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Court at the Sterling Hotel

Bodecia Albion
Forn Clakes
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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:03 am

Hector seems rather happy that someone else is taking the active initiative. Yet a particular glint enters his eye's as he answers, "I'm not looking to for it by all means it's yours, provided we all speak in private as we all seem to come from different paths. Let me simply add I'm not willing to suffer a cult of tyranny or popularity." He raises his hand in a polite gesture to forestall any arguements as his charming smile comes out hitting hard, "Not saying that anyone present is of that mind or soul but I'm still fresh from a war and it's where I stand."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:39 am

Circe nods and says "I agree, Hector... after we inform the Seneschal of my position and after I speak with one other person, I believe we should go elsewhere to discuss matters of covenant and faith. Which coincides with Jayant's question," she adds, acknowledging him with a nod.

"As it happens, I have obtained some land north of the city. There is no temple yet, but structures will come with time and as necessary, and I prefer services be performed under the open sky in any case. I believe we should retire there to discuss things further."

"As to tyranny or personality cults, let me assure you, while I demand respect and give in kind, you will find that my concern is not personal gain or power, but rather that the Covenant be strong due to the strength of its members, and the strength of their faith. All else is of lesser importance."

((ST Note: The Circle meeting will occur in the "Circle and Solstice" thread on the new forums))

After adjourning this part of the meeting, Circe gives each of the Circle directions to her place and makes sure all have arrangements for transportation. She makes to talk with Erika, but notices her busy in discussion with the Sanctified priest. Instead she approaches someone she'd noticed earlier. Though she knew Sabri claimed membership in the Invictus, she suspected they may still have some things in common. She finds her in discussion with Dr. Lazarus.

"Excuse me, Sabri, Doctor... I apologize for interrupting your conversation, but I must leave soon, and I wanted to speak with you for a few moments, Sabri, if I might."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:23 am

- - - - Dr. Ith Lazarus - - - -

"I'll be sure to keep your area of expertice in mind Madam Nidra." At the approach of Circe, the doctor regards her for a moment then nods. "Very well then."

Dr. Lazarus moves away from Sabri and Circe most likely leaving his strong odor of medicine behind, and moves through the kindred gathering until reaching Priscus O-Yama. Patiently waiting to be acknowledged by the other Nosferatu, once noticed Lazarus begins to speak, "Excuse me Priscus O-Yama, I am Dr. Ith Lazarus -- may I have your attention for a moment?"

- - - - Taylor McCoy - - - -

Taylor could tell they were a bit uneased by his/her request for Myrmidon, but that did not deter him/her. Never one to give up, and always one to be a bit sarcastic, Taylor smiles and gently pushes some perfectly-straight hair out of his/her face. "Well, it would seem to be that a small unorganized group would be at the most need of a mediator." Taylor chuckles to himself/herself for a moment, "But if that's what you all want, that's fine with me too." He/she shrugs nonchalantly.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:32 am

"And you also, Lord Warden Lazarus." As he moves away, Sabri releases a sigh she hadn't noticed she was holding, tense from her fellow Invictus' intensity and all this social posturing that came part and parcel of being in the First Estate. However, it was necessary to make the connections she required. Turning to face the Hierophant, Sabri smiles beneath her veil, the tension leaving her eyes.

"Good evening to you...Circe, if I remember, correct?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Darksider42 Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:27 am

"Small groups are quicker to organise so the position right now is unnecessary. If we do grow in size or other matters that need a second to look after arise, then a Myrmidon will be appointed by the covenant." It was surprising and rather jarring how quickly Jack went from casual to formal. It actully frightened him a little, though he didn't show it.

"Anyway, I think it would be smart move if exchange contact information. It will help ensure that things go smoovely and that everyone knows what is happening between future meetings."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BBQLord Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:15 am

An unnoticeable shifting of posture and Arnoud was now slightly leaning away from Taylor (about three degrees).

Why would you pass over Prefectship but make a point of becoming Myrmodin? Should have gone for Prefect, Taylor. Now I'm suspicious.

Seemingly adapting to the formal tone without problems Arnoud doesn't look at or name their unaligned 'friend' or any of the dozens of other Kindred that were in their orbit.

"I suggest we discuss our views in private, Prefect." Arnoud says as soon as Stephen mentions the topic, along with the greatest threat to the Covenant.

"I am currently without means of communication. I'll remedy the situation within two nights." Arnoud answers his Prefect.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Quinn Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:49 am

Throughout the Carthian impromptu meeting, Mel merely listened, eyes flickering around the room, though mostly around the table. It wasn't his place to help them choose their 'leader', after all.

He wasn't a Carthian.

Keepers tended to remain Unbound, if only because it made their work easier. Besides, eventually he'd forget who he swore allegiances to, because that space in his mind would someday be needed to store some other random memory that was important to whomever his patron was.

Two minds were better than one, after all.

But they'd let him join anyway, which would not be forgotten. Would be put on the shelf and recalled when he was being 'courted' by various would-be patrons.

The Blood is life.

The Blood is family.

The Blood is history.

The Blood is Memory.

The Blood, ultimately, is everything.

Perhaps one night, they'd all understand that.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by deltadream Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:14 am

Twist accepted the card from Argent with an understanding smile. "Thank you Argent- may you find more pleasant activities tonight."

Twist reached into her back pocket and pulled out her cell phone. Skimming through a few numbers she found what she wanted. "Here- call this man. He should be able to help both of you in your pursuit of Havens. He is intelligent enough to catch on to our specific needs, but also not ask more questions than necessary." Reading from the phone, she rattles off a phone number to the two women asking about Havens.

She turned her attention to Hector and dipped her head in farewell, a faintly confused look on her face. "I look forward to it and hope the evening goes well for you." *He never did answer my question.*

Another mildly confused look flashed across Twist's face at Mariel's question. "My phone number is ###-####. You can also find me at the Ballo Della Notte- although I would prefer you ask first for Kalos, he will take you to me. If he is unavailable you can ask directly for me as Myah Torsione." The confused look faded away to be replaced with a smile full of exactly what Mariel wanted to see. "I am always a fan of getting to know the family better- Hector was discussing family meeting. I think you should organize the first one Mariel- I have a feeling you would put together a truly wonderous get together."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:07 pm

"Vi ringraziamo, Priscus Twist." Regina wrote her own cell number on it, and turns over to Aimee. "Aimee Noel? I am Dame Lady Knight Regina Pia. You said you were in the Invictus?"
But didn't give me a title to work with; which means you are either a hateful spiteful elder with a title so long that it wasn't appropriate. Or you are so young you don't know about titles yet. Which is a most serious issue.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:28 pm

Ah, so her name is Aimee. Mariel smiles at Regina, Aimee and Twist. Thank you for the contact numbers, Twist. She begins to turn over party locations in her mind.

Hardly fair to charge someone new in town with taking care of all the details, she thinks to herself with some irritation. Mariel carefully keeps her face free of any annoyance, however.

Although....I do put on wonderful party, if I do say so myself. Mariel's face brightens almost imperceptably.

Are you free to go to the Ballo now? she asks Twist. That might be a good location. I'm a little at a disadvantage without an established haven of my own to use as a soiree location. Maybe the Ballo Della Notte would be a possible party place?

I was hoping for a little celebration tonight, to distance us from the unpleasantness, Mariel continued, gesturing toward where Heathcliff was sitting like a stone. But I certainly understand if you have other duties to perform.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:34 pm

Aimee, is it? I'm Mariel. Glad to meet you. Mariel hold out a beautifully manicured hand in greeting.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:13 pm

Bowing to the Hierophant as she moves away, Jayant looks around for familar faces and racognises the striking appearance of the Sensechal. Despite not having a connection beyond Clan or any dealings previously, Jayant cannot help but feel such a bond following the incident.

The diminuitive Khaibit makes his way over, keeping a respectful distance.

A wise servant knows when to proceed and when to be called, he thinks. Now is the time to wait.

And so he does, until the time when theSeneschal and his Priscus is free to talk with him.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:15 pm

Hector nods in acknowledgment of Circe's remarks and even smiles, yet he still seems reserved rather than engaging, as though unconvinced. He does look over each each member present as Circe talks, almost it would seem he sees right through them if not for his responding to mannerisms. As the offer of a ride is brought up he takes the offered assistance, "I've yet to establish any true roots here yet let alone property." As Circe breaks up the meeting and walks away he nods to each person before taking his leave, noting that Circe is looking to speak with the Seneschal and how tied up she is Hector looks to his clan Priscus and noting those still about her.

Walking up to Twist in particular he waits for a moment to insert himself in the conversation adding, "Priscus Twist," his smile is encouraging as he uses her title, "A question and answer for you. Would it be advisable to relay Seneschal Brady's request of contact info, which I have none, through you as she seems beleaguered by a host of others or is she one to want meet everyone personally? Also, it would seem that I'll be working with a flexible schedule for the foresee able future with Covenant business tasking me the most."


Stephen laughs as Taylor makes his sarcastic comment specifically at the mention of unorganized, although his mirth would likely be shared by anyone present. He recovers quickly as Jack steps up flushed with his new authority which Stephen challenges with all but direct words while saying, "On the Contrary, I'd say a group of this size needs a Myrmidon if for no other reason than to show new arrivals and additions that we know what we're about. Further with such a small crew arguments over direction can be more destructive than those with larger numbers and thus in more need of one." While he speaks, authority could be ascribed to him the more perceptive would likely realize a practiced and disciplined tone running through him. He hands out business cards that state he is a dealer of firearms, explosives and the technological needs of any private citizen or company*, there's no address listed only a number.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:05 pm

Forn Clakes wrote:Good evening to you...Circe, if I remember, correct?"

"Yes, that is correct," Circe says, smiling and nodding. "I understand that you are affiliated with the Invictus, and while that affiliation no doubt serves you well in many areas, I suspect your spiritual needs may not be one of those. If that is indeed the case, I would like you to consider the Circle of the Crone. While we are a Covenant, we are also a faith organization, and one which draws upon aspects of many mortal faiths, including Hinduism, to assist Kindred in finding a spiritual path relevant to their Requiems. I'd be glad to discuss these matters with you at a time convenient to you.... or perhaps you'd be interested in attending some of our services?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:29 pm

How rude! Sabri thought, Remember your manners, Sabri.

"What a delightful offer, but I am only starting get my feet in the city at the moment, like a mjority of our kind. Perhaps if you leave a card, I can contact you?"
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:42 pm

Circe shakes her head. "Ah, I too am only still settling in, so I haven't any steady contact information at the moment. I will be around, however, so I am sure we will see each other around. If you would like to talk some time, let me know, or pass word through any of those in the Circle. Meanwhile, I thank you for your time, and I wish you a good evening."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:49 pm

Sabri smiles sweetly beneath her veil and nods her head.

"And to you too, Hierophant Circe." She turns away and heads for Regina, wishing to find out some information on what has just occured. Seeing her in coversation and not wanting to disturb, the Rakshsa holds back a few yards.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by jmiland1 Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:56 pm

Taking Lonnie's silence to mean that he had no objections, Gideon nods. "Good evening to you, then," he says, and he and Headstrong leave the table to go speak with Erika. There appears to be a line waiting for her attention. No matter; Gideon takes a position nearby, and waits.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Sat Jun 20, 2009 6:34 pm

Circe notices Erika is still busy, and waits patiently for an opportunity to speak with her again before taking her leave.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by tangmcgame Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:33 pm

Eric sweeps briskly through the hotel lobby, toward the room where the vampires played. A part of him, the dark, mean part, screams at him to turn around.

'They'll kill me! They don't show mercy, I'll surprise them and they'll kill me!' it bellowed. The tone and power of the voice is the same no matter if he is hungry, endangered, or if he just wanted to murder someone.

He responds as he always had. He laughs and picks up his pace. He pauses a minute facing a mirror, checking that his jacket is in place, his tie is straight, his hair wasn't messed by the wind, making sure everything is in place.

'First impressions,' he tells his Beast in a mocking voice, 'are the most important. And if I'm as late as I think I am, it'll be one hell of an impression.'

He steps up to the door, resting his cool hand on the cooler handle, and though he'd never admit it, if he could still sweat, he would be now. It has been a long time since he was that rash boy who walked heedless into a room full of killers. But he couldn't put this off any longer.

He opens the door and steps through, choking back the urge to bolt, and waits for what comes next.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Aeolus Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:10 pm

Aimée smiles and produces a small notepad and a pen out of her little blue silkpouch, so that she could write down the number twist gave her. With a nod she put everything back and turned to Regina, a fellow Invictus. "Most Honorable Dame Lady Knight Pia, it's a pleasure to meat you. I'm Madam Aimée Noel." She reached out to give Regina her hand. Frankly, if there's one thing she didn't like about the Invictus, it's the pointless name-calling, but démodé or not, traditions are traditions.

As Mariel talked to her Aimée looked Regina in the eyes, as if to tell her that she'll be right back at her and turned to Mariel. "Yes, it is. Hello Mariel, nice to meet you."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Darksider42 Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:18 pm

Jack takes a look at the card with a smile on his face. He always needed more ammo. "Mate we number at four, five if Mel here decides to join us. As I said, smaller groups don't require a second unless its absolutly nessessary. He said as he slipped the card into his pocket. [color-red] "But I guess we can decide on that now if everyone is so dead set on it."[/color]
He took out a pen and a few slips of paper and started scribbling his number on each of them. Once that was done, he handed a slip to each of them.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by West Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:17 pm

Olivette reappears in the door, catching the Seneschal, Reeve, and Hound's eyes each in turn, discreetly tapping her watch before leaving again.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Lexi Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:20 pm

Erika holds out her hand to all the people waiting on her, "If you'll excuse me." She walks to the front of the room, and whistles. Loudly. "Everyone, you'll need to finish your conversations elsewhere. Court is officially over; please make your way outside."

Her eyes settle on the new person, and holds out a finger, beckoning him over.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:23 pm

Hearing the announcement that court is over, Taylor quickly scribbles his/her name on a piece of paper along with his/her cell number. "It's rare that I don't answer my phone, so give me a ring if you need anything." Taylor hands each of them a slip of the paper, including Mel, before turning to leave Court.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:37 pm

Mariel is surprised that everyone is being kicked out. Oh well, things had been winding down anyway. She excuses herself from Twist, Aimee and Regina, runs to Heathcliff and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. Take care, darlin'. If I'm allowed, I'll stay in touch.

She returns to see if Twist is likewise going to leave. She'd like to talk more about the Ballo.

She also looks around for Benton Black. It would be good to have a conversation with him. Maybe he can put in a good word to the nuns so I don't have to go back, she thinks. I better get him to do it quick before he actually gets to know me. Mariel grins.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BloodiedClaws Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:42 pm

O-Yama looks at Dr. Lazarus and nods, but then hears Seneschal Brady's anouncement. He hands him a card with his cell phone number printed on it.

"Contact me later tonight, text or call me, and we can establish a time and place to meet."

O-Yama then waits for the Kindred to depart so he may talk to Erica after court.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by FreshCK Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:47 pm

Black smiles at the Seneschal, "Well, thank you for your honesty, Seneschal. I shall remember it fondly the rest of my nights."

While he tries to stay outwardly polite, internally he is trying desperately to leash his wrath. Ok, so I've been a covenant head for all of 10 minutes. And, yes, it's a covenant of 2. But some fucking respect is due. Why the Lord spared that one when so many others were consumed... God, grant me strength.

Trying to take his mind off Brady, he finds Mariel in the crowd and decides to share his news.

"Well, unfortunately it seems the Prince, or his secretary at least, is not inclined to let us just have Heathcliff. So it looks like it's just you and me cleaning up the mess left to us."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Fractured Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:51 pm

Heathcliff smiles, a bit embarrassed by Mariel's kiss, but it quickly vanishes as he watches her walk away, and remembers that he's still in a helluva lot of trouble. Prince Asa had turned him over to creepy Arnold, who had no reservation about walking around with edged weapons.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:00 pm

Dr. Lazarus takes the card and nods to O-Yama. "Very well then. You will hear from me shortly, Priscus O-Yama." The doctor turns and leaves the hotel.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:11 pm

Regina looks at Aimee's hand, a look of pity escapes her face. No, not yet miss Noel. When you are a proper Lady, then I will kiss your hand, until then, I must decline.
"How unfortunate that our time must be cut short. I hope that I will see you at the Invictus meeting Madam Noel, until then, my duties as a knight require me to inform you that I am available should you need any martial actions." She gives Madam Noel her phone number, and heads out.

When she gets out into the lobby, her ghoul greets her and escorts her to the bathroom, where she swiftly reemerges with her obfuscated swords and more comfortable clothes. She exits with the rest of the kindred.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by tangmcgame Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:12 pm

Eric makes his way through the throng of vampires toward the woman that beckoned him. He sighs under his breath at how involved everyone else is that they don't notice a newcomer. 'So much for a first impression,' he muses to himself.

When he reaches the redheaded woman, he pauses a cautious distance away.

"I'm Eric Roberts," he says, crooking a smile and extending a hand to shake. Her eyes are covered, obviously, but she saw him at the door so she should be able to see this. "I figured it's about time I introduce myself."


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:13 pm

Father Benton had just said: "So it looks like it's just you and me cleaning up the mess left to us."

Mariel takes this information quite literally. Ewwww. There had been a LOT of dead bodies.

She whispers unhappily to the priest, her lips barely moving, I know, I could hear her from here. What a bitch!

That pretty much trashes my party plans for tonight, too, damn it all to hell and back.

Mariel figures that the best thing to do now is....procrastinate. So, Father, I was hoping we could have a brain-storming session tonight to work on plans for the church. My hotel is very nice, would you like to join me? I can drive, if you like.

Dear God, please let him say yes.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Lexi Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:13 pm

Erika doesn't hold out her hand, instead her arms cross at her chest. "What is your clan, do you have any covenant ties, and why were you so expediently late?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by tangmcgame Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:27 pm

Eric withdraws his hand, slipping it casually into his pocket as he slips into a relaxed pose. He spares a glance at the groups breaking up around him and heading for the door.

"Well, that was direct. Daeva, no Covenant, and I was late because I learned about the meet late," he says, sweeping his eyes to where her's hide behind the scarf. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Lexi Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:40 pm

Erika watches Eric through the scarf over her eyes, and shakes her head. "I am Seneschal Erika Brady, you would do well to remember it. Since you were so late, consider this an official reprimand. You will report to Priscus Twist," she indicates the woman standing by the door, "And learn the rules of the city. I expect you to be able to recite them to me verbatim by next week."

Erika waves a hand in his direction, "You will have no feeding rights within this city until you do. You are dismissed."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by tangmcgame Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:56 pm

"It was a pleasure," Eric says softly - his tone betraying a hint of annoyance - as Erika leaves. She is probably out of earshot but one can never be sure with the Kindred.

He makes his way through the quickly dispersing crowd, slowly enough to not set off any alarms, but he wants to move quickly to make sure and catch Twist before she leaves.

"Twist, is it?" Eric asks when he reaches the indicated woman. "The lovely Seneschal told me to find you."

He extends his hand once again but doesn't expect a different result.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by FreshCK Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:01 am

"I agree, if this is how we are going to be treated in this city we should try to get on the same page. If you drive, I'll follow behind."

Benton was anxious to get on the same page with Mariel. If this was how the city's kindred were going to treat the Sanctified, they needed to get their act together.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Premsyl Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:02 am

Arnold is just standing there in the room, eyes flicking to and fro from the kindred funneling out and then flitting back to lie on Heathcliff.

He seems to be waiting for him.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by jmiland1 Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:30 am

Court is over, and it's time to leave. Well. That came a bit earlier than expected. Gideon harrumphs softly, gets his bearings, and pulls out a pad and pen. He walks to Erica as he writes on the pad, tearing off the page as he reaches her.
"Priscus," he says, with a short bow of respect. "This is contact information for myself and Headstrong of the Ordo Dracul, and Stephen Archer of the Carthians. Unless there are others who did not come to Court tonight, I believe you may consider me to be the head of the Dragons. However, given the current situation within the city, for the time being Headstrong should be seen as my equal, as she is in charge of the safety of the Order and is considered the leader during times of war."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:02 am

Sabri was waiting patiently to speak with Regina but as the Seneschal makes the annoucnment, she turns and heads from the hotel quite glad that was over, making her way back to the Dhaka.

Jayant is no longer at court as court finishes, slipping out to make his way to the temple that was his haven before his torture began.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BBQLord Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:44 am

Headstrong remained silent and, having dismissed his moderately displeased look, said not a thing. She was very much interested in how the Erica would respond. It was a test, not just for the Priscus but for Gideon as well.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Aeolus Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:57 pm

Strange, Regina didn't seem to be the handshake-type of person. Very well.
As Erika announced the end of the Court Aimée bid farewell to the other Daevas. "It was a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can stay in touch, but until then I wish you a good night." She then turned to Regina and indicated a bow. "Of course, thank you Most Honorable Dame Lady Knight Pia."
With than she made her way outside.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Lexi Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:12 pm

Erika nods her head at Gideon, "Don't be so certain of the Dragons just yet. Come to me with your leader again once you've all met." She inclines her head, and slides the paper into her purse.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Fractured Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:42 pm

Heathcliff, still rather nerve-wracked, finally notices Arnold staring at him expectantly, and rises from his seat and walks to address him.

"I'm at your service, Reeve," he says and waits.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Premsyl Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:44 pm

Arnold just nods. He and Heathcliff leave the Sterling.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by jmiland1 Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:51 pm

Gideon bows again, from the waist. "Of course. You will be kept apprised of the situation. Good evening." He and Headstrong move off to the side, waiting for Stephen to finish his business.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:01 pm

With everyone else around the Seneschal having finished, Circe approaches the Seneschal again.

"Seneschal Dr. Brady, I will be heading the Circle of the Crone. Here is my current contact information. I do thank you for your time, and I look forward to our talk." She hands over the contact information, including the address to the land she has purchased for use by the Circle.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Lexi Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:40 am

Erika inclines her head, "Of course. Please make certain to arrive at our talk. I intend to talk about a family meeting with you at that time."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 5 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:58 am

As Hector awaits a response from Twist he hears Erika's announcement and shrugs. Noting the suddenly flurry of activity as kindred conduct business and are out the door like it's going out of fashion he waits till all is settled. Noting the newcomer he smiles and takes the proffered hand to Twist, "Hey there, things a little crazy at the moment I'm sure you'll forgive the Priscus a moment of your time. Another Daeva I expect, any covenant ties? I'm Hector, yet another of the growing Daeva horde." While charming and serious the last is said with a particular inflection of dark humor that's almost serious, his smile is rather infectious all throughout.

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