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Court at the Sterling Hotel

Bodecia Albion
Forn Clakes
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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by West Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:37 pm

Argent sauntered in, but didn't really. He wanted to saunter, but it's damn hard when you feel like you're entering a pit full of fighting dogs. With a lot of dogs. Some big, some little, but a lot. His guileless face screwed up in concentration as he put a cage on that slavering thing inside of him, and proceeded to enter.

It's pretty fucking difficult to check out women when you sense a predatory monster beneath the soft curves of delightful skin, but he managed. Waving to Lonnie, he slid into a seat next to him.

"So, dibs. Either black jeans and ponytail, or black evening gown. What's your pref?" he asked with a lazy grin.

Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Argentbanner

After Olivette let him know that arrivals had trickled to a halt, Asa entered, and Olivette left, closing the door behind him. He looked impassively at the gathering, feeling the collection of Beasts, and glanced over at Twist with a nod. After private audiences with Freddrick, this was not easy, but tolerable. He took a quick survey of the room, seeing who had survived the Lost Nights, and who had not.

Either Bethem had not, or had decided not to show -- and almost all of these newer faces had weaker predators than his own.

He carried three champagne flutes upside down in one hand, as if going to a dinner party, and made his way to the head of the table. Setting the glasses down, he spoke.

"Welcome to Sacramento. I am Asa Clarke, Prince of the domain. I am assisted by Seneschal Brady, Reeve Culler, Hound Twist, and Primogen Jayant," he said, indicating each in turn. "For those of you unfamiliar with the title 'Reeve', it means 'Sheriff'; however, usage of that word is forbidden -- at least in my presence."

"We will discuss domain affairs, including Acknowledgments and Laws, but first I will address something more serious: The Traditions. The First Tradition is the First Law of the City; The Masquerade will be kept. Just a short time ago, a Kindred of stature in this city was put to the Final Death by Fire for Breaching the Masquerade," Asa said, studying all of the faces before him.

"Some of us have put considerable time and effort into this city. All of us are threatened by one who would carelessly and foolishly draw attention to their actions." Asa fished a remote out of his pocket and slipped a tape into the VCR.

Again, he watched the assembled Kindred as he turned on the TV and let it play the news story.

"This will not be tolerated," Asa said after the tape had played. "If the perpetrator is here, now, stand and be judged, and you will live. Otherwise, I will set forth the Reeve and Hound to track whomever did this down, and call a Bloodhunt. If I have to do this, anyone found to have aided the perpetrator will also be punished. The Masquerade will be kept."

Asa stopped speaking and studied roomful of Kindred, knowing that Twist would let none leave.

Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Asanoprobanner

Last edited by West on Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:42 pm

Jayant turns his head below the cowl to indicate the left side of his face; red raw from the burns and a dilated left eye that seems to not focus. He was about to speak when the Prince enters and the Mekhet is glad to see Prince Clarke survived the....atrocity.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Lexi Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:46 pm

Erika stands near Asa as he steps in and begins speaking, her own eyes watching the crowd of vampires through the scarf. She enhances her sight and looks for the tiniest of emotional or facial clues for a guilty person just as soon as the video starts playing.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Premsyl Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:46 pm

Arnold reaches up and tips his hat when his title and name is announced.

He watches the news story and after it is done he calmly turns his gaze from the screen to watch the faces of the assembled Kindred.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Darksider42 Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:51 pm

Well, at least the literal court part is explained. Jack thought as he turned his head around to see everyones reaction. Last thing they needed after the last few nights was someone trying to rip the Masquerade to pieces.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Benjamin Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:52 pm

Urrrrrrrrrgh, ponytails. The thought shot through his head before he could stop it and he couldn't help the little smile that played over his face whenever he looked at the woman. He had been about to answer Argent when the prince had entered.

Lord almighty. If Lonnie had still been alive, or had activated his blush, he'd be sporting a stiffy right now. Somebody in control was so fucking hot.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:01 pm

((ST Note: Everyone should state what their characters thought about and what emotions they are feeling as they watch the tape))

Konstantin wondered if the culprit would show himself and seek mercy. If not, it occurred to him a good blood hunt might be a means of establishing a reputation within the Domain. He also wonders if the Prince will indeed be merciful should the culprit step forward. His primary emotion is curiousity, with a bit of excitement at the idea of the hunt.


Circe figured one or more of the court was probably using Auspex to scan the crowd in attempt to find the guilty party. She was glad to see the Prince being very firm about this sort of thing, and noted to herself that his behavior confirmed her choice to not wear her regalia Obfuscated to this event. Her primary emotional state is one of calm. She is also happy to note that the strength of her own blood is on par of that of the Prince, which she hopes will provide her some leeway in dealings with him, though it will no doubt also cause him some caution.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:09 pm

Even currently lacking his soul, Jayant understood the implications of such an act as he calmly watched the news report; and a tide of anger bit into his decayed heart.

If this sort of act caused the deaths of so many of my comrades, the Naga will hunt them down personally, he mused, unsmiling for once.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by FreshCK Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:36 pm

Infuriating, Benton thought as he clenched his teeth so hard he almost wondered why they didn't crack. The Traditions weren't just laws, they were commandments written by God in the souls of his sacred monsters. To violate the traditions was to violate one's own nature as Kindred.

An animal that goes against it's nature is rabid and a rabid animal should be put down. But...we are more than beasts. Perhaps the fool can be taught.

As he looked around to see the reactions, possibly guilty ones, of the others Benton hoped the Prince wouldn't be too lenient on the offender, even if he did give himself up.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BloodiedClaws Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:51 pm

O-Yama smiled at Heathcliff's comment and chuckle. Young, but he had potential. Hell, everyone had potential nowadays since the repeated atrocities that had been happenening recently. He merely nodded and sat next to him.

O-Yama watched the tape, face stoic, refusing to show his anger. He thought of this as either a blatant breach, or an idiots game that could end up outing his people. Either way it would have to be dealt with swiftly and without mercy.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Fractured Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:20 pm

Heathcliff is on the edge of terror watching the tape. If he had activated the Blush, which he hadn't, he'd be sweating from every pore. He quickly considered his options: accept the Prince's offer, and pray that his offer of leniency was genuine; or hope to evade the Blood Hunt, which is sure to be led by all these new Kindred who want to impress the Prince with their exotic Disciplines. Not to mention if Mariel just outed him right now.

Heathcliff wills himself to stand and face punishment. Now he's shaking. He meets no one's eye as he states in a small, wet voice:

"I did it."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:31 pm

- - - - Taylor McCoy - - - -

Taylor watches the tape with a look of disgust. The masquerade breach wasn't so much the source of his disdain, but instead the idea of feeding on lowly animals who were just so...unattractive. Beautiful people were the ones with the good blood, not filthy animals. I wonder what the prince will do if someone fesses up...

Suddenly someone spoke up, someone Taylor didn't know. He/she watched silently to see the Prince's response.

- - - - Dr. Ith Lazarus - - - -

From behind his expressionless mask, Dr. Lazarus watches the news report with contempt. Masquerade breaches were not allowed, it is that simple, common sense even. Whoever did this needs to be punished, if they should choose to reveal themselves. Perhaps Prince Asa would allow the culprit an extended stay in one of my special cells inside Amber Hill...

Then, all of a sudden, Heathcliff spoke up and confessed. Perhaps it was a blessing that this fool did not assist my studies... This would be interesting now, to see how this Prince Asa individual would react.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Quinn Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:47 pm

~What idiot....~

"I know, right." Mel watched the video, transfixed. Animals? Really? And making such a mess. How very...


"Some people are dumb."

It was all he could really say, as whispered as it was past slightly parted lips and dazed blue eyes. Coherency didn't say with Mel for very long, and in the face of all this, and in a room full of monsters, he knew it wouldn't be long before their dead started to filter in as well.

Most vampires were haunted.

Mel just happened to be one of the rare few who knew that, and his own aura showed signs of light blue (calm) with the mottled colors of confusion, tempered with the flickers and shifting colors of psychosis.

Otherwise, there is nothing but the subtle, nearly imperceptible whispers under his breath to things that aren't really there.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Premsyl Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:57 pm

Arnold doesn't move, yet. He turns to look to the Prince for his orders. A look - and Heathcliff would be in custody. A gesture - the young Vampire would die.

He watches Prince Asa, and waits for his judgement.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:06 pm

Mariel watches the tape in horror. Animals slaughtered at a petting zoo? Including a pony?!? Although her morals are lax, she has firm rules for feeding: no children, no animals. They were the innocents of the world. While she would gladly rip out the throat of a true sinner and slake her bloodthirst for the sheer joy of it, some things were just wrong. A tear of bright red blood slips out, and Mariel has to ask the priest for a handkerchief.

When Heathcliff confesses, Mariel's jaw drops. Figures that the one vampire I meet since I got here is in Big Bad Trouble.

So much for learning to hide my true nature
, she thinks sullenly. Time truly wasted.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:38 pm

Regina looks on with a look of pure disgust. How could someone violate the Traditions? And not even the hard ones. The easy as as straight line "don't break the masquerade." That tradition was older than her, older than her sire, her grandsire, going all the way back to the de Jumal it was still a tradition, and back on his sires and so on another dozen generations. The arrogance and beyond rude behavior gave her mouth a bitter taste.

And then the man stands up and admits his mistake. And Regina's disgust grows. For God's sake, be a little more assertive in your mistakes. You made it, you acknowledged you made it. But to do so in such a sad way...Truly disappointing.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by West Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:25 pm

"Why don't you come here and tell us all about yourself?" Asa asked the man, as he began turning over glasses.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by FreshCK Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:47 pm

At least the sinner was willing to admit his failure. But who was this vampire and what had possessed him to sin against his own kind?

Benton hands Mariel a black bandanna from his pocket. Is it compassion or disgust that moves her, he wonders.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Fractured Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:54 pm

Heathcliff looks up at the Prince, to acknowledge he's been spoken to, but doesn't meet his eye. He walks forward as quickly as he dares- he doesn't want anyone to think he'd attack anyone, but he doesn't want to drag his heels, either. He doesn't look at anyone else, except to make sure that he doesn't accidentally bump into anyone, trip, or something even more ridiculous. He suppresses the urge to hold his hands up as he approaches.

He said 'us.' Does he want me to address the room, or is that the royal 'us'? Uhh...he's a Prince, idiot, which do you think?

Heathcliff settles on facing the Prince with his arms steeled to his sides, palms open. He takes a breath, steadies his voice, and begins to speak.

"My name is Heathcliff Staley. I work for the Sacramento Housing Authority," he mentions, for two reasons: first, because he had not yet shaken that American notion that You Are What You Do, and second, he hoped to demonstrate that he could be useful alive. "I was Embraced just over a year ago by my Sire, a Sanctified Kindred named Sebastian. He no longer resides in Sacramento. He taught me the Laws and the nature of the Beast, brought me before the previous Prince, and left me to find the rest of the way myself. I've mostly subsisted on animals since, but I never did anything like this before." First rule of government work: Blame The Other Guy. But this wasn't the place to lay it on too thick.

"I had only recently come out of isolation to a Nosferatu clan meeting, when I was struck by the sickness. In my weakened state, I made a terrible mistake. I'll tell you anything else you wish to know."

He looks back down at the floor.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by West Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:14 pm

"We have some problems, Mr. Staley. The first is that you have an uncontrollable thirst, apparently," Asa said, pulling a pocket knife from his suit breast and opening it.

"The second is that you don't seem to care what I think," he continued, slicing open his own wrist. Asa held his wrist over the glasses, letting his cold, dead Blood begin to fill them.

"I'm going to kill two birds with one stone, Mr. Staley." Asa waited as the glasses filled. He would need to feed tonight.

"Drink," he said simply, motioning to the three glasses.

"When you're done, ask Reeve Culler if he would do you the kindness of continuing the education your Sire failed at."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:25 pm

Mariel was relieved that Heathcliff wasn't being killed before the gathered assembly, although maybe he wished he was. Three glasses of the prince's blood- WOW- a full level vinculum in one session. He'll be like a puppydog. She shivered.

Mariel carefully dabbed at her face, taking care not to disturb her makeup. Thanks, she whispered to Father Black.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:50 pm

If Dr. Lazarus' masked face was able to smile, it would be doing such now. Yes, The doctor thought, there are things worse than final death. Being someone's blood-bound bitch was a cruel fate, one suiting of someone who had no regard for the first tradition. Totally engrossed in the whole moment, Lazarus uses his heightened senses to closely watch Heathcliff's next move. The doctor loves watching those fearful moments right before the real horror happens -- and this whole situation satisfied his love entirely.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Fractured Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:58 pm

The good news was Heathcliff wasn't going to die tonight. The bad news is that to avoid the Final Death tonight, he was going to be the Prince's bitch until he found a way to become human again, or he died performing whatever thankless task the man turned him to. Heathcliff Staley was suddenly very tired, as if Death had finally tracked him down, and wanted to see his ticket to ride. Do it for Rachel, old man. You can't protect her if you're dead.

"Yes, Prince," he said simply, taking the first glass. He drank it, felt a heady rush from the more powerful Beast's blood. He drank the next two in rapid succession. Maybe I do have an uncontrollable thirst, he thinks as he puts the last glass down.

Heathcliff looks at the Prince as if for the first time, which it almost was. Wow. Check out the suit. The jaw. The eyes. He's I wonder how long I have to be dead until I'm that cool. He's smiles at him, then remembers he is supposed to do something else.

He walks to creepy Arnold, taking no notice of anyone present, and parrots the Prince's instruction with absolute seriousness, still unwilling to make eye contact. "Reeve Arnold, will you please continue the education my Sire failed at?"

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Lexi Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:26 am

Erika was a little disappointed...she could never have shown such leniency. Then again, there was a reason she'd never performed the vinculum, either. It's effects varied wildly, but in her studies, there had always been one constant: an almost painful to watch psychological alteration, that had far-reaching and dangerous consequences.

Really though...even with so few kindred in the city, an example of true punishment would have been much better.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Premsyl Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:31 am

Arnold regards Heathcliff.

The words are firm but without rebuke. "Look at me."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Fractured Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:34 am

Heathcliff forces himself to look the Reeve eye-to-milky eye, but says nothing.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Premsyl Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:49 am

Arnold's expression is blank. He nods once. "See me after Court. Go sit back down."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:54 am

Hector watched Jayant interact with others barely known to Hector yet made no fuss over it as though expected and then was off finding an open seat next to one of the few beasts stronger than his residing in a gorgeously classical woman's body, Circe. He met anyone's gaze that chose to yet with a charming and infectious smile despite the chaos of clambering beasts. Thankfully he didn't have to wait long before the show was on, he really hated court but didn't show it.

Upon watching the news report his smile for a very short time reflected mirth but changed to one of entertaining thoughts, throughout it never dropped. While his thoughts were along other lines: Untrained, foolish or mocking, hmmm. This should prove interesting in the least if mocking and short if not. I’m going to need to really work on the media here with the occult, which should prove challenging. Children of Gaea, Elaine Hunter hmmm, at least there’s someone with half a head on their shoulders, going to need to meet this one. It’ll be interesting to see if the word of this Prince is solid or treacherous.

As Heathcliff stands and acknowledges his guilt Hectors reaction is the slight narrowing of his eyes while thinking: Now that’s interesting, is he an omen for me then considering the way we met with immediate after effects, something to consider. At least he was willing to test the fire with his mettle, I doubt more than a tenth of any kindred would stand to face this test, humiliation to all the city and servitude? Perhaps if he survives pariahdom there may be a future with him in the Circle. Is the Reeve new or is the Prince likely to choose death after stating that wouldn't happen? That'd be a show of arrogance amidst a crowd of unknowns.

Hector watches the scene play out and nods once at the Princes choice as though in agreement. Wise choice and you are going to be a challenge to test and perhaps even be strong enough for the gods.

Languages (Hector only)
Red= English
Dark Blue=Latin


Stephen watches the proceeds with an avid interest wondering just what sort of place he'd gotten himself into while thinking: Most of this stuff is simply common sense that's apparently never so common. As he watched the news report he simply shooks his head thinking: I've done a lot of crazy things and plenty that would be considered stupid let alone brash, but damn. If that's not a statement I don't know what is.

As things proceed Stephen seems a bit uncomfortable and a pained expression crosses his face very briefly as the young kindred drinks of the Princes vitae, I'll be killed or kill before that no matter what.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:10 am

Circe had mixed feelings about the way this Prince had chosen to handle things. On one level, it might have been better to have simply cast him out of the domain, especially given the risk this Heathcliff would eventually develop Vitae addiction and have to be put down. On another level, though, she knew this punishment would hit home with many of the more willful among the kindred, who would regard being a blood slave as a fate far worse than destrution.

Her choice of punishment would have been some horrid ordeal that would serve as a lesson while also creating the opportunity for the other vampire to learn and grow from his mistakes. In contrast, the vinculum tended to limit that potential.


Konstantin shrugged at the Prince's choice of punishments and hoped things would move along now, hopefully toward him getting a chance to talk with Arnold and Jayant.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Fractured Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:25 am

"Yes." Heathcliff returns to his original seat and watches the rest of the proceedings, sitting rigidly straight in his chair. He occasionally tries to observe Mariel and the Prince from the corner of his eye.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by West Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:42 am

Asa straightens his cuffs and watches the interaction between Staley and Culler.

"Some of you may wonder about the 'sickness' Mr. Staley referred to," Asa said, addressing the room again. "A short time ago, the city's Kindred were struck in their daysleep, destroying some, and wounding others. An investigation is underway."

Should I mention Bethem? If Bethem survived, his Hunger would have made itself known already. Either he perished, or has left the city.

"At this time, I would like you each to introduce yourselves for Acknowledgment, including your Clan and Covenant, and the Seneschal will also inform you of the Laws," Asa concluded.

Might as well see what sort of Covenant representation we have, before I inform them that Prisci and Covenant heads need to be chosen.

Konstantin survived. Excellent. If Culler or Twist runs into trouble, we'll have someone else -- he... was thought well of.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Premsyl Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:52 am

Sean pops right up.

He grins, looking around, winks at Taylor, then addresses the Prince. "Sean O'Neill." he nods "Gangrel." he nods "Cicle of the Crone." he nods "Happy to be here...." he's halfway back in his seat before he rises back up and adds "...your Majesty."

He pops Lori on the back of the head, expecting her to stand and introduce herself too. He plops back down in his seat, looking around to see who was next.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Rosyn Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:00 am

Lori quietly curses Sean and then stands, "Lori Meyers, your Majesty." She gives her little bow with the lacy hem of her drity, bride's maid dress in delicately held in her hand as though it were a beautiful gown. "Gangel, Circle of the Crone." She takes her seat again and when the Prince's eyes leave her, she elbows Sean again for making her go next.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:04 am

Taylor, sitting next to Sean and Lori, decides it's about time he/she makes himself/herself known in this city. A moment after Sean goes silent, Taylor stands and takes a second to look upward at Prince Asa, then bows slightly as a sign of respect. As always, when Taylor begins to speak the voice is as perfectly androgynous as the rest of his/her body. "I am Taylor McCoy of the Carthian Movement." Taylor paused for a moment before adding, "Nosferatu." With one more slight bow to the Prince, Taylor sits back down.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:38 am

Sabri stood, ensruing her veil was firmly in place, especially now that she had lowered her powers, and bows to the Prince before addressing him.

"Madam Sabri Nadri, your Majesty, of the Nosferatu clan, and recently inducted to the Invictus."

She sits back down, just checking her veil hadn't slipped.

Jayant's hands ball into fists as he watches the exchange with this Heathcliff and Prince Clarke. He could feel the Beast rile up inside his nest, his usual calm demeanour almost collapsing. As this creature was forced to drink the Prince's blood, he smiled and smiled wider as he was put under the charge of Arnold.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by jmiland1 Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:58 am

Watching the video, Gideon felt an odd mixture of disappointment and vindication. Disappointment that one of his kin could lose control in such a sloppy, obvious way; but vindicated in the knowledge that it would certainly not be a member of the Dragons who was guilty of such a crime. After all, they had a method of teaching discipline that would be unknown to such an errant child.
The Prince's chosen method of punishment was rather interesting. On the surface it seemed lenient, but this was certainly a long-lasting punishment, to put it mildly. Not to mention the horror that this Heathcliff would feel, knowing that his emotions were not truly his.
When the time for introductions comes, Gideon pushes back his chair and stands. He pauses for a moment, then declares, "I am Gideon Witherspoon, of the Clan Mekhet. I am a Subtle Scribe of Dreadful Equilibrium, Sworn of the Mysteries of the Ordo Dracul." He bows low to the Prince, and retakes his seat.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by shouldabeenadog Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:58 am

Regina watchs Madam Nidra. So uncertain she seems. Thinking about her lessons about the maharajas and their courts, she was reminded of that strange word, caste. Perhaps Madam Nidra needed a job. Some purpose in her life. It had done wonders for Regina. The prince had said each of us, but neither Arnorld nor Hector had introduced themselves. She would wait and see.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by FreshCK Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:13 am

Black was pleased and disturbed by Heathcliff's revelation and punishment. Disturbed by the fact that Heathcliff would have been Sanctified if his sire had cared for his childe as he should. That one of the Lancea Sanctum would embrace so wantonly and seemingly abandon his progeny leaving him weak and directionless. It was no wonder God's punishment had apparently consumed all the Sanctified in the city save himself.

But he was pleased that the Prince hadn't been too lenient. The idea of being bound to another Kindred so almost made his dead skin crawl but it was the least the offender deserved. Had he had his way he'd have ripped Heathcliff's fangs out as well for good measure.

When the Prince called for the Kindred to Introduce himself, Benton stood.

"My name is Father Benton Black, Majesty, Clan Gangrel of the Lancea Sanctum."

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Aeolus Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:46 am

The congregation was most interesting indeed, as were the kindred this city. Deciding it wouldn't hurt to just watch this variety of beasts Aimée stayed silent at first. When asked to she took a seat and listened to the prince's speech.
The video amused her in a malicious way. It wasn't exactly gloating, but it came close - and it was a reminder of the difference of class and composure between her and others. The Vinculum was exciting to behold, if also a little bit frightening. Funny how little it took to make a perfectly willing toy out of someone, really.

When she felt it was her turn to speak, she raised and bowed her head a little. "My name is Aimée Noel, and I'm a Daeva - Toreador, to be specific - of the Invictus, your Majesty." After that she seated herself and paid attention to the others.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Darksider42 Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:04 am

Jack grimaced as soon as Heathcliff drank down all that blood. Vinculum was always a bitch, its even worse when your only just got into your requiem. He did have to feel pity for him.
But then again, he was dumb enough to breech the Masquerade.

After that was all settled, Jack listened to all the acknowledgements. He looked at the Taylor McCoy with a puzzled expression. Shit, He's a haunt and a Carthian? He shook his head and made a mental note to find him once court was over along with other members if there were any.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Bodecia Albion Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:22 am

Mariel stood after Father Black, giving him the respect due someone older than herself. She rose gracefully, looking directly at the Prince.

I'm Mariel Fitzgerald, novitiate of the Lancea Sanctum, clan Daeva. I offer myself to your service. She lowered her head in deference and respect, and sat down, maintaining her submissively bowed head.
Bodecia Albion
Bodecia Albion

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Yawgmoth Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:44 am

After Mariel, Dr. Lazarus finally decided it was his turn to stand before the Prince. The doctor takes a second to set his briefcase down on the table in front of him, then stands. He took longer than the others to stand, but his posture while doing so just screamed Invictus, despite the unkempt appearance of his labcoat and other apparel. He looked directly toward the Prince, and he spoke this time with a more clear voice, yet it still had the raspy undertone. "Alder Lord Prince Clarke, I am Mister Lord Warden Ith Lazarus of the First Estate. I am of the Nosferatu clan."

Allowing himself to stand for another moment, Dr. Lazarus returns to his seated position.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:46 am

Circe stands and states, in a clear, calm voice, her Greek accent evident "Your Majesty, I am Circe, Mother of Monsters, High Priestess and faithful servant of the Crone. I am of clan Mekhet." She bows her head to the Prince.

She makes note of all those who identify themselves as affiliated with the Circle, planning to talk with them afterward.


Since he had already been acknowledged by the Prince, Konstantin said nothing. He did raise an eyebrow bit at Circe's introduction, though. The Crone had been powerful in parts of his homeland during the early part of his Requiem, and he had seen some of the horrifying blood magicks they could perform. To the extent he was religious at all, Konstantin identified himself as Christian, but he had respect for the power and knowledge of those who practiced the older, darker ways.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BBQLord Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:38 am

When called to sit, Arnoud tried his damnedest to be among those who sat first. He wasn't too comfortable around all these Beasts, almost all of which were new to him, and he didn't want to step on any toes.

When the Prince enters Arnoud is suitably impressed, when the video is displayed Arnoud is suitably enraged, when the culprit comes forward he is suitably confused and when the Prince doles out punishment Arnoud is more then suitably scared. Three sips and you were done...

With increased fervor Arnoud presents himself.

"Arnoud Giessen of the Carthian Movement, your Majesty. Clan Daeva."


Headstrong had remained standing for as long as she could without raising any hackles, noting who took longest to sit down, before taking the one remaining seat next to Gideon.

Once seated Headstrong reveals no tells when confronted with Prince Asa not even the video and it's "evidence" of crimes against the Masquerade engender interest. Headstrong was neither shocked, appalled or guilty nor the Sheriff or Hound which meant this needn't concern her. She was here only because the Prince had demanded everyone's attendance and because attendance might very well further her search for Dragons.

Even Headstrong though, raises an eyebrow when someone claims responsibility and gets subsequently blood-bound to the third degree. The stupid fledgling should have made a run for it, he obviously had few ties to this city -certainly after whatever plague had assailed Sacramento- and this punishment was either bullshit or exceedingly painful. Loss of free will. But whatever happened happened, especially to the stupid ones. If nothing else, it was a blow to the Lancea Sanctum. She didn't know if that was necessarily a good thing, though.

After the 'Mother of Monsters' had presented herself Headstrong felt the time was right.

She stood and looked the Prince in the eye -the odds of him trying anything now were virtually non-existent anyway- before speaking.

"I am Headstrong. Gangrel and Dragon. Sworn of the Axe and Transcendent Supplicant of the Dedicated Hunger."

Contend with the introduction and feeling she had complied with the Prince's request, Headstrong sat down once more.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by West Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:33 pm

Asa watched and listened, taking in the faces and names.

Which of you will end up Prisci? Or Covenant heads? And... no Lords. Are we an endangered species?

He had mixed feelings about that thought, but was pleased to see new Invictus. It seemed that the Dracul revival would be strong, as well.

Rashnu, Asaan, Sabina, Williams, Veritas, Shadow...

Asa paused that line of thought, glancing towards Twist by the door.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Forn Clakes Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:57 pm

A new Mother Dawn comes before us, unabashed, Jayant ponders, his mind numb still as he glances towards Circe.

"What the eye sees the mind confuses?" he thinks out loud, not sure whose words they were; the Man's or the Beasts. He pulls his cowl to cover his left eye more. The damn thing just would not focus properly.
Forn Clakes
Forn Clakes

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Benjamin Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:35 pm

Lonnie stands and bows his head. "Highness, My name is Lonnie Owen, clan Ventrue. I am also a Supplicant of the Dedicated Terror within the ranks of the Ordo Dracul."

Lonnie was extremely interested is observing the fallout from this punishment.

Lonnie was good at observing.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:14 pm

Stephen observes with interest as the introductions carry one, noting reactions and all. He idly wondered about the other Carthians then stopped and stood after the latest Dragon was done.

By his look and stance he was properly respectful to those in the room for not knowing them, minus his coterie mates, nothing more or less, "Stephen Archer of Clan Mekhet and the Carthian Movement." He didn't address anyone in particular but rather everyone with no inflection in his voice, he could have been reading from a technical manual.


Hector looks at each kindred to introduce themselves and even make eye contact if the other is inclined, while charming his gaze is a little unsettling as it would likely seem he's looking at more than the physical. His gaze lingers over slightly the other Circle of the Crone members with a nod to Circe after she sits down while his looks to Father Black and Mariel are far more noticeable in added time and thoughtful looks while remaining charming.

After sometime of thought he notices a good time to present and so stands smile gone as he comes to some business, he gives the Prince and his court a simple nod of respect, "Hector Hastipolis, member to the Circle of the Crone and Clan Daeva." He sits back down comfortably with his charming infectious smile back on as he watches the rest of the show.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Quinn Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:16 pm

~They're talking to you, Mel.~

He tilts his head to the side, blinks, and suddenly the incoherency is gone. He stands, looking around the room at all the pretty titles and long names and all those things he didn't have nor really wanted to have.

One more thing to take up space in his memory, when really...he needed that space for when he started to work again.

"I'm Mel. And I'm a Shadow. And a Keeper. No Covenant." Because he had no real use for one yet. In due time, his sire had said.

In due time.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 2 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BloodiedClaws Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:00 pm

O-Yama steps forward, taking in all of the new Nosferatu of the city.

"For those who do not know me, I am Priscus O-Yama, Nosferatu, of Burakumin blood."

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