meet you." He inclines his head at Lonnie, but does not extend his hand; if one is held to him he shakes it.
"It appears the three of us constitute the Dragons within Sacramento. An unfortunate situation, but we have nowhere to go but up, yes?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:32 am

- - - - Taylor McCoy - - - -

Taylor's interest is noticeably perked at the topic of positions being open for the Covenant. To be honest, he didn't want the very public position of Carthian Prefect, but he had his eye on Myrmidon. Speaking up, Taylor addressed the other Carthians, "I'll support Jack for the Carthian Prefect then, and if no one else objects I'd like to voice my interest in the office of Myrmidon. I believe I could serve fairly and unbiased."

- - - - Dr. Ith Lazarus - - - -

Lazarus nods, taking her card and glancing it over before putting it in his pocket. "Indeed, an excellent staff is hard to cultivate these days. You would be amazed at the reluctance of most, even kindred, to take a bit of initiative." He glances downward at his briefcase in hand. "For example, I researched this genocide of our kind the past few nights all alone, despite inviting others to assist." The doctor looks over across the room to Heathcliff, then back to Sabri.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by FreshCK Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:53 am

Father Black makes his way around knots of conversation to the Seneschal. For a moment he wonders if he is in over his head; just a few weeks ago he was hoping to find some niche among the city's Sanctified population and here he was, the newly anointed Bishop about to make a request of the Prince. That moment of doubt passes quickly, If God put me in this position it was for a reason, I will trust his will.

"Seneschal Brady, a pleasure to meet you. I'm Father Benton Black, newly selected leader of the Lancea Sanctum. In this capacity I want to extend a request to the Prince regarding the Masquerade violator Heathcliff. As he was sired by one of our Covenant it is only fitting that the Sanctified take responsibility for his... rehabilitation. In addition, Miss Fitzgerald already has a rapport with him. I'm sure Prince Clark has a plan the man, but respectfully, his failure is the Lancea Sanctum's failure and we must help him make recompense."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:05 am

"You can reach me at this number. My apologies, but my duties require that i prioritize my calls. Please do feel more than free to leave any messages however; they will be attended to." She gives her Ami's phone number. Hers was reserved for Invictus members only. She was glad she had given Dr. Brady the ghoul's number, and soon they would have a home to call their own.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BBQLord Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:24 am

Arnoud's eyes narrow for the shortest of glances when Taylor speaks but the rest of his face remain neutral.
Myrmidon for a handful of members?

"With the understanding that all positions are granted temporarily."
"Prefect Jack is most familiar with Sacramento and it's inhabitants. I'll abstain from commenting on the second issue."


Headstrong trails in Gideon's wake. When confronting Lonnie she takes care to look moderately displeased.
Headstrong lets Gideon do the talking until her input is required. He had a way with words.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by deltadream Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:12 am

Twist gives a minute shrug to Hector's question. "Both are within the realm of my capabilities. I have a meeting room at the theater that has often been used for clan meetings and have no qualms about using it regularly. However, should anyone else have a desire to throw a party once in a while, I am sure we can all adjust. Is there a preference for when you would care to meet? Or shall we keep it more flexible."

"Dame Lady Knight Regine Pia- a pleasure to meet you. Provenite da Italia?"

Another female joined there group, and Twist had no doubts that she belonged to the Daeva. Whoever her sire had been, they had choosen one worthy of their clan. *Bello*

"Mariel, I am Twist. It is a pleasure."

Talk suddenly turned to Mass, and Twist assumed an interested expression. Hector voicing his desire to go was strange as well, wasn't he crone? She did hope he wasn't planning something. She had a sudden vision of him standing up in the middle of a mass and spouting Crone theology- trying to convert them. She stiffled the giggle that rose at the imagry. It was easier when she imagined that the next scene would be a bunch of sanctum fanatics pouncing on him.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by West Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:42 am

Argent's eyes glazed over as talk turned to religion. The only thing more boring than that was politics. It was maddening, all of these Covenants devoted to lofty ideals and goals and mission statements and manifestos... where the hell was the "Decadance Covevenant"?

He snuck a peek back at Lonnie, but apparently he'd been mobbed by his Covenant.

The only way to feign interest in the direction the conversation had turned was to find something to be interested in, and so he immersed himself in the contours of spandex and, or, and, or, chiffon.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:15 pm

Mariel looked with amusement at a man whose idea of interesting conversation clearly didn't involve talk of attending midnight mass.

He was very attractive, and Mariel closes her eyes for just a moment and gives into a flash of a fantasy before coming back to the conversation at hand.

If they're TOO pretty, they're harder to manipulate into doing what I want, she thinks, with a frisson of regret.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Aeolus Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:05 pm

Aimée greeted everyone who joined them later with a nod and a smile, which never quite reached her eyes.
The conversation was somewhat boring - religion wasn't hers - and as she looked around she raised an eyebrow at Argent's expression. She waited for him to make eye contact, before she pulled her dress slightly up, so that her left calf was visible. He asked to see it, after all and it would be all too rude to just forget about the conversation.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:16 pm

A smile plays across Regina's face, "Oh ma, ovviamente. Esso è così bello che qualcuno sentire parlare la mia lingua materna nuovamente. Vengo da Savoy originariamente, sebbene io abbia avuto a muoversi con l'Unificazione. E voi?"

A thousand poxes on those Parisian bastards who thought America was aweful. This was the greatest country in the world so far. (after France and Italy)

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:33 pm

Mariel pockets the card Regina has handed her.

She looks with some amusement at a unintroduced female Daeva trying to get the handsome vamp's attention, secure in the knowledge that she was both more beautiful AND better dressed than she. I'm showing more skin with my gown than she is, even with her lifting up the hem like a 3-year-old with a party dress! So sad.

She turns to Twist, and asks, Could you point the way to the Harpy? It will take me a bit to connect the names and faces with their responsibilities. I'd like to inform her of the hotel I'm staying in. Hopefully, I'll find something suitable for a more permanent place.

She smiles, trying to gauge if Twist is at all interested in her. If so, that should put both the handsome man AND Miss Oh-look-at-my ankles out of joint to see how easily Mariel could make a connection if she so chose.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:36 pm

"And how does you research go, if I may enquire? If I am intruding, then please, do tell me so," she chuckles beneath her red veil and feeling her oversized fangs catch on the material.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Benjamin Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:41 pm

Lonnie mirrors the motion with his head. "Perhaps Sworn, but I would rather say that we can go anywhere from here. So then why limit ourselves to only one direction?"

Lonnie paused, and decided that being blunt would be the best course of action tonight. "So, did either of you have plans for the Dragons?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by deltadream Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:19 pm

A pleased smile appeared on Twist's face at Regina's words and she launched easily into a fluid Italian response.

"Accosentito. Non ricordo quale zona specifica dell'Italia nascevo- ho cominciato a viaggiare quando ero molto piccolo. Dubito che persino ancora è denominato la stessa cosa ora, in modo da importerebbe piccolo."


The smile remained as she turned to Mariel. "The Harpy? Ah- that would be Erika." She scanned the crowd for a second before locating her. Lifting a hand she pointed at her, "There- in the blindfold. And if you need help," her eyes sparkled slightly at the word that had oh so many meanings, "-with finding a home, feel free to ask. I recently looked into buying one myself."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by jmiland1 Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:23 pm

"Although we had heard that Sacramento was empty, it is still... disconcerting... to find there are so few of us, and that there is no structure within place," Gideon says, glancing around the room momentarily. "So, no; we did not particularly have plans prepared. However, it seems obvious that the first order of business should be to find and reclaim any prior properties held by Dragons so that we can keep our secrets from falling into the hands of others. Second, we need to prepare a centralized Academy, to ready ourselves for the inevitable influx of members from outside of the city, or from our recruitment attempts within Sacramento. Unless, of course, you had plans you wish to implement, Supplicant."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:25 pm

Mariel touches Twist's hand lightly in excitement- and also to judge the effect. Oh, thanks!

She turns to see a blindfolded woman. Well. That's unexpected.

I'll be right back! she says chattily.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by deltadream Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:35 pm

Twist doesn't pull away from the contact, but neither does she say anything- just smiling in acceptance of the gratuity.

As Mariel walks away she does do another glance of the room, but apparantly spotting what she seeks, she is quick to return her focus to those still around her.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by West Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:26 pm

After a careful inspection of the calf, Argent was satisfied.

He pulled out a collection of receipts, business cards, monies, and other similar items and fished out a card with a number on it.

"So," he said offering it to Twist, "That's how to find me, because honestly I just can't take the tedium of this place any more." Argent's face looks like that of a child who's been forced to sit through a State of the Union address.

After she took or declined the card, he sketched everyone a bow, and wandered back over to where Lonnie was. If he wasn't doing something much more fun than religion, Argent was leaving.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:44 pm

Mariel heads off for Erika and gives her a temporary address. She finds the blindfold oddly off-putting, and wonders if the woman's eyes have been damaged badly with the contagion that recently swept the city.

I hope you are feeling better soon, she offers lamely to Erika, making her escape as soon as possible and looking around to see who else she might find interesting. Or useful.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Aeolus Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:57 pm

Aimée let her gown drop again as she noticed that Argent had finished his examination, and nodded at him as he left, smiling a little. As Twist mentioned the 'help' Aimée listened up. She didn't know whether this offering was directed at .. that other woman ,that went sucking up to the Harpy, but frankly she didn't care.
"I am indeed looking for a Haven of some sort, since I just recently arrived here;" she gave twist a meaningful look while she continued "I can't live in a hotel for ever, after all."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:26 pm

"Although not fully complete, the research is nearing completion. I should only need a few more nights until I conclude what exactly afflicted our kind." Dr. Lazarus pauses for a moment, gazing at the woman before him -- almost as if studying her. "If you have any medical or scientific expertise, then you are welcome to assist my study into this matter."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:32 pm

"I am afraid that the talents you mention are quite beyond me," Sabri replies. "However, give me business opportunity, and I can be quite...precise in my methods."
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:49 pm

Hector shrugs as he becomes more the background than not, yet he doesn't miss a thing and seems more amused by the others behaviors than not. With only two ladies left he says, "I'd love to stay and talk more," apparently serious, "yet I feel I've others to tend to." Looking to Twist, "I'll be sure to drop in and pay my respects." Then including both women, "As I do attempt to take care of, family, I will gladly help as best I can as need be the case. But for now I bid you both a good evening." With a smile sweet as sin and captivating eyes he leaves to join the rest of his Covenant.

Upon arriving, if all are sitting the he will as well, otherwise he stands. He nods to Circe while making eye contact with her and then the others, he looks over the others as he waits.


Stephen nods at Jack's acceptance as the court face for the Carthians, he shakes his head as Taylor speaks up on Myrmidon. "No, that's not decided here before others let alone without understanding each others views. Which we'll need to deal with immediately if we want to have any hope of not being toyed with, does everyone have a temporary haven at least?" His concerns seem to stem from practicality rather than anything else.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:02 pm

Regina struggles to contain the furtive glances she gives to Aimee's leg. She does a pretty good job of it; only those who were really paying good attention to her would have noticed the lapse in attention.

In english, Regina responds to Twist. "I understand, so many things get lost over the years. I am certainly in the market for some place, although i feel that my tenure there would be short lived. While most of my funds were tied up in France, the Estate.. will help make the transition to more appropriate housing possible."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Darksider42 Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:24 pm

Jack nodded. "I have to agree. We're too small and unorganised to appoint a Myrmidon at the moment. Give it some time and then we can decide on that." He said as he scratched part of his face. He could have sworn a bit of it was flaking off.

"I'm currently staying at the Clare, but I'm working on gaining a more permanent Haven."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:25 pm

Mariel makes her way back to see if Twist and the Daeva crew are still hanging out. Looks like some of them have gone back to covenant groups.

Mariel isn't ready for the evening to die down yet. So, Twist, how can I reach you if I need you? she asks, grinning at the double meaning. It would be so much fun if all the Daevas could go out, get to know each other better. What do you think?

I have the feeling they don't understand that Sanctified doesn't mean sanctimonious. Or celibate. Mariel sighed, not understanding why to some Kindred she would always be regarded as a killjoy fanatic instead of the deliciously damned sinner she truly was.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Premsyl Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:35 pm

Lori seems distracted with her dress so Sean answers for them both.

At the mention of Cruac Sean shakes his head. "Nahh... We didn't get into it much out in San Fran. We caught a meeting every once in a while. A ritual or something. We just had other shit on our minds, then, ya know? So no. We hardly know shit about Cruac, but lemme tell ya I think some of those rituals are some real hot shit."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Lexi Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:40 pm

Erika exchanges information with Mariel and then turns to O-Yama, "We'll discuss it shortly, after everyone has left." She then turns to the "Father", "Benton Black, was it? Heathcliff does not belong to your covenant, and therefore you have no standing to make this request. He is the Prince's concern, and you would do well to remember that."

Erika's face is cold, and emotionless as she continues speaking, "If you wish to discuss this matter with the Prince himself...then you should ask me about a meeting, which I will most likely deny on the basis of the idiocy of your request. A sire does not make the childe, and they make their own choices. Good evening, Mr. Black."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BloodiedClaws Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:18 pm

O-Yama stays near to Erica, at a comfortable distance, and waits the meeting out.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:29 pm

Circe nods in response to Sean's response, which was much as she expected, though more vulgar. "That can be dealt with later", she thought to herself. "One must work with what one has."

Looking at Sean and Lori, she says "I would hope your faith would become a more significant part of your Requiem as you establish yourself in a new Domain, one with vast opportunity for both individual and Covenant. Keep in mind, the secrets of Cruac are available to those who prove their devotion and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices."

When Hector arrives, Circe gestures for him to sit. "Hector, I believe your name was, correct? And also Greek? Tell me... this fellow he of our faith as well?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:56 am

Hector by all appearances doesn't notice Circe's gesture as he's looking at Sean upon the other kindred's reply to a question Hector didn't hear all of, he sits still looking at Sean with a momentary odd look on his face, perhaps pity but that's not quite it. His attention changes though once asked a direct set of questions, "You are correct on both accounts with your assumption correct as well." His Greek is precise with no particular accent. "Jayant was fortunately led to me in his sickened state while I sought out possible brethren in the underworld. His mind, possibly soul, was likely affected just as his body was or perhaps even has lingering effects. He should be fine with proper feeding."


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:29 am

Jayant makes his apologies to Konstantin as he says Hector speaking with Circe, the Kindred whom mentioned earlier in the evening calling the Crone together.

"I look forward to working with you once again, my comrade," the Shadow says to Konstantin before moving to Hector and Circe.

"May I join in on this conversation? I shall try and not let my current afflictions get in the way." He smiles, puckered flesh twisting in the gesture.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:51 am

Hector turns to Jayant, "Absolutely, looks like you still need to feed some." Aside from that and a short inquiring look to Jayant he turns back to Circe as though there wasn't a break in the conversation.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:53 am

Circe smiles widely at Hector's Greek, but before she has a chance to respond in kind, Jayant arrives.

"I'm glad you are here, Jayant, so please, yes, join us. I am pleased to make your acquintance."

After Jayant sits, she says "Now that we are all here, let us get the initial order of business out of the way. By right of my status among the Faithful of the Crone and the strength of my blood, I claim the position of Hierophant, and leader of this Covenant. Does any of you wish to contest my claim?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:57 am

"No." The answer was as blunt as Jayant could make it. Then another thought entered his ailing mind.

"Where will you be making your temple, Hierophant?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 4 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

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