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Court at the Sterling Hotel

Bodecia Albion
Forn Clakes
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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by Laufrey Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:04 am

Stephen shrugs at Jack's comments replying after the announcement of court ending, "We'll talk." His look includes everyone despite it's directed initially at Jack. Looking to Mel, "I make no promises but if you're looking for company or assistance I'm offering, however I can't at this moment as I've private business to tend to. Just give me a call later if you're inclined." With a nod to those gathered he moves to join his coterie mates and leaves.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by DaevaDude Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:08 pm

Lexi wrote:Erika inclines her head, "Of course. Please make certain to arrive at our talk. I intend to talk about a family meeting with you at that time."

"I am definitely planning on being there," Circe says. "I will see you then."

Circe then takes leave of the Elysium, taking with her any that are going to the meeting at her place.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by deltadream Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:13 am

Twist turned her attention to Hector, "Yes I will pass on your information Hector. I have asked Mariel to organize our next clan meeting so you will have to discuss your schedule with her at some point to see if she is willing to accomidate it." Mentioning Mariel's name she glanced at the female, "Unfortuanatly I don't know that I will be returning to the theater just yet," she glanced past Mariel to someone else in the crowd before bringing her focus back to the woman, "but perhaps tomorrow you can swing by? I would love for you to see it," a note of pride entered her voice and a smile curved her lips.

She noted the motion for court to wrap up and was just begining to turn toward the door when Erika announced it herself. She grinned, not at all surprised.

Further conversation with those Daeva still around her and forward motion was halted though as an unknown kindred approached her. She gave him a neutral glance over but accepted the proffered hand. "I see, and why did she send you this way Mr." she left a pregnant pause waiting for the kindred's name.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by tangmcgame Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:31 am

"Eric. Eric Roberts," he says, surprised and impressed that Twist took his offered hand. "She says I need to learn the rules from you. I apparently have lost feeding rights until I can recite them."

He finishes with a slight sigh. Stepping back a respectful distance, he takes the opportunity to scan the room quickly for faces, trying to remember as many as possible.

"When or where would be a convenient time to do this?" Eric asks, taking out one of his business cards and holding it out for the Priscus.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by deltadream Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:36 am

She accepts the card and tucks it away without glancing at it.

"Tonight. I don't care for the idea of you roaming the city not knowing the rules or having the ability to feed."

She turned to the rest of the group still lingering, "I wish you all a pleasant evening. I am looking forward to our next family get together," she turned to Mariel with a smile full of anticipated glee, "I have absolute faith that it won't be something we want to miss."

"Erik, if you don't mind joining me?" She didn't really wait for a reply as she turned and made her way to the exit.

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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BBQLord Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:54 am

As Gideon and Headstrong wait for Stephen she ignores the urge to launch a gigantic "WTF?"-look in Gideon's direction. Erika had to know of another Dragon that resided in Sacramento. She was either unsure of the Dragon's location and contact information or she was simply screwing with them for reasons that Headstrong could not divine. Perhaps another test.

Otherwise there might be a Dragon in the city that rivalled her or Gideon in status. A Dragon that either could not attend, wasn't required to attend or simply did not wish to attend this Court. That Dragon had better not prove a liability to the Order. Headstrong wasn't sure the Order could survive any more liabilities.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by BBQLord Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:55 am

Keeping these thoughts to herself she waited for Stephen and, saying nothing, departed when their coterie was assembled.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

Post by tangmcgame Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:24 pm

Relieved that this can be taken care of promptly, Eric follows Twist out of the room.


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Court at the Sterling Hotel - Page 6 Empty Re: Court at the Sterling Hotel

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